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service areas
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2022 ◽  
pp. 0739456X2110654
Brian Y. An

Can self-organizing special districts created from the bottom up be a tool for community change and development? Focusing on community services districts in California, this study introduces the context in which communities opt out of a county service system to reshape their governing structure for better representation. The empirical part measures their effectiveness, using single-family home sale prices as an impact metric. Leveraging multi-level difference-in-difference hedonic regression methods, the analysis shows that district formation increases the prices annually up to 16 percent, compared to both the surrounding and distant county service areas, indicating their efficacy as a tool for community change and development.

Electronics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 141
Hyeyoung Ko ◽  
Suyeon Lee ◽  
Yoonseo Park ◽  
Anna Choi

This paper reviews the research trends that link the advanced technical aspects of recommendation systems that are used in various service areas and the business aspects of these services. First, for a reliable analysis of recommendation models for recommendation systems, data mining technology, and related research by application service, more than 135 top-ranking articles and top-tier conferences published in Google Scholar between 2010 and 2021 were collected and reviewed. Based on this, studies on recommendation system models and the technology used in recommendation systems were systematized, and research trends by year were analyzed. In addition, the application service fields where recommendation systems were used were classified, and research on the recommendation system model and recommendation technique used in each field was analyzed. Furthermore, vast amounts of application service-related data used by recommendation systems were collected from 2010 to 2021 without taking the journal ranking into consideration and reviewed along with various recommendation system studies, as well as applied service field industry data. As a result of this study, it was found that the flow and quantitative growth of various detailed studies of recommendation systems interact with the business growth of the actual applied service field. While providing a comprehensive summary of recommendation systems, this study provides insight to many researchers interested in recommendation systems through the analysis of its various technologies and trends in the service field to which recommendation systems are applied.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 820-833
Daeun Park ◽  
Sangeun Shin

Objectives: There are increasing demands for personal assistance services which help the disabled to carry out their daily life. To use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) approaches more effectively in daily communication, it is essential to include the appropriate core and fringe vocabulary in the AAC system. Considering the fact that there are few studies in Korea which have reported fringe vocabulary compared to core vocabulary, this study is aimed to develop a noun list that can be used to promote interactive communication between the disabled and their assistants in each communication situation.Methods: A literature review was conducted to elicit frequently used nouns in each communication situation. Then, a survey was carried out to identify nouns with high word commonality across 105 personal assistants.Results: Sixty-three nouns with more than 50% of word commonality across personal assistants were identified from the 244 fringe vocabulary; consisting of 112 nouns in the area of going out, 29 in cleaning, 27 in personal hygiene, 26 in cooking, 20 in meal supporting, 20 in other service areas, and 10 in commuting.Conclusion: The identified nouns are expected to help people with complex communication needs to express their needs and wants more clearly and effectively using those nouns embedded in their AAC systems. The list of nouns can be used not only for people who receive personal assistance services, but also for people who rely on AAC systems to express their daily needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-115
Nur Atikah ◽  
Sari Nanchi Parhatiwi ◽  
Ajeng Dian Pertiwi ◽  
Evi Fatmi Utami ◽  
Firman Firman

Background: The hospital pharmacy installation is a health service unit that is required to provide professional services and improve quality which is oriented towards achieving patient satisfaction. Waste identification in pharmaceutical services is important because it has an impact on stakeholder satisfaction. Objective: Identifying waste using the DOWNTIME method for the outpatient prescription services at the pharmacy installation of Rumah Sakit Islam Siti Hajar Mataram. Methods: The study used the cross-sectional design, with the population being all outpatients who were provided with pharmaceutical services during February – April 2019 as well as all staff. Data were tabulated and analyzed descriptively. Critical waste was obtained through questionnaires and the root causes of critical waste were obtained through in-depth interviews with 5-why methods. Results: Waste waiting had the highest rate compared to other wastes, reaching 44% or 53 out of 121 respondents, followed by inventory (26%), extra processing (19%), transportation (14%), defects (14%), motion (13%), over production (8%), and non-utilized skills (7%). Meanwhile, from the staff respondents, waiting was also the highest waste (18%), followed by inventory (16%), motion (13%), over production (12%), transportation (12%), non-utilized skills (10%), extra processing (10%), and defects (9%). The root cause of waste waiting was the frequent drug unavailability due to delays in payment of services from the cooperating party to the hospital as well as the narrow service areas. Conclusion:Waste waiting became the critical waste with the highest percentage of dissatisfaction in the patient respondents (44%) and staff respondents (18%). Keywords: Waste, DOWNTIME, outpatient prescription services, pharmacy installation of RSI Siti Hajar Mataram

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 429-448
Yavuz Guloglu

Zoning plans are drawn and written texts prepared as a result of planning activities according to the characteristics of the region in order to meet the social, cultural, human and economic needs of a settlement and to show a safer and more regular development of the place. The property rights of individuals can be restricted by means of the plans prepared by the administration to create livable, orderly and modern living spaces. While the zoning plans are being prepared, the immovables allocated for public services should first be selected from public lands and if these immovables are not sufficient for the places to be allocated to the public service areas, the immovables subject to private property should be allocated to the public service and these areas should be expropriated by the administrations to be allocated on their behalf. The Zoning Law No. 3194 in Turkey is the basic regulation of the zoning law. In the Zoning Law, there is a regulation that the parcels allocated to public services in the zoning plans will be expropriated within five years. However, if the expropriation of the immovables is not completed within the time specified in the legal regulation, the owner who is deprived of his right to dispose of the immovable, is unfairly burdened with a heavy burden. The concept of "legal confiscation" emerges when the property right of the owner of the immovable is restricted for many years only by allocating privately owned immovables to public space in the zoning plans without any actual intervention by the administration. Since the administrations responsible for expropriation mostly avoid this obligation, the procedures established by the administration for planning constitute a disproportionate and unfair intervention in the property rights of the immovable owners. In this study, the definition of the concept of legal confiscation in Turkey, its elements, the remedies for ending the interference with the right to property will be explained, the procedures and principles to be considered during the judgement will be explained by giving examples from the judicial case-law and the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, and solution proposals will be presented.Keywords: Legal Confiscation; Construction Plan; Property; Contravention Tuntutan Hukum sebagai Permasalah Hak Properti di Turki Abstrak.Undang-undang Zonasi No. 3194 di Turki adalah peraturan dasar dari undang-undang zonasi. Dalam UU Zonasi, ada aturan bahwa persil yang dialokasikan untuk layanan publik dalam rencana zonasi akan diambil alih dalam waktu lima tahun. Akan tetapi, jika pengambilalihan barang-barang tidak bergerak itu tidak selesai dalam waktu yang ditentukan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, maka pemilik yang dirampas haknya untuk membuang barang-barang tidak bergerak itu, dibebani secara tidak adil dengan beban yang berat. Konsep "sita hukum" muncul ketika hak milik pemilik barang tidak bergerak dibatasi selama bertahun-tahun hanya dengan mengalokasikan barang-barang milik pribadi ke ruang publik dalam rencana zonasi tanpa intervensi nyata dari pemerintah. Karena sebagian besar administrasi yang bertanggung jawab atas pengambilalihan menghindari kewajiban ini, prosedur yang ditetapkan oleh administrasi untuk perencanaan merupakan intervensi yang tidak proporsional dan tidak adil dalam hak milik pemilik tak bergerak. Dalam penelitian ini akan dijelaskan pengertian dari konsep sita hukum di Turki, unsur-unsurnya, upaya penyelesaian untuk mengakhiri campur tangan terhadap hak milik akan dijelaskan, prosedur dan prinsip-prinsip yang harus dipertimbangkan selama penilaian akan dijelaskan dengan memberikan contoh-contoh dari kasus hukum peradilan dan keputusan Pengadilan Hak Asasi Manusia Eropa, dan proposal solusi akan disajikan.Kata Kunci: Penyitaan Hukum; Rencana Pembangunan; Properti; Kontravensi Юридическая конфискация как проблема права собственности в Турции Абстрактный.Закон о зонировании № 3194 в Турции является основным постановлением закона о зонировании. В Законе о зонировании есть положение, согласно которому участки, выделенные для общественных услуг в планах зонирования, будут экспроприированы в течение пяти лет. Однако, если отчуждение недвижимой вещи не завершено в сроки, указанные в правовом регулировании, на собственника, лишенного права распоряжаться недвижимой вещью, несправедливо возлагается тяжелое бремя. Понятие «юридическая конфискация» возникает, когда право собственности владельца недвижимой вещи ограничивается в течение многих лет только путем отнесения частной недвижимой собственности к общественным местам в планах зонирования без какого-либо фактического вмешательства со стороны администрации. Поскольку администрации, ответственные за экспроприацию, в большинстве случаев избегают этого обязательства, процедуры, установленные администрацией для планирования, представляют собой несоразмерное и несправедливое вмешательство в имущественные права владельцев недвижимого имущества. В этом исследовании будет объяснено определение концепции правовой конфискации в Турции, ее элементы, средства правовой защиты для прекращения вмешательства в право собственности, а также будут объяснены процедуры и принципы, которые должны быть рассмотрены в ходе судебного решения, с помощью примеров из будет представлена судебная практика и решения Европейского суда по правам человека, а также предложения по их решениям.Ключевые слова: Конфискация; План Строительства; Собственность; Правонарушение

2021 ◽  
pp. 94-98
Alexei Levashev ◽  
Maxim Sharov ◽  
Olga Lebedeva ◽  
Alla Lytkina ◽  
Alexandra Butuzova ◽  

The lack of integrated territorial and transportation planning in Irkutsk and Irkutsk agglomeration has led to the degradation of transport infrastructure. A number of measures are proposed to improve the efficiency of the transport system, including the elaboration of a development plan for sustainable mobility with a focus on public transportation services for urban areas. The use of modern transport modeling tools allows to take into account the negative consequences of reducing transport accessibility, but requires the integration of accumulated information about the characteristics of the service areas to increase the accuracy of transport forecasts.

Cristina Marcillo ◽  
Leigh-Anne Krometis ◽  
Justin Krometis

Although the United States Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) theoretically ensures drinking water quality, recent studies have questioned the reliability and equity associated with community water system (CWS) service. This study aimed to identify SDWA violation differences (i.e., monitoring and reporting (MR) and health-based (HB)) between Virginia CWSs given associated service demographics, rurality, and system characteristics. A novel geospatial methodology delineated CWS service areas at the zip code scale to connect 2000 US Census demographics with 2006–2016 SDWA violations, with significant associations determined via negative binomial regression. The proportion of Black Americans within a service area was positively associated with the likelihood of HB violations. This effort supports the need for further investigation of racial and socioeconomic disparities in access to safe drinking water within the United States in particular and offers a geospatial strategy to explore demographics in other settings where data on infrastructure extents are limited. Further interdisciplinary efforts at multiple scales are necessary to identify the entwined causes for differential risks in adverse drinking water quality exposures and would be substantially strengthened by the mapping of official CWS service boundaries.

2021 ◽  
Weiqing Zheng ◽  
Qiong Shi ◽  
Xin Zhao ◽  
Xiaomi Han ◽  
Tingting Nie

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