This chapter considers the growing sophistication of collaborations between Hollywood and particular police forces during cinema’s first decades, showing how the locations of the emerging film industry—municipalities like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles—decisively shaped that industry’s relationship to law enforcement. Representing a deliberate departure from the one- and two-reel films that had lampooned the police through slapstick and other farcical gestures, certain feature films also augured industrial trends that would run far deeper than onscreen depictions, involving law enforcement officials as more than just objects of narrative fascination. The national promotion of such films illustrates more than just the emergence of standardized, studio-dictated distribution and exhibition policies. It also indicates the coalescence of a national model of law enforcement that, like the strategies of circulation and ballyhoo determined at a studio’s corporate headquarters, experienced at least some degree of alteration at the local level, where municipal police departments, neighborhood cinemas, and other small businesses shaped, in idiosyncratic and often unpredictable ways, both professional methods and popular reception practices.