Studies on the influence of process parameters on the protection performance of the outer layer of fire-protective clothing
During an operation, the turnout gear for firefighters must meet two important requirements: thermal protection and comfort. As comfort and protection are inherently incompatible, it is impossible to satisfy both. As part of this study, the outer layer of multilayered turnout suits was analyzed under the influence of various factors such as intensity of heat flux, pick density, and air space between the fabric and the sensor. Choosing Nomex IIIA was based on its inherent properties that are conductive to thermal protection. To simulate the environment encountered during firefighting, benchtop experiments were designed. A system equation for the prediction of the protection time (t-protection) was developed based on a three-factor and three-level Box–Behnken model. The predicted values of t-protection obtained for all the experimental blocks in the design space were subjected to ANOVA analysis which showed that the system equation, as well as the coefficients of linear interactive and square terms, is significant, so the system equation can be efficiently used for predicting t-protection. The validity of the system equation was verified by using the same experimental blocks and estimating t-protection using the Stoll criteria. The accuracy of the system equation was checked by comparing t-protection and t*-protection which revealed a linear relationship with a high correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.975). To analyze the effects of the independent variables on protection time, 3D surface response curves were created. The nature of the surfaces was critically analyzed by developing regression equations for the contours and the diagonals.