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urban environment
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Владимир Владимирович Черемисин ◽  
Виктор Филиппович Томилин

В статье изложены результаты полевых социологических исследований по проблемам оценки горожанами градостроительных проблем и городской среды в г. Тамбове в 2008 и 2020 гг. Показано, что количественный состав жителей г. Тамбова в последние 30 лет остается стабильным, при возросшем жилищном фонде за это время на 1 жителя с 14,1 м до 29,6 м. Из 75 городов России г. Тамбов находится, на основании мнений тамбовчан, на 36-м месте по качеству жизни. Актуальность статьи обусловлена научным интересом к проблеме взаимодействия горожан со средой обитания и формирования комфортной городской среды. Целью статьи является срез субъективного мнения горожан о градостроительных проблемах и условиях формирования оптимальной среды проживания. По результатам опросов установлены основные негативные факторы городской среды, в частности, плохая экология, отсутствие благоустройства. Названы предпочитаемые и нежелательные районы города для проживания. На основе ответов респондентов сформирован «социальный заказ» по оптимизации городской среды, решению градостроительных проблем. Показано, что приобщение населения к решению городских проблем повышает социальную ответственность горожан за создание комфортной среды проживания. На основании эмпирического исследования делается вывод о том, что для создания благоприятной городской среды обитания в самих горожанах должны появиться градостроительное сознание и культура с человеческим измерением. The paper presents the results of field sociological research on the problems of assessing urban planning problems and urban environment in Tambov in 2008 and 2020. The research shows that the quantitative composition of Tambov inhabitants in the last 30 years remains stable, but the housing stock during this time increased from 14.1 m to 29.6 m per inhabitant. Tambov is ranked 36th out of 75 cities in Russia in terms of quality of life according to the opinions of Tambov residents. The relevance of the publication is due to the scientific interest in the sphere of interaction of citizens with the environment and comfortable urban environment formation. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the subjective opinion of residents about urban planning problems and the conditions of optimal living environment formation. Based on the results of the polls the main negative factors of the urban environment were identified, in particular, poor ecology, lack of landscaping. Preferred and undesirable areas of the city for living have been named. Based on the respondents' answers, a “social order” was formed to optimize the urban environment and solve urban planning problems. The authors suggest that involving the citizens in solving urban problems increases their social responsibility for creating a comfortable living environment. The empirical research allows us to think that in order to create a favorable urban environment, urban planning consciousness and culture with a human dimension must appear among townspeople. In this article according to sociological surveys, we have broadly subjectively revealed and assessed the quality of life of respondents in the non-production fixed assets of social consumption in Tambov.

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 68-86
O. A. Persidskaya ◽  
F. S. Fomkin

Based on the analysis of contemporary theoretical and practical research in the fields of social philosophy, sociology and social psychology, the author considers trends related to the interpretation of the phenomenon of ethnic identity. A multiple interpretation of this phenomenon is described, which allows us to study its different forms and degrees of manifestation. Network social media, multi-ethnic urban environment and processes in non-systemic politics are considered as socio-cultural factors that influence the transformation of the phenomenon under consideration. It is concluded that the process of ethnic identification cannot be further unambiguously identified with a scale directed from the zero state (identity is not formed) to the positive pole (identity is formed and expressed). Instead of this onedimensional interpretation, a metaphor of space, which includes different forms and degrees of expression of ethnic identity, is proposed.

Yuri Ovchinnikov ◽  
Oleg Lyzar ◽  
Pavel Ermolov

The main idea of the article is that modern technologies of sports and recreation direction in various variations are of importance for modern man. Based on the statistical data of various specialists, the population of Krasnodar has a decrease in activity in the spectrum of physical culture and health. Analysis of the data showed that women have a greater motivation for this direction, as they are more socialized and quickly adapt to various new directions in the fitness industry. The main purpose of the study is to identify factors that increase the activity of women in the process of engaging in physical culture and recreational activities for a certain period of time. The study group consisted of 14 women aged 20-35 years, regularly engaged in the proposed program "Resist-a-ball". At the end of the five-month period of classes, data were obtained, which, in comparison with the primary indicators of the students, made it possible to make a justification for

2022 ◽  
Xander Duffy ◽  
Jake Wellian ◽  
Rebecca L. Smith

Abstract As urbanisation continues to reduce the available habitat for wildlife some species, such as the black-and-gold howler monkey (Alouatta caraya) in Pilar, southwest Paraguay, are making their homes in anthropogenic environments. Understanding an animal's home range is an important first step to understanding its ecological needs, an essential requirement for robust conservation plans. In this study we determined the home ranges and core areas of five groups of urban dwelling A. caraya using Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) and Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) Analysis. We used a Spearman’s Correlation to explore the relationship between home range size and group size. All five groups had home ranges of less than 10 ha and used core areas of less than 1ha. Group size had no significant relationship to home range size. We provide the first estimates of home range for A. caraya in an urban environment in Paraguay. Though the home ranges of the urban A. caraya in Pilar, Paraguay fall at the smaller end of the spectrum of range sizes in Alouatta they are not abnormal for a species in this genus.

2022 ◽  
Kevin Ka-Lun Lau ◽  
Zheng Tan ◽  
Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo ◽  
Chao Ren

2022 ◽  
pp. 204-225
María Jesús García García

Sustainable development is a type of development that advocates first of all the harmonization between economic development and environmental protection, adding social progress; it would therefore be a development in which high and stable growth in the production of goods and services is compatible with widespread social progress, environmental protection, and prudent and efficient use of natural resources. Among the different sectoral areas transferred by the idea of sustainable development is undoubtedly the field of urban planning and housing. The activity generated in cities has an important environmental impact, so it is necessary to orient urban structures, homes, and buildings under premises that are as respectful as possible with the environment, also taking advantage of its economic potential and its effect on the social fabric that inhabits it. It is about promoting integrated actions in the urban environment that are in tune with the objectives.

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