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The Establishment and Operation of Andong Municipal Police Station by Japan before the Manchurian Incident

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 ◽  
pp. 131-165
Byoung-han Oh ◽  
Jocelyn B. Benter

This study was anchored on the idea of implementing the “My Brother’s Keeper” Squad system in the Philippine National Police as an Internal Cleansing Strategy that aims to prevent police abuses and to identify and weed out defiant PNP personnel, particularly those who are engaged in illegal activities, and impose corrective and punitive measures. It also aims to instill in all PNP personnel a strong sense of commitment, dedication, and responsibility to police work geared towards a God-centered, service-oriented and family-based life. This study attempted to know the effects of implementing the “My Brother’s Keeper” squad system to the PNP Personnel of the Hagonoy Municipal Police Station as a corrective strategy for erring PNP personnel and the challenges encountered by the PNP personnel to its implementation. The study adopted an action research and also used descriptive qualitative research designs to picture the effects and challenges of the PNP Personnel in the implementation of such internal cleansing strategy of the PNP. Upon the analysis of this study, there are two themes developed in the implementation of “My Brother’s Keeper” squad system in the Philippine National Police: (1) God-centered; and (2) ServiceOriented. The result of the study implied a clear indication that the Squad system emphasizes values formation, spiritual development and strengthening its commitment of its personnel to their profession, however, for every system implemented, it also have challenges to face on. This study also identified some challenges to improve: there are no sufficient time to internalize, no proper venue to conduct the session and hesitations to share that may lead to misunderstanding or conflict of belief/faith.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-73
Cao Yin

Red-turbaned Sikh policemen have long been viewed as symbols of the cosmopolitan feature of modern Shanghai. However, the origin of the Sikh police unit in the Shanghai Municipal Police has not been seriously investigated. This article argues that the circulation of police officers, policing knowledge, and information in the British colonial network and the circulation of the idea of taking Hong Kong as the reference point amongst Shanghailanders from the 1850s to the 1880s played important role in the establishment of the Sikh police force in the International Settlement of Shanghai. Furthermore, by highlighting the translocal connections and interactions amongst British colonies and settlements, this study tries to break the metropole-colony binary in imperial history studies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
Zuni Rusviana ◽  
Adi Suliantoro

Internet development causes the formation of a new world, every individual has the right and ability to interact with everyone who can prevent him. Perfect globalization connects the entire digital community, one of which is a business sector called E-COMMERCE.E-COMMERCE has a difference from conventional sale and purchase agreements and brings different legal consequences and there are also some problems that are not yet commonly describedthis is a problem that is not immediately anticipated to cause problems in the future. Based on the description, the research is carried out with the title: “SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT VIA INTERNET E-COMMERCE IN TERMS OF CIVIL LAW ASPECTS”.                The formulation of the problem in this study is: (1) What is the validity of the SELLING BUY agreement through the internet if it is involved with Article 1320 of the Civil Code? (2) What is the legal consequence if there is a default in the purchase agreement through the internet (E-COMMERCE)? (3) Solution if there is a default in buying transactions through the internet (E-COMMERCE)? The method used is a normative juridical approach. To approach the problem in this study the author uses descriptive analytical research specifications. Data collection uses secondary data. The method of presenting data in this study was carried out in a descriptive manner. The analysis used in this sketch is qualitative descriptive.             The results of the study indicate: (1) The validity of the agreement through the internet must have the same validity as the agreement that can be proven and in accordance with the provisions in Article 1320 BW. (2) The legal consequences of wanprestasi are compensation. the wanprestasi can be in the form of agreement fulfillment, contract fulfillment and compensation, ordinary compensation, cancellation of the agreement.(3) Solution if there is a wanprestasi in the sale and purchase agreement through: Litigation, Non Litigation, online site (kredibel.co.id, lapor.go.id, cek rekening.id), report directly to the police station and report to the bank.

2006 ◽  
Michael Stanka ◽  
Angelina Johnston

BMJ ◽  
1934 ◽  
Vol 1 (3816) ◽  
pp. 358-358
R. Roche

2007 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-142
Robert Bickers

AbstractWhat narratives can be fashioned by the historian from visual documents, and how might this relate to the narrative intention of those who created them? This paper explores the handful of surviving photographs recording the career of a British member of the Shanghai Municipal Police between 1929 and 1943. War and internment destroyed most of the visual records that former coalminer Frank Peasgood had collected during his police service, saving only those that had accompanied letters he had sent home to his family. The narrative he created with these can be clearly presented, and is discussed in the first part of the paper. Clearly, only visual documents could so powerfully demonstrate the transformation undergone by a man coming from his background, and provide the tools for showing that transformation. The photographs are then revisited and a further, complicating, layer of narrative is added, one which puts the policeman back into his place as a colonial subject.

Lorna Ferguson

Missing person reports from hospitals and mental health facilities are a significant issue impacting patients, communities, and health and police sectors. Research on missing persons seldom considers the type of location from where people go missing, which can be troublesome due to the increased chances for experiencing harm during an episode from hospitals and mental health facilities. When location type is studied, these often remarkably different places are frequently blended together in analyses and discussions. This conflation has implications for research and the development of effective police preventive responses. To begin to address this gap, this study uses descriptive analysis and logistic regression to examine the descriptive and predictive profiles of those reported missing from hospitals versus those reported missing from mental health units. For this, data are taken from a sample of 916 closed missing person cases reported to a Canadian municipal police service over five years. Results suggest there are significant differences in both the descriptive and predictive profiles of individuals reported missing from these two location types, such as individuals with varying mental health and cognitive issues going missing from each place, respectively. Given the findings, the implications for research, policing, and risk management are discussed.

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