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scholarly journals Mahasiswa Iain Kediri dan Dominasi Teknologi Herbert Marcuse

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-182
A Zahid ◽  
Rista Aulia Sholikhah ◽  
Siti Mariyam

Modern society has unknowingly been dominated by modern technology which makes humans passive and uncritical of social conditions, as well as receptive. That people no longer live with technology, but is controlled by technology, this rationality can be seen when cellphones do not have a connection to the internet, it can be said that they will be out of date because they cannot update the latest information. This becomes an interesting discussion because it is almost felt by students, especially students of IAIN Kediri. This research uses a critical study of Herbert Marcuse's technological rationality which leads to one-dimensional humans or commonly referred to as One Dimensional Man. Therefore, this study seeks to explain the phenomena that occur among students related to meeting the needs of data packages that can affect various aspects of their daily lives. The results of this study are the need for a data package for the students of IAIN Kediri as a primary need. This is because with the data package students are able to find out the latest information on matters related to lectures, on the other hand, with the student data package, smartphones are also dominated by various features in it.

Vitor Roque ◽  
Rui Raposo

Nowadays, the internet, social media, mobile devices, and other equipment with an internet connection play a crucial role in our daily lives and the complex networks of modern society. Destination management organizations (DMO) must regard social media as essential tools for improving their competitiveness through, for instance, engagement to extract and understand customer behaviors and needs. The question is, how may DMO tackle the challenge of bringing social media into their communication plans and strategies? With this challenge in mind, a model was designed and tested to contribute to the DMO's goal of integrating and enhancing the use of social media in their communication and promotion-related activities. The model presented in this chapter is partially the result of two questionnaires. One applied to travelers, and the other was used with DMO and in the observation of the usage of several DMO social media accounts; and a case study was developed in cooperation with a local DMO.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-62
Miljana Nikolic

SummarySince the first sport duels, and with the development of sport through the ages, there were sport fans that cheered either for one or the other opponent and in that way they showed their sympathy. As the time passed, they organized themselves in fan groups, and they became not only an agent of socialization, but also a very important factor in directing social happenings. Hooliganism was created in modern society, and it had devastating effects on both sport and socially-political relations. The functioning of the fan groups that embraces hooliganism, demands high level of organization, so the modern media became a major tool of communication. The aim of this work is to determine in which way, not only the modern media but more importantly the internet sites and the social media of the fan groups, have been used for not only promoting and giving information about their actions, goals and attitude but also promotion of hooliganism.

Jurnal Teknik ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Yasni Jamain

The credit card is a necessity for modern society to support all activities in their daily lives . One of them as a means of payment used to pay for e - comerce on the internet . But the problem is so many customers who apply for a credit card so as to select the feasibility of credit card recipient took quite a long time because the process for selecting still manual .The method for selecting candidates for customers with existing criteria using MFEP ( Multi Factor Evaluation Process ) . By using this method the process of selecting the best alternative use " weighting system " . In MFEP all criteria become an important factor in doing consideration given appropriate weighting . Key Word : Credit card, Weighting System

Vera Lúcia Lourenço ◽  
André Whiteman Catarino ◽  
Manuel José Fonseca ◽  
Bruno Barbosa Sousa

Luxury management can be considered the management of paradoxes between intangibility and functionality, rationality and emotion, modern technology with traditional craftsmanship, showing that luxury comes from creation, timelessness, emotion, excellence, heritage, and authenticity. This chapter results from two methods, a qualitative analysis, which presents an analysis grid with the most varied characteristics; these are divided into six groups: identification, content, product page, utility, entertainment and complementary relationship, speed and other presences visible on three websites of luxury furniture brands. The other method is the quantitative one, which was a questionnaire with the understanding the perceived quality of the website using the WebQual scale, as well as understanding the purchase intention and the importance of the internet in the purchase decision process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Alfian Ari Putra ◽  

Today the internet is inseparable in the life of modern society. For this reason, fast and reliable internet is very important. To achieve this, on the internet there are various kinds of technologies that make it very reliable. One of the technologies used in the internet is the Multihoming Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). This BGP technology allows every router on the internet to be connected and exchange routing information needed on the internet. BGP Multihoming allows two or more Autonomous Systems (AS) to connect and exchange routing information without any routing information being wrong. So if there is one AS experiencing interference then it will not significantly affect the other AS. That is because there are two or more pathways that can be traversed to get to the destination AS.

Saurabh Ranjan Srivastava ◽  
Sachin Dube

This chapter describes how with growing reliance of modern society over internet and web-based services in every nook and corner of our daily lives, the threats of disruption and damage to these services has also evolved at a parallel rate. One of these threats having a potential of severe and life-threatening devastations is ‘Cyberterrorism.' Contrasting to non-lethal terms such as ‘internet vandalism' and ‘hacktivism,' cyberterrorism encompasses a daunting reach to destruction to the fabric of our modern society. Because of its nature, despite its rapid growth, contrary to conventional terror attacks, cyberterrorism still seems distant from creating a direct threat to civilian life and society. Due to this distance, there is a lack of attention and focus on counter mechanisms against cyberterrorism. By applying effective techniques and keeping our eyes open, establishments can go a long way to avert cyberterror attacks and also recover quickly in the occurrence of an attack. The conclusion of this chapter is that additional research is needed to identify the areas in which personal and professional functions on the internet are still vulnerable.

2020 ◽  
pp. 909-930
Saurabh Ranjan Srivastava ◽  
Sachin Dube

This chapter describes how with growing reliance of modern society over internet and web-based services in every nook and corner of our daily lives, the threats of disruption and damage to these services has also evolved at a parallel rate. One of these threats having a potential of severe and life-threatening devastations is ‘Cyberterrorism.' Contrasting to non-lethal terms such as ‘internet vandalism' and ‘hacktivism,' cyberterrorism encompasses a daunting reach to destruction to the fabric of our modern society. Because of its nature, despite its rapid growth, contrary to conventional terror attacks, cyberterrorism still seems distant from creating a direct threat to civilian life and society. Due to this distance, there is a lack of attention and focus on counter mechanisms against cyberterrorism. By applying effective techniques and keeping our eyes open, establishments can go a long way to avert cyberterror attacks and also recover quickly in the occurrence of an attack. The conclusion of this chapter is that additional research is needed to identify the areas in which personal and professional functions on the internet are still vulnerable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-140
Zhanna E. Vavilova

Research into how new media are transforming our daily lives is the frontier of modern philosophical and scientific thought. It is difficult to reflect on what is happening to society and to the person at the moment; however, for all the pace of social transformations today, we can still talk about potential risks and opportunities offered by new technologies. The article introduces the concept of virtual satisfaction and examines its connection with the phenomenon of interpassivity which is well known in philosophical discourse, as well as with manifestations of visual normalization in society. The aim of the study is to trace the mechanism of involvement of humans in interpassive practices of a virtualized society through consumption of media images. This environment acts as a virtual link between social reality and the needs of the individual which can only be satisfied with the mediation of the Other. On the one hand, this is the world of safe interactions and quasi-interactions where satisfaction is obtained in screen non-contact forms. On the other hand, this satisfaction turns out to be interpassive, depriving us not only of realization of desire, but also of desire itself, so that people voluntarily lose part of themselves, and therefore part of their humanity.

2014 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
pp. 108-129
Grażyna Charytoniuk-Michiej

Belarusian literature in Poland after 1989. About the necessity of developing a literature databaseSpeaking about Belarusian literature in Poland we focus on fiction, its translation into Polish and the study of literature. The existence of the Belarusian literature in Poland in the post-war period is indicated by the following bibliographies: a bibliography of translations for the period 1945–1994 (G. Charytoniuk, Literatura białoruska w Polsce. Bibliografia przekładów za lata 1945–1994, Białystok 1996) and a subject bibliography for the period 1945–1998 (G. Charytoniuk, Polskie białorutenika literackie. Bibliografia przedmiotowa 1945–1998, Białystok 1998). The new political, economical and social conditions in Poland after 1989 have had an influence on the situation of the Belarusian literature. In addition to the existing departments some new university departments and scientific branches have been organized. Their aim is to realize new scientific projects connected with the Belarusian literature in Poland and Belarus. A lot of nongovernment organizations (funds, partnerships, associations) have been organized not only in Bialystok region, but also in the other parts of the country. A new publishing market has been established which has focused on the modern literature of Central and Eastern Europe including Belarusian literature. The Internet also plays an important role in popularization of the Belarusian literature. That literature has been included in the database of the National library (Przewodnik Bibliograficzny, Bibliografia Zawartości Czasopism), regional libraries (Bibliografia województwa podlaskiego) and the digital library (Polska Bibliografia Literacka). The information is searched by institutional scientific depositories and digital libraries. The considerable part of the information has not been registered in the bibliographic database. In this situation it is necessary to develop an integral literature bibliographic database of the Belarusian literature in Poland. Literatura białoruska w Polsce po roku 1989. O potrzebie tworzenia bazy literackiejKiedy się mówi o literaturze białoruskiej w Polsce, trzeba mieć na uwadze literaturę piękną, jej przekłady na język polski i literaturę przedmiotu. O obecności literatury białoruskiej w Polsce powojennej świadczą bibliografie: przekładów obejmująca lata 1945-1994 (G. Charytoniuk, Literatura białoruska w Polsce. Bibliografia przekładów za lata 1945-1994, Białystok 1996) i przedmiotowa lat 1945-1998 (G. Charytoniuk, Polskie białorutenika literackie. Bibliografia przedmiotowa 1945-1998, Białystok 1998). Nowe warunki polityczne, społeczne i ekonomiczne w Polsce po 1989 roku wpłynęły i na sytuację literatury białoruskiej. Pojawiły się nowe  uniwersyteckie katedry i zakłady naukowe. Realizują one projekty badawcze uwzględniające literaturę białoruską w Polsce i na Białorusi. Powstały liczne organizacje pozarządowe (fundacje, towarzystwa i stowarzyszenia) nie tylko na Białostocczyźnie, ale i w innych miejscach w kraju. Utworzył się nowy rynek wydawniczy, który zwrócił uwagę  i na współczesną literaturę krajów Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej, w tym białoruską. Ważną rolę w popularyzacji literatury białoruskiej pełni Internet. Literatura ta jest rejestrowana przez bibliografię narodową (Przewodnik Bibliograficzny, Bibliografia Zawartości Czasopism) i regionalną (Bibliografię Województwa Podlaskiego). Wyszukiwanie informacji ułatwiają instytucjonalne repozytoria naukowe i biblioteki cyfrowe. Znaczna część dokumentów pozostaje jednak poza rejestracją bibliograficzną. Pojawia się więc potrzeba stworzenia bazy literackiej dotyczącej literatury białoruskiej w Polsce, która dążyłaby do kompletności bibliograficznej.

The internet helps us in providing information as well as storing all our data, with the rapid increase in our modern technology; it has become very difficult to keep our private information safe. The Internet has also bred a new kind of crime CYBER-CRIME. The other name for Cyber crimes are "Internet Games" and "yahoo yahoo". Common internet users are unaware of Cyber crimes like hacking, identity theft, Credit/debit card frauds, cyber terrorism and many more crimes. This paper attempts to draw out the awareness level of students about cyber crime.

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