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scholarly journals Ecological interactions mediate projected loss of kelp biomass under climate change

Tom R. Davis ◽  
Curtis Champion ◽  
Melinda A. Coleman
Paula Schirrmacher ◽  
Christina C. Roggatz ◽  
David M. Benoit ◽  
Jörg D. Hardege

AbstractWith carbon dioxide (CO2) levels rising dramatically, climate change threatens marine environments. Due to increasing CO2 concentrations in the ocean, pH levels are expected to drop by 0.4 units by the end of the century. There is an urgent need to understand the impact of ocean acidification on chemical-ecological processes. To date, the extent and mechanisms by which the decreasing ocean pH influences chemical communication are unclear. Combining behaviour assays with computational chemistry, we explore the function of the predator related cue 2-phenylethylamine (PEA) for hermit crabs (Pagurus bernhardus) in current and end-of-the-century oceanic pH. Living in intertidal environments, hermit crabs face large pH fluctuations in their current habitat in addition to climate-change related ocean acidification. We demonstrate that the dietary predator cue PEA for mammals and sea lampreys is an attractant for hermit crabs, with the potency of the cue increasing with decreasing pH levels. In order to explain this increased potency, we assess changes to PEA’s conformational and charge-related properties as one potential mechanistic pathway. Using quantum chemical calculations validated by NMR spectroscopy, we characterise the different protonation states of PEA in water. We show how protonation of PEA could affect receptor-ligand binding, using a possible model receptor for PEA (human TAAR1). Investigating potential mechanisms of pH-dependent effects on olfactory perception of PEA and the respective behavioural response, our study advances the understanding of how ocean acidification interferes with the sense of smell and thereby might impact essential ecological interactions in marine ecosystems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 561-586 ◽  
Jennifer A. Rudgers ◽  
Michelle E. Afkhami ◽  
Lukas Bell-Dereske ◽  
Y. Anny Chung ◽  
Kerri M. Crawford ◽  

Interactions between plants and microbes have important influences on evolutionary processes, population dynamics, community structure, and ecosystem function. We review the literature to document how climate change may disrupt these ecological interactions and develop a conceptual framework to integrate the pathways of plant-microbe responses to climate over different scales in space and time. We then create a blueprint to aid generalization that categorizes climate effects into changes in the context dependency of plant-microbe pairs, temporal mismatches and altered feedbacks over time, or spatial mismatches that accompany species range shifts. We pair a new graphical model of how plant-microbe interactions influence resistance to climate change with a statistical approach to predictthe consequences of increasing variability in climate. Finally, we suggest pathways through which plant-microbe interactions can affect resilience during recovery from climate disruption. Throughout, we take a forward-looking perspective, highlighting knowledge gaps and directions for future research.

Sthefanie do Nascimento Gomes de Souza ◽  
Maria Teresa Fernandez Piedade ◽  
Layon Oreste Demarchi ◽  
Aline Lopes

2006 ◽  
Vol 362 (1477) ◽  
pp. 149-166 ◽  
Andrew Clarke ◽  
Eugene J Murphy ◽  
Michael P Meredith ◽  
John C King ◽  
Lloyd S Peck ◽  

The Antarctic Peninsula is experiencing one of the fastest rates of regional climate change on Earth, resulting in the collapse of ice shelves, the retreat of glaciers and the exposure of new terrestrial habitat. In the nearby oceanic system, winter sea ice in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas has decreased in extent by 10% per decade, and shortened in seasonal duration. Surface waters have warmed by more than 1 K since the 1950s, and the Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current has also warmed. Of the changes observed in the marine ecosystem of the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) region to date, alterations in winter sea ice dynamics are the most likely to have had a direct impact on the marine fauna, principally through shifts in the extent and timing of habitat for ice-associated biota. Warming of seawater at depths below ca 100 m has yet to reach the levels that are biologically significant. Continued warming, or a change in the frequency of the flooding of CDW onto the WAP continental shelf may, however, induce sublethal effects that influence ecological interactions and hence food-web operation. The best evidence for recent changes in the ecosystem may come from organisms which record aspects of their population dynamics in their skeleton (such as molluscs or brachiopods) or where ecological interactions are preserved (such as in encrusting biota of hard substrata). In addition, a southwards shift of marine isotherms may induce a parallel migration of some taxa similar to that observed on land. The complexity of the Southern Ocean food web and the nonlinear nature of many interactions mean that predictions based on short-term studies of a small number of species are likely to be misleading.

F1000Research ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 146 ◽  
Stéphane Boyer ◽  
Bradley S. Case ◽  
Marie-Caroline Lefort ◽  
Benjamin R. Waterhouse ◽  
Stephen D. Wratten

Because ecological interactions are the first components of the ecosystem to be impacted by climate change, future forms of threatened-species and ecosystem management should aim at conserving complete, functioning communities rather than single charismatic species. A possible way forward is the deployment of ecosystem-scale translocation (EST), where above- and below-ground elements of a functioning terrestrial ecosystem (including vegetation and topsoil) are carefully collected and moved together. Small-scale attempts at such practice have been made for the purpose of ecological restoration. By moving larger subsets of functioning ecosystems from climatically unstable regions to more stable ones, EST could provide a practical means to conserve mature and complex ecosystems threatened by climate change. However, there are a number of challenges associated with EST in the context of climate change mitigation, in particular the choice of donor and receptor sites. With the aim of fostering discussion and debate about the EST concept, we  1) outline the possible promises and pitfalls of EST in mitigating the impact of climate change on terrestrial biodiversity and 2) use a GIS-based approach to illustrate how  potential source and receptor sites, where EST could be trialed and evaluated globally, could be identified.

Fang Wu ◽  
Yuan Jiang ◽  
Yan Wen ◽  
Shoudong Zhao ◽  
Hui Xu

Abstract Changes in spatial synchrony in the growing season have notable effects on species distribution, cross-trophic ecological interactions and ecosystem stability. These changes, driven by non-uniform climate change were observed on the regional scale. It is still unclear how spatial synchrony of the growing season on the climate gradient of the mid-high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere and ecoregions, has changed over the past decades. Therefore, we calculated the start, end, and length of the thermal growing season (SOS, EOS, and LOS, respectively), which are indicators of the theoretical plant growth season, based on the daily-mean temperature of the Princeton Global Forcing dataset from 1948-2016. Spatial variations in the SOS, EOS and LOS along spatial climate gradients were analyzed using the multivariate-linear regression model. The changes of spatial synchrony in the SOS, EOS and LOS were analyzed using the segmented model. The results showed that in all ecoregions, spatially, areas with higher temperature tended to have an earlier SOS, later EOS and longer LOS. However, not all the areas with higher precipitation tended to have a later SOS, later EOS, and shorter LOS. The spatial synchrony in the SOS decreased across the entire study area, whereas the EOS showed the opposite trend. Among the seven ecoregions, spatial synchrony in the SOS in temperate broadleaf/mixed forests and temperate conifer forests changed the most noticeably, decreasing in both regions. Conversely, spatial synchrony in the EOS in the taiga, temperate grasslands/savannas/shrublands and tundra changed the most noticeably, increasing in each region. These may have important effects on the structure and function of ecosystems, especially on the changes in cross-trophic ecological interactions. Moreover, future climate change may change the spatial synchrony in the SOS and EOS further; however, the actual impact of such ongoing change is largely unknown.

2019 ◽  
Vol 286 (1896) ◽  
pp. 20181887 ◽  
Zhiguang Qiu ◽  
Melinda A. Coleman ◽  
Euan Provost ◽  
Alexandra H. Campbell ◽  
Brendan P. Kelaher ◽  

Climate change is driving global declines of marine habitat-forming species through physiological effects and through changes to ecological interactions, with projected trajectories for ocean warming and acidification likely to exacerbate such impacts in coming decades. Interactions between habitat-formers and their microbiomes are fundamental for host functioning and resilience, but how such relationships will change in future conditions is largely unknown. We investigated independent and interactive effects of warming and acidification on a large brown seaweed, the kelp Ecklonia radiata , and its associated microbiome in experimental mesocosms. Microbial communities were affected by warming and, during the first week, by acidification. During the second week, kelp developed disease-like symptoms previously observed in the field. The tissue of some kelp blistered, bleached and eventually degraded, particularly under the acidification treatments, affecting photosynthetic efficiency. Microbial communities differed between blistered and healthy kelp for all treatments, except for those under future conditions of warming and acidification, which after two weeks resembled assemblages associated with healthy hosts. This indicates that changes in the microbiome were not easily predictable as the severity of future climate scenarios increased. Future ocean conditions can change kelp microbiomes and may lead to host disease, with potentially cascading impacts on associated ecosystems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Emily J. Zakem ◽  
Martin F. Polz ◽  
Michael J. Follows

Abstract Microbial activity mediates the fluxes of greenhouse gases. However, in the global models of the marine and terrestrial biospheres used for climate change projections, typically only photosynthetic microbial activity is resolved mechanistically. To move forward, we argue that global biogeochemical models need a theoretically grounded framework with which to constrain parameterizations of diverse microbial metabolisms. Here, we explain how the key redox chemistry underlying metabolisms provides a path towards this goal. Using this first-principles approach, the presence or absence of metabolic functional types emerges dynamically from ecological interactions, expanding model applicability to unobserved environments. “Nothing is less real than realism. It is only by selection, by elimination, by emphasis, that we get at the real meaning of things.” –Georgia O’Keefe

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (21) ◽  
pp. 5883
Kaoru Kakinuma ◽  
Aki Yanagawa ◽  
Takehiro Sasaki ◽  
Mukund Palat Rao ◽  
Shinjiro Kanae

Coping with climate change in socio-ecological systems is one of the most urgent issues facing the world. This is particularly true in socio-ecological systems, where climate not only influences social and ecosystem dynamics, but also modulates their interaction. In this paper, we presented a conceptual framework through a literature review and a trend analysis for assessing the impact of climate change that incorporates socio-ecological interactions. In particular, we focused on the Mongolian pastoral system, which has tightly coupled socio-ecological interactions, as a model for describing the framework. Our framework suggests that the flexibility in mobility of herders is the principal factor in determining the vulnerability of the socio-ecological system to climate change. The flexibility varies along a climatic gradient and socio-ecological interactions in each region have evolved to be suited to its local climate regime. Herders in northern and central regions of Mongolia move shorter distances, and less flexible, than those in southern (Gobi) region. Climatic hazards, on the other hand have been increasing across Mongolia with a trend toward warmer and drier conditions since the 1960s. We suggest that further warming and drying would have the greatest impact on northern and central regions due to lower flexibility in mobility among herders there coupled with the much higher livestock density in the regions. The findings support that maintaining flexibility of mobile herding will likely be crucial to reducing the vulnerability of the Mongolian pastoral system to climate change.

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