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scholarly journals Peningkatan Keterampilan dan Perekonomian Masyarakat Pesisir Pulau Lemukutan melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Snack Berbasis Rumput laut

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Ikha Safitri ◽  
Warsidah ◽  
Mega Sari Juane Sofiana ◽  
Agus Yuliono

The waters of Lemukutan Island have the potential of natural resources, including seaweed. Since 2011, Lemukutan Island has been the largest seaweed cultivation center in West Kalimantan. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has attacked all sectors and caused a decline in prices for fishery-based food commodities. This condition causes the farmers to suffer losses and the seaweed cultivation activity also decreases. Training on making snacks and seaweed jelly boba has been carried out to revive the economy of the coastal communities of Lemukutan Island. This activity involves all levels of the community through representatives of each RT using a hybrid method. Training is carried out with strict health protocols. This activity aims to improve the skills of coastal communities in processing seaweed-based foods. The training participants were very enthusiastic, from the presentation about the benefits of consuming seaweed for human health to the practice of making seaweed snacks and jelly. ===== Perairan Pulau Lemukutan memiliki potensi sumber daya alam yang melimpah termasuk rumput laut. Sejak 2011, Pulau Lemukutan menjadi sentra usaha budi daya rumput laut terbesar di Kalimantan Barat. Namun, pandemi Covid-19 telah menyerang semua sektor kehidupan dan menyebabkan kemerosotan harga pada komoditas pangan berbasis perikanan. Kondisi ini mengakibatkan pembudi daya mengalami kerugian dan usaha budi daya rumput laut di Pulau Lemukutan juga menurun. Pelatihan pembuatan snack krenyes dan jelly boba rumput laut telah dilaksanakan untuk menumbuhkan kembali perekonomian masyarakat pesisir Pulau Lemukutan. Kegiatan ini melibatkan seluruh lapisan masyarakat Pulau Lemukutan melalui perwakilan tiap RT dengan metode hibrid. Pelatihan dilaksanakan dengan protokol kesehatan yang tegas. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat pesisir dalam mengolah makanan berbasis rumput laut. Peserta pelatihan sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan, mulai dari pemaparan materi tentang manfaat dari mengonsumsi rumput laut bagi kesehatan manusia hingga praktik pembuatan snack dan jelly rumput laut.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Mahfudlah Fajrie

Bungo Village, Subdistrict of Wedung Indonesia, is one of the regions that still upholds the traditions of the region as a form of preserving culture. Along with the development of technology and science, there are many traditions in the village that are considered not modernist by the people. Therefore, some village government and community heads in the village of Bungo, Wedung District, are trying to maintain traditions in their area as a form of preserving local traditions or culture and when developed can have potential for regional income. Coastal traditions in the Bungo Village area that are still carried out include Apitan, Syawalan, and Alms of Earth, the meaning of this tradition as a form of community gratitude to God. There is a Nyadran tradition, the Panji Kusuma Cultural Kirab is a tradition carried out as a form of respect for coastal communities and in memory of the services of heroes who have established villages in the coastal region. There is also the tradition of Keong Keli, Barian, Kembang Sayang, which basically implies a form of community effort to avoid doom and danger. This research was conducted using ethnographic methods, data collection using in-depth interviews and observation. From the coastal traditions carried out by the Bungo people, it is shown that coastal communities depend on the sea for their livelihoods and the wealth of natural resources to survive.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Aristo Aristo ◽  
Slamet Rifanjani ◽  
Siti Latifah

Riam Angan Tembawang Village is located in Jelimpo District, Landak Regency, West Kalimantan Province. Angan Tembawang Village has interesting natural tourism to visit, such natural objects are rivers and waterfalls and are called Riam Angan Tembawang. This study aims to determine the natural tourist attraction of Riam Angan Tembawang Village, Jelimpo District, Landak Regency. This research was conducted by the descriptive method. Data obtained by direct interviews with respondents about the attractiveness of attractions and fill out a list of questions. The results of the calculation of all the assessment criteria for attraction of Riam Angan Tembawang attraction as well as the elements and sub-elements, namely natural beauty 26,66%, the uniqueness of natural resources 22,36 %, the amount of potential natural resources 22,22 %, natural resource 26,63 %, sensitivity of natural resources 17,08 %, types of nature tourism activities 28,33 %, air cleanliness and location no effect 25,77 %, vulnerability of encroachment and the fire 11,11 %. All elements of attraction assess by the Riam Angan Tembawang tourism are 1.080,96 and this area has good area attractions (B) to be developed into a tourist attraction.Keywords: attraction, nature, riam angan tembawang, tourist attraction.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Che Rusuli ◽  
Fitriani Q ◽  
Syahida N. ◽  
Hakim M.

Nowadays, Go Green has becoming an initiative in protecting the natural resources for the next generation and protects human health through environmental management and implementation of green ways of life. This study seeks to identify the effectiveness of the implementation of Go Green by Majlis Perbandaran Kota Bharu (MPKB) Kelantan. The population of this study includes society in Kelantan and 200 respondents will be involved which is lives in Pengkalan Chepa, Kubang Kerian, Pasir Tumboh, Wakaf Bharu and Kijang. The results from this study hoped will contribute to the body of knowledge which has a positive significant relationship with education, technologies and legal actions.

H Demirel ◽  
M Mollaoğlu ◽  
U Bucak ◽  
T Arslan ◽  
A Balin

The negative impact of air pollution on human health had become a vital issue as a result of the increasing use of fossil fuels in recent years. In this context, maritime transportation is one of the most contaminant sectors by using much more fossil fuels. Ships which have a major role in maritime transport, directly affect human health via its emissions, especially in marine areas close to the land such as around the ports, canals, and straits. In this study, strategies were gathered by evaluating International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations, European Union (EU) recommendations and the applications of the ship owner companies to reduce air pollution stem from ships, and considering the priority perception of these strategies, the effect level of the strategies at the marine areas where ships are approaching the land was analysed by the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process-Visekriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (AHP- VIKOR) hybrid method. As a result of the study, the most effective strategies appeared as “Forbiddance of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) usage on Ships” and “Detection of Low Sulphur Fuel Usage by the help of Remote Detector Systems”, and it was seen that these strategies would be most effective in canal or strait passing of the ships. It was also revealed that the relevant expert opinions and IMO regulations meshed together, and it was pointed out the applications for increasing fuel quality.

Abhinav Singh ◽  
Utsha Sinha ◽  
Deepak Kumar Sharma

The development and expansion of mankind in addition to the advancement of technology have a substantial impact on the environment. The construction, design, and operation of buildings account for a large consumption of natural resources. Due to the exploitation of natural resources on a large scale through these buildings, it has become necessary to have a better-designed building for the efficient use of resources. The concept of “green building” solves the aforementioned issues apart from promoting eco-friendly activities. IoT makes the idea of having buildings that are energy sufficient possible through networked sensors that not only help in managing the assets better but also reducing harmful impacts on human health and the environment. This chapter talks about the concept of the green building and the smart automation achieved through IoT as well as cloud architecture for the green building also referred to as green cloud. While it explains the basic cloud architecture in green building, it also proposes future challenges for the aforementioned subject.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Yety Rochwulaningsih ◽  
Singgih Tri Sulistiyono ◽  
Mahendra Pudji Utama ◽  
Noor Naelil Masruroh ◽  
Siti Rukayah ◽  

Abstract This study presents the case of an original and traditional knowledge system of palung, which is used in salt-making in the coastal communities of Bali. The study emphasizes the practicalities of the system and its epistemology using anthropological and sociological methods. It is known that the traditional knowledge system of palung salt production has been preserved through the generations as a form of local wisdom. This traditional knowledge system emphasizes the use of local natural resources in accordance with the coastal ecosystems of Bali, where the cultivation of extracted soil (tanah sari), sand, bamboo, and coconut trees is carried out manually. This study has evidenced that the palung process successfully produces salt of excellent taste and quality. Based on laboratory tests conducted on palung salt samples, the results show that it does not contain any heavy metals and that it has good nutritional content. Because of its use of available natural resources, this traditional knowledge system is sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Dini Atikawati ◽  
Totok Gunawan ◽  
Sunarto Sunarto

Tuban coastal area is very rich in natural resources and environmental services. Along the coastal area there are many infrastructures and activity centers. Various forms of existing activities and uses have negative impact, so Tuban coastal area is vulnerable to environmental damage. Prevention efforts that can be done are through the study of environmental ethics. This research aims to study the value of Tuban coastal area, assess the environmental ethics of community in Tuban coastal area, and formulate the coastal environmental ethics of Tuban based on coastal area values. The data were collected from observation, field portraits, and interviews. Then the data were analysed by scoring and descriptive. The results showed that the highest coastal area values in Karangagung, Panyuran, Sukolilo and Kutorejo is economic value. The highest environmental ethics values is in Kutorejo, while the lowest is in Karangagung. Coastal environmental ethics of Tuban are formulated based on eleven coastal area values ??that contain of behaviors that should be carried out by coastal communities so that the sustainability of Tuban coastal area can be maintained. Keywords: environmental ethics; coastal area values; management, attitudes; coastal area

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 525
Windi Guswirno Hedi ◽  
Syaiful Muazir ◽  
Valentinus Pebriano

Landak Regency has many natural resources that have the potential to be used as natural tourism objects. One of them is Dait Waterfall which has 7 floors and is located in an unspoiled forest area. The area is often visited by tourists from various regions of West Kalimantan. However, there are several problems related to supporting facilities and infrastructure that are not up to standard for tourism activities, so that the tourism potential is not maximized. For this reason, it is necessary to design a "Dait Waterfall Tourism Area in Landak Regency" which is in accordance with tourism standards and local environmental needs, with the concept of ecotourism that uses a sustainable environmental approach and empowerment of local communities. The arrangement is done by designing which starts from the function analysis process, which includes the main functions and supporting functions. The main functions include recreational aspects and supporting functions consisting of commercial functions, ecological functions and community participation functions. The design method consists of the introduction, definition, preparation, analysis, synthesis, evaluation and re-evaluation stages. The design process is applied in the construction of the main tourism facilities and infrastructure such as outbound areas, camping areas, selfie areas, and others. In addition, supporting facilities and infrastructure such as management areas, commercial areas, service areas, utility aspects, and others. With this design, it is hoped that the Dait Waterfall Tourism Area will attract more tourists from a wider variety of areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Sri Haryati Putri ◽  
Gusti Asnan ◽  
Muhammad Nur

 Tulisan ini membahas tentang beragam budaya atau tradisi lokal yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat pesisir. Tradisi yang dilakukan selalu berhubungan dengan kehidupannya sebagai seorang nelayan dan umumnya dilakukan di tepi pantai, tidak jauh dari tempat aktivitas sehari hari. Menggunakan metode penelitian kebudayaan, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat luas akan budaya maritim yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat pesisir di Nagari Airhaji. Budaya yang konon berasal dari zaman nenek moyang masih dilaksanakan hingga kini oleh masyarakat nelayan di Nigari Airhaji. Kebiasaan tersebut menjadi ciri khas tersendiri bagi masyarakat pesisir di nagari Airhaji yang membedakannya dengan masyarakat daerah Darek atau daerah pedalaman lainnya. Dengan adanya budaya bahari, dapat turut melestarikan kebudayaan atau tradisi lokal, juga dapat membuat masyarakat peduli dan menjaga kekayaan alam, karena semua budaya atau tradisi yang dipraktikkan selalu berhubungan dan bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan rasa syukur dan menghormati laut dengan beragam ritual yang telah dilakukan. The paper discusses on how coastal communities to carry out their traditions. The traditions always related to the lives of fishermen. They usually carried those out in foreshore. The paper uses research methods such as Cross-Cultural Research Methods for the reason that the maritime cultural life of Nagari Airhaji coastal communities could be more widely known. The fishermen community in Nagari Airhaji keep managing to carry the maritim culture out as their heritage. It characterizes the coastal community of Nagari Airhaji and distinguishes them from the Darek communities and the other inland areas communities. The existence of maritime culture, which is always purposed to express gratitude and to honor the sea through variuous ritulas, has encouraged positively the preservation of culture and tradition and also has driven the community to consider and protect more the natural resources.

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