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scholarly journals A study on the physical factors that influence the motivation of museum visitors to take pictures

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 409-418
Jung-Eun Yu ◽  
Yeun-Hee Kim
2019 ◽  
pp. 5-10
Alexei V. Bogdanov ◽  
Vladimir A. Smirnov

In the modern world, one of the main functions of museums is to organize the preservation of pieces of art and arrange their presentation to museum visitors. Since the modern exhibition is based on the artificial lighting, it is necessary to properly arrange this lighting; otherwise, it can negatively affect the safety of museum pieces. The article sets out the views on the criteria of professional lighting of works of art, as it is always a compromise between the custodians and the lighting engineers. The authors also attempt to disclose the processes of organizing museum lighting and give a generalized description of the standards and rules, which serve as a basis to realize this lighting. The main reasons for the need to rethink these standards and rules (and even to revise them), in connection with the emergence of new LED sources, have been outlined.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-123
Ratu Mutialela Caropeboka

The environment is also called the natural environment is a phenomenon that forms around life rather than humans, either biotic or abiotic. The surrounding phenomenon that affects people is not limited to physical factors solely, on the contrary social factors play an important role to explain how human activity can affect the environment and the natural surroundings. The essence and falsafa of development is a change, growth and equity in all fields and dimensions to a better state. Development communication is part of a major process that requires social, economic, political and cultural change in line with the requirements of the local community. The simultaneous formulation of information dissemination carried out by radio, is no longer the only option of society, because the community has designed and determined what information they need. Television broadcasting has an influence on patterns of public action to model, imitate information gained through impressions. Community participation in safeguarding the environment to achieve harmonious and balanced development is the driving and driving force for social change to achieve sustainable development. Lingkungan disebut juga alam sekitar adalah fenomena yang wujud di sekeliling kehidupan daripada manusia,baik biotik ataupun abiotik. Fenomena sekeliling yang mempengaruhi manusia tidak terbatas kepada faktor fisikal semata-mata, sebaliknya faktor sosial turut berperanan penting bagi menerangkan bagaimana aktivitas manusia dapat mempengaruhi lingkungan dan alam sekitar. Hakikat dan Falasafah pembangunan ialah suatu perubahan, pertumbuhan dan pemerataan dalam segala bidang dan dimensinya menuju keadaan yang lebih baik. Komunikasi pembangunan merupakan bahagian dari proses besar yang menghendaki adanya perubahan sosial, ekonomi, politik dan budaya yang sejalan dengan persyaratan keperluan masyarakat lokal. Formula keserentakan penyebaran informasi yang dilakukan melalui radio, tidak lagi menjadi satu-satunya pilihan masyarakat, karena masyarakatlah telah merancang dan menentukan informasi apa yang mereka perlukan. Siaran televisi mempunyai pengaruh pada pola tindakan masyarakat untuk mencontoh, meniru informasi yang didapat melalui tayangan. Partisipasi masyarakat menjaga lingkungan untuk mewujudkan pembangunan yang serasi dan seimbang adalah penggerak dan pengarah bagi perubahan sosial untuk mewujudkan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan

2016 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 236-243
L.V. Kobrina ◽  
V.V. Boiko ◽  
T.V. Dmitrieva ◽  
V.V. Bortnitsky ◽  

2000 ◽  
Vol 632 ◽  
Eric Werwa

ABSTRACTA review of the educational literature on naive concepts about principles of chemistry and physics and surveys of science museum visitors reveal that people of all ages have robust alternative notions about the nature of atoms, matter, and bonding that persist despite formal science education experiences. Some confusion arises from the profound differences in the way that scientists and the lay public use terms such as materials, metals, liquids, models, function, matter, and bonding. Many models that eloquently articulate arrangements of atoms and molecules to informed scientists are not widely understood by lay people and may promote naive notions among the public. Shifts from one type of atomic model to another and changes in size scales are particularly confusing to learners. People's abilities to describe and understand the properties of materials are largely based on tangible experiences, and much of what students learn in school does not help them interpret their encounters with materials and phenomena in everyday life. Identification of these challenges will help educators better convey the principles of materials science and engineering to students, and will be particularly beneficial in the design of the Materials MicroWorld traveling museum exhibit.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 361
Monica Latu Melati ◽  
Ariadne Kristia Nataya ◽  
Alfonsus Arianto Wibowo

Abstract:Semarang Chinatown  is a special  district in Semarang City  known with its chineese culture, where chineese citizen of Semarang have been living  for centuries. The sustained chineese culture in this area makes Semarang Chinatwon as an urban heritage and cultural artefact in Semarang City. The aims for this paper are to investigate the factors shaping Chinatown Semarang, the development of Chinatown Semarang from time  to time, the urban form elements in Semarang Chinatown, and the correlation between morphological components of Semarang Chinatown. This writing use some review methods, first theoritical overview to get secondary data about physical or non-physical factors forming city, second observation area such as collecting photos and interviewing to get primary data. Data review analysis use qualitative data analysis which is configure with the problems and aims that have been appointed.Keywords:elements of urban form, morphological components, history of Semarang ChinatownAbstrak: Kawasan Pecinan Semarang adalah sebuah kawasan di kota Semarang yang sangat kental dengan budaya Tionghoa. Di sinilah warga keturunan Tionghoa sejak berabad-abad silam menetap di Semarang. Adanya budaya Tionghoa yang masih sangat terjaga menjadikan Kawasan Pecinan Semarang ini sebagai kawasan urban heritage dan artefact budaya di kota Semarang. Tujuan penulisan adalah untuk menemukan faktor pembentuk Kawasan Pecinan Semarang, mengetahui perkembangan Kawasan Pecinan Semarang dari masa ke masa, mengetahui pola bentuk dan elemen kawasan pada Kawasan Pecinan Semarang, serta mengetahui kaitan antara faktor pembentuk kawasan terhadap perkembangan Kawasan Pecinan Semarang. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode kajian berupa tinjauan teori untuk memperoleh data sekunder mengenai faktor-faktor pembentuk kota baik secara fisik maupun non fisik, serta observasi lapangan berupa pengumpulan foto yang dilengkapi dengan wawancara untuk memperoleh data primer. Analisis data kajian dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis data kualitatif yang disesuaikan dengan permasalahan dan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan.Kata kunci:Elemen Kawasan, Faktor Pembentuk Kawasan, PerkembanganSejarah Kawasan Pecinan Semarang

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Kusuma Wardani Laksitaningrum ◽  
Wirastuti Widyatmanti

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p class="abstrak">Waduk Gajah Mungkur (WGM) adalah bendungan buatan yang memiliki luas genangan maksimum 8800 ha, terletak di Desa Pokoh Kidul, Kecamatan Wonogiri, Kabupaten Wonogiri. Kondisi perairan WGM dipengaruhi oleh faktor klimatologis, fisik, dan aktivitas manusia yang dapat menyumbang nutrisi sehingga mempengaruhi status trofiknya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji kemampuan citra Landsat 8 OLI untuk memperoleh parameter-parameter yang digunakan untuk menilai status trofik, menentukan dan memetakan status trofik yang diperoleh dari citra Landsat 8 OLI, dan mengevaluasi hasil pemetaan dan manfaat citra penginderaan jauh untuk identifikasi status trofik WGM. Identifikasi status trofik dilakukan berdasarkan metode <em>Trophic State Index</em> (TSI) Carlson (1997) menggunakan tiga parameter yaitu kejernihan air, total fosfor, dan klorofil-a. Model yang diperoleh berdasar pada rumus empiris dari hasil uji regresi antara pengukuran di lapangan dan nilai piksel di citra Landsat 8 OLI. Model dipilih berdasarkan nilai koefisien determinasi (R<sup>2</sup>) tertinggi. Hasil penelitian merepresentasikan bahwa nilai R<sup>2</sup> kejernihan air sebesar 0,813, total fosfor sebesar 0,268, dan klorofil-a sebesar 0,584. Apabila nilai R<sup>2 </sup>mendekati 1, maka semakin baik model regresi dapat menjelaskan suatu parameter status trofik. Berdasarkan hasil kalkulasi diperoleh distribusi yang terdiri dari kelas eutrofik ringan, eutrofik sedang, dan eutrofik berat yaitu pada rentang nilai indeks 50,051 – 80,180. Distribusi terbesar adalah eutrofik sedang. Hal tersebut menunjukkan tingkat kesuburan perairan yang tinggi dan dapat membahayakan makhluk hidup lain.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong>Waduk Gajah Mungkur, citra Landsat 8 OLI, regresi, TSI, status trofik</p><p class="judulABS"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p class="Abstrakeng">Gajah Mungkur Reservoir is an artificial dam that has a maximum inundated areas of 8800 ha, located in Pokoh Kidul Village, Wonogiri Regency. The reservoir’s water conditions are affected by climatological and physical factors, as well as human activities that can contribute to nutrients that affect its trophic state. This study aimed to assess the Landsat 8 OLI capabilities to obtain parameters that are used to determine its trophic state, identifying and mapping the trophic state based on parameters derived from Landsat 8 OLI, and evaluating the results of the mapping and the benefits of remote sensing imagery for identification of its trophic state. Identification of trophic state is based on Trophic State Index (TSI) Carlson (1997), which uses three parameters there are water clarity, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll-a. The model is based on an empirical formula of regression between measurements in the field and the pixel values in Landsat 8 OLI. Model is selected on the highest value towards coefficient of determination (R<sup>2</sup>). The results represented that R<sup>2</sup> of water clarity is 0.813, total phosphorus is 0.268, and chlorophyll-a is 0.584. If R<sup>2</sup> close to 1, regression model will describe the parameters of the trophic state better. Based on the calculation the distribution consists of mild eutrophic, moderate eutrophic, and heavy eutrophic that has index values from 50.051 to 80.18. The most distribution is moderate eutrophication, and it showed the high level of trophic state and may harm other living beings.</p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Gajah Mungkur Reservoir, </em><em>L</em><em>andsat 8 OLI satellite imagery, regression, TSI, trophic state</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 259
Shireen H. Ramadhan ◽  
Shamil K. Talal ◽  
Wasfiya A. Moner

Tobacco smoke is enormously harmful to human health, there’s no safe way to smoke. The primary objective of this study is to analyze the role of tobacco smoke compounds and their ability to damage the cardiovascular system and, in particular, to interfere with blood pressure (Brachial and radial pressure), heart rate and partly on the percentage blood Oxygen saturation. A new device has been manufactured which is unique for measuring the level of smoke, to obtained privies readings, the device had fixed to the first reference level آ and starting up from it. The effect of smoking has been studied on (26) male passive (26) active smoker volunteer, (14) female passive and (14) female active smoker participants. The results has been showed that the blood pressure and heart rate has been increased with increasing the number of cigarettes in both genders for passive and active smokers. However, this effect for male was more pronounced comparing with females for passive and active smokers. In the case of oxygen saturation concentration percentage, for males the change of oxygen concentration percentage was not stable. In other words, it was fluctuated with the number of cigarettes. But for females the oxygen concentration was decreased but not too much. This means that this effect was not pronounced. this study found آ that the most pronounced effect has been shown by male’s comparison to females for both passive and active smokers. As well as in nonsmoker’s males, the relation between heart rate and smoke level is inversely proportional. While in male and female smokers and female nonsmokers the relation is proportional. In all cases the relation between the smoke level and time of smoking is inversely proportional. Finally males& females are affected differently by tobacco use; the sensitivities to smoke for males are higher than in females for passive and active smokers in both brachial and radial blood pressure measurement.

Marco Capitanio

The aging of Japanese society will inevitably restructure Tokyo’s spatial organization in the coming decades. Population loss will manifest itself unevenly, being most dramatic in peripheral areas—where ca. 87% of Greater Tokyo Area’s population lives—triggering a gradual spatial restructuring. Several scholars have tackled this issue from a geographical and planning perspective. From an architect’s viewpoint, such researches build a theoretical foundation upon which a more concrete investigation should be done, since the question of how liveability at the architectural and urban design scale could be tackled remains an open one. This paper focuses on one representative case study: Tama New Town, some 30km west of Tokyo Station. The emphasis is on four liveability factors relating to urban morphology, embedded in a wider socio-economic context: density/compactness, diversity of uses, walkability and green/water space. The significance of the research is threefold. On a theoretical level, we have assessed how urban design physical factors impact liveability in Tokyo’s peripheral areas. On a methodological level, we have tested workable methods that can be used by architects and urban designers to analyze neighborhood liveability in both quantitative and qualitative terms. On a practical level, we have provided new data and information about Tama New Town for the use of local municipalities and groups, suggesting strategies to address existing problems and highlighting potentials to be exploited.

Leen Adeeb Fakhoury ◽  
Naif Adel Haddad

This paper attempts to present and discuss the outcome of the results of the key different studies and projects carried out at Salt and at Irbid historic cores.  It focuses on the executed urban heritage projects undertaken mainly by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (MoTA) of Jordan in the last two decades. It discusses their different aspects through initial assessment of the loss and degradation of the cultural heritage assets of the two cities; the fragmentation and lack of connectivity between the modern and historic cores; issues of sustainability of architectural and urban heritage projects i.e. tourism planning and conservation; and reuse projects at the historic cores in relation to cultural, physical factors and development needs. It also addresses the behaviour and characteristics of the urban regeneration process in those two historic cities, starting from their documentation to examination of the different aspects of the currently adopted urban practices and policies, and their impact on the existing urban heritage, depending on the specific identity of the respective historic cores. Finally, it aims to define the main constraints and challenges for the reuse of the existing heritage fabric including the local community quality of life, while building on sustainable heritage activities accommodating tourism opportunities. This will give, at least, some indications from which we can identify a use or combination of uses, and practical steps needed for successful heritage conservation actions in Jordan, in order to retain the cultural significance of the place.

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