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2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 2023
Abdul Hafid ◽  
Andi Faharuddin ◽  
Abdul Rajab

This paper presents the results of research on a new schematic generator load controller simulation, namely an electronic load controller based on a dimmer circuit and a stepper motor for a small-scale 5 kW micro-hydro. The load controller is built from a dimmer circuit and a stepper motor with program control using Matlab software, and the PPI 8255 interface device. Using a dimmer circuit built from diac, triac, a variable resistor (pot), and capacitor components. As well as using a 28BYJ-48 stepper motor. Simulation is made to determine the performance of the load controller in controlling the distribution of power to the ballast load when the generator supplies power to consumers less than the full load of the generator. By using the simulation data of 45 variations of the consumer load sample, the result is that there are only 4 samples where the load controller is not working well. For the 4 samples, the generator was loaded beyond its full load tolerance limit (full load tolerance of 5kW ± 5 %). Overall, based on the simulation results, it can be said that the generator load controllers tested in this study have good performance. HIGHLIGHTS Methods and power electronic configurations used in electronic load controllers for micro-hydropower plants from 1980 until now. In the future, the use of low-power micro hydro and pico hydro power plants is also in great demand, especially for rural areas The utilization of micro-hydro in Indonesia, especially low-power micro-hydro, has been utilized by the community in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province. A 5 kW generator has been operated in Katimbang Village, Borong Rappoa District, Kindang Regency, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province to distribute electrical energy to 15 households This research proposes a new electronic load control scheme for a simple and inexpensive 5 kW micro-hydro power plant, namely a dimmer circuit and stepper motor-based generator load controller. With the consideration that the main components that make up this controller are not expensive GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT

Eddy supriyono ◽  
Wisriati Lasima ◽  
Muhammad Zairin Junior ◽  
Sugeng Budiharsono ◽  
Kukuh Nirmala ◽  

This study aims to develop a strategy for the sustainability of shrimp aquaculture using an ecosystem approach or EAA in Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi. A series of analyzes were carried out, namely the environmental carrying capacity analysis of aquaculture using pond environmental feasibility standards, analysis of critical factors for the sustainability of aquaculture using multidimensional scaling analysis, analysis of the sustainability status of aquaculture using pairwise comparison analysis and analysis of shrimp aquaculture management strategies based on EAA. using hierarchy process analysis. The results showed that the following strategies were needed: a) accelerating spatial planning and implementing programs in accordance with the directions for spatial use and control; b) institutional strengthening of capital cultivators in order to complement and improve facilities and infrastructure in accordance with the SOP; and c) increasing the level of education and providing a social and economic security system for members of the shrimp farming community

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 128-135
Syamsuddin Maldun ◽  
Saenab Saenab ◽  
Hasriani Hasriani ◽  
Imran Ismail

Quality health services are a hope for every Indonesian people, because this is closely related to one aspect of fulfilling basic life needs for humans, therefore it requires commitment from these health service providers, especially hospitals in supporting the implementation of government programs through the Healthy Indonesia Card. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the implementation of services based on the Healthy Indonesia Card program at the Sayang Rakyat Regional General Hospital in Makassar City using qualitative research methods. The results showed that the implementation of the Healthy Indonesia Card program at the Sayang Rakyat Regional General Hospital in Makassar in general was in accordance with the South Sulawesi Provincial Regulation regarding health providers and regarding cooperation in providing free health services, and presidential regulation (Perpres) Number 64 of 2020 concerning National health insurance. This is reflected in the implementation of services provided by the Sayang Rakyat Hospital to patients using the Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) (PBI) which do not differentiate from general patients or other insurance users, provided that the patient has met the terms and conditions as a KIS patient (PBI). All medical expenses for KIS patients (PBI) who undergo outpatient or inpatient treatment are entirely borne by the government.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 167-182
Andi Cudai Nur Nur ◽  
Risma Niswati ◽  
Slamet Riadi Cante ◽  
Delly Mustafa ◽  
Haedar Akib

Research carried out to identify, analyze, and orientation of the mapping strategy to support the development of tourism destinations empowering local communities and area-based tourism as its leading sector. The approach used is qualitative and quantitative mix techniques. The results showed that developments rating in Sinjai can be seen from 1) traveller, 2) traveller destination, 3) traveller activities, 4) of accommodation used, 5) traveller trips, 6) average expenditure, 7) characteristics of the traveller market. From the description of the results of the study has increased every year. This is because adequate infrastructure increasingly supported sights. The mapping showed an increase and expansion of the traveller area each year. Increased traveller destinations and the availability of adequate infrastructure provide the opportunity for local communities to take part in the tourism industry that contributes to the empowerment of local communities. The government's efforts in promoting the expansion of development opportunities in various sectors of the tourism sector strongly support the improvement of the economy and social life at the local community level.  

Herwin Pisestyani ◽  
Nisa Nurul Fitria ◽  
Ardilasunu Wicaksono

Abstract There is still lack of bruselosis in beef cattle in Barru District, South Sulawesi. The aim of this study was to analyze data about the temporary distribution of disease by measuring spreading speed, and spatial distribution by mapping risk areas for bruselosis over the past three years. The data of this study was collected using the records from Dinas Peternakan and conducting interviews using structured questionnaires. This research was a descriptive study by measuring the incidence rate and describing the risk map using geographic information system (GIS). The results of this study indicate that, based on the incidence rate, the average of distribution rate of bruselosis in beef cattle in Barru is 5 cases per 10 000 heads/year. This incidence rate always decreases every year. There was no sub-district that classified as high risk. There was one area that classified as medium risk namely sub-district of Mallusetasi. Control measure that have been carried out by goverment were successful to reduce the spread of disease. Keywords: Beef cattle; Bruselosis; Incidence rate; Occurrence; Risk.   Abstrak Informasi mengenai penyebaran kejadian penyakit pada sapi potong di Kabupaten Barru Sulawesi selatan masih kurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis data distribusi kejadian penyakit secara temporal dengan mengukur kecapatan penyebaran, dan secara spasial dengan memetakan wilayah berisiko bruselosis selama tiga tahun terakhir. Data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan rekapan dari Dinas Peternakan dan wawancara mendalam menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode deskriptif dengan mengukur incidence rate dan menggambarkan peta risiko menggunakan geographic information system. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan incidence rate, kecepatan rata-rata penyebaran bruselosis pada sapi potong di Kabupaten Barru sebesar 5 kasus per 10 000 ekor/tahun. Nilai incidence rate tersebut selalu menurun setiap tahunnya. Kejadian penyakit paling tinggi terjadi di Kecamatan Mallusetasi dengan incidence rate sebesar 35 kasus per 10 000 ekor/tahun. Terdapat satu wilayah yang tergolong ke dalam risiko sedang, yaitu Kecamatan Mallusetasi. Tindakan pengendalian yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah setempat dikatakan berhasil dalam menekan tingkat kejadian penyakit. Kata kunci: Bruselosis; Incidence rate; Risiko; Sapi potong; Tingkat kejadian

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 161-171
Asriani Abbas ◽  
Kaharuddin ◽  
Muhammad Hasyim

Makassarese language belongs to the Austronesian language family, currently spoken as a mother language by a group of people in South Sulawesi province, eastern Indonesia. This research focuses on personal pronoun organization in the sentence construction of the Makassarese language. The form, position, and function of personal pronouns in the language sentences are explained. It used ‘simak’ (to-observe) method in form of a conversational involved-observation technique including recording and note-taking in collecting data. The data sources were oral data and text data. The oral data were taken from five informants selected purposively. The text data were taken from the folklore script of South Sulawesi written in the Makassarese language. The data were presented descriptively and analyzed by using the distributional method. The findings show two forms of personal pronouns used dominantly in constructing sentences: free personal pronoun and bound personal pronoun (clitic). Position of the free personal pronoun is in front of, in the middle of, and at the end of a sentence. The clitic is in front of and at the end of the verb. In addition, there is also clitic attached at the end of the noun that serves as possessive. The sentence starting with a free personal pronoun forms the pattern of SV (subject-verb) or SVO (subject-verb-object) and the sentence starting with clitic-attached verb forms the pattern of VS (verb-subject) or VSO (verb-subject-object). The basic structure of the Makassarese sentence is VS or VSO. The derivative structure is SV or SVO with other varieties.

2022 ◽  
Muhammad Nur ◽  
Akin Duli ◽  
Yusriana Yusriana ◽  
Khadijah Thahir Muda ◽  
Muhlis Hadrawi

2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012020
Indrawirawan ◽  
B Suwignyo ◽  
T A Kusumastuti

Abstract This study aims to analyse enterprise budgeting and the factors that affect the smallholder Bali cattle fattening income in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The total respondents were 46 farmers include 11 farmers at Bali cattle fattening enterprise six-month period and 35 farmers at fattening enterprise nine-month period. Respondents were selected using a purposive method. The data of the research was collected using interviews with questionnaires. Analysis of economic potential as follows net income and return to labour and management used enterprise budgeting analysis. The factors that affect the income of farmers using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the 6- and 9-month fattening period of the smallholder Bali cattle fattening have net income of IDR 23,122,086 / farmer/period and IDR 11,926,657/farmer/period. In addition, it provides returns to labour and management of IDR 27,428,173/farmer/period and IDR 15,111,982/farmer/period. The number of feeder cattle and non-formal education dummy partially and significantly influence (P<0.01) income smallholders. Smallholder Bali cattle fattening enterprise is a potential business alternative to generate income for rural communities.

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