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scholarly journals Rancang Bangun Sistem Smart Locker Menggunakan Voice Access Berbasis Arduino Mega

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-151
Ferry Sudarto ◽  
Juni Aldo Zuntama ◽  
Ikbal Budiono

The importance of security makes everyone must ensure the security of everything that is included in him, both from the activities and assets he owns. The value of an asset has an incentive for everyone to implement a security system as protection. One of them is in the locker cabinet which generally still uses a manual locking system. So a Smart Locker is needed that uses microcontroller technology and a GSM Module combined with supporting applications such as Android-based. The purpose of this research is to design a security system with locker cabinet doors using Arduino Mega-based Voice Access. When the locker is forced to be opened, the buzzer will notify the owner that the locker door is opened via SMS short message remotely and the GSM module aims to open and lock the locker door via SMS message remotely where SMS communication mode uses the GSM module. Voice Access aims to make your access rights when you want to activate the locker system using the system voice command On and Off. Not everyone can use this locker because only a few can use it with the access given by entering the correct password when opening the locker door. The locker lock can be unlocked if the password is entered correctly, then the password is successful and then it will be stored and displayed on the LCD screen as an interface.

I Komang Krisna Ade Marta ◽  
I Nyoman Buda Hartawan ◽  
I Kadek Susila Satwika

AbstrakKeamanan server merupakan hal penting yang perlu diberikan perhatian lebih saat melakukan konfigurasi server. Pada umumnya serangan yang terjadi pada server diketahui setelah terjadinya kegagalan pada server dalam memberikan layanan. Pada penelitian ini, dibangun sebuah sistem keamanan server yang dapat melakukan monitoring pada sebuah server ketika terdeteksi adanya aktivitas yang tidak wajar. Pemberitahuan akan dikirimkan melalui SMS (Short Message Service) ke handphone Administrator jaringan. Sistem yang dibangun melakukan pendeteksian intrusi pada server secara realtime menggunakan SNORT. Ketika terjadi akses yang tidak wajar pada server, maka SNORT akan mendeteksi dan mengirimkan informasi terjadinya aktivitas yang tidak wajar ke Administrator jaringan. Sistem ini diujikan dengan lima jenis serangan yakni PING Attack, DoS/DDoS Attack, Port Scanning, Telnet Access dan FTP Access. Parameter yang diamati pada penelitian ini adalah beban aktivitas yang terjadi pada sumber daya server meliputi CPU, Memory (RAM) dan beban jaringan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa saat terjadi upaya serangan terhadap server, SNORT dapat menghasilkan alert yang akan disimpan pada log sekaligus dikirimkan ke handphone Administrator melalui SMS. AbstractServer security is an important thing that needs to be given more attention when configuring a server. In general, attacks that occur on the server are known after a failure on the server in providing services. In this study, a server security system was built that could monitor a server when an unusual activity was detected. Notifications will be sent via SMS (Short Message Service) to the network Administrator's smartphone. The system is built to detect intrusions on the server in real time using SNORT. When improper access occurs on the server, SNORT will detect and send information about the occurrence of unusual activity to the network Administrator. This system is tested with five types of attacks namely PING Attack, DoS / DDoS Attack, Port Scanning, Telnet Access and FTP Access. The parameters observed in this study are the activity load that occurs on server resources including CPU, Memory (RAM) and network load. The results showed that when an attempt was made to attack the server, SNORT could produce alerts that would be stored in a log as well as sent to the Administrator's smartphone via SMS.

Andree E. Widjaja ◽  
Hery Hery ◽  
David Habsara Hareva

The university as an educational institution can apply technology in the campus environment. Currently, the security system for office space that is integrated with digital data has been somewhat limited. The main problem is that office space security items are not guaranteed as there might be outsiders who can enter the office. Therefore, this study aims to develop a system using biometric (face) recognition based on Viola-Jones and Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) algorithm to ensure office room security. Based on the results, the system developed shows that object detection can work well with an object detection rate of 80%. This system has a pretty good accuracy because the object matching success is 73% of the object detected. The final result obtained from this study is a prototype development for office security using face recognition features that are useful to improve safety and comfort for occupants of office space (due to the availability of access rights) so that not everyone can enter the office.

Harun Sujadi ◽  
Pafsi Paisal

[Id]Pencurian sepeda motor pada saat ini semakin marak. Hal ini bisa terjadi di karenakan beberapa faktor selain kelalaian manusia yaitu masih belum adanya sistem keamanan sepeda motor yang memadai. Sistem keamanan sepeda motor keluaran pabrik hanya berupa keamanan system lock. Namun keamanan ini masih kurang efektif karena system lock tersebut dapat dilumpuhkan Banyak cara yang bisa di lakukan oleh pencuri motor untuk membongkar sistem keamanan motor yaitu dengan cara membobol kunci. Ada yang secara paksa dan yang lebih pintarnya lagi para pelaku sudah menggunakan sebuah cairan khusus untuk membobol kunci. Selain itu tindak pencurian sepeda motor kebanyakan terjadi karena kondisi lingkungan yang tidak cepat merespon atas kejadian pencurian tersebut, akibatnya sepeda motor tersebut dapat dengan leluasa dioperasikan oleh pencuri.Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka perlunya suatu sistem keamanan sepeda motor yang handal dan responsive. Sistem keamanan ini memanfaatkan teknologi mikrokontroller arduino dan sensor HC-SR501 dan HC-SR04 serta rangkaian hardware lainnya yang dipasang pada sepeda motor. Sistem keamanan sepeda motor ini bisa dikendalikan dengan smartphone android oleh pemiliknya. Selain itu membantu pemilik sepeda motor untuk memonitoring sistem keamanan sepeda motornya yaitu dengan adanya pesan pemberitahuan pada aplikasi smartphone dan pemebritahuan SMS kepada pemilik sepeda motor ketika sepeda motornya dalam kondisi tidak aman. Diman nantinya pemilik sepeda motor bisa memilih untuk menelpon pihak berwajib atau tidak jika terjadi pencurian sepeda motor. Dengan seperti itu diharapkan bisa mengurangi angka pencurian sepeda motor.Kata kunci:sistem keamanan, mikrokontroller, android[En]Now, crime of motorcycle theft more rife. This can happen cause some factors, besides man negligence, that is no security system yet adequate. Motorcycle security system from factory output just security lock system. But, that is not effective, because security system lock still can broken by thief. Many ways that can doit for broken security system that is dismantle key of motorcycle. Thief broken it by force or they use special chemical liquid for to broke motorcycle key. Other than that. Crime of motorcycle theft offten occur because conditions of environment not fast respond when happen motorcycle theft. Consequently, thief can freely controll that motorcycle.Based on these, then the necessity a reliable and responsive motorcycle security system. This security system make use of microcontroller Arduino technology and sensors HC-SR501, sensors HC-SR04, and other hardware circuit mounted on the motorcycle. This motorcycle security system can controlled with smartphone android by its owner motorcycle. Other than that can help owner motorcycle for monitor this motorcycle with notification short message and notification in application at smartphone android from owner motorcycle when motorcycle in condition not safe. Where later owner motorcycle can choose for calling authorities or no, if it happens motorcycle theft. With that, expected can reduce crime of motorcycle theft.

Compiler ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Suwito Suwito ◽  
Hero Wintolo ◽  
Dwi Nugraheny

Synchronization is the process of setting the course of several processes at the same time. Synchronization builds upon students' academic value table STTA Yogyakarta by comparing records for the records in the database. If there is a difference in the academic value of the table the different values will be returned as the value of the original with comparing by using the master database. Record based table synchronization is expected to address the security system on the database and provide security guarantees a safe and comfortable.Authentication is a process by which a user is identified by the server before the user using the network. In the process, the user is requesting access rights to the server to use a network. Authorization is the allocation of what services are entitled to be accessed by the user on the network. Authorization is done when the user has been declared eligible to use the network. Accounting is a process performed by the server to record all user activity in the network, such as when the user starts using the network, end user when the connection to the network, how long the user using the network, how much data is accessed from the network user.The results of the implementation of synchronization using a table based record system security authentication, authorization, accounting changes that may prevent the occurrence of data in a database, optimizing the use of stored, and enhance security systems at the database STTA center of Yogyakarta.

V.M. Dzhulij ◽  
V.A. Boychuk ◽  
V.Y. Titova ◽  
O.V. Selyukov ◽  
O.V. Miroshnichenko

The article proposes an approach to the development of protection methods against threatening programs in modern information systems, which consists in the development of security methods based on the implementation of access control to files by their types, which can be identified by file extensions that significantly exceed the known methods of antivirus protection, such as on the effectiveness of protection, as well as the impact on the load of computing resources of the information system. It is shown that the most important for protection are executable binary and script files, and that these classes of malware require mandatory storage of the threatening file on the hard disk before its execution (read). This led to the conclusion that protection against threatening programs can be built by implementing control (delineation) of access to files. A general approach to the implementation of protection against threatening programs is proposed, based on the implementation of control of access to files by their types, which can be identified by file extensions. The possibility of using such an approach is substantiated by a study of remedies. Methods of protection against threatening programs allow to protect the information system, both from loading, and from execution of binary and scripted threat files, differing in the possibility of taking into account the location of executable files, the possibility of administration with a working security system, the ability to control the modification of access objects, renaming access features, the ability to protect against scripted threat programs, including the ability to give threatening properties to interpreters (virtual x machines). Models of access control have been developed, which allowed the built-in access matrices to formulate requirements for building a secure system, the implementation of which prevents the leakage of given access rights of subjects to objects.

2015 ◽  
Vol 793 ◽  
pp. 554-558
Ooi Soo Hoey ◽  
Zetty Nurazlinda Zakaria ◽  
Muhammad Shakir Laili

The advance in technology has negatively affected to a home as crime rate is increasing as well as any other emergency case due to lack of awareness on security and safety when a person are on vacation. Overall, the paper presents the design of the security of home against intruders, fire and leakage of gas by alarming the specific person via Short Message Service (SMS) through Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) modem. The system required the integration of PIC16F877A microcontroller with input and output devices such as GSM module, gas detector, vibration sensor, LDR sensor, keypad and magnetic door lock. The home security system has a special feature which is capable to send an immediate alert message to both homeowner and relevant civil authorities in order to prevent the incidents grow critically. Besides, the security system also provides a door lock security system that required a password entering by using a keypad. Finally, the system is able to send sms to both home owner and the authority bodies has been discussed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Sugiyanto Sugiyanto ◽  
Rinci Kembang Hapsari

Short Message Service (SMS) is working on a wireless network that allows the theft of the message contents. There are risks that could threaten the security of the contents of the message on SMS services, including SMS snooping, and SMS interception. Therefore, it takes security system messages on SMS services to maintain the security and integrity of the message content to cover the security messages. Algorithms Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) using a structure SPN (Substitution Permutation Network) structure, which has the disadvantage of encryption and decryption, so the safety level is low. To cover the security hole of these weaknesses, the researchers conducted the improvement of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm security system based on android SMS using Vigenere algorithm, so that the level of security and integrity of the content of the short message becomes higher and difficult to solve. The results showed an average increase in percentage value of the avalanche effect from 37.24% to 42.96%. Keywords—Advanced Encryption Standard, android, message security, encryption.

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