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2022 ◽  
Sayid abdul rohman hakim

ABSTRACTTikTok is a social media application launched by a Chinese company. TikTok allows users to create 15-second videos accompanied by music, filters, and several other creative features. In Indonesia, there are 30.7 million active users, making Indonesia the country with the largest TikTok users in the world. The large number of active TikTok users in Indonesia can certainly provide opportunities for content creators, influencers, reviewers and public figures to make the TikTok platform a social media marketing platform. The 5 Most Expensive TikTok Accounts that use TikTok as a platform to share their daily activities as well as their activities are reviewing products that are distributed to be promoted, namely: Zachking, Ryaz Aly, BabyAriel, LorenGray and Kristen Hancher. The purpose of this study is to calculate the credibility of the performance of 5 TikTok Termhal Accounts as the account with the most expensive endorsement fee. The method used for this research is quantitative exploratory method. The results of this study indicate that a content creator named Zachking gets the first rank and has good account performance credibility.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Privacy protection is a hot topic in network security, many scholars are committed to evaluating privacy information disclosure by quantifying privacy, thereby protecting privacy and preventing telecommunications fraud. However, in the process of quantitative privacy, few people consider the reasoning relationship between privacy information, which leads to the underestimation of privacy disclosure and privacy disclosure caused by malicious reasoning. This paper completes an experiment on privacy information disclosure in the real world based on WordNet ontology .According to a privacy measurement algorithm, this experiment calculates the privacy disclosure of public figures in different fields, and conducts horizontal and vertical analysis to obtain different privacy disclosure characteristics. The experiment not only shows the situation of privacy disclosure, but also gives suggestions and method to reduce privacy disclosure.

Fany Nur Rahmadiana Hakim ◽  
Ihsan Kamaludin ◽  
Shifa Nisrina Sujana

<p><span>This research focuses on the strategy of public figures who develop religious content in order to spread religious values </span><span>among the millennial generation, especially during the pandemic.  The rampant use of the TikTok platform during the COVID-19 pandemic was not only deployed as an entertainment medium but was also used by many people to be able to spread propaganda and missions to disseminate religious values </span><span>among the millennial generation. This is due to the popularity of that platform has skyrocketed, making some content creators and public figures develop the marketing of their ideological values </span><span>on social media. By using the theory of social change and the concept of the development of communication, the authors try to analyze the phenomena that in question. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with the TikTok application observation technique and seeks to explore various information in depth to find various facts that can explain this phenomenon. We also found that millennials who use the TikTok platform often start to look at various religious content and some are even active in filling the content because they are inspired by public figures who spread similar content. Moreover, some lecturers often provide religious information using music or duet features so as to encourage application users to spread religious teachings and share religious knowledge.<strong></strong></span></p><p><em><span lang="IN">Penelitian ini berfokus pada strategi tokoh masyarakat yang mengembangkan konten religi dalam rangka menyebarkan nilai-nilai agama di kalangan generasi milenial, terutama di masa pandemi. Maraknya penggunaan platform TikTok di masa pandemi COVID-19 tidak hanya dijadikan sebagai media hiburan tetapi juga dimanfaatkan oleh banyak orang untuk bisa menyebarkan dakwah dan misi penyebarluasan nilai-nilai agama di kalangan generasi milenial. Hal ini dikarenakan popularitas platform tersebut yang meroket, membuat beberapa content creator dan public figure mengembangkan pemasaran nilai-nilai ideologisnya di media sosial. Dengan menggunakan teori perubahan sosial dan konsep perkembangan komunikasi, peneliti mencoba menganalisis fenomena yang terjadi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik observasi aplikasi TikTok dan berupaya menggali berbagai informasi secara mendalam sehingga mampu menemukan berbagai fakta yang dapat menjelaskan fenomena tersebut. Kami juga menemukan bahwa generasi milenial yang menggunakan platform TikTok sering mulai melihat berbagai konten religi dan bahkan ada yang aktif mengisi konten tersebut karena terinspirasi oleh tokoh masyarakat yang menyebarkan konten serupa. Apalagi beberapa dosen sering memberikan informasi agama dengan menggunakan fitur musik atau duet sehingga mendorong pengguna aplikasi untuk dapat menjalankan ajaran agama dan membagikan ilmu agama</span></em></p>

Inter ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 28-46
Daria Khlevnyuk ◽  
Alisa Maximova

The article examines reception of the online documentary "Kolyma — the birthplace of our fear" (produced by journalist Yuri Dud in 2019) in social networks. In their comments, internet users regard other topics along with the Soviet repressions, to which the film is dedicated. They discuss the traumatic experience of the recent past, namely the late Soviet period, the collapse of the USSR, the 1990s, and contemporary problems. As a result of analysis of YouTube comments, we identify two trauma narratives. The first narrative is based on the idea of violation of civil human rights, the second focuses on the violation of socio-economic rights. Different topics appear in comments and posts on social media depending on which rights viewers consider key and which they pay more attention to when watching the documentary. In the case of civil rights, these include contemporary political repressions in Russia, names of famous political prisoners, references to recent protests. In the case of socio-economic rights, these topics include privatization, oligarchs, economic reforms, inequality. Those users who comment about the violation of socio-economic rights generally express a positive attitude towards the USSR and a critical attitude towards capitalism. Topics such as corruption or the problems of the penitentiary system in Russia are “inbetween” — they are important symbols in both narratives. The study clarifies how the cultural trauma narrative of the recent past and present-day events is formed. We also demonstrate how this process takes place on social media, and how social media enables participation of ordinary users and not only public figures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
Magdalena Puda-Blokesz

High Culture on Duty or Mythology-Based Expressions in Contemporary Styles and Varieties of Polish The purpose of this article is to outline the stylistic and varietal extent of mythology-based expressions (of Graeco-Roman provenance), which include mythologically motivated linguistic units with varying formal (single words and polywords) and semantic (primary and secondary meanings) status. Due to their conventional origin, these units primarily belong to the literary variety of Polish. Additionally, they form the basis of numerous academic terms. To a much lesser degree, they also serve as fodder for other speech genres, styles and varieties of Polish that are conditioned by present-day cultural, civilizational and communicative changes, realized, for instance, in the language of journalists, internet users, public figures, manufacturers or owners of commercial and service facilities. The expressions in question are used in texts that differ stylistically, where they perform not only denotative-connotative but also axiological and expressive functions. Kultura wysoka na służbie, czyli o mitologizmach we współczesnych stylach i odmianach polszczyzny Celem niniejszego opracowania jest próba pokazania stylistycznego i odmianowego zasięgu mitologizmów (o grecko-rzymskiej proweniencji), do których można zaliczyć motywowane mitologicznie jednostki języka o różnym statusie formalnym (jedno- i wielowyrazowe) i semantycznym (o znaczeniu prymarnym i wtórnym). Jednostki te ze względu na swe konwencjonalne źródło przynależą przede wszystkim do książkowej odmiany polszczyzny. Dodatkowo, stały się one także podstawą wielu terminów naukowych. W nieznacznym stopniu zasilają też inne, warunkowane współczesnymi zmianami kulturowo-cywilizacyjnymi i komunikacyjnymi gatunki mowy, style i odmiany polszczyzny, realizujące się choćby w języku dziennikarzy, czynnych internautów, osób publicznych, producentów czy właścicieli obiektów usługowo-handlowych. Mitologizmy używane są zatem w tekstach o różnej stylistyce. Pełnią w nich funkcje nie tylko denotacyjno-konotacyjne, lecz także m.in. aksjologiczne i ekspresywne. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Marie Therese Shortt ◽  
Ionica Smeets ◽  
Siri Wiig ◽  
Siv Hilde Berg ◽  
Daniel Adrian Lungu ◽  

Video communication has played a key role in relaying important and complex information on the COVID-19 pandemic to the general public. The aim of the present study is to compare Norwegian health authorities’ and WHO’s use of video communication during the COVID-19 pandemic to the most viewed COVID-19 videos on YouTube, in order to identify how videos created by health authorities measure up to contemporary video content, both creatively and in reaching video consumers. Through structured search on YouTube we found that Norwegian health authorities have published 26 videos, and the WHO 29 videos on the platform. Press briefings, live videos, news reports, and videos recreated/translated into other languages than English or Norwegian, were not included. A content analysis comparing the 55 videos by the health authorities to the 27 most viewed videos on COVID-19 on YouTube demonstrates poor reach of health authorities’ videos in terms of views and it elucidates a clear creative gap. While the videos created by various YouTube creators communicate using a wide range of creative presentation means (such as professional presenters, contextual backgrounds, advanced graphic animations, and humour), videos created by the health authorities are significantly more homogenous in style often using field experts or public figures, plain backgrounds or PowerPoint style animations. We suggest that further studies into various creative presentation means and their influence on reach, recall, and on different groups of the population, are carried out in the future to evaluate specific factors of this creative gap.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 204-208
Andrey M. Belov ◽  
Natalya A. Belova

The article presents the results of a round table dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the restoration of Kostroma Region (in 1920s and 30s, the region’s territories belonged to nearby major cities); the meeting took place on August 27, 2021 at the information centre of the Administration of Kostroma Region. The participants of the round table considered the historical background and achievements of Kostroma Region, tried to make a historical overview of the development of the Kostroma Region and determine its prospects. The work summarises the most significant theses of the reports heard, we focus on the most important milestones in the region development history and the milestones’ current understanding, on the assimilation of previous experience by modern scientists and public figures in solving topical problems.

2021 ◽  
pp. 256-268
Tatyana V. SIMASHKO ◽  
Marina N. MASLOVA ◽  
Nadezhda S. MOROZOVA

The article considers texts of scientists and public figures of the second half of the 18th–19th centuries, who wrote travel essays on the natural-climatic and historical-cultural peculiarities, social and daily life of the population of the Russian North and the Arctic coast. Ways of modelling the regional linguistic worldview on the basis of text analysis are suggested. The article describes the stages of working with semantically diverse texts, which make it possible to differentiate and systematise texts for the purpose of forming semantically homogeneous discourses allowing identification of the basic parameters of conceptualisation and categorisation of the world objects reflecting the essential aspects of regional life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-102
Marta Znak

Studies of Sejmiks or local parliaments and their influence on the political, military and socio-economic life of the early modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth are widely represented in modern European historiography. Pre-Sejm sejmiks were convened by the king who sent a writ to each sejmik, outlining the reasons the next Sejm would be held.In August 1669, the General Sejmik of the Ruthenian Voivodeship took place in Vyshnia, at which elect six representatives (traditionally two deputies, each from the Lands of Lwow, Przemysl, and Sanok) to the Coronation Sejm of Michael I. The main idea of the article is to show biographies of the six deputies of the Ruthenian Voivodeship. The paper is based on the source materials of the General Sejmik the second half of the 17th century demonstrates the place of their representation in their public and political activities. Sejmiks gave the opportunity for the career development of local nobility for politician’s beginners and experienced public figures. The role of the deputies was honourable and responsible, as the elected represented the interests of the whole voivodeship. Participation in the work of the Sejm provided an opportunity to join the discussion of important issues of the domestic and foreign policy of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. However, authority in the local noble society was not the only criterion for election to the embassy, no less important factor was the client-patron relationship. Lot of nobility belonged to family and political groups led by senators and magnates and defended their interests at the Sejmik and Sejm. Among the six ambassadors elected at the General Sejmik, there were representatives of magnate families and experienced parliamentarians who regularly participated in the Sejm.

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