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teachers and students
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 212-218
A. Batyraliev

Research relevance: the issues of organizing and conducting teaching practice at Osh State University are relevant in connection with the increase and improvement of teachers and students educational activities in general. Research objectives: to reveal the goals, objectives, content and criteria for assessing adaptation, vocational-base and vocational-profile practice. Research materials and methods: the article construction based on analysis of educational standards on pedagogical practice, on the main goals and objectives definition in adaptational-pedagogical practice. Research results: experience of organizing and conducting pedagogical practice can be theoretically and practically useful for several pedagogical universities. Conclusions: based on specialties specifics, methodological departments of pedagogical faculties have developed educational methodological complexes and syllabuses for each type of pedagogical practice.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 533-544
Anwar Hammad

<p style="text-align: justify;">This study aims at identifying the level of psychological and professional stress in light of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. It adopted descriptive and analytical methodologies. Two scales were prepared: one scale for psychological and professional stress and the other for coping with psychological and professional pressures. The study sample consisted of 608 female teachers at public schools in Al-Kharj province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The results show a moderate level of psychological and professional stresses. The findings show statistically significant differences in teaching experience variable. The differences were in favour of female teachers with experience of less than 5 years. However, no statistically significant differences were found on the variable of academic qualification. It was found that female teachers had followed strategies to cope with psychological and professional stresses including resorting to faith, connecting with other teachers and students, planning different strategies, seeking help from others and managing time. The study recommends arranging training courses for female teachers to develop remote teaching skills and using various technologies and applications in this field particularly during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.</p>

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 222-229
Akmalia Mutiara Dewi ◽  
Agus Kamaludin

This research aimed to develop an audiovisual-based PowToon animation video on the subject matter of chemical bonds and analyze the quality of the audiovisual-based animated video as learning media to study chemical bonds based on the assessment of material experts, media experts, chemistry teachers, and students’ responses. This research used development research methods (R&D) with a 4D development model (Define, Design, Development, and Dissemination). However, the 4D development model was limited to the dissemination stage in this research. The product is an animated video, which is in the form of mp4, containing chemical bond materials. Based on product quality assessment by a material expert, it gained a percentage of 84.375% with very good (VG) category; from the media expert’s assessment, it obtained a percentage of 96.428% with very good (VG) category; and according to assessment by chemistry teachers of high school, it got a percentage of 98.48% in the very good (VG) category. The product was responded to positively by students with a percentage of 95%. Based on the results of assessments, the animated video can be used as an alternative media for the chemistry learning process in the classroom

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-28

This study examines the effectiveness of the implementation of online distance learning at MIM Bulakrejo Sukoharjo in 2020/2021, and the advantages and disadvantages of implementing online distance learning at MIM Bulakrejo Sukoharjo in 2020/2021. This survey uses a descriptive qualitative approach and uses a field survey. The primary data sources of this study were the principal and teachers. Observation techniques, interviews, and documented data collection to support the research data needed. The conclusions of the researchers are as follows: 1) The online learning system of MIM Bulakrejo is not very effective. Online system learning at the elementary school level is like an incentive for teachers and students to exercise. The application of the online learning system at MIM Bulakrejo is less effective because it actually only gives assignments to students and the teacher does not know whether the students understand it. The teacher's job is usually only done occasionally, in the form of giving assignments from so many pages to so many pages. 2) The supporting factor is that the school provides WiFi to students as a means of providing material and by providing free delegation. The obstacle is not only the lack of effectiveness and time efficiency by parents who are busy so they cannot provide assistance to their children during the online system learning process, but also the lack of enthusiasm of students to take part in online system learning. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengkaji tentang efektivitas penerapan pembelajaran jarak jauh sistem daring di MIM Bulakrejo Sukoharjo Tahun 2020/2021, dan kelebihan serta kekurangan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak jauh sistem daring di MIM Bulakrejo Sukoharjo Tahun 2020/2021. Survei ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan menggunakan survei lapangan. Sumber data primer penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru. Teknik observasi, wawancara, dan pengumpulan data terdokumentasi untuk mendukung data penelitian yang dibutuhkan. Kesimpulan dari peneliti adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Sistem pembelajaran online MIM Bulakrejo sangat tidak efektif. Pembelajaran sistem online di tingkat sekolah dasar seperti penyemangat bagi guru dan siswa untuk berolahraga. Penerapan sistem pembelajaran online di MIM Bulakrejo kurang efektif karena sebenarnya hanya memberikan tugas kepada siswa dan guru tidak mengetahui apakah siswa memahaminya. Tugas guru biasanya hanya dilakukan sesekali, berupa pemberian tugas dari halaman yang begitu banyak ke halaman yang sangat banyak. 2) Faktor pendukung adalah pihak sekolah menyediakan WiFi kepada siswa sebagai sarana pemberian materi dan dengan memberikan delegasi gratis. Kendala tersebut tidak hanya pada kurang efektif dan efisiensi waktu oleh orang tua dengan kesibukannya sehingga tidak bisa memberikan pendampingan pada anaknya saat proses pembelajaran sistem daring, tetapi juga kurangnya semangat siswa untuk mengikuti pembelajaran sistem daring.

2022 ◽  
Dragana Vasilije Dimitrijević ◽  
Marija Jovanović Jovanović ◽  

One of the most current issues facing modern pedagogical theory and practice is distance learning. Since the Covid-19 virus pandemic outbreak, this specific teaching context has become the only hope for education systems globally. Given the role and importance that distance learning has today, our paper is focused on studying its barriers in immediate secondary school practice. This research is part of a broader study that involves a more thorough study of distance learning, which was conducted on a sample of 422 students and 120 secondary school teachers in Southeast Serbia. The aim of this paper is to identify the most common barriers to distance learning and answer the question of whether there are differences in the attitudes of teachers and students about the barriers they encountered during the first months of its implementation. In terms of frequency, the results of the conducted research show that evaluation-related barriers are the most common, while the learning material and technical barriers to distance learning are the least common ones. The research has shown that teachers statistically more often highlight evaluation-related, organizational/administrative and social/emotional barriers, while in practice, students more often experience learning content-related barriers. The results also confirm positive correlation in the participants’ attitudes about the analyzed barriers and directly point to the conclusion about their objective perception and critical reflection on this problem by emphasizing the importance of didactic elements such as: quality of the teaching process, level of knowledge acquired, objectivity of assessment, etc. in relation to the learning material and technical side of teaching. These conclusions point to a number of pedagogical implications by which the new, specific teaching context can be significantly improved.

Mohammed J. Almalki

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant influence on education systems, educational environments, teachers, and students. This study aims to assess the satisfaction with, adherence to, and perspectives toward COVID-19 preventive measures among public health students in Jazan, Saudi Arabia in order to enhance their campus experience. This study utilized a cross-sectional methodology. Data were collected using convenience sampling between 2–19 November 2020; this was accomplished using an online survey administered via Google Forms. The final sample consisted of 200 participants. More than half of the participants (55.0%) were dissatisfied with the preventive measures that had been applied on campus, while 19.0% had a neutral outlook. Interestingly, female participants showed a higher level of dissatisfaction toward the preventive measures (70.6%) than male participants (43.5%). The ordinal logistic regression analysis revealed a significant correlation between the degree of satisfaction with the COVID-19 preventive measures and the participant’s gender and education level. Male students were more likely to be satisfied with the preventive measures (p < 0.029, OR = 2.199) than female students. In addition, final year students were 4.1 times more likely to be satisfied with the COVID-19 preventive measures (p < 0.004, OR = 0.242) than Year 2 students, and 6.2 times more likely to be satisfied (p ≤ 0.001, OR = 0.162) than Year 3 students. Efforts are needed to improve the students’ satisfaction with COVID-19 preventive measures. Steps are also required to ensure that the procedures and actions introduced by the college extend to all students. In addition, further research is needed to recognize and understand the participants’ experiences after moving to the new buildings, receiving COVID-19 vaccines, and returning to on campus study.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. p38
Vibeke Christensen ◽  
Peter Hobel

Students write to learn. Besides, enculturation to the disciplinary discourse happens during writing. Feedback on the assignments from the students scaffolds students’ writing development and learning paths. However, knowledge about the relationship between language, including argumentation in the discipline, on one hand, and the content of the discipline, on the other, is needed. This article is based on a socio-cultural approach to writing in the disciplines, and theory on feedback, and focuses on the relationship between the meso-level of texts (sentences, clauses, word choice) and the content of the discipline.  We discuss how insight into the meso-level of texts may be used to improve and to develop feedback and formative evaluation. Cases from an intervention project in a Danish upper secondary school are included, and indicate that teachers and students assign a lower priority to feedback on the meso-level. This article claims that providing feedback on the meso-level strengthens writing development and students’ learning processes. To illustrate how this may be accomplished two texts are analyzed: one from a history class and one from a biology class.

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. pp255-268
Bela Khakhuk ◽  
Natalia Morgunovа ◽  
Lydia Nosenko ◽  
Lyudmila Posokhova ◽  
Еlena Zatsarinnaya

One of the major problems in the relationship between the Global South and the Global North is the the drain of intellectual capital from the economies and education systems of the most developed countries of the Global South, which bothers both developing countries and some European ones. The purpose of the study is to reveal the reasons for the migration of scientists and students from Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China, South Africa (BRICS countries) and identify the consequences of the process through the example of a Russian university by studying the characteristics of personal experience and motivation of students and teachers. The research is devoted to the study of academic activity abroad and the attitude of 360 four- and five-year students and 321 teachers at Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation) towards the practice. The survey results revealed that a relatively small number of respondents (31.07% of teachers and 9.03% of students) have experience of foreign academic activity; the large majority of participants highly assessed the possibility of studying and working abroad (4.87 and 3.48 on a 5-point Likert scale among teachers and students, respectively). The results of the study are in line with the findings of similar studies on academic migration in other BRICS countries; therefore, they can be extrapolated in a broader context. In particular, according to all respondents, the possibility of repeated or circular migration is extremely low (0.88 and 1.61). The research results can help to manage international research and exchange programs, as well as to regulate university training programs and academic migration. The novelty of the study lies in the analysis of the motivation of scientists and students on academic migrating and their assessment of migration intentions based on an example of a single educational institution and region.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-32
NM Badhon ◽  
N Nahar ◽  
I Jahan ◽  
F Zaman ◽  
MI Hossain

The modern concept of a curriculum originally derived from the Latin word for a race course. Undergraduate medical education is part of a continuum of education and training.The new curriculum is structured to provide a balance among learning opportunities through integrated teaching system.  This study was carried out to explore the views of teachers and students regarding the current undergraduate medical curriculum.  This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted between October 2019 to October 2020 among the teachers and students of a private medical college and hospital (MH Samorita medical collegesandhospital) in Dhaka Bangladesh. The sample size were 100 in total.  Most of the participants suggested for changes in overall existing MBBS curriculum. Highest satisfaction was seen in content related to learning objectives that were 90% and highest dissatisfaction was seen in Phase distribution of subjects that were 89%.However, they were satisfied with present pattern of course content, objectives, evaluation system and carry on system. Teachers and students evaluation may prove useful if analyzed further to overcome the shortcomings of existing MBBS curriculum. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education Vol.13(1) January 2022: 27-32

2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
Lucy Afeafa Ry-Kottoh ◽  
Lucy Afeafa Ry-Kottoh ◽  
Samuel Smith Esseh ◽  
Adolph Hilary Agbo

Equal access to books and other educational materials presents equal opportunities for all to acquire education, develop skills, and realise their full potential. Drawing on data gathered through focus group discussions and interviews, our study discusses access and use of books in braille by the print-disabled in special schools/education in Ghana. The study found the supply and access to books in braille by students and teachers inadequate to support teaching and learning, mainly due to the challenges with production. Given the poor access teachers and students have to publications in braille, we argue that audiobooks be adopted as a supplementary reading format for the print-disabled in Ghana so they can have access to equal educational opportunities as their non-disabled colleagues.

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