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scholarly journals Level of Inclusive Leadership Qualities of a Leader: A Perceptions of the Teachers of Tertiary Institutions in Sindh Pakistan

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (IV) ◽  
pp. 42-53
Lubna Oad ◽  
S Khurram Khan Alwi

In this study, teachers' perceptions of leaders' inclusive leadership skills were examined to improve their work performance. This study employed a survey research design of a quantitative approach. A sample of 389 teachers of public universities of Sindh, Pakistan, was drawn through a stratified random sampling technique. This study revealed that the heads could play a fundamental role in teachers' job performance by facilitating need-based intervention based on teachers' capacities and innovative attitudes. However, the study findings suggest a shift in the university's organizational structure by listening openly and being accessible, available in diverse situations. Further, the null hypothesis was accepted that both genders have the same opinions about the level of inclusive leadership qualities and viewed that heads' Inclusive leadership (IL) style can enhance proactive behavior of faculty members. Researchers found the theoretical and practical implications for future studies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Rizky Andana Pohan ◽  
Dika Sahputra

This study aims to determine the emotional intelligence of female students who wear the full face veil. This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. The sampling technique was carried out with a total sampling of 38 students who wore the veil from several universities in Indonesia. The research instrument uses a Likert-shaped Emotional Intelligence Scale owned by Dika Sahputra. Questionnaires are distributed online through the Google Forms application from November 2019 to January 2020. The results showed that in general the emotional intelligence of students who wore the full face veil was in the high category. These results can be used as a basis for making programs for guidance and counseling services in tertiary institutions, as well as being the basis for policy making for university leaders and the government towards female students and women who use the full face veil

2019 ◽  
pp. 155-161
Okwor N.G. ◽  
Ezeabii I.C.

The study focused on leadership qualities and business skills needed by business education students in public universities in South-East Nigeria for national security. Survey research design was adopted. Two research questions and two null hypotheses tested at .05 level of significance guided the study. The population for the study was 53 business educators (21 males and 32 females) in public universities in South East states of Nigeria. The number was manageable hence, there was no sampling. Structured questionnaire containing a total of 22 items was the instrument for data collection. The reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient method. A correlation of .81 was obtained. Out of 53 copies of the questionnaire distributed, 52 copies were returned giving 98.11% return rate. It was found out that: ability to communicate( ̅ ), display honesty( ̅ ), solve problems( ̅ ) are among the leadership qualities and the ability to prepare budget( ̅ ), set procedures for achieving plans( ̅ ), make innovations( ̅ ) and use promotional tools( ̅ ) are among the business skills needed for by business education students for national security. Also, possession of leadership qualities and business skills are not gender biased. Recommendations made include: the identified leadership skills should be integrated in the curriculum by stakeholders for training business education students and business educators should ensure that the students are trained on the business skills identified to enable the students armed with salable skills and contribute to national security.

2016 ◽  
pp. 36-45
Irfan Bashir Et al.,

The paper aimed to explore the use of different indicators of Emotional Intelligence based six leadership styles by the Heads of the Departments (HoDs) of Higher Education Institutes of Pakistan. Furthermore, the purpose was to compare self-report of HoDs regarding leadership styles and opinion of the faculty about leadership styles used by HoDs. This descriptive research used a random sampling technique to select 120 HoDs and 240 faculty members from various faculties and departments of 5 public and 5 private Sector universities of Punjab. The study used 5 point Likert Scale questionnaires based on Goleman’s leadership styles both for faculty and Heads of the Departments. Results of the study showed the difference between self-reported leadership styles of HoDs and opinion of the faculty. The study mainly suggested leadership courses and training for Heads of the Departments; strong and free communication between HoDs and the faculty; and reflective practices by Heads of the Departments.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Redha Al Azmi ◽  
TA. Prapancha Hary

 ABSTRACTThis study aimed to describe the evaluation of leadership skills of students in terms of the prophetic leadership. in addition, this study aimed to analyzethe problem in evaluating leadership qualities of students.Subjects in this study were active students at boarding school Raudhatul Muttaqien (PPRM) St. Cangkringan KM 14 Babadan Purwomartani Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta academic year 2014/2015. These students attending Madrasah Tsyanawiah and Madrasah Aliyah Raudhatul Muttaqien, aged 12-18 years and active in the organization. This study uses data collection techniques using interviews and observations.Results ofstudies have provided an understanding that the process of learning the prophetic leadership students do not stop at the time at PPRM course, but the processs will continue until the end of life. In general, it is known that the learning process prophetic leadership has been going well, althoughthere areconstraints thatare found but it is not a significant problem.Keynote: Leadership Skills, Students , Prophetic Leadership 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Alpan Alpan ◽  
Nining Sriningsih ◽  
Ummi Giyanti

In the hospital, nursing staff are the greatest number of hospital human resource and the longest staff who interact with clients. Nursing practice standards,  include  the  standard  of  care  and  the  professional  performance standard that are use as evaluations in assessment nursing care who carry out by nurses. Performance or work performance comes from job performance word (work performance or real achievement someone has ever achieved). The factors that can affect on someone performance, are individual factors: abilities, skills, family background, work experience, social level and demography factor; psychological factors: perception, role, attitude, personality, motivation, and job satisfaction; organizational factors: organizational structure, job design, and leadership. To getting nurses with good performance, hospital need a leader who can understand the nurses' necessary and can provides good environmental assistance to make nurses feel motivated. This study aims to determine the relationship between room head's leaderschip style and work motivation in the inpatient room of AN-NISA Hospital, Tangerang. The research design used is a quantitative correlation with a cross-sectional approach. The sample in this study is  organizer nurses in the inpatient room of AN-NISA Hospital in Tangerang and using  purposive  sampling  technique  with  83  respondents.  Analysis  technique using Chi-square test. The results showed that the dominant style of leadership in inpatient  room  of  AN-NISA  Hospital  Tangerang  is  democratic  style  (48.2%). There is a relationship between the room head's leadership style and the performance of nurses (p.value = 0.033) and there is a relationship between work motivation  and  nurse  performance  (p.  Value  =  0.019).  It  is  hoped  that  this research can be used as a material for evaluating hospitals regarding the leadership style of the head of the room, work motivation and performance of the nurse nurses to be able to maintain and improve the performance of nurses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-179
Mira Yona ◽  
Jeffi Mutiara

This study aims to determine the effect of work motivation, work communication and job training on the performance of  PT Parama Tirta Mulya Sejahterah employees. Both partially and simultaneously. The type of this research is quantitative research. The population of this study is all employees of PT. 43 employees. Sampling technique is done by saturated sampling technique. Data is obtained using a questionnaire (questionnaire) that is tested for validity and reliability. The results of data analysis found that there was a positive influence between motivation on employee performance with the coefficient value b1 = 0.452. There was a positive influence between work communication on employee performance with a coefficient value of b2 = 0.038. There was a positive influence between training )on employee performance with a coefficient value of b3 = 0.333. There was a significant positive effect of employee performance, Partial Test Results (t-test) between work motivation with work performance wan shows the value of t-count greater than t-table (3,829> 2,601), between communication and employee performance shows the value of t-count greater than t-table value (2,808> 2,016), and between training and employee performance shows the value of t-count greater than t-table value (2,213> 2,016), this shows that there is a significant positive effect partially. The result of the calculated F value is 44.981 and the probability of significance is 0.000.

Gimhani Nandasinghe

Leadership is a skill that motivates groups of people to act to accomplish a common objective. It is a process of encouraging and helping others to work enthusiastically towards objectives. Leadership is essential because it establishes a clear vision and communicates effectively with its subordinates and colleagues. With a clear vision, the organization's direction makes the employees to realize their roles and responsibilities. For the further research areas, I suggest directions for future research areas such as the leadership transformations in the organizations, a combination with the technological changes, and another area is can be able to find out what are the new leadership skills which need to compete successfully in the digital business environment. The purpose of this paper is to describe leadership, leadership qualities, leadership skills, leadership models, the importance of leadership, and its impact on making a change to the organization’s performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 1135
Raja Syafrizal ◽  
Yulihasri Yulihasri ◽  
Zifriyanthi Minanda Putri

The performance of nurses can be seen from several cases that occur in hospitals. The incidence of falls in patients, nosocomial infections, inadequate documentation is the result of nurses' low performance. Factors that affect the performance of nurses in hospitals are job satisfaction. So this study aims to describe the relationship between job satisfaction and nurse performance. This study used a cross-sectional study design with a sample of 85 nurses at Arosuka Hospital using proportional sampling technique. The research instrument used a job satisfaction survey questionnaire and the Individual Work Performance quasi (IWPQ) and statistical tests used frequency distribution and chi-square tests. The results showed that the majority of nurses' job satisfaction was in the satisfied category as much as 56.5% and the majority of nurses' performance in the high category was 51.8%. Then obtained a significant relationship between job satisfaction and nurse performance with a p-value of 0.000. So it is expected that hospitals can pay attention to aspects of nurse job satisfaction in making policies

Birthe Kåfjord Lange ◽  
Hans Erik Næss

Norwegian sports today are characterized on the one hand by a need to innovate organizationally and rethink current practices, and on the other hand to respect national traditions and values of sporting culture. This dual responsibility poses a particular challenge to sports leaders of tomorrow. Whereas other studies have examined sports management education or sports leadership qualities as solutions to this challenge, this chapter examines the potential of a mentoring program to improve leadership skills. It draws upon qualitative interviews with participants, mentors and organizers of the 2019/2020 Mentor Program for Young Sport Leaders offered by the Norwegian Federation of Sports (NIF) and the Norwegian Association of Student Sports (NSI). Our findings reveal that this program enables young sports leaders to become more aware of their personal strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, the transfer value they represent to the organization is conditioned by prior experience, attendance motives and mentee-mentor relations. Consequently, this program reproduces known pros and cons found in earlier research on mentoring programs, yet offers something new in the sense that it allows young leaders to be part of the solution to issues in Norwegian sports by defining the relevant problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-122
Ayu Meryka Santoso ◽  
Yuzarion Yuzarion

This study aims to analyze learning agility in the performance of outstanding teachers in Yogyakarta from the aspects of people agility, mental agility, change agility, and result agility. The method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with the following criteria: 1) teacher; 2) aged 27-55 years; 3) have achievements; 4) still active in teaching activities. The sample used is a typical case sample, where the special research subjects are outstanding teachers at SMU Negeri 8 Yogyakarta. Collecting data using structured interviews, then described and identified into several themes. The results showed that outstanding teachers had high learning agility at work. They perform maximum work performance, can take lessons from work experience, and respond to changes with full awareness and enthusiasm for learning to improve skills, knowledge, and self-competence. Social support and goal orientation are needed in building learning agility in teachers to develop. Learning agility plays an important role in improving the quality of teacher performance, so that, the education quality and the learning spirit can continue to be improved and becomes an inspiration for the young generation. 

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