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scholarly journals Penerapan Metode Instalasi Tangki Cryogenic Di Rumah Sakit Untuk Mewujudkan Konsep Green Economic Dalam Bentuk Green Logistic (Studi Kasus di PT. Sentosa Ultra Gasindo)

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-27
La Ode Sabaruddin

The embodiment of green economy is increasingly sought by various companies throughout the world. This is done as a form of responsibility and care to help preserve nature and maintain the survival of living things in it.PT. Sentosa Ultra Grasindo as one of the companies engaged in the gas industry that provides various types of gas, one of which is medical gas applying the cryogenic tank installation method to help realize the green economy. This study aims to determine how the impact of the application of Cryogenic Tank installation methods in hospitals to the realization of green economy in the form of green logistics for oxygen distribution activities to XYZ Hospital, which is its client.This is a qualitative descriptive study using primary data types obtained from in-depth interviews and observations of related parties. The results showed that the method of installing cryogenic tanks in hospitals was considered to be more environmentally friendly and realize effectiveness and efficiency for PT. Sentosa Ultra Gasindo and for XYZ Hospital. 

Gusti Ayu Marcela Dewi ◽  
I Nyoman Sunarta ◽  
I Nyoman Sukma Arida

The phenomenon of Mount Agung eruption has a negative impact on Ubud tourism. The impact of this event was greater than the 2002 Bali bombing. Generally, governments and tourism actors in Ubud have no yet a specific management to reduce the negative impact of Mount Agung eruptions. This research is qualitative descriptive method approach with case study research. Primary data in this study were obtained from interviews with informants namely; government, tourism institutions (NGOs) and tourism industry players in Ubud. Researchers also used online desk research to collect the secondary data that already exists on the internet from trusted sources in the form of public documents (images, e-news), or personal documents (e-mail, work reports and results of minute meetings). The result of this study, there were obtained four stages of crisis handling carried out by Ubud’s tourism actors namely 4R such as, reduction, readiness, response, and recovery. To minimize the negative impact of Mount Agung eruption, stakeholder needs synergetic all elements such government, non-government organizations (NGOs), industry actors, communities and other stakeholders to keep tourism sector remains conducive. Keywords: strategy of tourism actors, Mount Agung eruption, crisis

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 134
Kadek Mastari ◽  
Ida Bagus Suryawan

Tourism is a very reliable sector in this globalization era. Indonesia is one country that relies heavily on the tourism sector. Bali is one of the provinces in Indonesia. Over time, Bali tourism continues to grow even better. This development can be seen from the development that has been carried out in Bali, such as infrastructure development. One of the infrastructures that has been created is Jalan Toi Bali Mandara I Gusti Ngurah Rai, located in Badung Regency. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the construction of the Bali Mandara Toll Road on tourist activities in the Kampoeng Kepan Ecotourism attraction in Tuban Bali. The type of data in this study uses qualitative data. And data sources in this study are primary data sources and qualitative data sources. Data collection in this study uses observation techniques, interviews and documentation For the determination of informants through puposive sampling Data analysis techniques used are qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques The results in this study are the impacts caused in the construction of the Bali Mandara toll road on tourist activities that have an impact very good, a lot of new innovations that can be used as tourist activities, then after the construction is finished tourism activities can run well and normal, the construction of toll roads is very supportive to attract tourists in tourism activities The construction of the Bali Mandara Toll Road has a good impact on tourism activities in Kampoeng Crab Ecotouris. Keywords: impact, development, tourist activity, and ecotourism kampoeng kepiting

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Ricky Rexi Langoy ◽  
Martha Mareyke Sendow ◽  
Olly Esry Harryani Laoh

South Tumani village is a village located in The District Maesaan South Minahasa Regency, the majority of the people work as farmers. South Tumani village has a limited production forest area of 500 hectares (Ha). Based on observations made by researchers showed that people's behavior in the utilization of forest resources that are not controlled can trigger forest destruction. The purpose of this research is to find out the perception of farmers' perception of forests in The Village of South Tumani Maesaan District. For three months from August to October 2020, the data types used were primary data and secondary data obtained from interviews using questionnaires. Sampling method is done purposive sampling (determined intentionally).In accordance with the results of research on farmers' perception of forests in South Tumani Village. (1) Farmers in South Tumani Village know about the existence of forests in the eastern part of Tumani village and the types of crops in the forest. (2) Farmers know that forest resources are useful and have utilized forest resources. (3) Farmers know about the impact of forest damage and how to protect forests. (4) People are hesitant about the rules of forest protection. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
Jaka Sulaksana ◽  
Dadang Sudirno ◽  
L Suparto L.M

Majalengka government has taken agrotourism approach in economic development as autonomy implementation. The development of agrotourism potentials is hoped to make contribution to regional income, including tax subsector. This study aims (1) to discover the progress of regional tax contributions in the last few years; and (2) to find out the impact of international airport existence to the rise of regional income. The method used is quantitative and qualitative descriptive method. The research location is in Majalengka Regency. Data is collected from primary and secondary data. Primary data is the result of a survey conducted on 1891 taxpayers, while secondary data is the achievement of tax revenue each year from Regional Income Office. The collecting data is conducted in June-September 2020. The analysis technique used is overlay analysis which is started with potential and growth analysis. The results show that the largest contributions to regional original income are restaurant and advertisement tax. It is due to a large increase in the number of taxpayers of the two sub-taxes. The results also show that five types of sub-taxes have an average contribution rate of 36.20% to regional original income, and included in the sufficient category, meaning that the Regional Government of Majalengka Regency need to optimize its tax revenue. The existence of Kertajati International Airport has made a change in social economic life of Majalengka society. There is an expanding of business scale not only around the airport but also in other area including highland as the basis of Agrotourism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 417-426
Yuyun Hamzah ◽  
Pahrul Idham Kaliky ◽  
Antasari Bandjar

This research is a qualitative descriptive study that aims to provide an overview of the interactions and parasocial relationships of k-drama audiences with the characters in The World of The Married drama as the impact of mass communication. And to find out the characteristics, factors that influence parasocial relationships and at what level these parasocial relationships are intertwined with the S.O.R (Stimulus, Organism, Response) theory as a framework of thought. Primary data collection was carried out through online interviews with a number of informants from the k-drama audience of The World of The Married who were taken randomly from Instagram accounts. The results of this study indicate that the interaction between the audience and k-drama. The World of The Married gives rise to parasocial relationships with the following three characteristics, empathy toward the performer, seeking companionship, and imagined friendship. Parasocial relationships that exist are influenced by factors of motivation, identification and similarity. Thus, in the concept of interaction and parasocial relationships, Korean drama audiences can be grouped at the level of entertainment social-value and intense-personal feeling.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 00005
Dendy Suseno Adhiarso ◽  
Prahastiwi Utari ◽  
Sri Hastjarjo

The development of digital technology very rapidly at this time has made all kinds of media fused into the entire life of the community. So that makes humans becoming addicted always to utilize the technological sophistication. Not only in the context of technological progress physically but the impact of technical complexity that has affected the community, either way, we communicate, interact, transact and how society. This study aims to determine how the effect of technological sophistication to change people's behavior in using the media. The theory used in this study are a digital theory, behavior change theory, media theory and the theory of convergence. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that seeks to explain and describe the real situation in society at this time by combining secondary data types. Data were analyzed to formulate a prediction for the future based on data from prior periods to obtain a picture of reality past, present, and future on the changes that occur. The results showed that the new media has an impact on the behavioral change in the use of media that has implications for social change, culture, economy, and politics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Mohammad Basid Alharis

Islam does not forbid its servants from doing business in the world. The difference between Islamic business and others is its motivation. In addition to worldly, but the business of Islam is also for the benefit of ukhrowi. And the main goal is not just profit, but zakat and blessing of the results of his efforts. However, business is not always lucky continuously, sometimes experiencing losses due to various factors. Especially at this time, the non-technical factor that is faced now is the impact of the 2019 (covid-19) coronavirus disease pandemic greatly affecting the economies of all Countries in the World. It is interesting to study how the marketing strategy of the company or also business people in order to survive in the midst of this pandemic. Generally affected, the Charitable Institution namely Baitul Maal Hidayatullah (BMH) Kediri has increased incomes. Thus, researchers are interested in conducting a study of Islamic business ethics review on BMH Kediri's marketing strategy in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Because the object of this research is field research, so qualitative research aims to explain phenomena profusely through data collection. The data in this study use primary data through in-depth interviews. Keywords: Islamic Business Ethics, Marketing Strategy, Qualitative Descriptive

2020 ◽  
Sriyono Sriy ◽  
Sarwendah Biduri ◽  
Bayu Prayogi

Abstract The recovery of SMEs' performance due to the impact of Covid-19 is significant because SMEs have an essential role in the economy. Many previous studies have examined the effects of covid-19 on SMEs, but this research is only on fundamental recovery. This study will be very different because this research prioritizes the acceleration of performance recovery and SMEs' competitive advantage to conduct activities immediately. This study aims to accelerate the recovery of SMEs' performance affected bhealing19 and the benefits of competing through non-banking financing. This research type is interpretive qualitative using primary data through in-depth interviews; each in-depth interview lasts 45 t0 60 minutes on several important informants and secondary data as data support. Data validity test using credibility and transferability test, Data analysis technique using research data reduction, presenting data, drawing conclusion drawing. Based on the research results in the field and analysis, alternative non-banking financing is suitable for SMEs affected by covid-19. The conclusion of this study is to accelerate the recovery of performance and competitive advantage through non-banking funding because there are no complex requirements required, and the payment model is very light.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-56
Agus Sya'bani Arlan

The increasing number of Divorce each year In Hulu Sungai Utara Regency, this data is obtained based on surveys or direct observations in the Amuntai Religious Court. The number of divorce cases from 2014 was 651 cases, in 2015 it increased to 654 cases, although in 2016 and 2017 it decreased by around 601 and 622 but in 2018 this was only in September as many as 662 cases of this number, so there was an increase in divorce rates. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the implementation of Regional Regulations and analyze the obstacles in implementing Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2016 concerning the Protection of Women and Children in the North Hulu Sungai Regency. The research method is qualitative descriptive, type and source of data, namely primary data through observation, interviews while secondary data through data available at the Office of Protection and Empowerment of Women and Children in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency, the technique used in sampling is purposive sampling technique is withdrawal of samples in purpose or can be determined in accordance with the requirements (characteristics, characteristics, characteristics, criteria). The results of the study show that in the implementation of Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2016 concerning the Implementation of Protection of Women and Children in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency, it is still not fully implemented. This can be seen where the handling of these cases has not been fully implemented, then people who are victims of domestic violence or the impact of their divorce is not all that they know about the local regulations, so they have not run properly, efficiently and effectively. So that the firmness in handling the case also cannot be implemented because the sanctions are not mentioned and the contents of the policy need to be renewed. The suggestions given for input include, among other things, providing a place for counseling and complaints about domestic violence issues, especially for the protection of women and children, there must be attention and support from the Hulu Sungai Utara District Head regarding the issue of funding in terms of supporting treatment women's protection case. Keywords: Implementation, Protection of Women

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 1228
Aris Kurniawan Ridho ◽  
Sri Herianingrum

The objective of this study is to find out how the impact of Paying Zakat on consumptive behavior of civil servants in the Department of Religion of Surabaya. The research used qualitative descriptive case study method. The data used were primary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained from the results of interview, observation, and documentation on the relevant parties, while secondary data was obtained through printed media, electronic media as well the Internet on consumptive behavior, in addition to supporting data from various journals and books which are relevant to this study. The results of the research show that zakat gives impact on consumptive behavior of Civil Servants of the Department of Religion in Surabaya. When their salary is deducted in accordance with the provisions of zakat, they feel that the consumptive behavior to fulfill their daily needs is somewhat different when they pay zakat. The efficiency of zakat payment or zakat collection is one of their reasons to continue paying their zakat in accordance with existing provisions. Among the greatest benefits they perceived is the increasing awareness of the obligation to pay zakat and applying consumption principles in accordance to the Islamic norms.Keywords: zakat, consumptive behavior in Islam

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