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scholarly journals The implementation strategy of Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture (EAA) shrimp commodities in Pinrang District, South Sulawesi

Eddy supriyono ◽  
Wisriati Lasima ◽  
Muhammad Zairin Junior ◽  
Sugeng Budiharsono ◽  
Kukuh Nirmala ◽  

This study aims to develop a strategy for the sustainability of shrimp aquaculture using an ecosystem approach or EAA in Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi. A series of analyzes were carried out, namely the environmental carrying capacity analysis of aquaculture using pond environmental feasibility standards, analysis of critical factors for the sustainability of aquaculture using multidimensional scaling analysis, analysis of the sustainability status of aquaculture using pairwise comparison analysis and analysis of shrimp aquaculture management strategies based on EAA. using hierarchy process analysis. The results showed that the following strategies were needed: a) accelerating spatial planning and implementing programs in accordance with the directions for spatial use and control; b) institutional strengthening of capital cultivators in order to complement and improve facilities and infrastructure in accordance with the SOP; and c) increasing the level of education and providing a social and economic security system for members of the shrimp farming community

Marianna Fenzi ◽  
Paul Rogé ◽  
Angel Cruz-Estrada ◽  
John Tuxill ◽  
Devra Jarvis

AbstractLocal seed systems remain the fundamental source of seeds for many crops in developing countries. Climate resilience for small holder farmers continues to depend largely on locally available seeds of traditional crop varieties. High rainfall events can have as significant an impact on crop production as increased temperatures and drought. This article analyzes the dynamics of maize diversity over 3 years in a farming community of Yucatán state, Mexico, where elevated levels of precipitation forced farmers in 2012 to reduce maize diversity in their plots. We study how farmers maintained their agroecosystem resilience through seed networks, examining the drivers influencing maize diversity and seed provisioning in the year preceding and following the 2012 climatic disturbance (2011–2013). We found that, under these challenging circumstances, farmers focused their efforts on their most reliable landraces, disregarding hybrids. We show that farmers were able to recover and restore the diversity usually cultivated in the community in the year following the critical climate event. The maize dynamic assessed in this study demonstrates the importance of community level conservation of crop diversity. Understanding farmer management strategies of agrobiodiversity, especially during a challenging climatic period, is necessary to promote a more tailored response to climate change in traditional farming systems.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Bestha Lakshmi ◽  
Buddolla Viswanath ◽  
D. V. R. Sai Gopal

Shrimp farming is an aquaculture business for the cultivation of marine shrimps or prawns for human consumption and is now considered as a major economic and food production sector as it is an increasingly important source of protein available for human consumption. Intensification of shrimp farming had led to the development of a number of diseases, which resulted in the excessive use of antimicrobial agents, which is finally responsible for many adverse effects. Currently, probiotics are chosen as the best alternatives to these antimicrobial agents and they act as natural immune enhancers, which provoke the disease resistance in shrimp farm. Viral diseases stand as the major constraint causing an enormous loss in the production in shrimp farms. Probiotics besides being beneficial bacteria also possess antiviral activity. Exploitation of these probiotics in treatment and prevention of viral diseases in shrimp aquaculture is a novel and efficient method. This review discusses the benefits of probiotics and their criteria for selection in shrimp aquaculture and their role in immune power enhancement towards viral diseases.

2018 ◽  
Vol 115 (7) ◽  
pp. 1658-1663 ◽  
Timothy E. Essington ◽  
James N. Sanchirico ◽  
Marissa L. Baskett

Ecosystem approaches to natural resource management are seen as a way to provide better outcomes for ecosystems and for people, yet the nature and strength of interactions among ecosystem components is usually unknown. Here we characterize the economic benefits of ecological knowledge through a simple model of fisheries that target a predator (piscivore) and its prey. We solve for the management (harvest) trajectory that maximizes net present value (NPV) for different ecological interactions and initial conditions that represent different levels of exploitation history. Optimal management trajectories generally approached similar harvest levels, but the pathways toward those levels varied considerably by ecological scenario. Application of the wrong harvest trajectory, which would happen if one type of ecological interaction were assumed but in fact another were occurring, generally led to only modest reductions in NPV. However, the risks were not equal across fleets: risks of incurring large losses of NPV and missing management targets were much higher in the fishery targeting piscivores, especially when piscivores were heavily depleted. Our findings suggest that the ecosystem approach might provide the greatest benefits when used to identify system states where management performs poorly with imperfect knowledge of system linkages so that management strategies can be adopted to avoid those states.

2012 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 94 ◽  
Christine M. Beitl

After decades of mangrove deforestation for the development of shrimp farming, the Ecuadorian state began to officially recognize the ancestral rights of traditional users of coastal mangrove resources in the late 1990s. This article traces the trajectory of coastal policy change and the transformation of mangrove tenure regimes from an implicit preference for shrimp aquaculture to a focus on conservation and sustainable development with greater community participation through the establishment of community-managed mangrove areas called custodias. I argue that while the custodias have empowered local communities in their struggle to defend their livelihoods and environment against the marginalizing forces of global shrimp aquaculture, the implementation of common property arrangements for mangrove fishery management has changed the nature of property rights, the distribution of resources, and social relations among collectors of mangrove cockles (Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis). I suggest a need to develop a political ecology of the commons, an analytical approach applied here to examine the fundamental shift in the nature of the struggle over mangrove resources, from artisanal fishers versus shrimp farmers to a struggle between compañeros: members of associations versus independent cockle collectors. Such a shift in the struggle over resources threatens to undermine the sustainability of the fishery. I conclude that shifting access may be an important underlying factor contributing to a tragedy of enclosures in Ecuador's mangrove cockle fishery.Keywords: political ecology; property rights; common property; access; tragedy of enclosures; shrimp aquaculture; mangroves; artisanal fisheries; Anadara spp., Ecuador

BMC Genomics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Mureed Husain ◽  
Muhammad Tufail ◽  
Khalid Mehmood ◽  
Khawaja Ghulam Rasool ◽  
Abdulrahman Saad Aldawood

Abstract Background The almond moth, Cadra cautella is a destructive pest of stored food commodities including dates that causes severe economic losses for the farming community worldwide. To date, no genetic information related to the molecular mechanism/strategies of its reproduction is available. Thus, transcriptome analysis of C. cautella female abdominal tissues was performed via next-generation sequencing (NGS) to recognize the genes responsible for reproduction. Results The NGS was performed with an Illumina Hiseq 2000 sequencer (Beijing Genomics Institute: BGI). From the transcriptome data, 9,804,804,120 nucleotides were generated and their assemblage resulted in 62,687 unigenes. The functional annotation analyses done by different databases, annotated, 27,836 unigenes in total. The transcriptome data of C. cautella female abdominal tissue was submitted to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (accession no: PRJNA484692). The transcriptome analysis yielded several genes responsible for C. cautella reproduction including six Vg gene transcripts. Among the six Vg gene transcripts, only one was highly expressed with 3234.95 FPKM value (fragments per kilobase per million mapped reads) that was much higher than that of the other five transcripts. Higher differences in the expression level of the six Vg transcripts were confirmed by running the RT-PCR using gene specific primers, where the expression was observed only in one transcript it was named as the CcVg. Conclusions This is the first study to explore C. cautella reproduction control genes and it might be supportive to explore the reproduction mechanism in this pest at the molecular level. The NGS based transcriptome pool is valuable to study the functional genomics and will support to design biotech-based management strategies for C. cautella.

2013 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-175 ◽  
Irene Tzouramani ◽  
George Alexopoulos ◽  
Giorgos Kostianis ◽  
Leonidas Kazakopoulos

AbstractThis study attempts to enrich the debate on the different forms of risk management strategies that are utilized by organic farmers and to assess the internal dynamics within the organic farming community by examining the attitudes and practices of these farmers. In particular, using a factor analysis, this study determines the attitudes of Greek farmers toward risk management strategies and focuses on the differences in risk attitudes between existing organic farmers and non-organic farmers. Second, using a probit analysis, this study characterizes the key factors that affect Greek farmers' attitudes with respect to risk management strategies. The thorough presentation of this research study provides essential information to policy-makers for understanding the factors that induce farmers to participate in organic agriculture. Moreover, the analysis of the risk management strategies that organic farmers apply is expected to offer valuable insights that will be critical for the timely introduction and efficient application of the forthcoming post-2013 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) measures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 96 (4) ◽  
pp. 617-640
Andrea Dell'Apa ◽  
Joshua P Kilborn ◽  
William J Harford

Recent global improvements to fisheries sustainability have been made through the adoption of more holistic management frameworks, such as the ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) and ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM), and a concurrent transition from a focus on single species or stocks to multispecies and ecosystems. In the US, federal and regional fisheries management encompass multiple layers of comprehensive, ecosystem focused management strategies for living marine resources within its network of large marine ecosystems (LMEs). Here, we provide an overview for the US portion of the Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem (GOM-LME) by examining multiple aspects of its fishery management scheme through the lenses of EAFM, EBFM, and the integrated ecosystem assessment (IEA) framework that has been used worldwide to advise, inform, and operationalize ecosystem management. The US-GOM's fishery management and ecosystem community appears to be keeping pace with other US regional efforts. However, more tools like fishery ecosystem plans (FEPs), which are conducive to the effective integration of ecosystem considerations into fishery management processes, are needed to inform and guide the work of regional managers, decision-makers, and stakeholders. Therefore, we propose a structured planning process aimed at advancing the development and implementation of a GOM-FEP, and describe two case studies of EAFM and EBFM applications, respectively, that can help to navigate through our proposed planning process. This work offers strategic guidance and insights to support efforts of regional fishery managers to translate ecosystem management principles, approaches, and objectives into an "action oriented" FEP in the GOM-LME.

Plant Disease ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 96 (5) ◽  
pp. 765-765 ◽  
A. Rossman ◽  
J. Melgar ◽  
D. Walker ◽  
A. Gonzales ◽  
T. Ramirez ◽  

In the last decade, rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L., Sapindaceae) and pulasan (N. mutabile Blume) have been cultivated in Honduras to produce exotic fruits for export to North America (2). Recently, a disease was observed that produces dark brown to black fissured cankers from 1 to 3 cm long and 1 to 4 cm wide. The infected bark tissue becomes swollen with the middle region 3 to 8 mm thick. Symptoms appear when the trees are approximately 3 years old. As the trees mature, the cankers increase in size and weaken the branches, often resulting in breakage with the weight of the fruit causing substantial plant damage and fruit loss. In August 2010, fissured branch samples of rambutan and pulasan were collected from 6- to 8-year-old trees from the Humid Tropical Demonstrative Agroforestry Center in Honduras, Atlantida, La Masica (15°33′47.4″N, 87°05′2.5″W, elevation 106 m). A fungus associated with the cankers was identified as Dolabra nepheliae. It produces black, stipitate, elongate ascomata, 312 to 482 × 250 to 281 μm with broadly cylindric, bitunicate asci, 120 to 138 × 11.2 to 15.0 μm, and filiform, hyaline ascospores, 128 to 135 × 2.8 to 3.2 μm. Fungi from rambutan and pulasan were isolated on cornmeal agar plus 0.5% dextrose and antibiotics. On potato dextrose agar, the ascospores produced slow-growing colonies, 5 mm per week. In culture, isolates from both hosts produced pycnidia with elongated, slightly to strongly curved or S-shaped, hyaline conidia, 22.8 to 46.4 × 2.8 to 3.7 μm. This fungus was first reported on rambutan and pulasan from Malaysia (1,4), and later reported on rambutan and litchi in Hawaii and Puerto Rico (3). To our knowledge, this is the first report of D. nepheliae on pulasan and rambutan from Honduras. Specimens have been deposited at the U.S. National Fungus Collections (BPI 882442 on N. lappaceum and BPI 882443 on N. mutabile). Cultures were deposited at the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (CBS) as CBS 131490 on N. lappaceum and CBS 131491 on N. mutabile. Sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region including ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 intergenic spacers were deposited in GenBank (Accession No. JQ004281 on N. lappaceum and Accession No. JQ004280 on N. mutabile). A BLAST search and pairwise comparison using the GenBank web server were used to compare ITS sequence data and recovered the following results: (i) CBS 131490 on N. lappaceum is 99% (538 of 544) identical to D. nepheliae CBS 123297 on Litchi chinensis from Puerto Rico; and (ii) CBS 131491 on N. mutabile is 99% (527 of 533) identical to the same strain of D. nepheliae. On the basis of the ITS sequence data, the isolates from Honduras were confirmed as the same species, D. nepheliae from Puerto Rico. Efforts to develop resistant germplasm and management strategies to control this disease have been initiated. References: (1) C. Booth and W. P. Ting. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 47:235, 1964. (2) T. Ramírez et al. Manual Para el Cultivo de Rambutan en Honduras. Fundación Hondureña de Investigación Agrícola. La Lima, Cortes, Honduras, 2003. (3) A. Y. Rossman et al. Plant Dis. 91:1685, 2007. (4) H. Zalasky et al. Can. J. Bot. 49:559, 1971.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Bayu Vita Indah Yanti ◽  
Zahri Nasution

Ketepatgunaan teknologi merupakan salah satu indikator bahwa teknologi yang diintroduksi dapatdimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sesuai dengan kondisi yang ada pada masyarakat. Untuk megetahuiketepatgunaan teknologi yang diterima oleh pengguna, dapat digunakan 7 (tujuh) indikator ketepatgunaanteknologi yang dikembangkan dari sifat dan ciri teknologi diintroduksi. Penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan analisis kebijakan. Teknologi yang dievaluasi adalah teknologi yang diperkenalkan olehKementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) melalui Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Budidaya (DJPB)pada demfarm budidaya udang di tambak secara intensif. Studi ini dilakukan sejak April hingga Juni2014, termasuk verifikasi lapang ke lokasi percontohan di wilayah Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat.Analisis dan interpretasi data dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknologibudidaya udang secara intensif dapat dikatakan hanya tepat dikembangkan pada petambak yangmemiliki modal besar dan memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam melaksanakan budidaya udang.Pengembangan budidaya udang secara intensif harus dilakukan melalui kerjasama antara petambakudang dan investor dan pemerintah melalui suatu pola yang disepakati secara bersama.Title: Efficiency Technology Intensive Shrimp Farming In PondTechnology efficiency is one indicator to show introduced technology can utilize by the communityproperly. To determine the efficiency of the technology acceptable to users, it can be viewed by 7 (seven)indicators that developed based on nature and characteristic of introduced technologies. This researchwas conducted using the approach of policy analysis.Evaluated technologies are technologies that wereintroduced by the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries Affairs (MMAF) through the Directorate General ofAquaculture (DJPB) in shrimp farming in ponds demfarm intensive. The study was conducted from Aprilto June 2014, including field verification to the pilot sites in Karawang Regency, West Java. Analysisand interpretation of the data was done descriptively. The results showed that intensive shrimp farmingtechnology only proper to develope on farmers who have big capital and have knowledge and experiencein implementing shrimp farming. Intensive shrimp aquaculture development should be done throughcooperation between shrimp farmers and investors and government through an agreed pattern.

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 47 ◽  
Lucky Restyan Nugroho ◽  
Sukardi Sukardi ◽  
Bambang Triyatmo

This study aims to apply a good fish farming methods and determine factors that influence development the vaname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in the coast of Yogyakarta Special Region. This research also aims to find out an applicable technology of shrimp aquaculture for fish farmers in the coastal area of Special Region of Yogyakarta. The basic method used in this research is descriptive research with research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The descriptive research aims to provide a picture of a society, a particular group of people or a picture of a symptom. Data collection techniques are conducted by interviews and structured observation to obtain a more detailed picture of a phenomenon. The location of the research is determined by purposive sampling, focusing on Sidorejo, Banaran, Galur, Kulon Progo, Kuwaru and Ngentak, Poncosari, Srandakan, Bantul. The reason for taking 3 areas is because as the center of production of shrimp vaname first and the longest operates in the coastal area ofSpecial Region of Yogyakarta. Respondents were determined by proportionate random sampling from 3 specified areas. This research took place from June 18, 2015, to July 12, 2015. The results showed the application of the good fish farming method on the activity of enlargement of shrimp vaname (L. vannamei) on the coast of Special Region of Yogyakarta covers 10 parameters. These ten parameters include site selection; determination of construction layout and design; selection of cultivation containers; biosecurity; selection of fish seed (shrimp); use of fish feed (shrimp); use of probiotics; use of disinfectants; harvesting method and harvesting equipment. Application of good fish farming method at vaname shrimp (L. vannamei) aquaculture development in the coast of Yogyakarta Special Region averaged at 62.24%. Factors that influence the application of good fish farming in the shrimp aquaculture development activities are the existence of communication and socialization services on the technical methods for the shrimp aquaculture by employees of feed and probiotics companies. Counseling (communication and socialization), verification (recording) and control in the form of certification has not been done by the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Indonesia. The technology of vaname shrimp farming (L. vannamei) applied by farmers in the coast of Yogyakarta Special Region is semi-intensive technology.

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