Graduation Ceremony 2025

You did it, Tiger!

Congratulations on your amazing achievements and
hard-earned degree. RIT Kosovo is proud and honored to celebrate Graduation Day with you. May you always dare to do great things with your life!

A special thank you goes to our Faculty, Staff, KSF Cadets and Volunteers.

Best of luck with your new beginnings!

Graduation 2025 Photos & Video links will be posted here.

Undergraduate List

Cum laude Student Full Name  
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Cum laude Student Full Name  
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Cum laude Student Full Name Expected Completion

Cum laude Student Full Name Expected Completion

Cum laude Student Full Name Expected Completion
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Graduate Checklist

Applying for Graduation:
Once a student is eligible to apply for graduation, the Office of the Registrar will send an email reminder each month to complete the application for graduation in SIS, and a notification will pop up on the student’s SIS account indicating they are eligible to apply for graduation. To access SIS, visit Once on SIS go to > Academic Records > Graduation > Apply for Graduation > Spring Semester 2025 (2245) > Submit

Edit your name on your diploma
Visit to edit how your name will appear on the diploma. To do so go to SIS > Academic Records > Graduation > Graduation Information > Enter Diploma Name > Type preferred First and Last name > Save

Update contact information for diploma delivery

Students who will be living outside of Kosovo and have a permanent address outside of Kosovo by May 2025 are recommended to change their diploma mailing address on their SIS profile to their permanent address. 
To do so go to SIS > Personal Information > Addresses > Add Diploma Address > Save

Students who will be living in Kosovo should have the RIT Kosovo address listed as their mailing address:
 RIT Kosovo, Gërmia Campus, Dr. Shpëtim Robaj st. nn, 10000 Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo

Graduation Requirements

photo of save the date for graduation 2025

This is your last semester at RIT Kosovo and we wanted to make sure that you are fully prepared for your graduation. Below you will see a checklist that you may go through to make sure you have completed all requirements. You can also find the graduation requirements on the Academic Bulletin. You are strongly advised to consult with your Academic Advisor to make sure that you are on the right track.
All students who want to walk in Graduation Commencement Ceremony need to complete the steps below. 

ALL senior students need to apply for graduation! To apply, simply log in to your SIS profile and select the term in which you are expected to fulfill your graduation requirements. Make sure to print screen the page once you have completed this step and save it for your records. To apply go to SIS > Academic Records > Graduation > Apply for Graduation > Spring 2025 (2245)

It is MANDATORY that ALL students declare their immersion! Please ensure you complete this mandatory process online through your SIS profile. To apply go to SIS > Academic Records > Declare/Change Immersion > Academic Plan (choose one immersion from the dropdown list) > Submit. To see the list of RIT Kosovo immersions, click here. Make sure to check your transcript on SIS after a week to confirm that the declaration went through. If you have declared your immersion wrongfully, then you should change it online via your SIS profile.

It is OPTIONAL for students to declare a minor. If you would like to declare a minor, please fill out the minor authorization form and send it to your academic advisor. Class details that are required in the form can be found in the SIS or SIS Class Search. (Immersion is MANDATORY)

a. Students graduating in May 2025 (2245) need to bring in the form by March 29, 2025, the latest. Forms brought in later run the risk of negatively affecting your certification (delay of your BS diploma).

Individualized Program Students must earn a minimum of 120 credits to be eligible for graduation.

CIT Students must earn a minimum of 126 credits to be eligible for graduation.

This does not mean that as soon as you earn the required credits, you will graduate, as they have to be earned towards your respective academic program: AAS and CIT

Your overall GPA needs to be 2.0 or above. Your GPA for your fields of studies needs to be 2.0 or above and your GPA for your minor needs to be 2.0 or above.  

Completion of all mandatory courses within the general education curriculum is necessary. Please refer to the Academic Bulletin for AAS (page 11) and CIT (page 21) for detailed information.

Successful completion of required courses within your chosen field of study is essential for graduation. For instance, Management students must complete courses such as financial and managerial accounting and managing the workforce. Refer to the Academic Bulletin for AAS (page 15) and CIT (page 24) for more information.

Completion of the required courses within your chosen minor is necessary for graduation. For instance, one cannot obtain a minor in internation relations without fulfilling courses like introduction to international relations, and a minimum of two elective courses must be at the 300-level or higher. A minimum of 15 credits is required for the minor.

If you are graduating without a minor, you will still need to take approximately five additional courses to fulfill the credit requirement, including two arts and science electives and three courses towards an immersion.

All students need to have successfully completed two co-ops of 400 hours each to be able to graduate. Any delay in the submission of the forms required for co-ops will result in a delay of your graduation.

If you are transferring in courses, the official transcripts need to be brought in, minimum six months before your graduation date to be certified on time.

All grades must be recorded and any outstanding Incomplete (“I”) grades or any change of grades must be resolved before the end of the semester. Any delay can result in a postponement of your certification.

The commencement day will be held on May 21, 2025. Please see the Academic Bulletin on page 99 for the policy on graduation/commencement ceremony.

Students who will be living outside of Kosovo and have a permanent address outside of Kosovo are recommended to change their diploma mailing address on their SIS profile to their permanent address the latest by March 29, 2025. Students who will be living in Kosovo should have the RITK address listed as their mailing address:

RIT K, Gërmia Campus,
Dr. Shpëtim Robaj st. nn 
10000 Prishtina,
Republic of Kosovo

*Diplomas will not be mailed to other addresses within Kosovo, only the RITK address.

Students are responsible for checking their SIS profile and making sure that all the requirements have been fulfilled. To do so go to: SIS > Academic Records > My Academic Requirements - and make sure all requirements are satisfied.

All graduating students need to return their laptop to IT Office in order to remove the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) domain membership and the associated licensed software. Please backup all your data since the computer is going to be reinstalled.

All graduating students have the opportunity to transfer the ownership to them for a symbolic price of € 1. RIT Kosovo is offering to install the operating system (Windows 11) and MS Office Suite.

Please note that the data saved on ‘disk D’ will NOT be erased if you ask for it.

Returning the laptop is mandatory, and students who fail to do that will not receive their gown and be allowed to walk on the graduation day.

Note: Students that are allowed to walk on Graduation Day but still have classes left to graduate DON’T need to return the laptop computer now.

If any of the above-mentioned steps are not finalized by March 29, 2024, it may affect the certification process and will result in the certification being postponed.

We hope that this guideline will bring some clarification to all the concerns that you have all shared regarding the graduation process.

If you have any questions regarding any of this, please reach out to your academic advisor.

Bulletin: Academic Bulletin - 2024 - 2025
Forms: Academic Forms | RIT Kosovo | RIT
Co-op Contact Email:
Academic calendar: Academic Calendar | RIT Kosovo | RIT
Certification calendar: view calendar

Caps & Gowns & Tickets


To pick-up your cap and gown on May 15th or 16th, follow these steps:

Step 1. Take your Graduation Photo at the Marketing Office.
Step 2. Fill out the Senior Exit Survey and the Contact Information Survey in your laptop at the Student Lounge.
Step 3. Bring a €50 deposit which will be reimbursed upon presenting your proof of payment and returning your cap and gown, latest by May 31, 2025.
Step 4. Pick up your Cap and Gown.
Step 5. Pick up 4 tickets for the family and friends.
Step 6. Return laptop to the IT Office to remove the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) domain membership and the associated licensed software (more information under FAQ no. 14).


Gown Pick-Up Days in Student Lounge 

May 15 and 16, 2025
From: 9:00AM - 4:00PM 

Mandatory Rehearsal Day

May 19, 2025
From: TBA
Venue: Klan Arena

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