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scholarly journals Contemporary Approaches to the Study of Ethnic Identity

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 68-86
O. A. Persidskaya ◽  
F. S. Fomkin

Based on the analysis of contemporary theoretical and practical research in the fields of social philosophy, sociology and social psychology, the author considers trends related to the interpretation of the phenomenon of ethnic identity. A multiple interpretation of this phenomenon is described, which allows us to study its different forms and degrees of manifestation. Network social media, multi-ethnic urban environment and processes in non-systemic politics are considered as socio-cultural factors that influence the transformation of the phenomenon under consideration. It is concluded that the process of ethnic identification cannot be further unambiguously identified with a scale directed from the zero state (identity is not formed) to the positive pole (identity is formed and expressed). Instead of this onedimensional interpretation, a metaphor of space, which includes different forms and degrees of expression of ethnic identity, is proposed.

Carla Fabiana Streck ◽  
Thirzá Baptista Frison

Resumo: Para Ecléa Bosi, uma das funções sociais do velho é recordar, ou seja, reconstruir o passado a partir de um olhar do presente. Considerando que o ato de lembrar é fundamental na resignificação da própria vida e também do reconhecimento de si, buscamos investigar as lembranças de velhos sobre o mundo do trabalho na infância e quais as características atribuídas a esse universo. O trabalho em nossa sociedade, tem papel fundamental por ser tanto um fator de socialização, quanto de aceitação social. Lembrar o passado e, principalmente, um passado de trabalho, contribui para o aumento da integridade e da auto-estima, em especial, quando se tratam de idosos aposentados. Foram examinados os relatos de onze pessoas, maiores de 60 anos, aposentadas há cinco anos ou mais, entrevistadas para a pesquisa "Identidade e Aposentadoria". Entre os principais resultados, revelou-se diferenças entre os relatos daqueles que trabalharam na infância e daqueles que não tiveram essa experiência. Foram também constatadas as influências de fatores sócio-econômicos e culturais, envolvendo nível econômico, moradia em ambiente urbano ou rural e questões de gênero. As lembranças de trabalho trazem consigo não apenas uma possibilidade de dedução do conceito de trabalho para cada entrevistado, mas também fazem referência à forma corno a mundo do trabalho era constituído. Palavras-chave: Terceira idade. Lembranças. Trabalho. Abstract: For Ecléa Bosi, one of the social functions of the elder is to remember, or, rebuild the past from the present outlook. Taking into account that the act of remembering is basic in the re-significance of his/her own life, and also in the acknowledgement of him/herself, the memories the elder have of his/her childhood work world, and which characteristics are attributed to such universe, were investigated. Work, in our society, has a fundamental role not only as a socialization factor but for social acceptance as well. Remembering the past, and mainly the work, helps increase the integrity and self-esteem, especially in retired seniors. The reports of 11 individuals over 60 years of age, retired for five or more years, interviewed for the research "Identity and Retirement" were examined. Among the most important results, differences were pointed out between those who worked in his/her childhood and those who did not have such experience. Influences of social-cultural factors were also noted, involving economic standard, living in rural or urban environment, and gender. The memories of work bring along not only the possibility of inferring the concept of work for each individual interviewed, but also the reference to the form of how the work world used to be made up. Keywords: Third age. Memories. Work.

An “electronic hive mind” (EHM) is conceptualized as a type of temporally limited social consciousness (held by people, cyborgs, and robots) around shared interests, enabled by social media and information and communication technology (ICT). EHMs may be understood partially through combined prior research in the areas of social psychology and social media. Other research work is novel and requires the application of a range of methods and technologies to identify EHMs from publicly available social media residual data in various digital modalities. To this end, some initial mapping techniques to understand EHMs will be shown in this chapter.

Lesley S. J. Farmer

Collective intelligence may be loosely defined as the capacity of a group to think, learn, and create collectively. Online education reflects an interactive mode relative to information, particularly because of social media, that can involve expertise and resources that generate collective intelligence to address issues. Several theories reflect a belief in the dynamic and situational meanings that collectives create. The impact of technology, particularly in terms of social networks, also informs collective intelligence-related educational theories. This chapter explains conditions for optimum use of collective intelligence, noting individual and group behaviors, cultural factors, and its application in online education.

Nurhayat Bilge

This chapter explores cultural identity negotiation on social media for a specific refugee group. Previous research indicates the importance of a sense of community and cultural preservation in regards to establishing and maintaining a cultural identity for this specific group. The group, Meskhetian Turks, is an example of ethnic identity and an established ethnicity through shared history and struggle. This chapter focuses on the virtual implications of the group's identity in social media. More specifically, it explores how social media platforms serve as a cultural unifier, where cultural identity is maintained and perpetuated in the face of an unattainable physical homeland.

Karoll Haussler Carneiro Ramos ◽  
Joselice Ferreira Lima ◽  
Flávio Elias de Deus ◽  
Luis Fernando Ramos Molinaro

This chapter analyzes some case studies about social media in organizations’ administration. To do this, social media’s epistemological base will be introduced, considering contributions from the subject of organizational behavior. The importance of this discipline is that it brings together social sciences points of view (social psychology, sociology and anthropology). After this, views will be presented regarding the mathematical nature of social media. In this part, the internet’s influence on social media will also be discussed, for it has contributed to a new common sense, and it is responsible for social media popularity. Finally, how social media interferes in organizations will be attested to, as well as how it can be managed. In order to help the understanding of such knowledge, a survey will be introduced, with articles related to organizational practices in social media.

2022 ◽  
pp. 30-51
Madiha Batool

As the year 2020 dawned, the world underwent a paradigmatic shift that impacted all aspects of life. While it is axiomatic that the coronavirus pandemic left an indelible effect on all age groups, the author is especially interested in analysing the impressions that the pandemic can leave on the lives of youth. With history providing anecdotes of contagions having led to political violence and widespread massacres, this chapter will explore how the current pandemic can lead to youth radicalisation in an age of social media and in countries witnessing youth bulge. This study will be carried out at the intersection of international relations, international security, and political psychology and within the parameters of youth bulge, social-psychology, and radicalisation. In doing so, the author will propose a prognostic approach to provent youth radicalisation rather than prevent it in retrospect.

Sophy Smith

Web 2.0 online social media tools have made it increasingly easy to communicate, cooperate, and collaborate with others online, and as such offer new frameworks for making creative work. Facebook claims that it helps members connect and share, but what if the people you want to connect and share with are your artistic collaborators? Can Facebook be used creatively, as a collaborative artistic environment? This article draws on a practical research project ‘Feedback’, carried out by the author in early 2010, exploring new methodologies for collaborative creation supported by online social media. The project focused on the creative use of Facebook as a tool for creative collaboration, establishing a possible working model of artistic collaboration using Facebook.

2015 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 277-278 ◽  
Anna Kende ◽  
Adrienn Ujhelyi ◽  
Adam Joinson ◽  
Tobias Greitemeyer

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