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door lock
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Sanskruti Dharme

Abstract: In terms of house security, the door is pivotal. To keep the hearthstone secure, the proprietor will keep the door locked at all times. Still, owing to a rush when leaving the house, the proprietor may forget to lock the door, or they may be doubtful if they’ve closed the door or not. Wireless security grounded operation have fleetly increased due to the dramatic enhancement of ultramodern technologies. Numerous access control systems were designed and/or enforced grounded on different types of wireless communication technologies by different people. Radio Frequency identification (RFID) is a contactless technology that’s extensively used in several diligences for tasks like access control system, book shadowing in libraries, tollgate system, forced chain operation, and so on. For enforcing this design, we will be using Arduino mega 2560 pro mini, a fingerprint sensor, Keypad module. ESP-32 CAM module, RFID sensor, solenoid lock and ESP8266. We have also created an application for monitoring and controlling the security features of the door lock. We can also open the door through mobile fingerprint. Keywords: Arduino mega 2560 pro mini, ESP32-CAM, ESP8266, Fingerprint sensor, Keypad module, RFID sensor.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a potentially fatal disease that prompted health disasters worldwide. The virus was reported first from Wuhan, China, in December 2019. SARS-CoV-2 majorly transmits through direct contactwith an infected person or inhalation.The spread rate of SARS-CoV-2 is much higher than the other virus of family. The virus is very harmful to the children, people with old age, low immunity, or suffering from other critical diseases. A total of 29.6 million infected cases and approximately 936000 death were reported worldwide. Whereas in India reached 5.02 Million cases are reported with 82000 deaths. In this paper, the authors had study the Origin of viruses, Symptoms, actions taken by the Indian government, and precautions suggested to healthcare workers. The biometric system's adverse effects in hospitals are highlighted, and authors emphasize IoT-based smart door-lock that works without direct contact. The proposed system helps in reducing contamination at healthcare centers.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a potentially fatal disease that prompted health disasters worldwide. The virus was reported first from Wuhan, China, in December 2019. SARS-CoV-2 majorly transmits through direct contactwith an infected person or inhalation.The spread rate of SARS-CoV-2 is much higher than the other virus of family. The virus is very harmful to the children, people with old age, low immunity, or suffering from other critical diseases. A total of 29.6 million infected cases and approximately 936000 death were reported worldwide. Whereas in India reached 5.02 Million cases are reported with 82000 deaths. In this paper, the authors had study the Origin of viruses, Symptoms, actions taken by the Indian government, and precautions suggested to healthcare workers. The biometric system's adverse effects in hospitals are highlighted, and authors emphasize IoT-based smart door-lock that works without direct contact. The proposed system helps in reducing contamination at healthcare centers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Diana Margarini ◽  
Sri Wahyu Suciyati ◽  
Arif Surtono ◽  
Gurum Ahmad Pauzi

Research on laboratory room security system has begun to be developed with various kinds of inputs used. In this study, the design of a laboratory room security prototype with automatic doors has been realized using the MLX90614 temperature sensor based on Arduino Atmega 2560. The design of this prototype aims to design a prototype laboratoey room with automatic doors using a door lock solenoid and a temperature sensor MLX90614. In addition, this system is equipped with a counter to reduce and add people in the room using the FC-51 infrared sensor. Data retrieval is done by detecting human temperature before entering the room, when the temperature input is met, the door of the room will open with a maximum limit of 10 people. The results showed that the system was functioning properly, indicated by the state of the door that could open when it received an input of temperature between 35-37°C, the door remained closed when detecting of temperature other than 35-37°, and the door remained closed when the object in the room was up to 10 people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-70
Azlina Ahmadi Julaihi

IOT RFID Door Open Notification for Homestay is a system that focuses on the use of RFID as a door lock and keeps track the database of Homestay’s guest check-in and check-out time data. By implementing this project, the homestay owner can view and update the check-in and check-out time of their guest whenever required. MySQL will be used in this project for database support and logging the Homestay Web-based System. In this paper, a new framework with Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID) applied to homestay door lock is exposed. In order to validate the designed framework, an experiment to configure the speed capture by the RFID reader was carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-88
Eko Didik Widianto ◽  
Azis Masruhan ◽  
Agung Budi Prasetijo

Makalah ini membahas pengembangan sistem otomatisasi ruangan pada kontrol pintu dan presensi kuliah untuk menambah keamanan ruangan. Sistem ini terintegrasi dengan aplikasi web dan menggunakan papan Arduino Mega 2560 sebagai pusat kontrol sistem. Sistem ini menggunakan RFID MFRC522 sebagai alat komunikasi dua arah dengan kartu RFID dan pembaca, modul ethernet shield sebagai penghubung ke jaringan internet, solenoid sebagai pengunci pintu, LCD untuk penampil notifikasi, serta RTC DS3231 sebagai pewaktu. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan, sistem mampu mencocokkan kartu tag dosen dengan data jadwal pada basis data dan mencocokkan kartu tag mahasiswa dengan data mahasiswa di mata kuliah yang terjadwal pada basis data. Jadwal akses ruang sesuai dengan jadwal kuliah yang dapat diatur melalui aplikasi web. Selain dari itu, pada aplikasi web yang dibangun dapat mengolah data presensi, jadwal, mata kuliah, mahasiswa, dosen dan kelas. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, pembacaan kartu RFID dapat dilakukan sampai jarak 4 cm. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah sistem otomasi pintu berbasis RFID dan Arduino yang terintegrasi dengan sistem database berbasis web. This paper presenst an automation systems for controling the  door’s room and lecture attendance which can enhance room security. This study build a college room control system integrated with a web application. This system uses the Arduino Mega 2560 board as the control center of the system. Furthermore,  we used RFID MFRC522 as a two-way communication device with an RFID tag card and reader, an ethernet shield module that providing internet access to the network, a solenoid as a door lock,  LCD for notification display, and  RTC DS3231 as a timer. This system can control door access and attendance automation, and send the data to  web application. The application can match the lecturer tag cards with his scheduled  in the database and match students' tag cards with their data in scheduled courses.  The room access schedule is in accordance to the class schedule, which can be arranged via the web application. The web application can process attendance data, schedules, courses, students, lecturers, and classes. The system can read the RFID tags up to a distance of 4 cm.

2021 ◽  
Anirudh R ◽  
Chandru V ◽  
Harish V

The main aim of our project is to implement the door lock system using the fingerprint sensor. There are many modern locks that replace the regular locks due to the high security, while we use this we are able to both lock (or) unlock the door lock using the fingerprint sensor. You are not supposed to carry the bundle of keys wherever you go, so that we can implement this idea and for the high security too. The possibilities of threats occurring in regular locks is less compared to the wireless biometric lock (i.e.) modern lock. Only a particular person can open the door lock (or) unlock it. It is not like the regular lock means if X person opening the lock using a key means the lock will release on its own. In modern lock there is no possibility that only the developer will open it, if someone wants to access using smartphone we should get verification from the user by getting the OTP and login the app.

2021 ◽  
Ponmalar A ◽  
Anand J ◽  
Dharshini S ◽  
Aishwariya K ◽  
Mahalakshmi S ◽  

Currently, the entire globe is infected with COVID 19, and everyone is doing everything they can do to avoid contracting this serious sickness by adhering to social segregation, wearing coverings, using credit-only exchanges, and refraining from contacting anything to prevent the spread of germs. With the advancement of technology, traditional locks are becoming relics of the past, while new biometric-based locks and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)-based locks are becoming increasingly in common. The unique finger impression based locks, as well as participation record-keeping devices, are used in the vast majority of offices and universities, however due to the pandemic, it is no longer appropriate to do so. As a result, the proposed system use a solenoid lock to make the door lock. Aside from the equipment, a mobile application is used to inspect and double-check the finger impression and send the confirmation, as well as an id, to Arduino through Bluetooth. The entry way lock will be bolted and opened using the smartphone fingerprint sensor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-91
Yulisman ◽  
Naziful Iman ◽  
Eka Sabna ◽  
Hendry Fonda

The system of opening and closing the hotel room doors is already using RFID but its use is still not optimal because the card used is very expensive and the card used can only be one card for each room, so if the card is lost, you have to re-enter the card id. Therefore, digital electronic technology systems and devices are needed to make it easier to open the door and close the hotel room so that it can facilitate the hotel security system with automatic locks. This system and device uses an E-KTP and an Internet of Thing (IoT)-based Keypad and which functions to control the device using a NodeMCU while for a card reader with an RFID engine. The research method uses a model, namely with a prototype model for making systems and automatic room door locking system tools. The results and conclusions of the manufacture of hotel room automatic door locking systems and devices using an Internet of Thing (IoT)-based E-KTP equipped with a message LCD and keypad as a door opening solution if the RFID machine does not work. The security of hotel guests who stay is more guaranteed and can also make it easier for guests and hotel staff with an automatic hotel room door lock system. The results of the user's assessment of the work of a series of systems and tools to open and lock this automatic hotel room door are very good with a value of 88.7%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (14) ◽  
pp. 105-125
Shai Simonson ◽  
Timothy Woodcock

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