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data validity
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 605-612
Devito Andharu ◽  
Haris Supratno ◽  

This study aims to find a conspiracy in Indonesian politics novels. This study uses a sociology conspiracy study to reveal the concepts of conspiracy in the novel. The research approach used is qualitative. Data collection techniques using library techniques. The data analysis technique used hermeneutic and heuristic methods. And the data validity technique uses time triangulation. The results show that conspiracy in Indonesian politics novels is related to conflicts creation, scenarios-paranoid creation, and the manipulation of events.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-166
Septi Fridayani P

One of the causes of the lack of cultural existence today is not because the level of awareness of the younger generation for culture is low or irrelevant, but because of the low level of communication between generations. The purpose of this study was to find out the communication strategy of the KBKM program in an effort to promote culture by KEMDIBUD-RISTEK RI to the younger generation. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with sample determination using purposive sampling technique and case study approach. Data collection techniques using interview and observation study methods and documentation using data validity triangulation techniques. The results of this study indicate that KEMDIKBUD-RISTEK RI has made efforts to promote culture through villages by attracting the role of young people using communication strategies from Onong Uchjana Effendy in the form of planning, management and implementation of communication. The planning includes the timeline and the publication process, communication management includes redundancy (repetition), canalizing, informative, persuasive, educative and also coercive. Then carry out the analysis of issues and the role of communication, selecting targets, determining targets, developing strategies and selecting partners, determining messages, determining communication tools, managing communication and conducting partner directions, planning activities, communication budgets, as well as monitoring and evaluation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-92
Muhammad Amir ◽  
Naveed Iqbal ◽  
Sheeza Tahir

Due to speedy trade and industry expansion in the emerging economies it is creating stern environmental corrosion. Effluence makers’ enterprises are mostly responsible for environmental deterioration. Therefore, it is the responsibility of those firms to take steps to control this corrosion in the environment. This research explains the effect of corporate environmental responsibility (CER) on corporate financial performance (CFP) with the moderating effect of organizational slack and industry competition. Data was collected from annual reports of 50 KSE 100 index companies from 2012-2019, containing total 450 observations. Dynamic penal model was used to test the study hypothesis by using Eviews, different pre and post estimations are applied to confirm the data validity.  Empirical results indicate that corporate environmental responsibility has significant positive effect on corporate financial performance, while the moderating effect of organizational slack is negative. Industry competition has significant positive moderating effect on the relationship, i.e., if there is high competition in industry then firms will invest more in environment to attract more consumers and to create good will in market. The study reveal that those firms will lead where competition is high and who will focus on their responsibility towards environment.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2725-2730
Amiruddin Siahaan ◽  
Rizki Akmalia ◽  
Budi Suhartono ◽  
Rini Dewi Andriani ◽  
Mulkan Hasibuan

This study aimed to determine the pattern of principals' leadership in implementing fair and tolerant leadership towards teachers and students who have different ethnicities, races, and religions. This study uses qualitative research methods, with the type of descriptive research. The subjects of this study were 6 teachers and 4 Vocational High School students. This study uses primary data and secondary data as data sources. At the same time, the data collection tools are through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The test of data validity is done by extending the period of observation, triangulation, and careful observation, and conducting member and checks so that the information obtained can be used in research in accordance with what was meant by the informant. Based on the findings, it is obtained that the principal's ethics of justice can be seen through the implementation of policies in his daily life, such as determining rewards and punishments based on fairness and tolerance regardless of race, ethnicity, and religion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-272
Djoko Sulaksono ◽  
Winda Dwi Lestari ◽  
Budi Waluyo ◽  
Islahuddin Islahuddin

Humans, nature, culture, and creators have an inseparable relationship. In Javanese culture, gratitude is realized through cultural events, such as Bersih Desa (village clean-ups ceremony). A puppet play of Sri Mulih is performed as an expression of gratitude. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The data source is a video of Wayang Purwa play of Sri Mulih. First, the data are reduced and analyzed by discussing the problem. Finally, the data are assessed by using triangulation techniques to obtain data validity. This study found that the religious value within the play is related to the ceremony of Bersih Desa in the Purworejo district. The finding provides a picture of the acculturation of local culture and Islamic teachings because wayang plays are adapted according to the Javanese culture.Manusia, alam, budaya, dan pencipta memiliki hubungan yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Dalam budaya masyarakat Jawa, rasa syukur diwujudkan dengan acara-acara kebudayaan seperti halnya bersih desa. Lakon wayang kulit Sri Mulih yang dipentaskan sebagai perwujudan rasa syukur masyarakat Jawa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan keyakinan religi masyarakat hubungannya dengan kepercayaan bersih desa menggunakan sarana pertunjukan wayang kulit purwa dengan lakon Sri Mulih. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan tiga tahapan penelitian, yaitu reduksi data, sajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah video pertunjukan wayang purwa lakon Sri Mulih. Data-data dalam sumber data utama direduksi dan dianalisis dengan pembahasan masalah. Terakhir data-data yang diperoleh diuji dengan menggunakan teknik triangulasi untuk mendapat suatu derajat validitas data. Hasil dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan nilai religius dalam lakon tersebut terkait prosesi bersih desa di kabupaten Purworejo. Hasil ini memberikan gambaran akulturasi budaya lokal dan ajaran Islam karena lakon wayang telah diadaptasi sesuai dengan kultur busaya masyarakat Jawa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 404-409
Asiska Doni Oktafiyanto ◽  
Donny Anhar Fahmi

This research was motivated by the researcher's anxiety about the motivation of the training participants of level 2 aerobics instructor training which was caused by the researcher's doubts about the motivation of the participants of the level 2 aerobic exercise instructor training at LKP Griya Dina, Demak Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation of the training participants of level 2 aerobics instructor at LKP Griya Dina, Demak Regency. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative approach. The research location is LKP Griya Dina, Demak Regency. The informants in this study were the Chairperson, Administrators, LKP Griya Dina instructor trainers, and training participants for level 2 aerobics instructors. Data collection techniques in this study used several techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The data validity technique in this research is data triangulation. The analysis was carried out using a descriptive analysis model. The purpose of this study was to determine the intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation of the training participants of level 2 aerobics instructor at LKP Griya Dina, Demak Regency. The results showed that the trainees had an internal drive or intrinsic motivation as well as an external drive or extrinsic motivation that encouraged participants to attend level 2 aerobic exercise instructor training at LKP Griya Dina, Demak Regency. Regarding the participants' interest in becoming an aerobics instructor in Demak Regency, the researchers received an answer from the results of interviews with training participants that the trainees were also interested in becoming an aerobics instructor in Demak Regency.

Masitowarni Siregar ◽  
Baharuddin ◽  
Endang Matulissa ◽  
Nelly Marlina Tampubolon Lili Sartika ◽  
Dimas Hendrawan

The aim of this endeavour is to find out: (1) Planning for learning about short stories using the Reading to Learn Approach); (2) Implementation of learning Short Stories using the Reading to Learn Approach. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that emphasizes the process and meaning of ongoing activities. Data were collected through observation, field notes, interviews, and document analysis. Data validity was carried out through method triangulation and source triangulation. The research findings indicated that  the teacher had carried out good preparation in planning R2L-based learning, namely by preparing learning preparataions in lesson plans formats, teaching materials, worksheet, assessments and learning media, The teacher also informs the students beforehand that the teacher would implement a new learning model in which it is hoped that all students would fully participate in the class later. At the implementation stage of learning the teacher had followed the R2L learning steps by Rose and Martin (2012), namely Preparation, Detailed Reading, Joins Construction and Individual Construction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-116
Yustina Sri Ekwandari ◽  
Aprilia Triaristina ◽  
Henry Susanto

This study aims to examine the Pugung Raharjo Archaeological site as a source of learning history. The location of the Pugung Raharjo Archaeological site is located in the village of Batanghari, Sekampung, East Lampung Regency, Lampung Province. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques through literature study, observation, interviews, and documentation. The data validity technique uses source triangulation, for data analysis using interactive model analysis. The Pugung Raharjo Archaeological Site is a site protected by the Cultural Conservation Preservation Agency. As a source of learning the history of the ancient site Pugung Raharjo has historical values in the Praaksara/nirleka era with its relics, namely; Punden terraces, earth forts, stone with holes, stone axes, stone corpse complex, megalithic pools, beads, and household utensils. Classical era or Hindu-Buddhist relics, namely; Bodhisattva statues, Polynesian type statues, Humpback Inscriptions, and Ceramics. During the Islamic period, his relics were; Dalung Inscription, and Tombstone. The Pugung Raharjo Archaeological Site can be used as a source of history learning, one example is by learning history through the arrival and spread of early people in Sumatra, especially Lampung because this is the forerunner to the formation of a province of Lampung or often called the earth of Lampung. The process of utilizing the Pugung Raharjo site as a source of learning local history can be done by means, students can directly visit the object by doing/field trips. Thus the Pugung Raharjo archaeological site is very important for students, where students can participate in caring for and preserving historical relics in the vicinity. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji situs Purbakala Pugung Raharjo sebagai sumber belajar sejarah. Lokasi situs Purbakala Pugung Raharjo terletak di desa Batanghari, Sekampung Kabupaten Lampung Timur, Provinsi Lampung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi sumber, untuk analisis data menggunakan analisis model interaktif. Situs Purbakala Pugung Raharjo merupakan situs yang dilindungi oleh Badan Pelestarian Cagar Budaya. Sebagai sumber pembelajaran sejarah situs purbakala Pugung Raharjo memiliki nilai-nilai sejarah pada zaman Praaksara/nirleka dengan benda-benda peninggalannya yaitu; Punden berundak, Benteng tanah, Batu berlubang, Kapak Batu, Komplek Batu Mayat, kolam megalitik, manik-manik dan peralatan rumah tangga. Zaman klasik atau Hindu-Budha benda peninggalannya yaitu; arca Bodhisatwa, arca tipe Polinesia, Prasasti Bungkuk, dan Keramik. Pada Masa Islam benda peninggalannya yaitu; Prasasti Dalung, dan Batu Nisan. Situs Purbakala Pugung Raharjo dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pembelajaran sejarah, salah satu contohnya adalah dengan pembelajaran sejarah melalui kedatangan dan penyebaran masyarakat awal di Sumatera khususnya Lampung, karena ini merupakan cikal bakal terbentuknya sebuah provinsi Lampung atau sering dikatakan juga bumi Lampung. Proses pemanfaatan situs Pugung Raharjo sebagai sumber belajar Sejarah Lokal dapat dilakukan dengan cara, mahasiswa dapat langsung mengunjungi obyeknya yang dilakukan dengan melakukan karya wisata/fieldtrip. Dengan demikian situs purbakala Pugung Raharjo sangat penting bagi para mahasiswa, dimana para mahasiswa dapat turut serta dalam merawat dan melestarikan peninggalan-peninggalan bersejarah yang ada di sekitarnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-190
Ahmad Salim ◽  
Ibnu Ubay Dillah ◽  
Ika Tri Susilowati

The COVID-19 affects all aspects of life, including Islamic boarding schools or pesantren. These institutions are having difficulty conducting online learning activities because they are not familiar with this method. This study aims to reveal Islamic boarding schools’ response toward the impact of COVID-19 in maintaining pesantren values at Pesantren Miftahul Ulum, Subang, West Java. The study utilized the descriptive qualitative method. The respondents of this study were teachers (ustadz), students (santri), and leaders (kyai). The data were collected through observation, interviews, documentation, and online searching.  The triangulation was employed as the data validity technique, and the data analysis technique used data reduction, data display, data verification, and conclusion. The result showed that pesantren responses in maintaining the pesantren values due to the impact of COVID-19 such as limiting the learning time in class, limiting the santri’s capacity per classroom, and limiting ustadz interaction with santri in the classroom. The learning process during the pandemic was carried out face-to-face and strictly adhered to the health protocol. The learning methods employed were sorogan, bandongan, and kempekan. Pesantren also internalizes morals to the students to guarantee the value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Nina Septiani Safitri ◽  
Kristina Setyowati

Innovation is one way to restructure public services that are integrated with information technology. Starting from the existence of public transportation in the city of Surakarta that is no longer extending due to the revitalization of public transportation, the lack of network and route permits optimization and manual public transport permit services seem convoluted, slow and take a lot of time. The Surakarta City Department of Transportation created ‘Si Pintar Solo’ innovation, which is the the Solo Route and Operation Licensing Information System. This study aims to identify and understand the implementation of the Si Pintar Solo innovation by using the innovation theory according to Rogers (2003). This is a descriptive qualitative research, with primary data, such as interviews and secondary data from related documents. The sample selected by purposive sampling.  The data validity used source triangulation. The data analyzed using interactive analysis. The results showed that the implementation of the Si Pintar Solo innovation described in each of the innovation attribute criteria, such as simplifying and accelerating services because it is supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure, according to community needs. Licensing is conducted online which does not require coming to the Surakarta City Department of Transportation office and is integrated with the e-Uji service. In addition, it could monitor the licensing process and the result of licensing data is stored in the database. However, there are obstacles, such as signal limitedness and the users’ quandary about innovations involving technology.

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