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2021 ◽  
pp. 20-26
I. A. Voronkina ◽  
V. F. Dyachenko ◽  
A. M. Maryuschenko ◽  
E. S. Serdechna ◽  
V. G. Rusanova

The problem of the purulent inflammatory disorders of periodontal tissues (PIDPT) at the present time is extremely prevalent. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 80% of people suffer from periodontal diseases, and the disease incidence among young people increases significantly and reaches up to 80-95 %. The aim of the present research was to study the composition of microflora of gingival pockets in patients with purulent inflammatory periodontal diseases (PIDPT) in order to establish the specific weight of the determined microbial associations. Materials and methods. Microbiological researches included isolation and identification of bacteria that were present in the gingival pockets of patients with different types of PIDPT. Identification of anaerobic microorganisms and associated microflora was carried out with the help of commonly used classical bacteriological methods, with determination of biochemical properties of the microorganisms cultures using APІ and ANAEROtest 23. Results. There were 192 patients studied in total, all aged older than 20 with diagnoses acute and chronical periodontitis, aggressive periodontitis, hypertrophic pulpitis, granulating periodontitis, parodontopathy, and local periodontitis with a presence of fistula. During the analysis of composition of the microflora isolated from periodontal tissue in patients with PIDPT, the following pathogens were isolated most frequently during the bacteriological research: Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Neisseria spp., Stomatococcus spp., and Enterococcus spp. (58%). The quantity of periodontally pathogenic microorganisms was constituted 19,3% from the total quantity of isolated streains (81 isolates). The most numerous group was determined to be the “orange” complex (59,3%) – isolates of Prevotella melaninogenica, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Parvimonas micra. The least numerous was the group of “green” complex - (2,5 %) – Streptococcus mitis. Periodontally pathogenic representatives of microbiota in all cases were isolated as a part of associations with other bacteria. The presented materials signified that the periodontally pathogenic agents of the “red” and “orange” complexes were isolated together with representatives of Streptococcus spp - 33 (56,0 %) associations; Staphylococcus spp - 11(18,6%) – associations. Also in 13 cases (22,1 %) of associations the associated flora was represented by Candida spp. fungi. Conclusions. In course of the research, 4 species of “red” and “orange” complexes were identified, and the quantity of different associations there were present in was significant. There were 22 associations determined. The obtained date concerning microbial associates in the content of gingival pockets in PIDPT show the necessity of individual approach during treatent of this patient group, with taking into account the microbial diversity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (8) ◽  
pp. 1761-1764
Maria O. Stetsyk ◽  
Andriy O. Stetsyk ◽  
Natalia I. Zhero ◽  
Eugene Y. Kostenko ◽  
Svetlana B. Kostenko ◽  

The aim: To investigate current trends in the study of oral biofilm and its control. Materials and methods: A research of 32 literature sources has been made and it has been taken into account that some terminological differences in determining objects of study. Conclusions: Detailed analysis of modern domestic and foreign literature argues the necessity of further in-depth study of oral biofilms. Understanding the ethiological factors and mechanisms of the pathogenesis periodontal tissues inflammatory diseases gives the opportunity to treat targetly by destroying complicated sections of the vital activities and oral biofilm microorganisms relationships.

G. A. Loban ◽  
T. O. Petrushanko ◽  
V. V. Chereda ◽  
M. O. Faustova ◽  
M. M. Ananieva ◽  

Background. Periodontal tissues inflammatory diseases are widespread among young people. Objective. This study was aimed at elaborating the method to assess risks of periodontal inflammatory diseases and determining its efficacy depending on the state of dental tissues, gum tissues and sex.          Methods. The study included 182 students (93 men, 89 women) aged 19-29: 22 individuals had no lesions of hard dental tissues and no signs of periodontal disease; 51 individuals were found to have DMF index <6; 52 individuals – DMF index ≥6; 57 individuals were diagnosed with chronic catarrhal gingivitis. Primary groups were formed in autumn; re-examination was carried in spring. The research participants were assessed for detection of risks of periodontal inflammatory disease by the method developes by the authors (Patent UA 54041). Results. The study revealed that the risk of development of preiodontitis increases in individuals with high caries and gingivitis intensity. In spring, more individuals suffer from microbial imbalance in in the composition of gingival sulcus fluid and decrease in the mean stability coefficient value that indicates an increased risk of inflammatory periodontal disease development. Women were less likely to experience seasonal dysbiotic changes in the gingival sulcus fluid composition compared with men. Conclusions. The method suggested for assessment of the risk of periodontal inflammatory diseases is of high informativeness. It allows clinicians detecting early pre-nosological signs of oral microbiocenosis imbalance that enhances the effectiveness of early diagnosis of inflammatory periodontal diseases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 38-44
O. D. Saliuk ◽  
P. H. Gerasimchuk ◽  
L. O. Zaitsev ◽  
I. I. Samoilenko ◽  

In this article the review of foreign and domestic literary sources, which are devoted to the actual problem of modern dentistry – the treatment of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues: gingivitis and periodontitis are presented. The complex approach to their treatment involves the appointment of a significant amount of pharmacotherapeutic drugs. Therapeutic failures and iatrogenic complications have led to the fact that today the interests of doctors and population to medicinal products significantly increased. The purpose of the study is to analyze the data of scientific literature on the use of plant-based medicinal products for the treatment of periodontal inflammatory diseases over the past 10 years. Materials and methods. Comprehensive and systematic analysis of literature. Review and discussion. The analysis of information sources on the use of plant-based medicinal products in dentistry both independently and in the composition of medical and prophylactic means has established that the modern assortment of plant-based preparations in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine to a certain extent is limited. The emergence of new plant-based species that have been tested in conditions of experimental pathology and require an evidence-based clinical base is noted. The composition of plant-based preparations used for the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases include vitamins, biologically active substances, glycosides, alkaloids, in connection with a wide range of action: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, hemostatic, antioxidative. The data on plant-based preparations that are most often used such as chamomile extracts, calendula, hypericum, plantain, kalanchoe, aloe, eucalyptus, milfoil, nettle, calamus and plant-based species are summarized. The medicinal agents considered are mainly recommended for local treatment of periodontal diseases in the form of dental care means, mouth rinse, gel, chewing gum, herbal liquer. It is known that the complex treatment of periodontal diseases includes a general influence on the body. The properties of green tea with its wide range of actions are investigated. With antioxidant properties, it can be a healthy alternative for controlling destructive changes in periodontal diseases. Attention is drawn to the proposed unique natural complex “Resverazin” due to a wide range of pharmacological action, low toxicity and relative safety. The drug produces antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune stimulating, vasodilative, neuroprotective action. Conclusion. Based on the literature analysis, it can be concluded that the accumulated experimental and clinical data on the therapeutic properties of plants prove perspective of their use in the complex treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases. Future studies are mandatory for further confirmation of the effectiveness of these medicinal plants

Anuradha Mokashi ◽  
Keshava Abbayya ◽  
Siddhartha Varma ◽  
Sameer Zope ◽  
Girish Sugarimath ◽  

Background: Stress is playing a major role as an aetiologic factor in the initiation of many systemic diseases. Similarly, it is also thought to be an aetiologic factor in the progression of periodontal diseases. Aim: The production of free radical species is associated with various inflammatory diseases and also during stressful conditions. Hence, an effort in the present study is done to correlate psychosocial stress and periodontitis using serum MDA as an oxidative stress biomarker. Materials and Methods: A current cross-sectional study included 201 individuals between 20 to 60 years of age. A periodontal examination included Probing Pocket Depth, CAL, Plaque Index, and Gingival Index. According to CAL individuals were divided into four groups i.e. healthy, slight (CAL = 1-2 mm), moderate (CAL = 3-4 mm) and severe (CAL = ≥5 mm) periodontitis. Psychosocial stress of the individuals was evaluated using occupational stress index. Serum MDA level was evaluated using spectrochromatometer. Results: Patients with stress demonstrated increased levels of MDA along with a higher loss of attachment. Conclusion: The results revealed statistically significant association between psychosocial stress and periodontitis indicating psychosocial stress as a risk factor for developing periodontitis.

2018 ◽  
pp. 54-59
N.N. Saveleva ◽  
I.I. Sokolova ◽  
S.I. German ◽  
T.V. Tomilina

The review of the scientific literature is devoted to the topical issues of studying the etiology of periodontal diseases, which are one of the most common and complex pathologies of the maxillofacial region. Analysis of recent studies proves a stable relationship between the development of periodontal diseases and disorders in the immune system, the neurohumoral system, metabolic disorders, genetic predisposition, and so on. The article presents the data obtained in the course of studying the literature on the role of disorders in the functioning of individual organs (gastrointestinal tract, liver, lungs, heart, and urinary system) in the development of chronic periodontal diseases. The article notes that the anatomical and physiological proximity of the periodontal and digestive tract tissues, the generality of innervation and humoral regulation create prerequisites for the involvement of periodontal disease in the pathological process in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. One of the main etiological factors in the development of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and periodontium is Helicobacter pylori, which is found in the loci of the oral cavity: in the oral and gingival fluid, on the mucous membrane of the tongue and cheeks, and in the periodontal pockets. It is pointed out that the liver also occupies a special place in the development of periodontal diseases, which is explained by the performance of its significant functions for the human body: regulatory, metabolic, antitoxic and other. There is evidence that the pathology of periodontal disease plays a leading role in the structure of dental diseases in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, which is clinically manifested by symptoms of generalized periodontitis of the І-ІІ degrees of development and its complications - partial or complete secondary adentia, and with tooth preservation - defects in dental series and violations of occlusion, function, aesthetics. Scientists suggest a general biological mechanism for the development of generalized periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases, linking the development of periodontal diseases in patients with cardiovascular pathology with microcirculatory disorders. The dependence of the severity of inflammatory changes in the periodontal tissues on the disturbances of salt metabolism in urolithiasis is proved. The data obtained indicate that diseases of the internal organs contribute to the structural damage of periodontal tissues and they are a risk factor for periodontal diseases, which necessitate the presence of not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills in dentistry, but also their awareness of the features and clinical manifestations of somatic pathology. An urgent and justified step in the treatment of periodontal diseases is also the involvement in the process of rendering complex dental care to internist doctors capable of quickly and qualitatively assessment the condition of the internal organs and the basic systems of the patient's body.

I.O. Kuz ◽  
O.V. Sheshukova

The anatomical and physiological characteristics of a growing organism require a specific approach to the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases. Not enough attention is paid toward improving the oral health of children suffering from diabetes mellitus, as well as therapeutic and prophylactic measures aimed at preserving teeth and preventing exacerbations of the inflammatory process in periodontal tissues. The results of clinical studies indicate a high prevalence of dental diseases in patients with type I diabetes mellitus; there are not enough reliable results of such indicators depending on the age and duration of this endocrine pathology, diabetic complications, hypoglycemic therapy taking into account metabolic control. Diagnosis of periodontal diseases is complicated by the peculiarities of the child’s psychological perception, caused by age-specific characteristics and the influence of common manifestations of inflammatory diseases. Children of primary school age often demonstrate increased motor activity, a hyperergic reaction even to minor negative feelings, the difficulty of adequate behaviour in an unfamiliar environment and a correct assessment of what is happening, being stressed due to the presence of many phobias associated with doctors and medical manipulations, communicative difficulties caused by staying in the spotlight, meeting new people, talking with adults. Teaching children must necessarily be accompanied by educating parents, since within limited time interval of dental appointment a doctor does not have the opportunity to fully monitor and consolidate the knowledge and skills the child has received, and this responsibility falls on parents. In this case, some attention should be paid to issues of skills, motivation as well as on the importance dental care aspects for the development of the dentofacial system, since in the vast majority of cases, parents are not enough aware on these issues. In addition to educating and fostering the motivation, it is necessary to control the level of knowledge, the frequency and quality of tooth brushing. For young children, it is necessary to do complete cleaning up the chewing group of teeth due to the low level of children’s manual skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (17) ◽  
Veriko Tevzadze ◽  
Ketevan Nanobashvili

Task: Although periodontal inflammatory diseases are very often during pregnancy, little is known about the risk factors that increase the frequency of periodontal disease incidence and affect its development during pregnancy. This descriptive study assesses the prevalence of periodontal diseases among pregnant women in Tbilisi, the impact of their socio-economic status, hygiene habits, and level of knowledge on their periodontal status. Methods: This was an observational, cross-sectional study conducted among pregnant women. The respondents were distributed by Gynecological Centers and districts in Tbilisi. The survey was conducted at 24 Gynecological Centers. The target group of the study was 222 pregnant women aged 18 to 45 living in Tbilisi. The tool used in this study is a Structured Electronic Questionnaire. The oral health of the target group representatives was assessed by periodontal indices, the CPITN-index, and OHI-Jack R.Vermillion's oral hygiene index. Data entry and statistical analysis were carried out using the statistical program SPSS 23.0. Results: The current pregnancy for most of the respondents (36%) is the second, 53.2% of the pregnant women are in the second trimester of the pregnancy, 50,5% of the respondents are bachelors’ student or have completed a bachelor's stage of the study. Due to the employment status, 47.7% of them are housewives, and 61.1% evaluate their economical condition as satisfactory; 32,9% of the respondents have dental insurance, and only 13,3% use this insurance for this purpose. 68.8% of the pregnant women address the dentist only in case of pain or discomfort, 67.3% of them have bleeding gums, 66.5% of them feel pain or discomfort in the oral cavity and 59% of them have swelling/pain in their gums. Only 9% of gynecologists recommend their patients plan a visit to the dentist. Pregnant women’s awareness about the safety of dental manipulations is also quite low and it is 22.1 %. The statistical testing of the difference due to the qualitative variables was carried out using the Pearson's chi-square method; the index of signification (p), which was less than 0.05, at (p<0.05) was considered as statistically significant.

2014 ◽  
Vol 124 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-88
Małgorzata Stodókiewicz ◽  
Joanna Krawczyk ◽  
Jacek Szkutnik ◽  
Marcin Berger

Abstract Introduction. Periodontitis is a group of inflammatory disorders affecting periodontal tissues. This condition manifests by a progressive destruction of the alveolar bone, subsequently leading to tooth loss. World Health Organization introduced Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs in order to gain data regarding periodontal health and treatment needs of people with periodontitis Aim. To evaluate the periodontal status of citizens living in the city of Lublin and its surrounding, using Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN). Material and methods. Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs was used to assess the periodontal status among 180 patients aged 35-44 residing in Lublin and the area around it. Results. Periodontal diseases have been observed in over 90% of the examined population. Treatment need index TN1 has referred to 26.11% of the patients, TN2 – 61.67% and TN3 – 2.22% respectively. Conclusions. Patients who visit the dentist regularly have a better periodontal status as compared to groups randomly selected.

2019 ◽  
Mateusz Zakrzewski ◽  
Anna Ostrowska ◽  
Zakrzewska Magdalena ◽  
Maciorkowska Elżbieta

Abstract Background: Oxidative stress is a key causative factor in chronic inflammation and plays a key role in the pathogenesis of many chronic inflammatory diseases, including periodontitis. A properly balanced diet abundant in vegetables and fruits can be a rich source of biologically active substances that inhibit reactions with oxygen and ozone. The aim of the study is to assess the influence of natural antioxidants contained in vegetables and fruits on the occurrence and progression of periodontal diseases. Methods: The study covered a group of 368 students of the third grade (at the age of 18) of general secondary schools from the urban environment. The surveyed youth completed a survey regarding their dietary and hygienic habits. Subsequently, they participated in an oral cavity study in which the values of the plaque PL.I and gum GI index were assessed. Results: The beneficial effect on periodontal tissues resulted from eating of fruits and vegetables and frequent consumption of apples and carrots (median GI = 0). Eating of potato chips and crisps and the use of quick-service bars intensified gingivitis (median GI = 0.1). Conclusions: A diet intensifying oxidative stress influenced the deterioration the clinical status during the developmental age.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-8
M.T. Safarov ◽  
F.A. Khusanbaeva ◽  
K.M. Tashpulatova ◽  
A.M. Khodjiberganov

The search for new ways of early detection and improving the effectiveness of treatinginflammatory periodontal diseases is one of the urgent tasks in modern dentistry. Inflammatory diseases in the periodontal tissues lead to the loss of teeth, the appearance offoci of chronic infection in the oral cavity, a decrease in the body's reactivity, microbial sensitization, and the development of allergic conditions. This pathological process is not a strictly limited pathology but, as a rule, is just one of the manifestations of more serious systemic diseases. The general state of human health, the quality of life, his socio-mental status and even his role in society suffer.Keywords:periodontium, inflammation, platelet autoplasm

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