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public services
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Suriyani BB ◽  
Suci Amalya Widiastuti

This study aims to determine and describe optimizing public services online at the regional office of the Ministry of the Law and Human Rights in Southeast Sulawesi, this study uses descriptive qualitative methods to 5 informants determined by snowball sampling technique, data analysis techniques consist of data collection, data reduction, presentation data, drawing conclusions/verification, the data obtained were analyzed qualitatively and described in descriptive form. The results of this study indicate that public services carried out online at the regional office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Southeast Sulawesi are very good, this can be seen from the implementation of services with standard operating procedures that apply during the pandemic and the handling that is in accordance with what has been determined at the regional office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights by upholding the values of professionalism, accountability, synergy, transparency, and innovation. Based on the research, one form of research on optimizing public services is the existence of a digital-based service system that makes it easier for the public to receive services, supporting facilities, and infrastructure, as well as services provided quickly and responsively at the region of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Southeast Sulawesi.

Laws ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Theo Gavrielides

The COVID-19 pandemic did not only change how we work with others and deliver public services, but also our very way of living. Furthermore, the way we view and experience conflict and violence will never be the same. Therefore, changes anticipated in relation to justice and criminal justice will be unprecedented, with criminal justice institutions such as prisons, courts and probation to be reviewed whether for financial, political or health and safety-related reasons. This Editorial introduces this Special Issue, which focuses on highlighting both the ambitions but also critiques of the role that restorative justice can play in the post COVID-19 era.

V. Burakou

The article contains a historical and legal analysis of the formation of the right to housing in the context of the formation of the legal system of the Soviet state in the period 1917-1922. As a result of rule-making during the period of the policy of "war communism", the right to housing was represented by its content: the restriction of the right of ownership of residential premises, the creation of a system of rationing and distribution of living space and the class principle of housing policy. Under the influence of the new economic policy, the principles of the right to housing were supplemented with provisions on the continuity of pre-revolutionary law, the permission of individual construction on the right of development, the provision of public services on a paid basis.

This research revealed the importance of public service web portals for an e-government information system. An e-government portal is interacting with its administrators, citizens, businesses and other governments helping them increase their operations performance. The authors have developed, modeled, formulated and compared an efficient assessment framework for e-government portals. In order to accomplish such task many quantitative factors and indicators were taken under consideration; also, other frameworks have been studied and compared. The authors focused on the web portals services quantity that the interested parties should use, in order to create an well designed public services’ web portal. This research provides a framework model to evaluate the basic common digital public services that a government offers to its interactive stakeholders, so that all other countries across the world can predefine weaknesses and strengths, improve existing or formulating new e-services. The importance of the assessment framework model is thoroughly explained through the results.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Muh Yusuf S

Indonesia is currently ranked 24th in the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) 2020. Indonesia's ranking can be improved by improving the assessment pillars of the GCI survey, one of the efforts is to improve the cyber security system of government agencies through Security Assessment. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to provide alternative solutions in order to optimize the public services of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) in the form of Security Assessment in the perspective of the GCI 2020 survey. This research is a qualitative research using data related to BIN public services and then juxtaposed with data from the Global Cybersecurity survey. Index 2020 as a reference. The results of the study indicate that the optimization of the Security Assessment can be done by implementing cyber counterintelligence and optimizing the publication of services by paying attention to the rules of intelligence secrecy. With the optimization of the Security Assessment, it will affect the assessment of the Technical and Organizational pillars in the GCI survey so that it is expected that Indonesia's ranking will increase in the next survey.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 781-791
John Paul Miranda ◽  

Purpose–The dataset was collected to examine and identify possible key topicswithin these texts. Method–Data preparation such as data cleaning, transformation, tokenization, removal of stop wordsfrom both English and Filipino, and word stemmingwas employed in the datasetbefore feeding it to sentiment analysis and the LDA model.Results–The topmost occurring word within the dataset is "development" and there are three (3) likely topics from the speeches of Philippine presidents: economic development, enhancement of public services, and addressing challenges.Conclusion–The datasetwas ableto provide valuable insights contained among official documents. While the study showedthatpresidentshave used their annual address to express their visions for the country. It alsopresentedthat the presidents from 1935 to 2016 faced the same problems during their term.Recommendations–Future researchers may collect other speeches made by presidents during their term;combine them to the dataset used in this studyto furtherinvestigate these important textsby subjecting them to the same methodology used in this study.The dataset may be requested from the authors and it is recommended for further analysis. For example, determine how the speeches of the president reflect the preamble or foundations of the Philippine constitution.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1371-1392
Dina von Heimburg ◽  
Ottar Ness ◽  
Jacob Storch

Well-being is of vital importance for individuals as well as society at large. UNs Sustainability Goal #17, ‘Partnership for the Goals', support co-creation and co-production as necessary approaches to reach public values such as citizenship, social justice, and well-being. However, co-creation and co-production is not enough. It is necessary to address who participates in co-creation, how they participate, and how participation affects outcomes. Inclusive participation in everyday life, public services, and democracy is crucial to achieve active citizenship and well-being for all. This chapter will discuss how voices of citizens in marginalized and vulnerable life situations needs to be included and recognized in democracy and public sector practices as well as in decision-making processes. The chapter suggests how public sector organisations can promote active citizenship, valued social roles, and well-being through participation in co-creation of public values, placing well-being for all and social justice at the forefront of public value co-creation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 956 (1) ◽  
pp. 011001

The 11th Annual International Conference 2021 on Environmental and Life Sciences Universitas Syiah Kuala “Connecting the World through Innovation and Sustainable Development” Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia September 29-30, 2021 The AIC 2021 is organized by the Institute of Research and Community Services (LPPM), Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK), Banda Aceh, Indonesia, located in Banda Aceh. This city had amazingly recovered post Tsunami disaster in 2004. Banda Aceh is widely known as one of the most cultural and historically rich cities in Indonesia. It offers you an enjoyable stay with its interesting culture, tourism places, and unforgettable culinary options. This year, just like the previous year, the conference was held virtually through zoom meeting. Despite the online mode, the conference allowed all presenters to promote their current research and innovations through discussion, sharing ideas and best practices among researchers and academics under the theme of “strengthening the dissemination of research and innovation to enhance the transfer of knowledge in the fourth industrial revolution.” The keynote speakers presented at this year conference were Prof. A. Min Tjoa, the Vienna University of Technology (Austria), Prof. Dr. Michele Notari; University of Teacher Education (Switzerland); Prof. Siti Azizah Mohd Nor., University Terengganu (Malaysia), and the invited speakers were Dr. Hawis Maduppa, B.Sc., M.Sc., Institut Pertanian Bogor (Indonesia); Prof. Amirul Mukminin, S.Pd., M.Sc.Ed., Ph.D., Universitas Jambi (Indonesia) and Associate Prof. Dr. Muhammad Roil Bilad, Faculty of Integrated Technologies, University of Brunei Darussalam (Brunei Darussalam). Two keynote speakers and three invited speakers were presented on the first day, and one keynote speaker was presented on the second day. All keynote and invited presentations were run smoothly despite the time difference between Aceh, Indonesia, and the keynote and invited speakers’ time zone. The online oral presentation sessions also run well with the excellent teamwork between the host, moderators, and operators. I would like to express our thanks to Prof. Dr. Taufik Fuadi Abidin, S.Si., M.Tech., the Head of Institute for Research and Public Services of Universitas Syiah Kuala; Dr. Dra. Sulastri, M.Si., the Secretary of Institute for Research and Public Services of Universitas Syiah Kuala; Prof. Dr. Nasrul, S.T., M.T., the Head of Scientific Journals Center of Universitas Syiah Kuala; and Dr. Syamsulrizal, M.Kes, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Universitas Syiah Kuala, for their wise advice and suggestions. We also would like to acknowledge the conference secretary, treasurer, chief editors, and track editors for managing the paper review and organizing the technical program. Of course, we also would like to thank the rest of the committee members of AIC 2021 who have the spirit of volunteerism to succeed this conference. Sincerely, Dr. Iskandar Abdul Samad, S.Pd., MA Chairperson List of Advisory Board, Organizing Committee, Editorial Boards Documentation are available in this pdf.

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