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general hospital
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Cureus ◽  
2022 ◽  
Muhammad H Shahid ◽  
Faisal I Khan ◽  
Zain A Askri ◽  
Arslan Asad ◽  
Rabia Saeed ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (GROUP) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Clément Cormi ◽  
Khuloud Abou-Amsha ◽  
Matthieu Tixier ◽  
Myriam Lewkowicz

The growing use of teleconsultation, especially since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, changes physicians' work at the hospital. In this paper, we set out to study how physicians have integrated teleconsultation into their healthcare practices. Moreover, we are interested in how teleconsultation software contributes to developing new medical practices and how the design of teleconsultation software can better support them. Based on 16 months of fieldwork in a general hospital that offers two different teleconsultation software, we have investigated teleconsultation practices through interviews and observations involving ten physicians doing teleconsultation and a telemedicine secretary. Unlike the existing informal remote care by phone, we observe that teleconsultation supports new formal healthcare practices, particularly for patient care management and inter-organizational cooperation. While analyzing the integration of teleconsultation in physicians' practices, we highlight that both pieces of software do not support those practices on equal terms according to their design. We argue that teleconsultation software design can limit the spread of these new healthcare practices and that the artifact ecology of physicians should be considered during the design process.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-43
Ni Ketut Sri Diniari ◽  
Luh Nyoman Alit Aryani

Delirium is a syndrome characterized by disturbances of consciousness and cognition that occur acutely and fluctuate. Delirium can be caused by general medical conditions, drug users, sensory disturbances, polypharmacy, etc. The etiology of delirium is diverse and non-specific. The preference of pharmacological therapy in delirium is still a debate. Descriptive research with the retrospective cross-sectional method, using secondary data in medical records at the Sanglah Central General Hospital Denpasar for the period January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020. Patients who were consulted were 166 people, with sex 57 people (34.3%) and 109 women (65.7%). The incidence of delirium in adults (20-59 years old) and elderly (age 60 years) is the highest with 51.2% and 45.1% respectively.  One-third of 45 people (37.2%) had overlapping dementia. Most of the 142 people (85.5%) were experiencing significant life stress. The most common type of delirium was hyperactive delirium (74%). The underlying disease of delirium varies such as the cause of infection (24.1%), intracranial process (19%), malignancy 18.1%, cardiovascular (10.1%), endocrine disorders,(7.8%), kidney disorders (6%), and others in small percentages.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 128-135
Syamsuddin Maldun ◽  
Saenab Saenab ◽  
Hasriani Hasriani ◽  
Imran Ismail

Quality health services are a hope for every Indonesian people, because this is closely related to one aspect of fulfilling basic life needs for humans, therefore it requires commitment from these health service providers, especially hospitals in supporting the implementation of government programs through the Healthy Indonesia Card. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the implementation of services based on the Healthy Indonesia Card program at the Sayang Rakyat Regional General Hospital in Makassar City using qualitative research methods. The results showed that the implementation of the Healthy Indonesia Card program at the Sayang Rakyat Regional General Hospital in Makassar in general was in accordance with the South Sulawesi Provincial Regulation regarding health providers and regarding cooperation in providing free health services, and presidential regulation (Perpres) Number 64 of 2020 concerning National health insurance. This is reflected in the implementation of services provided by the Sayang Rakyat Hospital to patients using the Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) (PBI) which do not differentiate from general patients or other insurance users, provided that the patient has met the terms and conditions as a KIS patient (PBI). All medical expenses for KIS patients (PBI) who undergo outpatient or inpatient treatment are entirely borne by the government.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 573
Shella Violita Sambodo ◽  
Nunuk Mardiana

Abstrak Latar belakang: Anemia merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang sering terjadi pada pasien dengan penyakit ginjal kronis dan sering mengakibatkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas hidup pasien, peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien, serta meningkatkan laju progresivitas pada PGK. Pada pasien PGK stadium terminal, biasa disebut ESRD. Terapi pengganti ginjal untuk pasien ESRD salah satunya adalah hemodialisis. Tujuan: Untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik pasien anemia pada ESRD dengan hemodialiasis di Instalasi Hemodialisis RSUD Soetomo Surabaya. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif observasional dengan metode cross sectional menggunakan data sekunder dari rekam medis pasien di Instalasi Hemodialisis RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Hasil: Data dari 80 subjek penelitian, terdapat 17 orang (21,3%) berusia 18-40 tahun, berusia 41-60 dengan jumlah 53 orang (66,3%), dan usia > 60 tahun sebanyak 10 orang (12,5%) dengan hasil rerata usia 48,08 ± 10,598. Berdasarkan jenis kelamin pada pria ada 39 orang (48,8%), dan pada wanita 41 orang (51,2%), rerata jenis kelamin pria 9,46 ± 1,592 dan wanita 9,04 ± 1,329. Jenis penyakit komorbid yang paling banyak adalah hipertensi sebesar 49 orang (61,3%) dan yang paling sedikit adalah penyakit autoimun (lupus) dan glomerulonefritis serta urolithiasis yaitu 2 orang (2,5%).Total Saturasi Transferin (ST) terbanyak dengan kadar ST > 20% sejumlah 52 orang (65%) dan pada ST < 20% sebanyak 28 orang (35%). Subjek penelitian yang mendapatkan terapi eritropoietin (EPO) yaitu terdapat 55 orang (68,75%). Subjek penelitian yang mendapatkan terapi zat besi intravena (IV) sebesar 25 orang (31,25%).                                                                                                                                                                                                  Kesimpulan: Pasien anemia pada ESRD terbanyak pada interval usia 41-60 tahun, dengan jenis kelamin dominan pada wanita, dengan penyakit komorbid terbesar adalah hipertensi, dengan hasil ST dominan yaitu ST > 20, dan terdapat lebih banyak pasien yang menerima terapi EPO dibandingkan dengan menerima terapi zat besi intravena (dialifer). ---- Abstract Background: Anemia is a one of complication that often occurs in patients with chronic kidney disease and often results in a decrease in the patient's quality of life, an increase in patient morbidity and mortality, and an increase in the rate of progression of CKD. In patients with terminal stage CKD, it is known as ESRD. One of the renal replacement therapies for ESRD patients is hemodialysis. Objective: To describe the characteristics of anemia patients in ESRD with hemodialiasis at the Hemodialysis Installation of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Methods: This research is a descriptive observational study with a cross sectional method using secondary data from the medical records of patients at the Hemodialysis Installation in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Results: Data from 80 research subjects, there are 17 people (21.3%) aged 18-40 years, aged 41-60 with a total of 53 people (66.3%), and age > 60 years as many as 10 people (12.5 %) with a average age of 48.08 ± 10.598. Based on gender, there were 39 men (48.8%), and 41 women (51.2%), the average gender was 9.46 ± 1.592 for men and 9.04 ± 1.329 for women. The most common type of comorbid disease was hypertension by 49 people (61.3%) and the least was autoimmune disease (lupus) and glomerulonephritis and urolithiasis, namely 2 people (2.5%). ST > 20% a total of 52 people (65%) and on ST <20% as many as 28 people (35%). The research subjects who received erythropoietin (EPO) therapy were 55 people (68.75%). The research subjects who received intravenous (IV) iron therapy were 25 people (31.25%). Conclusion: The most anemia patients in ESRD were at the age interval of 41-60 years, with the dominant gender in women, with the largest comorbid disease being hypertension, with a dominant ST result of ST > 20, and there were more patients receiving EPO therapy compared to receiving intravenous iron therapy (dialifer).        

Ohnmar Ohnmar ◽  
Kyaw Phyo Hlaing ◽  
Zin Nwe Win ◽  
Yan Lynn Aung ◽  
Zin Phyu Tun ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Ilhamul Karim ◽  

Objective: This study was conducted to find out the frequency and characteristics of urovaginal fistula patients. Material & Methods: This study design used a retrospective descriptive research design conducted at a tertiary hospital in West Java, Indonesia (Hasan Sadikin General Hospital) from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2016. Results: Of all 22 urovaginal fistula patients, the majority in the age range of 41-50 years, and there was one patient in the age range of 61-70 years. Fourteen patients (63.6%) had defects in the bladder, and 36.5% of patients had defects in the ureters. There were nine patients (40.9%) who had urovaginal fistula after undergoing a hysterectomy procedure. The other causes were cervical carcinoma (40.9%), difficult labor (9.1%), radiotherapy (4.5%), carcinoma rectum (4.5%), cesarean section procedure (9.1%), and other gynecological procedures such as myomectomy or cystectomy (9.1%). Based on the type and location of the fistula, the majority of patients had vesicovaginal fistula/VVF (59%), ureterovaginal fistula/UVF (36%), and a combination of ureterovesicovaginal fistula (5%). The causes of VVF and UVF are different from each other. In patients with VVF, the most common cause is cervical carcinoma (35.7%). Meanwhile, the most common cause of UVF is hysterectomy (75%). Conclusion: Of the various types of urovaginal fistulas, vesicovaginal fistulas are the most frequently encountered. In general, the characteristics of urovaginal fistula patients in Hasan Sadikin General Hospital is slightly different from the literature, especially the cause of fistula. At Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, vesicovaginal fistulas are mostly caused by cervical cancer, not a hysterectomy. For ureterovaginal etiology, the characteristics of patients in Hasan Sadikin General Hospital are caused mainly by hysterectomy.

2022 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
Septiani Hidianingsih ◽  
Yonas Immanuel Hutasoit

Objective: This study compared several factors that are thought to contribute to the incidence of complications of urethroplasty fistula after urethroplasty, including meatus location, degree of chordee, surgical technique, and postoperative stent type. Material & Methods: This study is an analytical study with retrospective cohort design. After adjusting to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 89 subjects with proximal hypospadias were subjected to urethroplasty at Fatmawati General Hospital, Jakarta from 2016 to 2019. An analysis of the relationship between several variables and the incidence of uretrocutaneous fistula was analyzed. Results: There was no significant difference between the one-stage and two-stage urethroplasty technique on the incidence of urethrocutaneous fistula (p = 0.063). There was no significant difference between the degree of chordee and complications of urethrocutaneous fistula after urethroplasty (p = 0.677). The relationship between the use of silastic stent, catheter, or cystostomy type was also not significant in complications of urethrocutaneous fistula (p = 0.576). The location of the urethral meatus also did not have a significant role in predicting the incidence of post-urethroplasty urethrocutaneous fistula (p = 0.169). Conclusion: Surgical technique (one stage and two stages), type of stent, degree of chordee, and location of the urethral meatus, did not have a significant correlation with the incidence of urethrocutaneous fistula in hypospadias patients after urethroplasty.

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