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environmental responsibility
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 781
Tingli Liu ◽  
Hongqiao Gao

With the development of society and the improvement of environmental consciousness, the performance of corporate environmental responsibility (CER) has elicited increasing attention in recent years. In previous studies, the exploration of the antecedents of CER is far less evident than the exploration of its results, and only few studies have investigated what determines CER engagement from the perspective of supply chain concentration (SCC). Using data from 2413 firms in China from 2013 to 2019, our study uses the fixed effect model and performs multiple robustness tests to examine the impact of SCC on the fulfillment of CER, its transmission mechanism, and the moderating role of technology uncertainty (TU). Empirical results show that SCC has a pivotal negative impact on CER performance, wherein both supplier concentration (SUP) and customer concentration (CUS) are detrimental to CER performance. Further mechanism analysis shows that such negative effect can be explained by the adverse effect of SCC on the operating cash flow (OCF), in which OCF has a partial mediating effect. Moreover, the negative impact of SCC on CER performance is more significant when the uncertainty of firms’ technological environment is stronger. Our study opens the transmission “black box” between SCC and CER performance and incorporates the behaviors of firms, inter-firm relationships, and environmental factors into the same research framework, and provides a theoretical guidance for management practices.

Andreea Loredana Bîrgovan ◽  
Sorin Daniel Vatca ◽  
Laura Bacali ◽  
Andrea Szilagyi ◽  
Elena Simina Lakatos ◽  

The notion of Corporate Environmental Responsibility has been extensively researched in the literature so far, but less is known about how this concept fits into the circular economy paradigm. We performed a moderated mediation analysis in order to identify the mechanism that links corporate environmental responsibility with readiness for change towards a circular economy business model. The findings from 311 respondents show that there is a positive association between corporate environmental responsibility and the readiness for change to a circular model, mediated by perceived circular economy drivers. In addition, perceived circular economy barriers hinder this positive relationship, acting as a buffer. These findings can further contribute to the elaboration of a conceptual framework for embedding circular economy in the corporate social responsibility strategies of organizations.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-92
Muhammad Amir ◽  
Naveed Iqbal ◽  
Sheeza Tahir

Due to speedy trade and industry expansion in the emerging economies it is creating stern environmental corrosion. Effluence makers’ enterprises are mostly responsible for environmental deterioration. Therefore, it is the responsibility of those firms to take steps to control this corrosion in the environment. This research explains the effect of corporate environmental responsibility (CER) on corporate financial performance (CFP) with the moderating effect of organizational slack and industry competition. Data was collected from annual reports of 50 KSE 100 index companies from 2012-2019, containing total 450 observations. Dynamic penal model was used to test the study hypothesis by using Eviews, different pre and post estimations are applied to confirm the data validity.  Empirical results indicate that corporate environmental responsibility has significant positive effect on corporate financial performance, while the moderating effect of organizational slack is negative. Industry competition has significant positive moderating effect on the relationship, i.e., if there is high competition in industry then firms will invest more in environment to attract more consumers and to create good will in market. The study reveal that those firms will lead where competition is high and who will focus on their responsibility towards environment.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Shan Huang ◽  
Khor Teik Huat ◽  
Zifei Zhou ◽  

<abstract> <p>There is a certain correlation between Chinese traditional culture and Chinese enterprises' performance of environmental responsibility, but there is little literature on the relationship between them from an empirical perspective. This paper combs and evaluates the relevant literature from three aspects: the evaluation of the economic and social effects of Chinese traditional culture, the influencing factors of corporate environmental responsibility, and the measurement of culture. Based on the literature review, this paper puts forward the following research enlightenment, that is, future empirical research should be carried out from the perspective of the intensity, effect, and heterogeneity of the impact of Chinese traditional culture on enterprises' fulfillment of environmental responsibility, as well as the moderating factors of the relationship between them.</p> </abstract>

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 424
Tancredi Pascucci ◽  
Brizeida Raquel Hernández-Sánchez ◽  
José Carlos Sánchez-García

In this review, we study the state of entrepreneurial education as it applies to business resilience. We consider records over the last 20 years about entrepreneurial resilience that consider their social impact and focus on sustainability. The aim of the study was to determine whether an enterprise that stresses social impact and sustainability rather than profits could reinforce entrepreneurial resilience. The importance of this study is that it offers a more complex description of entrepreneurial resilience by connecting social and environmental sensitivity with a profit-oriented logic. We found a mild incremental rise in, first, the years of the 2000s and a jump by 2010. We then used VosViewer to create a cluster map from the record list of WOS, creating three clusters of: “education and sustainability”, “entrepreneurship and social impact” and “innovation”, and these three clusters were related to superior entrepreneurial resilience. This approach should be adopted in real time to be able to adapt to socio-economic crises, adopting a functional approach based on cooperativeness and awareness of complexity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Mayara Régia Sousa de Melo

A responsabilidade socioambiental é um conceito complementar e crescente em discussões, tanto no âmbito organizacional quanto educacional. A pesquisa é de caráter bibliográfico, cuja coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de revisão da literatura corrente sobre o tema estudado em periódicos como Google Acadêmico, Scielo e Capes, bem como em sites das próprias instituições de ensino objeto do estudo: Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA), Faculdade Pitágoras, Centro Universitário do Maranhão (CEUMA), Faculdade ISL WYDEN, Universidade Dom Bosco (UNDB). O objetivo geral buscou identificar o impacto das ações de responsabilidade socioambiental para as comunidades circunvizinhas das respectivas instituições de ensino superior analisadas e os objetivos específicos visavam explorar ainda mais a problemática, por meio dos seguintes pontos: identificar as ações realizadas e fomentadas pelas instituições de ensino superior no âmbito da responsabilidade socioambiental; verificar a participação dos discentes nas ações realizadas e analisar os efeitos gerados nas comunidades beneficiadas. Foram identificadas ações sociais e projetos voltados para o tema de responsabilidade social e ambiental em todas as universidades comparadas, porém em algumas o grau de envolvimento dos discentes e da comunidade externa é mínimo, como no caso das universidades públicas analisadas, enquanto nas faculdades particulares o envolvimento da comunidade acadêmica e externa, em geral, é muito maior e contínuo. O impacto gerado nas comunidades é perceptível por meio das ações de responsabilidade social desenvolvidas pelas instituições, especialmente pela Universidade CEUMA, ISL Wyden e Faculdade Pitágoras, que englobam a participação ativa de seus discentes nas ações promovidas, maximizando o papel da aprendizagem prática e formação cívica.AbstractSocio-environmental responsibility is a complementary and growing concept indiscussions, both in the organizational and educational spheres. The research isbibliographic in nature, whose data collection was carried out by reviewing thecurrent literature on the topic studied in journals such as Google Scholar, Scielo and Capes, as well as on the websites of the educational institutions object of the study: Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA), Faculdade Pitágoras, Centro Universitário do Maranhão (CEUMA), Faculdade ISL WYDEN, Universidade Dom Bosco (UNDB). The general objective sought to identify the impact of social and environmental responsibility actions for the surrounding communities of the respective higher education institutions analyzed and the specific objectives aimed to further explore the problem, through the following points: to identify the actions carried out and promoted by educational institutions superior in the scope of socio-environmental responsibility; verify the participation of students in the actions carried out and analyze the effects generated in the benefited communities. Social actions and projects focused on the theme of social and environmental responsibility were identified in all the universities compared, howeverin some the degree of involvement of students and the external community isminimal, as in the case of the public universities analyzed, while in private colleges the The involvement of the academic and external community, in general, is much greater and continuous. The impact generated in the communities is noticeable through the social responsibility actions developed by the institutions, especially by the CEUMA University, ISL Wyden and Faculdade Pitágoras, which include the active participation of their students in the actions promoted, maximizing the role of practical learning and civic training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 114642-114659
Elisabeth de Almeida Figueiredo ◽  
Lucio Fabio Cassiano Nascimento

Graça Azevedo ◽  
Denise Curi ◽  
Alberto J. Costa ◽  
Ana Maria Bandeira ◽  
Augusta Ferreira ◽  

Social Economy institutions seek to provide answers to social problems, given that they naturally have a socially responsible mission. This study aims to answer the research question: how sustainable practices, namely environmental behaviour, have been adopted by Portuguese Private Social Solidarity Institutions (IPSS) with the purpose of contributing to Sustainable Development? To achieve this objective, qualitative research was carried out in 31 IPSS, which was framed within the scope of the TFA project (Theoretical framework for promotion of accountability in the social economy sector: the IPSS case). Semi-structured interviews were conducted, with a script based on the literature review, from May to July 2019, with those responsible for the management of these entities. A content analysis was conducted, using the NVivo12 Version 12.6.0 software, which enables data to be coded and categorised, reducing any researcher bias. The results indicate that most entities carry out activities of an environmental nature, related to the reuse of materials, the recycling of waste, the sale of materials for recycling, and user awareness. Several entities expressed financial limitations to the implementation of Environmental Management Systems and their accomplishment. However, the objections presented are not impossible to overcome, according to studies presented in other countries.

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