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health service providers
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 930
Andy Oakey ◽  
Matt Grote ◽  
Paul G. Royall ◽  
Tom Cherrett

Health service providers in developed nations are responsible for 5% of their national carbon emissions, much of which originate from transport and supply chains. Connected autonomous freight vehicles (CAV-Fs) offer the potential to reduce this impact and enable lower cost operations, with trials being explored across the world. Transportation and carriage regulations, particularly in relation to the movement of dangerous goods (DG) such as medicines and diagnostic specimens, have not been developed for and applied to this new transport mode, particularly where loads are unaccompanied. Through an audit of current legislation and practice, this paper evaluates current DGs regulations applied to the transportation of medical products and medicines by autonomous road vehicles. Where existing regulations are not appropriate for CAV-Fs, recommendations and adaptations have been proposed to support safe and practical application. Remote monitoring and tracking of vehicles are critical for ensuring load security, quick and effective incident response, and management of documents and communications between parties. Loading/unloading procedures are significantly more important than in crewed vehicles, with load segregation and recording of all activity being of key importance. Other recommendations relate to training provision, vehicle specifications, and product health monitoring.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 128-135
Syamsuddin Maldun ◽  
Saenab Saenab ◽  
Hasriani Hasriani ◽  
Imran Ismail

Quality health services are a hope for every Indonesian people, because this is closely related to one aspect of fulfilling basic life needs for humans, therefore it requires commitment from these health service providers, especially hospitals in supporting the implementation of government programs through the Healthy Indonesia Card. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the implementation of services based on the Healthy Indonesia Card program at the Sayang Rakyat Regional General Hospital in Makassar City using qualitative research methods. The results showed that the implementation of the Healthy Indonesia Card program at the Sayang Rakyat Regional General Hospital in Makassar in general was in accordance with the South Sulawesi Provincial Regulation regarding health providers and regarding cooperation in providing free health services, and presidential regulation (Perpres) Number 64 of 2020 concerning National health insurance. This is reflected in the implementation of services provided by the Sayang Rakyat Hospital to patients using the Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) (PBI) which do not differentiate from general patients or other insurance users, provided that the patient has met the terms and conditions as a KIS patient (PBI). All medical expenses for KIS patients (PBI) who undergo outpatient or inpatient treatment are entirely borne by the government.

Torsten Oliver Salge ◽  
David Antons ◽  
Michael Barrett ◽  
Rajiv Kohli ◽  
Eivor Oborn ◽  

Practice- and Policy-Oriented Abstract Understanding how IT investments help organizations to build and sustain reputation is of particular relevance for healthcare practitioners and policy makers because patients are often unable to assess the quality of care, relying instead on the reputation of health service providers in the media, such as newspapers. As information intermediaries, journalists detect, aggregate, and translate the weaker signals for quality, such as state-of-the-art IT, that a hospital emanates. Our analysis of 152 hospital organizations in England, complemented by interviews with healthcare journalists, shows that journalists write less negatively about hospitals when healthcare organizations’ IT equipment investments are high. This implies that investments in IT equipment can buffer hospitals from negative press, thereby helping them to gain and maintain a strong reputation in the media. Practitioners and policy makers may incorporate the reputational effect of IT when making investment decisions and further amplify such IT investment through press releases, corporate reports, and media interactions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Wilfred Njabulo Nunu ◽  
Lufuno Makhado ◽  
Jabu Tsakani Mabunda ◽  
Rachel Tsakani Lebese

Abstract Background Health service providers play a significant role in crafting and implementing health policies and programs that manage adolescent sexual health-related issues at different health system levels. These influence adolescent sexual behaviours and practices. Aim This study explored the roles of health service providers in managing adolescent sexual issues and how this impacts their sexual behaviours and practices. The study further probed the health service providers on how the indigenous health system could be integrated into the modern health system for effective management of adolescent sexual health related issues. Methods A qualitative cross-sectional survey was conducted on purposively selected health service providers in health facilities in Mberengwa and Umguza districts. Data was collected using unstructured interviews that were recorded, transcribed verbatim, and thematically analysed. Findings were presented as clearly defined as superordinate and subordinate themes. Results A total of five superordinate themes and 19 subordinate themes emerged from the interrogated data. The superordinate themes were: overview of adolescent sexual health issues, role of modern health system in adolescent sexual health issues, challenges encountered, indigenous health system factors that could be factored into modern health systems, and strategies to foster the integration of indigenous health system and modern health system. The subordinate themes explored in-depth the findings of the key stakeholders under the five superordinate themes. Conclusions From the findings, it can be concluded that health service providers play an essential role in shaping and providing adolescent sexual health services that adolescents utilise despite challenges that have reduced demand for these services. Therefore, there is a need to point out that there is a window of opportunity to foster collaborations between the indigenous health system and the modern health system as they strive to serve the adolescents to the best of their ability though in different contextual settings.

2022 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-67
Somadatta Das ◽  
Rabindra Nath Padhy ◽  
Bibhuti Bhusan Pradhan

The COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) virus causes a respiratory disease with physical and mental health effects, ending at general morbidity and fatality from some latest coronavirus strains, at times. During the present pandemics, people stay mainly at home, contributing to some elevated stress levels. World Health Organization (WHO) contemplates that the additional steps like, quarantine and self-isolation have stimulated daily routines of peoples, leading to a rise in agitation, oppression, sleeplessness, alcohol addiction, drug-addictions and suicidal behaviors; consequently, causing increase in cases of domestic violence, even. At this stage, health service providers cannot help the poor, elderly people, children who are susceptible to pre-medical adverse conditions. This work aims to highlight the general scenario of the mental health locally in India during covid-19 pandemic. Some lifestyles, such as yoga, meditation, Ayurvedic medication, avoiding reading on corona too much and watching TV about it, while staying with the own family with the popular healthier lifestyles are recommended to alleviate stress.

2022 ◽  
Chaochen Hu ◽  
Chao Li ◽  
Guigang Zhang ◽  
Zhiwei Lei ◽  
Mira Shah ◽  

AbstractThe healthcare industry faces serious problems with health data. Firstly, health data is fragmented and its quality needs to be improved. Data fragmentation means that it is difficult to integrate the patient data stored by multiple health service providers. The quality of these heterogeneous data also needs to be improved for better utilization. Secondly, data sharing among patients, healthcare service providers and medical researchers is inadequate. Thirdly, while sharing health data, patients’ right to privacy must be protected, and patients should have authority over who can access their data. In traditional health data sharing system, because of centralized management, data can easily be stolen, manipulated. These systems also ignore patient’s authority and privacy. Researchers have proposed some blockchain-based health data sharing solutions where blockchain is used for consensus management. Blockchain enables multiple parties who do not fully trust each other to exchange their data. However, the practice of smart contracts supporting these solutions has not been studied in detail. We propose CrowdMed-II, a health data management framework based on blockchain, which could address the above-mentioned problems of health data. We study the design of major smart contracts in our framework and propose two smart contract structures. We also introduce a novel search contract for searching patients in the framework. We evaluate their efficiency based on the execution costs on Ethereum. Our design improves on those previously proposed, lowering the computational costs of the framework. This allows the framework to operate at scale and is more feasible for widespread adoption.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 134-151
Martin Owuor Ochieng ◽  
Gideon Kikuvi ◽  
Daniel Mokaya

Management of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is multipronged but its nerve centre is lifelong adequate and consistent use of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs). The overall objective of this study was to determine the factors associated with adherence to antiretroviral drugs among HIV positive patients attending selected Comprehensive Care Centres (CCC) in Kibwezi West Sub-county, Makueni County, Kenya. 385 respondents were recruited by systematic random sampling and interviewed. Three Focused Group Discussions (FGD) and two Key Informant Interviews (KII) were also conducted. Majority 364(94.5%) of the respondents were adherent to ARVs. There was a significant association between adherence to ARVs and gender {χ 2 (1) =4.636, p<0.05} with males likely to have poor adherence {OR 0.174 (95%CI 0.130, 0.233)}. Age was significantly associated with adherence {Likelihood Ratio G2 (4) =10.693, p<0.05} with older ages (above 65 years) likely to adhere. Living in the same house with someone on ARVs was significantly associated with adherence to ARVs {χ 2 (1) =3.997 p=<0.05} with respondents living in the same house with someone on ARVs likely to adhere {OR 0.144 (95%CI 0.103, 0.200)}. Majority of the respondents had adequate knowledge and positive attitude towards adherence to ARVs. FGDs and KIIs identified fear, stigma, not believing in oneself, participating in activities that hamper adherence such as drinking alcohol, ignorance, denial, lack of social support, busy work schedule poor attitude by health service providers, drug stock outs, distance and long waiting time as contributing to poor adherence to ARVs. In conclusion, constant education and awareness creation on importance of adherence to ARVs should be strengthened particularly during clinic appointments to maintain knowledge and enhance positive attitude towards adherence. Measures to improve adherence among the male and younger population should be strengthened. Key words: adherence, antiretrovirals age, gender, knowledge, attitude.

Kristin Masuch ◽  
Maike Greve ◽  
Simon Trang

AbstractInnovative IT-enabled health services promise tremendous benefits for customers and service providers alike. Simultaneously, health services by nature process sensitive customer information, and data breaches have become an everyday phenomenon. The challenge that health service providers face is to find effective recovery strategies after data breaches to retain customer trust and loyalty. We theorize and investigate how two widely applied recovery actions (namely apology and compensation) affect customer reactions after a data breach in the specific context of fitness trackers. Drawing on expectation confirmation theory, we argue that the recovery actions derived from practice, apology, and compensation address the assimilation-contrast model’s tolerance range and, thus, always lead to satisfaction with the recovery strategy, which positively influences customers’ behavior. We employ an experimental investigation and collect data from fitness tracker users during a running event. In the end, we found substantial support for our research model. Health service providers should determine specific customer expectations and align their data breach recovery strategies accordingly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Peter Bragge ◽  
Lidia Horvat ◽  
Louise Mckinlay ◽  
Kim Borg ◽  
Belinda Macleod-Smith ◽  

Abstract Background Meaningful involvement of consumers in healthcare is a high priority worldwide. In Victoria, Australia, a Partnering in Healthcare (PiH) policy framework was developed to guide health services in addressing consumer-focused healthcare improvements. The aim of this project was to identify priorities for improvement relating to the framework from the perspective of Victorian healthcare consumers and those who work in the healthcare sector. Methods A survey of Victorians representing key stakeholder groups was used to identify a “long list” of potential priorities, followed by a day-long summit to reduce this to a “short list” using explicit prioritization criteria. The survey was piloted prior to implementation, and diverse consumer groups and key health service providers were purposefully sampled for the summit. Results The survey (n = 680 respondents) generated 14–20 thematic categories across the proposed framework’s five domains. The summit (n = 31 participants, including n = 21 consumer representatives) prioritized the following five areas based on the survey findings: communication, shared decision-making, (shared) care planning, health (system) literacy and people (not) around the patient. These priorities were underpinned by three cross-cutting principles: care/compassion/respect, accountability and diversity. Conclusion Few studies have explicitly sought consumer input on health policy implementation. Adopting a codesign approach enabled the framework to be a shared foundation of healthcare improvement. The framework was subsequently launched in 2019. All Victorian health services are required to commit annually to improvement priorities against at least two framework domains.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Issue 3) ◽  
pp. 128-140
Chimonero Prince

This study examined the critical benchmarks impacting on players’ return-to-sport following injury sustenance in selected Tertiary Institutions of Zimbabwe. The study was a descriptive, prospective cohort design anchored on quantitative approach. Its population was 453 with a sample of 228 participants that comprised coaches, fitness trainers, physiotherapists, psychologists, and handball players drawn from 10 selected Teachers Colleges in Zimbabwe. Male and female handball players were from original collegiate handball teams for the entire period of study. Questionnaires were used as data collection tools. All data were statistically performed using IBM SPSS Version 23 and presented on a multi-part graph and table. Emerging findings revealed absence of quality return-to-sport training modes for re-enacting players’ musculoskeletal deficits. Quality social support synergies for full resurgence of return-to-sport players’ physiological and socio-psychological tenets lacked among health service providers. The study recommends that co-opting multi-social-support synergies during rehabilitation and return-to-sport episodes could significantly address players’ socio-psychological and physiological tenets. Health service providers with amplified skill sets should fully re-orient athletes’ fractured return-to-sport hope pathways. Further appropriately designed, quality contemporary evidence-based multi-modal training batteries should resonate critical evaluative ‘viaducts’ and ‘mainstay’ of rehabilitation and return-to-sport transitions for enhancement of players’ socio-psychological and mitochondrial tenacity levels. Scientific monitoring approaches could further substantiate reduction of inherent injury tendencies through HIFT regimens.

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