Spatial Analysis of Maritime Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea
Humans rely on the sea for food and mineral resources; hence it is vital to their economic survival. Nations all throughout the world rely on the water for trade and commerce. This article looks at the present condition of marine security in the Gulf of Guinea. The Gulf of Guinea has a total shoreline of about 5,000 nautical miles and several natural harbours with dangerous weather. It has a significant crude oil reservoir, as well as fish and other natural resources. These traits provide huge prospects for marine trade and transportation, but the Gulf of Guinea is also riddled with maritime crimes of all types, including piracy and smuggling. Maritime piracy has presented a threat to coastal states’ stability and economic viability all across the world, not only in Africa. The study examines sea piracy in general, the Geographic Information System, and the impact of maritime piracy on the world socioeconomic development using secondary data. It then goes on to provide a number of recommendations aimed at addressing the problems caused by maritime piracy in the Gulf of Guinea in order to improve maritime security.