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young generation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Farha Yashmin Rohman ◽  

Pandemic like COVID-19 has triggered disruptions in personal and collective lives globally. It is not only a pandemic, but also an Infodemic of misinformation about the virus which raises demand for reliable and trustworthy information. With the advent of social media creation and consumption of news have been changing among the young generation. Student leaders have taken on additional work and assumed new responsibilities by volunteering in their communities and creating awareness among the public about the accuracy of information and measures to be taken against the deadly virus. This study explores the use of Facebook handles by the student leaders of two universities in Guwahati in creating awareness about the health-related messages regarding Covid-19 and its vaccination. The researcher will use critical discourse analysis to evaluate the use of social networking sites by the students’ leaders. To understand the usage by the leaders, Facebook pages of the leaders would be followed and studied backed with unstructured interviews with the leaders to understand the purpose of and pattern of using the social media handles.

2022 ◽  
Vasile Triboi ◽  

The age where we live is dominated by the strong expansion of science and technology in all fields of activity and the continuous acceleration of people's pace of life. These characteristics of contemporaneity have direct consequences on the preparation of the young generation, which must cope with both the current requirements of society and further social development. Firstly, the rapid increase in the volume of information in all areas, the accelerated fatigue of knowledge requires the continuous adaptation of school objectives, content, forms and teaching methods to this information dynamic.Secondly, the new rhythm of life that demands the man in an increasingly intense measure, from a social, cultural and professional point of view, also affects the pupil.

Ирина Анатольевна Петрулевич

Статья посвящена рассмотрению специфики культуры молодежи в условиях новой социальной реальности, детерминированной последствиями пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции и ускорением темпов изменения социальных процессов. Автором акцентируется внимание на сложностях адаптации социальной системы к новым глобальным вызовам и рискам в условиях неопределенности и на трудностях построения жизненных стратегий молодежью как наиболее незащищенной частью общества. Отмечается выраженная актуальность научного исследования процессов, протекающих в молодежной среде на фоне пандемии, в области переосмысления взаимного влияния культуры и различных социально-демографических групп. Особое внимание уделено анализу отношения молодежи к ценностям и рассмотрению механизмов передачи социального опыта старшего поколения. Автором отмечается роль культуры молодежи в формировании самовыражения и мировоззрения молодого поколения в соответствии с социальными реалиями, отмечаются специфика виртуальных форматов коммуникации и стремление к социальной активности молодежи. The paper discusses the specifics of youth culture in the new social reality, determined by the consequences of the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection and accelerating the pace of change in social processes. The author focuses on the difficulties of adapting the social system to new global challenges and risks in conditions of uncertainty and on the difficulties of building life strategies for young people as the most vulnerable part of society. The publication points to the pronounced relevance of scientific research on the processes taking place in the youth environment against the background of the pandemic in the field of rethinking the mutual influence of culture and various socio-demographic groups. Special attention is paid to the attitude of young people to the values and social experience of the older generation. The author notes the role of youth culture in shaping the self-expression and worldview of the young generation in accordance with social realities, as well as the specifics of virtual communication and the desire for social activity of young people.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Ronald R. Kumar ◽  
Peter J. Stauvermann ◽  
Frank Wernitz

The aim of the study is to investigate the influence of the capitalist spirit in conjunction with the distribution of income on economic growth. The capitalist spirit is represented by the fact that savings rates increase with increasing relative income. We extend an endogenous AK growth model in an overlapping generational framework by implementing imperfect competition and Cournot competition. Using this model, we investigate the influence of profits on the intra- and inter-generational distributions of income and economic growth. While increasing incomes lead to a more unequal intra-generational distribution and to a redistribution of income from the old to the young generation, the impact on economic growth is in general ambiguous, although under specific assumptions it becomes positive. Furthermore, the model shows that increasing market power of firms is associated with declining labor and capital shares, declining interest rates, and an increased wealth-to-income ratio.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Patrizia Gazzola ◽  
Daniele Grechi ◽  
Enrica Pavione ◽  
Gloria Gilardoni

PurposeThe role of sustainability is predominant in many aspects of consumer purchasing decisions. Millennials and young people are, in this field, potential players who buy and consume wine with ecosustainable decisions but, in the literature, these aspects are analyzed with nonuniform findings. This paper aims to investigate the wine consumption among young people belonging to the millennial generation, Y generation and Z generation considering also the gender.Design/methodology/approachThis study uses a questionnaire with 2000 respondents. The data are analyzed to understand consumption decisions in the wine sector. This information is analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics (hypothesis test and multiple regression).FindingsThe results of the paper show a clear propensity to be sustainable of the young generation compared with the elderly, highlighting the role of Millennials. Moreover, considering gender, there is a greater sustainable wine tendency (considering both the environmental and the economic/decisional component) in female compared with male.Research limitations/implicationsThis work reflects the Italian reality of the pre-COVID-19 period. Obviously, the pandemic situation and the geographic scenario analyzed could change the results of a second wave of the survey.Social implicationsThis study contributes to improve the knowledge concerning the wine consumption habits of Italian young generations.Originality/valueThe paper manages to underline the different aspects of sustainability in the wine purchasing decisions by young consumers by focusing on the considered generations.

Azril Azifambayunast

<p><em>This study aims to analyze the Astha Brata, a classical Javanese conception of leadership and its relevance to Indonesian History subject. Through literature study, this study attempts to find the common ground between Astha Brata's conception and Indonesian History subject in the curriculum. Based on the analysis related to the conception of Astha Brata which is one of the important part of the cultural product from Hindu-Buddhist period, it is found that this conception of leadership can be integrated into material regarding the development of society during the Hindu-Buddhist period and its evidence that is still valid at the moment. The material is presented to the students of grade X in first semester. The relevance of Astha Brata's conception to the curriculum of Indonesian History subject can be an appropriate means to shape the leadership character for the young generation since early through a formal learning activities.</em></p>

2022 ◽  
Bakdiyatul Mukarromah ◽  
Jihan Aqil Rihhadatul 'Aisy ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

The internet is one of the impacts of new technology development, which can be used to find out the culture that exists in certain regional areas. The swift enlargement of information and communication technology has affected the public culture, both in the form of positive and negative impacts. Improvements and technological advances offered in this era make it easier for the community to access many things, one of which is entertainment media such as Netflix. Netflix's new series entitled “Squid Game” is being watched by millions of people around the world because of its unique storyline; it tells the story of a group of adults who are deeply in debt, who struggle to get a prize worth billions of Won (the official currency of South Korea) with their lives at stake. Unfortunately, the young generation nowadays is only a drama connoisseur who just follows trends, without exploring the messages and values contained in them. Therefore, the author analyzes the Netflix series "Squid Game" using an axiological approach as an effort to increase awareness of social issues among generation Z. This study uses a qualitative method with google form as an observation instrument and relevant literature sources. Academically, this research is hoped to contribute to science development which is related to the philosophy of science, and axiology in particular. Practically, it is hoped that it can be useful for readers, especially as a stimulant in the practice of axiological thinking in everyday life. This research shows that Generation Z at first was not aware of the social issues contained in the Squid Game. However, after getting a little stimulant, they can identify social issues that occur in the Squid Game, compare them with social issues in Indonesia, and consider Squid Game as a way to increase awareness of Generation Z on social issues.

2022 ◽  
pp. 27-45
Mazni Saad ◽  
Nor Azilah Husin ◽  
Nur Zafirah Ramlee

This study surveyed 150 Malaysian tourists regarding the South Korean drama (K-drama) factors that drew them back to South Korea. The analyses revealed that K-drama was highly successful in enticing the young generation and discovered a clear scenario for Malaysians' response for a repeat visit. The results show that collaboration for the development of heritage tourism should be linked to the national identity and replicated through dramas similar to K-dramas. Universities should work closely with other stakeholders to produce high-quality films for international distribution.

Educatio ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-172
Ridwan Ridwan ◽  
Hizbul Wathoni ◽  
Hanofi Harianto ◽  
Selamet Jaelani ◽  

This research aimed to investigate the Sasak language maintenance and shift of Sasak people in Surya Bhakti neighborhood. This research was Qualitative descriptive method was employed in analyzing the data. There were 40 participants divided into young generation participants and old generation participants. There are 20 participants of the young generations that consist of 16 males and 4 females, while 20 participants of the old generation participants consist of 18 males and 2 females. Three techniques were employed to collect the data: observation, interview, and documentation. Observation and interviews serve as primary data sources. Meanwhile, documentation serves as the secondary one. The process of the interview was recorded. Meanwhile, a field note was used during the observation. Documents or documentation were used to complete the data findings from the observation and interview and take some pictures in the research area. Thus, all data from observation, interview, and documentation were analyzed. The research results show that Sasak people, both young and old generation participants, are proud of their language and cultural identity. The young generation participants maintain the Sasak language in Surya Bhakti neighborhood. In addition, the young generation participants have the proficiency in speaking Sasak language fluently and accurately than Sumbawanese. Furthermore, the data indicate that the old generations of Sasak people in Surya Bhakti neighborhood are more likely to use Sasak language than Sumbawanese when communicating daily with Sasak people in their community, even in their community outside of the neighborhood.

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