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2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
pp. 88-99
B. V. Karalnik

Relevance. The high variability of protection against vaccine-controlled infections, including COVID-19, is one of the actual problem of infectology. Aim. Based on the results of scientific publications and reports, the role of age and sex factors, their interactions and the main mechanisms in the immune response to vaccines, in the improvement of vaccines and vaccination regimens, has been analyzed. Conclusion. It has been shown that vaccine prophylaxis has always developed in the direction of individualization, going through the stages of defining target groups and developing immunization schemes for various groups. The important data obtained in recent decades on the importance of genetic and external factors, in particular, age and sex, in the variability of response to vaccines are analyzed. Analysis of the role of such factors has also been performed for coronavirus vaccines. The necessity and possibilities of next steps that can provide optimal responses of different people to vaccination were discussed.

Milan Moravčík

The paper presents an analysis of an actual problem related to dynamic effects to road bridges due to travelling a heavy vehicle over the bridge. Numerical simulations of the dynamic response are applied on a fictitious simple beam of the length Lb = 52 m with an artificial irregularity at midspan, corresponding to a characteristic span L (b5) = 52 m of the ten-span continuous box girder bridge. A heavy four-axle truck m v = 32 t is used for dynamic excitation, travelling over the bridge at passing speed of 70km / h. The obtained results are compared to results of the experimentally tested ten-span continuous pre-stressed reinforced concrete girder bridge at the same speed.

А.Н. Варламов

Целью исследования является выявление исторических свойств устного народного творчества на примере типологии сюжетно-мотивного состава эпоса эвенков. Актуальная проблема фольклорного историзма рассматривается с позиции междисциплинарного подхода, в котором привлекаются материалы смежных научных дисциплин. Для достижения цели исследования используются методологические основы фольклорного историзма на материале эпоса восточных эвенков. Проблемы ранней истории тунгусо-маньчжурских народов исследуются на основе анализа популярного мотива путешествия эпического героя эвенков с привлечением материалов устного народного творчества и мировоззренческих традиций этносов дальневосточного региона. Мотив путешествия героя нимнгакана является наиболее распространенным в эпических традициях восточных эвенков, составляя композиционную и содержательную основу текста – основное содержание сказаний восточных эвенков описывает странствия и подвиги эвенкийского богатыря в далеких землях, расположенных к востоку от места его рождения. В своём странствии в страну восходящего солнца герой сражается с враждебными богатырями Нижнего мира, обретает взаимобрачные и родственные связи с аборигенами восточных земель. Характеристики и этнографические детали культурных традиций дружественных племен существенно отличаются. Кроме носителей скотоводческих и оленеводческих традиций, можно выделить две основные этно-племенные группы, с которыми контактирует герой эвенкийского эпоса: носители культуры рыболовства и морской охоты, а также «древние свиноводы». В результате исследования, выдвигается предположение о том, что мотив путешествия эпического героя эвенков представляет собой отражение исторических процессов, сопровождавших развитие этнографического комплекса эвенков и родственных народов тунгусо-маньчжурской группы в Приамурье, Маньчжурии и на побережье Охотского моря. В число групп, с которыми формировались прочные исторические связи тунгусов, следует отнести предков нивхов и этно-племенные формации Приамурья, объединяемые этнонимами сушень и мохэ. Работа представляет интерес для специалистов по фольклору, истории и этнографии, в круг научных интересов которых входят традиции устного народного творчества и история тунгусо-маньчжурских народов. The aim of the study was to identify the historical properties of oral folk art on the example of the typology of the plot-motif composition of the Evenki epic. The actual problem of folk historicism is considered from the position of an interdisciplinary approach, which draws on materials from related scholarly disciplines. To achieve the goal of the research, the methodological foundations of folklore historicism were used based on the material of the epic of Eastern Evenks. The problems of the early history of the Tungus-Manchu peoples were investigated on the basis of the analysis of the popular travel motif of the Evenki epic hero with the use of materials of oral folk art and ideological traditions of the ethnic groups of the Far Eastern region. The motif of the Nimngakan hero’s travel is the most widespread in the epic traditions of Eastern Evenks. The motif constitutes the compositional and substantive basis of the text – the main content of Eastern Evenks’ legends describes the travels and deeds of the Evenki hero in distant lands located to the east of the place of his birth. In his travel to the land of the rising sun, the hero fights against the hostile bogatyrs of the Under World, forms mutual and kinship ties with the natives of the eastern lands. The characteristics and ethnographic details of the cultural traditions of friendly tribes differ significantly. In addition to the carriers of cattle-breeding and reindeer-breeding traditions, the hero of the Evenki epic contacts with two main ethno-tribal groups: carriers of the fishing culture and sea hunting, as well as “ancient pig breeders”. As a result of the research, it is suggested that the motif of the Evenki epic hero’s travel is a reflection of the historical processes that accompanied the development of the ethnographic complex of Evenks and related peoples of the Tungus-Manchu group in the Amur region, Manchuria and on the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk. The Tungus formed strong historical ties with the groups, which should include the ancestors of the Nivkhs and the ethno-tribal formations of the Amur region, united by the ethnonyms Sushen’ and Mohe. This research is of interest to specialists in folklore, history and ethnography, whose scholarly interests include the traditions of folklore and the history of the Tungus-Manchu peoples.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4/2021 (94) ◽  
pp. 200-219
Iuliia Pinkovetskaia ◽  
Anton Lebedev ◽  
Natalya Rokunova ◽  
Natalya Shamina ◽  

Purpose: The paper is devoted to the actual problem of the existing differences in women’s and men’s entrepreneurship. The aim of the research is to assess the prevailing levels of women’s and men’s participation in entrepreneurial activity in modern national economies. Methodology: The study dealt with the problem of determining indicator values characterizing the early stage of entrepreneurship; mature (sustainable) entrepreneurship, as well as quitting business activities. The results of the surveys conducted in 59 countries throughout the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Project were used as initial information. Findings: In the course of the research, nine indicators characterizing such stages as start-up and sustainable entrepreneurship along with the cessation of this activity were examined. The study developed the functions that show the distribution of the indicators in 59 countries describing women’s and men’s proportions at three main stages of entrepreneurship. Research limitations: The study had limitations on empirical data due to the fact that only 59 countries were considered. Originality: The attained results have indicated that there is a gender gap among the indicators of entrepreneurship in most countries, which means that women participate in it to a smaller extent than men. The methodological approach to assessing gender differences in entrepreneurship presented in the article can be applied in further research.

Pavlo Tkach ◽  
Pavlo Nosko ◽  
Oleksandr Bashta ◽  
Grygorii Boiko ◽  
Olha Herasymova

The article is devoted to the actual problem of increasing the performance indicators of machine gear drives. To solve this problem, in the article proposed to use a conchoidal engagement made with a shifting of the  reference profile and special contact conditions. A feature of the proposed engagement is that it is less sensitive to manufacturing and assembly errors compared to conventional conchoidal engagement. As a result of theoretical studies, the performance indicators of such an engagement were determined. This made it possible to determine the level of load during further experimental tests of new gears. Contact strength and meshing losses were selected as performance indicators subject to further experimental verification. The ratios of these indicators, calculated for conchoidal spur gears with convex-convex contact, made with a shifting of the reference profile, with similar involute ones, are theoretically determined. Comparative analysis of performance indicators was carried out for gears of involute and conchoidal engagement with the same parameters and shifting of the reference profile. It was found that for experimental conchoidal drives with shifting, the maximum load is 1.2 times higher than that of a similar involute drive with shifting, and the loss in engagement is 21% less. A rational area of application of the new gearing is machine drives for high power transmissions. Keywords: spur gears, conchoidal gearing, profile shift, convex-convex contact, meshing characteristics, teeth surface strength, gearing power loss

Egorova P. Egorova ◽  
Anton A. Abashkin ◽  
Vladimir G. Mosin

The paper is devoted to the actual problem of the implementation of educational programs of higher education in the conditions of digitalization and the transition to online forms of teaching. As a basic model, a mixed form of teaching is considered, when all the information part of the educational course is brought online, but at the same time all practical classes are carried out in the classroom in the traditional contact form. The paper examines in detail the procedure for creating, implementing and operating an educational module implemented in a mixed hybrid format and actually provides a teaching technology that can be widely replicated in a wide variety of educational fields. As an example, the study considers the educational module of the block Theoretical and probabilistic methods of data analysis, which includes video content of 100150 clips lasting 810 minutes, a communication medium, printed materials and step-by-step operating instructions. The issues of content production, its time and content formats are considered. In addition, the issues of creating and operating a communication environment in which the educational process takes place are considered. Special attention is paid to the issues of monitoring the activities of all participants in the educational process: both students and teachers, as well as content creators, a media group working on its production and maintenance. In addition, the risks of the project are analyzed, recommended risk management measures are proposed. The module is implemented in the Blended Learning format and is designed to be used in educational programs of higher professional education and in extended education programs. Its subject matter (probability theory and data analysis) is presented in such a way that, once implemented, it will be in demand in a wide range of educational areas: from sociology, biology and medicine to economics, energy, construction and mechanical engineering.

Svetlana Frolova

The article deals with the actual problem of organizing additional specialized education of students in a general educational organization, which is an urgent problem. The purpose of organizing additional specialized education is not only the development of intellectual and creative abilities, subject, meta-subject and personal results of students, but also their vocational guidance and assistance in professional self-determination. The importance of vocational guidance work is emphasized in many federal state documents, in particular in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ, Federal State Educational Standards of General Education, the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2025, An exemplary education program, including the module "Career guidance", etc., as well as in the speeches of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. This article will allow the general education organization to build a system of additional specialized education for students, taking into account the peculiarities of the educational environment of the school. The organization of additional specialized education is a certain difficulty, however, the experience of such work is in one of the schools in the Moscow region. The article has a practice-oriented character and will be of interest to pedagogical and leading employees of general educational organizations, since it describes the goals, objectives and methods of organizing additional education for schoolchildren in the educational environment of a general educational organization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 22-31
Sergey Anatolyevich Maksimov

The work is devoted to the actual problem of modern Udmurt lexicography – the issues of lexicography of combinations of a subject with an infinitive. The research material was composed of dictionaries of the Udmurt language. The work is based on a descriptive method. The purpose of the work is to study the transmission in Udmurt dictionaries of verb combinations expressing emotional and mental states and physiological phenomena in the form of infinitive combinations «subject + infinitive» and to suggest acceptable ways of their design. Udmurt lexicography has come a long way since its inception and achieved certain success. However, due to the lack of continuous work in this area, many problems remain unresolved. One of these problems is the registration in dictionaries of combinations associated with the expression of emotional and mental states and physiological phenomena. In living speech, such constructions often consist of a grammatical subject (yyr ‘head’, kӧt ‘belly’, lul ‘soul; breath’, vir ‘blood’, etc.) and a conjugated form of the verb, for example: yyr kur lue ‘me angry’, kӧt kurekte ‘I’m sad’, vir pote ‘blood flows, oozes’. In the Soviet period, the tradition of presenting verbs in dictionary entries in the form of an infinitive (affix -ny) was established in the Udmurt lexicography. Along with the publication of new dictionaries, the number of structures of the «subject + infinitive» type gradually began to increase, although the subject cannot enter into a syntactic connection with the infinitive, and such structures are not found in living speech. The paper describes possible ways to solve the problem under study, while for different groups of structures, slightly different solution models are proposed.

María-José Solís-Baltodano ◽  
José-Manuel Giménez-Gómez ◽  
Josep E. Peris

AbstractIn order to support economic development across all European Union regions, €351.8 billion –almost a third of the total EU budget– has been set aside for the Cohesion Policy during the 2014–2020 period. The distribution of this budget is made through five main structural and investment funds, after long and difficult negotiations among the EU member states. This paper analyzes the problem of allocating the limited resources of the European Regional Development Fund as a conflicting claims problem. Specifically, we attempt to show how the conflicting claims approach fits this actual problem, and we propose alternative ways of distributing the budget via (i) claims solutions or (ii) the imposition of bounds (guarantees) to each of the regions. By applying this approach we also show that there is a claims solution that performs better than the others by reducing inequality and promoting convergence to a greater degree. It is clear that political bargaining will always be part of the allocation process. However, having an intuitive initial proposal may help politicians to find the best agreement. To that effect, we propose the use of a claims solution as a way to find an initial proposal for future policy changes concerning the allocations of the EU structural funds.

Юрий Александрович Губарев ◽  
Наталья Шамильевна Лебедева ◽  
Маргарита Олеговна Тонкушина ◽  
Илья Дмитриевич Гагарин ◽  
Алексей Яковлевич Голуб ◽  

Актуальной проблемой в области адресной доставки лекарственных веществ являются аспекты, относящиеся к транспорту высокотоксичных препаратов, обладающих нежелательными побочными эффектами, в частности противоопухолевых. Были рассчитаны термодинамические параметры комплексообразования нанокластерного полиоксометаллата {MoFe}, перспективного в качестве средства адресной доставки лекарств, и широко применяемого в клинической практике цитостатика - доксорубицина. Взаимодействие доксорубицина с {Mo Fe} сопровождалось экзотермическим эффектом, что говорит об энергетически выгодном образовании комплекса. Кинетика процесса высвобождения доксорубицина из комплекса в буферном растворе с pH , соответствующим значению pH крови, была изучена методом люминесцентной спектроскопии. Были определены константы скорости процессов деструкции {Mo Fe} в комплексе, сопровождающейся высвобождением доксорубицина, и дальнейшего комплексообразования высвободившегося доксорубицина с продуктами распада {MoFe}. В будущем возможно управление скоростью высвобождения доксорубицина путем дополнительной стабилизации {Mo Fe}, например, путем его ассоциации с альбумином. Actual problem in the field of targeted drug delivery is transport of highly toxic drugs, with undesirable side effects, in particular antitumor medicine. The thermodynamic parameters of complexation between nanocluster polyoxometalate {MoFe}, promising as a means of targeted drug delivery, and a cytostatic agent - doxorubicin, widely used in clinical practice, were studied. The interaction of doxorubicin with {MoFe} was accompanied by an exothermic effect, which indicates an energetically favorable formation of the complex. The kinetics of the release of doxorubicin from the complex in a buffer solution with a pH corresponding to the pH value of blood was studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. The rate constants of destruction processes in the complex, accompanied by the release of doxorubicin, and further complexation of the released doxorubicin with decay products were determined. In the future, it is possible to slow down the release of doxorubicin by stabilizing the {MoFe}, for example, when it is associated with albumin.

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