The problem of the purulent inflammatory disorders of periodontal tissues (PIDPT) at the present time is extremely prevalent. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 80% of people suffer from periodontal diseases, and the disease incidence among young people increases significantly and reaches up to 80-95 %. The aim of the present research was to study the composition of microflora of gingival pockets in patients with purulent inflammatory periodontal diseases (PIDPT) in order to establish the specific weight of the determined microbial associations. Materials and methods. Microbiological researches included isolation and identification of bacteria that were present in the gingival pockets of patients with different types of PIDPT. Identification of anaerobic microorganisms and associated microflora was carried out with the help of commonly used classical bacteriological methods, with determination of biochemical properties of the microorganisms cultures using APІ and ANAEROtest 23. Results. There were 192 patients studied in total, all aged older than 20 with diagnoses acute and chronical periodontitis, aggressive periodontitis, hypertrophic pulpitis, granulating periodontitis, parodontopathy, and local periodontitis with a presence of fistula. During the analysis of composition of the microflora isolated from periodontal tissue in patients with PIDPT, the following pathogens were isolated most frequently during the bacteriological research: Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Neisseria spp., Stomatococcus spp., and Enterococcus spp. (58%). The quantity of periodontally pathogenic microorganisms was constituted 19,3% from the total quantity of isolated streains (81 isolates). The most numerous group was determined to be the “orange” complex (59,3%) – isolates of Prevotella melaninogenica, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Parvimonas micra. The least numerous was the group of “green” complex - (2,5 %) – Streptococcus mitis. Periodontally pathogenic representatives of microbiota in all cases were isolated as a part of associations with other bacteria. The presented materials signified that the periodontally pathogenic agents of the “red” and “orange” complexes were isolated together with representatives of Streptococcus spp - 33 (56,0 %) associations; Staphylococcus spp - 11(18,6%) – associations. Also in 13 cases (22,1 %) of associations the associated flora was represented by Candida spp. fungi. Conclusions. In course of the research, 4 species of “red” and “orange” complexes were identified, and the quantity of different associations there were present in was significant. There were 22 associations determined. The obtained date concerning microbial associates in the content of gingival pockets in PIDPT show the necessity of individual approach during treatent of this patient group, with taking into account the microbial diversity.