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social solidarity
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Tsulis Amiruddin Zahri

The Covid-19 pandemic has replaced face-to-face learning with online learning. Universities take advantage of the Siakadcloud application which has various challenges. The readiness of lecturers, students, and most importantly the internet network must be in harmony without any obstacles. Siakadcloud is an application that has just been socialized, of course it has the potential to cause stuttering, plus the distribution of internet networks is still questionable. This can trigger incoherence and cohesiveness in participating in teaching and learning activities. Whereas the urgency of Pancasila education is to teach about awareness of living together in the nation and state. This study aims to identify the challenges of online learning in strengthening students' Pancasila values ??as an effort to support the 4th goal of sustainable development (SDGs), namely quality education in the field of Civics Education. Using qualitative-descriptive research methods with analysis technique Creswell (2004), then combined with the concept of social solidarity (Emil Durkheim). The object of research is Pancasila Education class students in the odd semester of 2021 at Bangka Belitung University. The results showed that Pancasila education for students taught the values ??of unity, love for the homeland, and pluralism. So the strengthening of Pancasila values ??focuses on these three topics. The interesting thing is, students at Bangka Belitung University have a social environment that practices a good religious life. So that it becomes the basis for new students to strengthen the values ??of Pancasila through the value of God Almighty. On the other hand, the social solidarity that is formed in student online learning is organic solidarity which is a division of tasks based on the specifications of each new student's expertise.

2022 ◽  
Mindy Shoss ◽  
Anahí Van Hootegem ◽  
Eva Selenko ◽  
Hans De Witte

Political scientists and sociologists have highlighted insecure work as a societal ill underlying individuals’ lack of social solidarity (i.e., concern about the welfare of disadvantaged others) and political disruption. In order to provide the psychological underpinnings connecting perceptions of job insecurity with societally-relevant attitudes and behaviors, we introduce the idea of perceived national job insecurity. Perceived national job insecurity reflects a person’s perception that job insecurity is more or less prevalent in his/her society (i.e., country). Across three countries (US, UK, Belgium), we find that higher perceptions of the prevalence of job insecurity in one’s country is associated with greater perceptions of government psychological contract breach and poorer perceptions of the government’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis, but at the same time is associated with greater social solidarity and compliance with COVID-19 social regulations. These findings are independent of individuals’ perceptions of threats to their own jobs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
Jacek Meller

Life and health as fundamental matters are major concerns for every human being. To this end, he / she should be assisted by the community in which they live. If the foundation of social life is the personalistic principle, the recognition of the primacy of the dignity of the person, among other values, is constructed on the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity. It is the role of the healthcare institution to create such conditions, in which the safest and the most effective methods of treatment and prevention are available, and the individual can consciously select which of these realises his or her good to the greatest extent, in accordance with the recognised hierarchy of values, the accepted worldview, and life goals. The aim of this article is to analyse the relationship between the community and the individual, in the field of healthcare, under normal conditions and during epidemics. The existence of specific threats may suggest that exceptions to the fundamental rules of social life: autonomy, subsidiarity, and social solidarity, are permissible. However, the recognition of the fundamental value of the dignity of the person, requires the community to apply the same rules as in normal times, although many activities of public institutions are intensified in times of more serious danger.

2021 ◽  
Vol specjalny (XXI) ◽  
pp. 707-716
Justyna Czerniak-Swędzioł

Professional soldiers have their own social security system, separate from the general social insurance system, which provides social protection in the event of long service, total incapacity to serve and the death of the breadwinner (pension benefits). At the same time, a professional soldier can accumulate and receive two pensions from different systems, ie universal and reserve. However, the principle of accumulation of benefits based on the applicable provision is dedicated to a narrow group of entitled persons. The principle of non-cumulation is considered to be the basic and dominant one. It is an expression of the principle of risk solidarity in force in social insurance law and is not inconsistent with the constitutional principle of equality expressed in Art. 32 of the Polish Constitution. In the event of the overlapping of the right to several benefits specified in the Act, the pension authority is obliged to pay only one (higher) benefit, even if this right results from various acts, and the possibility of combining benefits must be clearly indicated in the provisions of law. Separation of the insurance and supply system allows each of these systems to fulfill separate obligations towards professional soldiers, not related to the general system. Maintaining the principle that for the same period of retirement pension insurance, two retirement benefits cannot be awarded simultaneously (Article 5 (2a) (2a) of the Pension Act). The exception to the principle of non-accumulation (ie the principle of collecting one benefit) in the case of a professional soldier remaining in service before January 2, 1999 is not determined by the date of admission to service, but the lack of the possibility to calculate the military pension taking into account the “civil” retirement age. The convergence of the right to benefits (from the general and military pension) with the parallel occurrence of these events is contrary to the constitutional principle of social justice. It is not socially just to deprive an insured person who has met the statutory requirements of the right to benefits solely on the basis of social solidarity. In such situations, a significant part of the retiree’s professional life is not reflected in the amount of received retirement benefits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-34
Hugo Pinto ◽  
Sílvia Ferreira ◽  
Jorge André Guerreiro ◽  

The concept of ecosystem has been used to describe a dynamic set of relationships, services and interdependencies that potentiate the creation, renewal and growth of organizations. Social innovation is largely influenced by ecosystem conditions. The Portuguese social innovation ecosystem is a particularly interesting case study, as it assumes a hybrid structure that expresses a variety of policy schemes, networks and support structures. This article debates the concept of social innovation ecosystem and presents an exploratory approach to its mapping. Based on interviews with strategic stakeholders in the social and solidarity economy and social enterprises, the study elaborates on the specificities of the social innovation ecosystem. The Portuguese ecosystem is comprised of three sub-ecosystems that show different weights, limited connections and overlapping: social economy, social business, and the social solidarity ecosystem. The article concludes with an overview of the current state of social innovation, emphasizing the perspectives of stakeholders on recent experiences that the Portuguese state has developed in establishing dialogue within organizations integrating social innovation dynamics.

Mohammed Shawqi Naser Ela'awar Mohammed Shawqi Naser Ela'awar

Penalties in Islamic criminal legislation This research discusses the symbiotic a comparative doctrinal study. It addresses the definition of penalty - atonements as a model provisions in the Islamic system, and the provisions of symbiotic punishments in the atonement role in social solidarity. It also sheds light on the opinions of jurists in symbiotic and their positive punishments, and whether these expiations are punishments or types of reformation. In addition, of each particular we address in this research the types of symbiotic atonement and the type. The main goal is to examine the position of the Yemeni Sharia and legislation on symbiosis. atonement punishments This research is based on the inductive and analytical approach by extrapolating the words of Islamic scholars in the rule of atonements and their provisions. The approach depends on the analysis and discussion of what each team went to, while indicating the amounts of symbiotic punishments in the atonements such as food and clothing. The conclusion of the research sums up the most important findings of this research as well as recommendations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
Yevgeniya Serova ◽  
Galina Shamatonova

The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the widespread volunteering of representatives of various age groups. Volunteering allows a person to combine the satisfaction of personal needs with the needs of the society. The purpose of this research is to study the relationship between volunteerism and social solidarity in the Russian society by the example of studying the motives of a volunteer activity among the population of Yaroslavl region. The realization of the research goal is intended to contribute to a new understanding of the motives of a volunteer activity in the context of the development of social solidarity of citizens of the modern Russian society. The object of the study was people engaged in volunteer activities. The study involved 420 respondents aged 14 to 67 years. The hypothesis of the research is that volunteering is important for our modern society, since it is a predictor of the development of social solidarity, mutual assistance and cooperation. The study was conducted by the personal interview method. The survey was based on a zoned quota sample, represented in accordance with the gender, age and educational structure of the population of Yaroslavl (n = 420 people). The research showed that volunteer activities are more determined by the motives of socially approved behavior. The participation of people in socially useful activities as volunteers is mainly determined by the influence of family values and the values of the immediate environment. The motives for choosing and engaging in a volunteer activity, which is a predictor of social solidarity, are associated with a person's desire to be a part of a group, a membership in which is due to common interests and similar views on life and difficult life situations.

Dialog ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-264
Ahmad Zainuri

This study aims to explore social relations in  Sidorejo Village, Umbulsari District, Jember Regency. Central to this study is the relations and efforts to maintain harmony between Muslims and Christians in Sidorejo Village. The methodology in this study is qualitative methods using historical, religious and social approaches in-depth interview techniques and literature review analysis. The results of this study indicate that social solidarity among the people of Sidorejo in building social relations is very harmonious through several religious and social activities carried out together. Religious leaders and community leaders also participate in building harmony between Muslims and Christians in Sidorejo Village. In conclusion, the Sidorejo people enable to construct harmony and tackle social conflict through mediation before the conflict arises on the surface. Social relations are the key for the people of Sidorejo to build social-based religious harmony, because the goal of building harmony is not theological but how social relations are developed. Some social activities carried out to build communality including building houses of worship. It is more important that the role of religious leaders becomes a central force in ensuring unity and harmony. Keywords: relationship, harmony, Islam, Christian   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali sebuah relasi sosial dalam masyarakat Desa Sidorejo, Kecamatan Umbulsari, Kabupaten Jember. Titik fokus permasalahan yang ingin disampaikan dalam penelitian ini ialah bagaimana relasi dan upaya merawat keharmonisan antara Muslim dan Kristiani di Desa Sidorejo tersebut. Adapun metodologi dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan sejarah, agama dan sosial secara mendalam dengan teknik wawancara dan analisa kajian pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Sidorejo dalam membangun relasi sosial, solidaritas sosial sangat rukun dan harmonis, terbukti dengan adanya beberapa kegiatan agama, sosial dilakukan secara bersama-sama. Tiada lain tiada bukan, peran tokoh agama, tokoh masyatakat juga ikutserta dalam membangun kerukunan antara Muslim dan Kristiani di Desa Sidorejo. Kesimpulannya bahwa hubungan kehidupan masyarakat Sidorejo begitu rukun dan harmonis, resolusi konflik selalu di munculkan sebagai mediasi sebelum konflik itu timbul di permukaan. Relasi sosial menjadi kunci bagi masyarakat Sidorejo untuk membagun kerukunan agama berbasis sosial, karena tujuan membangun keharmonisan bukan dari teologisnya melainkan bagaimana hubungan sosialnya, dan ini terbukti banyak kegiatan sosial yang dilakukan untuk membangun kebersamaan, terutama membangun rumah ibadah. Terpenting lagi bahwa peran tokoh agama menjadi kekuatan sentral dalam menyatukan dan merawat kebersamaan dalam perbedaan demi mewujudkan Sidorejo yang rukun, tentram dan harmonis. Kata Kunci: relasi, harmonis, Islam, Kristen

Svetlana Leonova

The current circumstances related to the Covid-19 pandemic, which the entire world community had to face, raised sharply the question of mutual responsibility of the society and the state. At the same time, restrictions imposed at the state level are most often assessed by citizens as excessive. As a result, the number of studies devoted to establishing the legitimacy of restricting human rights and freedoms in the conditions of the epidemic is growing, however, such a phenomenon as social solidarity remains practically ignored. It is social solidarity, understood as the cohesion of the society (not only in the face of common threats and challenges), that can become the basis for constructive interaction between the society and the state. The aim of the study was the legal understanding of social solidarity as a new constitutional principle of the Russian state, which presupposes the possibility of establishing permissible restrictions on individual rights and freedoms in the conditions of protecting the foundations of the constitutional state from the modern threats. The absence of a normative definition of social solidarity in the current legislation of Russia, despite the constitutional reform carried out in 2020, entails difficulties in the correct interpretation of this phenomenon. The use of both general scientific and special methods of cognition of socio-legal phenomena — the formal legal method and the method of legal modeling — made it possible to see in social solidarity not only the legal structure, but also the leading moral and ethical principle of interaction between the society and the state. The analysis of the domestic legal acts made it possible to conclude that the constitutional principle of social cohesion of the society and the state in the face of various threats with the observance of such elements as the rule of law, the constitutional provision of individual rights and freedoms and the conditions for their permissible restriction is the basis for the inviolability of the state and its constitutional system.

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