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scholarly journals The New Da’wah Strategy among Millennial Generations through Tiktok During Pandemic

Fany Nur Rahmadiana Hakim ◽  
Ihsan Kamaludin ◽  
Shifa Nisrina Sujana

<p><span>This research focuses on the strategy of public figures who develop religious content in order to spread religious values </span><span>among the millennial generation, especially during the pandemic.  The rampant use of the TikTok platform during the COVID-19 pandemic was not only deployed as an entertainment medium but was also used by many people to be able to spread propaganda and missions to disseminate religious values </span><span>among the millennial generation. This is due to the popularity of that platform has skyrocketed, making some content creators and public figures develop the marketing of their ideological values </span><span>on social media. By using the theory of social change and the concept of the development of communication, the authors try to analyze the phenomena that in question. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with the TikTok application observation technique and seeks to explore various information in depth to find various facts that can explain this phenomenon. We also found that millennials who use the TikTok platform often start to look at various religious content and some are even active in filling the content because they are inspired by public figures who spread similar content. Moreover, some lecturers often provide religious information using music or duet features so as to encourage application users to spread religious teachings and share religious knowledge.<strong></strong></span></p><p><em><span lang="IN">Penelitian ini berfokus pada strategi tokoh masyarakat yang mengembangkan konten religi dalam rangka menyebarkan nilai-nilai agama di kalangan generasi milenial, terutama di masa pandemi. Maraknya penggunaan platform TikTok di masa pandemi COVID-19 tidak hanya dijadikan sebagai media hiburan tetapi juga dimanfaatkan oleh banyak orang untuk bisa menyebarkan dakwah dan misi penyebarluasan nilai-nilai agama di kalangan generasi milenial. Hal ini dikarenakan popularitas platform tersebut yang meroket, membuat beberapa content creator dan public figure mengembangkan pemasaran nilai-nilai ideologisnya di media sosial. Dengan menggunakan teori perubahan sosial dan konsep perkembangan komunikasi, peneliti mencoba menganalisis fenomena yang terjadi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik observasi aplikasi TikTok dan berupaya menggali berbagai informasi secara mendalam sehingga mampu menemukan berbagai fakta yang dapat menjelaskan fenomena tersebut. Kami juga menemukan bahwa generasi milenial yang menggunakan platform TikTok sering mulai melihat berbagai konten religi dan bahkan ada yang aktif mengisi konten tersebut karena terinspirasi oleh tokoh masyarakat yang menyebarkan konten serupa. Apalagi beberapa dosen sering memberikan informasi agama dengan menggunakan fitur musik atau duet sehingga mendorong pengguna aplikasi untuk dapat menjalankan ajaran agama dan membagikan ilmu agama</span></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Ratna Juwitasari Emha ◽  
Dede Fatinova

It is a fact that language is dynamic, and nothing can not stop it from changing. This dynamism has implications for the use of various languages among Indonesians. The youth mostly uses it because they are active and massive users of technology and social media. This research aims to describe the form and character of the linguistic variation of slang which is popularly used by the millennial generation. In this study, data is taken from social media, and direct informants then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that four types of linguistic variation of slang which is popularly used by the millennial generation such phonology (32,29%), morphology (22,92%), syntax (4,17%), and semantics aspect (40, 63%). Based on the results, the millennial generation’s most dominant type of semantics aspect with 39 data (40, 63%). It means that millennials preferred using more slang utterances modified in semantic elements. Millennials did not completely change or create many new meanings. They retained the meanings of existing references only in the forms of new terms.

Afifah Nuur Qory'ah ◽  
Agus Tika Dwi Savira ◽  
Elen Inderasari

<p><span lang="IN">This study aims to describe the language variation phenomena in the form of indoglish and idiolect in the Girl Squad public figures on Instagram social media. This research is qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive method. The data in this study are in the form of captions or written expressions on Girl Squad’s Instagram uploads. Data sources were obtained from public social media Instagram of Girl Squad member figures. Data collection techniques are collected through documentation, listening, and note-taking. Data analysis was carried out in the interactive study by classifying data taken in written expressions on the Instagram caption of Girl Squad members who then organized and concluded indoglish languages and Idioms. The result of this study indicates the indoglish phenomenon that occurs in the upload of written expressions on the public Instagram figure of Girl Squad. Also, idiolect was found in several public members of the Girl Squad figure. Indoglish language patterns found include (1) prefix insertions, (2) suffix insertions, and (3) pronouns. Idiolect language patterns found include (1) word emphasis, (2) adaptation, (3) creation or formation of new words, and (4) contemporary language.</span></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-124
Laily Fitriani ◽  
Muassomah Muassomah

A topic about women is always interesting to discuss, including their works, such as a novel. Her life journey has been portrayed in a novel in detail. This paper aims to describe the representation of a women's novel in social media, the factors leading to it, and the values within. It employed a qualitative descriptive method with a feminist literary approach that examined the text from the women's side as a reader. Data were taken from a novel published online in social media and then printed. It was Elena. This study showed that women's novels in social media tend to experience marginalization/discrimination, stereotype/negative labeling, subordination, and excessive burden for women. The dominating cultural construction, patriarchy ideology, and familial ideology are the influencing factors. Women's novel also contains messages about religious values, education values, and the values of patience and endurance. It suggested that further research compared it with other novels published in social media or other media to provide a more comprehensive and varied description.

2018 ◽  
Vicensia Prema Kristivani

In the millennial era as it is today is social media especially Instagram has an impact destructive and constructive to the development of the languages of Indonesia. This study aims to describe the one constructive impact Instagram for Indonesia language development. The method of research used the qualitative descriptive method approach to the analysis of the contents. From research conducted, show that accounts in Instagram not only are desrtuktif but also constructive in nature. There are accounts that build language Indonesia by uploading content containing information about new vocabulary, vocabulary usage errors, mistakes and speaking with a wide variety of ways of delivery. The content can be a means of learning the language of Indonesia via Instagram. The study is expected to be able to remind the public of the millennial generation, especially Indonesia to use social media primarily Instagram wisely

2018 ◽  
Vol 213 (5) ◽  
pp. 633-637 ◽  
John Gartner ◽  
Alex Langford ◽  
Aileen O'Brien

SummaryShould psychiatrists be able to speculate in the press or social media about their theories? John Gartner argues the risk to warn the public of concerns about public figures overrides the duty of confidentiality; whereas Alex Langford suggests this is beyond the ethical remit of psychiatric practice.Declaration of interestA.O'B is joint debates and analysis Editor of the British Journal of Psychiatry. J.G. is the founder of Duty To Warn, an association of mental health professionals who advocate the president's removal under the 25th Amendment on the grounds that he is psychologically unfit and dangerous.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 52
Putri Kusuma ◽  
Dilinar Adlin

ABSTRACT This study discusses the meaning of the text meudikee anggok seen from the concept bildung and sensus communis gadamer. Aims to describe the meaning of meudikee anggoktext of wisdom seen from the concept of bildung and sensus communis according to gadamer. Theories used are text theory and hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is a theory used to interpret. Seen from the concept of bildung is the form and sensus communis namely the true feeling and common good in society as the owner of the ritual.  The time of the research was conducted in july until the mont of september 2017. Place of research in infant village, sub district wide area of nort Aceh regency. Population of artists, public figures and children dzikir which amounted to 180. The research sample is a child dzikir 20 people. Leadershipand tengku amounted to 2 people and geuchik baby village so that the sample amounted to 23 people. Data collection techniques include observation, interview, literature study, documentation and then analyzed by qualitative descriptive method. Based on reasearch that has been done meaning meudikee text seen from the concept of bildung and sensus communis. On the concept of bildung in the form of motion, chanting dzikir and clothing. On the sensus communis concept of community agreement the meaning contained in the motion of whether to surrender, plead, salute, appreciate, sincere, passion, agree, protect, tought ad ask. The meaning contained in chanting dzikir is honor, glorify, pray, begged, apologize, sacrifice, struggle, love, loyalty, ask for blessings and hope. The meaning contained in clothing is clean, holy, strength, death, firmness, decency, cover of aurat. Where the text contained in the concept of the sensus communis can be seen from the deliberation in planning the implementation of activities that contain the meaning of cooperation, cohesivenees and respect. People work together to prepare meunasah and food to be brought to the meunasah. As for its meaning is sincare, give each other, mutual cooperation, happy, spirit and joy. Keyword : Meudikee Anggok, Village baby, Bildung, Sensus Communis.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Faris Tri Hidayat ◽  
Poppy Febriana

Internet in Indonesia currently is growing rapidly and become the primary needs for its users, the development of social media has also become one of the important factors in the amount of internet users in this country.The aim of this research is to know the application and explaination of online promotion through observation and empiric study in Inspired27. The approach used in this research is Theory of Internet base promotion mix. Qualitative descriptive method is used as the means of analysis in order to get systematical picture of the fact which is actual, accurate regarding the object of analysis. The result shows that Inspired27 has applied online promotion to help the sales. Inspired27 use various online promotions such as website and social media. But they have no research team and division that specifically handle online promotion thus the implication is less maximum.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-54
Shella Shafira Lubis ◽  
Budianto Hamuddin

Indonesian people in the conversation using English in many ways, such as face to face and social media. The purpose of this research is to identify students' online interactive communication in their blog's comment. It focuses among students as Indonesian EFL students in Morphology class in Universitas Lancang Kuning (Unilak). This study also eager to know what type of language function and phase of knowledge construction on students blogging activities on selected IT platform classroom, i.e. Morphology course. The method employ in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. This study did take the comments' blog of all students in Morphology class. Then This study analyzed those comments. The result of this research, students, showing some dominant type in Knowledge Construction, i.e., Sharing and Comparing of opinion in Blog The present study also reveals the use of Expressing and Supporting Opinions as the dominant types in Language Function.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-184
Putu Nindhya Nirmala ◽  
I Nyoman Kardana ◽  
Agus Darma Yoga Pratama

This research aims to examine the speech act functions found on Instagram @punapibali and describe the types of speech acts used by the informant and news writer. Thus, this study was conducted using the qualitative descriptive method and by using the pragmatics fundamentals proposed by Wijana (1996) and the speech act function theory of Searle (1979) as the basis for examining the speech act functions used by the informant and news writer according to its type. The data were collected through the observation method accompanied by an act of scrutinizing speeches and sentences of the informant and news writer @punapibali. The oral data were collected from the conversations use to know the intonation and tone of the speech delivered. The data analysis results are presented descriptively. The results of data analysis showed there are 40 types of speech acts used in the caption of Instagram @punapibali. The expressive function is manifested in the act of asking for an apology, thanking someone, and congratulating someone. The directive function includes the act of asking, suggesting, advising, and urging. The commissive function includes expressing abilities and promising. The assertive function includes notifying, affirming, and stating. The declarative function is manifested in the act of declaration.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-43
Anna Gustina Zainal ◽  
Toni Wijaya ◽  
Andy Corry Wardhani

Each social media account created by users has its own purpose and meaning,. That is to attract the sympathy of the audience, Just like in real world, humans cannot live without socializing and interacting each other. This research was designed to find out the communication strategy of social media account managers in managing followers. This study used an interactional communication strategy with qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that the communication strategy used to manage the "chat relationship" account is the interactional communication strategy. This model had been used because followers have different backgrounds, knowledge, experiences, and cultures that affect each person in interpreting message. There are many factors as key success to running an online-based business through social media "relationships chat" account in order to increase followers loyalty in accordance with the strategy adopted by the account managers. Several management strategies had been applied such as a presentation to the audience, audience segmentation, consistency in providing entertainment to the audience, consistency of the characteristics and features needed, constantly looking for the latest entertainment innovations, communicating directly with consumers to support activities, and creating cooperation between account managers are being the key success to gain sympathy and loyalty from followers.

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