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science and engineering
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Viktor Holubec ◽  
Artem Ryabov ◽  
Sarah A. M. Loos ◽  
Klaus Kroy

Abstract Stochastic processes with temporal delay play an important role in science and engineering whenever finite speeds of signal transmission and processing occur. However, an exact mathematical analysis of their dynamics and thermodynamics is available for linear models only. We introduce a class of stochastic delay processes with nonlinear time-local forces and linear time-delayed forces that obey fluctuation theorems and converge to a Boltzmann equilibrium at long times. From the point of view of control theory, such ``equilibrium stochastic delay processes'' are stable and energetically passive, by construction. Computationally, they provide diverse exact constraints on general nonlinear stochastic delay problems and can, in various situations, serve as a starting point for their perturbative analysis. Physically, they admit an interpretation in terms of an underdamped Brownian particle that is either subjected to a time-local force in a non-Markovian thermal bath or to a delayed feedback force in a Markovian thermal bath. We illustrate these properties numerically for a setup familiar from feedback cooling and point out experimental implications.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 663
Maria Antonietta Ferrara ◽  
Principia Dardano

Nanophotonics is an emerging multidisciplinary frontier of science and engineering [...]

SinkrOn ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-45
Nur Ghaniaviyanto Ramadhan ◽  
Teguh Ikhlas Ramadhan

A movie is a spectacle that can be done at a relaxed time. Currently, there are many movies that can be watched via the internet or cinema. Movies that are watched on the internet are sometimes charged to watch so that potential viewers before watching a movie will read comments from users who have watched the movie. The website that is often used to view movie comments today is IMDB. Movie comments are many and varied on the IMDB website, we can see comments based on the star rating aspect. This causes users to have difficulty analyzing other users' comments. So, this study aims to analyze the sentiment of opinions from several comments from IMDB website users using the star rating aspect and will be classified using the support vector machine method (SVM). Sentiment analysis is a classification process to understand the opinions, interactions, and emotions of a document or text. SVM is very efficient for many applications in science and engineering, especially for classification (pattern recognition) problems. In addition to the SVM method, the TF-IDF technique is also used to change the shape of the document into several words. The results obtained by applying the SVM model are 79% accuracy, 75% precision, and 87% recall. The SVM classification is also superior to other methods, namely logistic regression.

Veit Senner

This article is giving an introduction to JSET’s special section on mechanical models. It explains why mechanical models represent essential tools in sports engineering, defines their potential application fields and proposes a possible categorization. Further two short examples of mechanical models with corresponding literature and an overview of the manuscripts included in this special section are given.

2022 ◽  
Vol 119 (2) ◽  
pp. e2109995119
Naijia Xiao ◽  
Aifen Zhou ◽  
Megan L. Kempher ◽  
Benjamin Y. Zhou ◽  
Zhou Jason Shi ◽  

Networks are vital tools for understanding and modeling interactions in complex systems in science and engineering, and direct and indirect interactions are pervasive in all types of networks. However, quantitatively disentangling direct and indirect relationships in networks remains a formidable task. Here, we present a framework, called iDIRECT (Inference of Direct and Indirect Relationships with Effective Copula-based Transitivity), for quantitatively inferring direct dependencies in association networks. Using copula-based transitivity, iDIRECT eliminates/ameliorates several challenging mathematical problems, including ill-conditioning, self-looping, and interaction strength overflow. With simulation data as benchmark examples, iDIRECT showed high prediction accuracies. Application of iDIRECT to reconstruct gene regulatory networks in Escherichia coli also revealed considerably higher prediction power than the best-performing approaches in the DREAM5 (Dialogue on Reverse Engineering Assessment and Methods project, #5) Network Inference Challenge. In addition, applying iDIRECT to highly diverse grassland soil microbial communities in response to climate warming showed that the iDIRECT-processed networks were significantly different from the original networks, with considerably fewer nodes, links, and connectivity, but higher relative modularity. Further analysis revealed that the iDIRECT-processed network was more complex under warming than the control and more robust to both random and target species removal (P < 0.001). As a general approach, iDIRECT has great advantages for network inference, and it should be widely applicable to infer direct relationships in association networks across diverse disciplines in science and engineering.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1212 (1) ◽  
pp. 011002

All papers published in this volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing. • Type of peer review: Single-blind Each submitted paper reviewed by two minimum of reviewers after meet the minimum criteria. The review based on the following aspects: 1) Technical Criteria (Scientific merit, Clarity of expression, and Sufficient discussion of the context of the work, and suitable referencing); 2) Quality Criteria (Originality, Motivation, Repetition, Length); and 3) presentation criteria (Title, Abstract, Diagram, figures, tables and captions, Text and mathematics, and Conclusion). We also used iThenticate for plagiarism detection. • Conference submission management system: Easychair • Number of submissions received: 125 • Number of submissions sent for review: 117 • Number of submissions accepted: 90 • Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted / Number of Submissions Received X 100): 90/125 = 72% • Average number of reviews per paper: 2 Reviewers • Total number of reviewers involved: 36 • Any additional info on review process: No • Contact person for queries: Name : Dr. Anita Ahmad Kasim Affiliation: Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia Email : [email protected]

2022 ◽  
Vol 1213 (1) ◽  
pp. 011002

All papers published in this volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing. • Type of peer review: Single-blind • Conference submission management system: All the manuscripts received form the authors were sent to the reviewers. Each manuscript was reviewed by one reviewer and re-checked by editor. All comments were sent back to the authors to let them make all corrections. The revised versions of manuscripts were checked and approved by editors. • Number of submissions received: 15 • Number of submissions sent for review: 15 • Number of submissions accepted:11 • Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted/Number of Submissions Received X 100):73.3 • Average number of reviews per paper: 1 • Total number of reviewers involved:10 • Any additional info on review process: Reviewers considered manuscripts in accordance with: 1) Technical Criteria: scientific rigour, accuracy, correctness of selected methodology. 2) Quality Criteria: originality and novelty, clarity of motivation and results importance. 3) Presentation Criteria: clarity of expression, readability and completeness of presentation, quality of all presented data and figures. • Contact person for queries: Name: Sergey Dubinskiy Email: [email protected]

2022 ◽  
Vol 1212 (1) ◽  
pp. 011001

Welcome to The 2020 International Conference on Science in Engineering and Technology (ICoSiET), online held 21-22 October, 2020. The 2020 International Conference on Science in Engineering and Technology (ICoSiET) is an international conference which covers Science and applied engineering and technology. ICoSiET 2020 will be held on October 21-22, 2020 in Palu, Indonesia. This conference hosted by Universias Tadulako and is jointly organized with Association for Scientific Computing Electronics and Engineering (ASCEE), Universitas Islam Alauddin Makassar, Universitas Negeri Malang, Universitas Mulawarman, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, and Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. This conference is IOP conference so that papers accepted and presented will be forwarding for consideration to be published in the IOP Material Science and Engineering. Thanks are due to Keynote Speakers, Prof. Dr. Zhen-jiang Shen (Faculty of Geosciences and civil Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering Kanazawa University, Japan), Prof. Dr. Richard Sliuzas (Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management Twente University, Netherland), Prof. Yandi Andri Yatmo., Ph.D (Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia). Prof. Amar Akbar Ali (Department of Architecture Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia), and Dr. Diana Contrias Mojica, New Castle University, UK) This year, the ICOSIET conference received 110 papers submissions from 106 countries such as, Bangladesh, China, Colombia, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Japan, Jorda, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States and Viet Nam. But only 68 papers were accepted for presentations for online sessions (the acceptance ratio is 65%). We are very grateful for the extensive efforts of many individuals who worked diligently to ensure a successful and high quality conference. We would like to thank to IPO, ASCEE, TPC Committee and Faculty of Engineering Tadulako University for supporting this event. Once again we would like to say Welcome to ICOSIET 2020. Congratulations for your papers have been accepted. We invite all participants to actively participate in the conference activities to learn from one another. Thank you for choosing ICOSIET as your conference reference. We hope to have your pleasant supports and participations in the next year 2021 7th ICOSIET. List of ICoSIET 2020 Committee, ICoSIET 2020 Editors are available in this pdf.

L. Marks ◽  
H. Lu ◽  
T. Chambers ◽  
S. Finkenstaedt-Quinn ◽  
R. S. Goldman

AbstractWe examine the impact of writing-to-learn (WTL) on promoting conceptual understanding of introductory materials science and engineering, including crystal structures, stress–strain behavior, phase diagrams, and corrosion. We use an analysis of writing products in comparison with pre/post concept-inventory-style assessments. For all topics, statistically significant improvements between draft and revision scores are apparent. For the stress–strain and phase diagram WTL assignments that require synthesis of qualitative data into quantitative formats, while emphasizing microstructure-properties correlations, the highest WTL effect sizes and medium-to-high gains on corresponding assessments are observed. We present these findings and suggest strategies for future WTL design and implementation. Graphic abstract

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