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chain operation
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Sanskruti Dharme

Abstract: In terms of house security, the door is pivotal. To keep the hearthstone secure, the proprietor will keep the door locked at all times. Still, owing to a rush when leaving the house, the proprietor may forget to lock the door, or they may be doubtful if they’ve closed the door or not. Wireless security grounded operation have fleetly increased due to the dramatic enhancement of ultramodern technologies. Numerous access control systems were designed and/or enforced grounded on different types of wireless communication technologies by different people. Radio Frequency identification (RFID) is a contactless technology that’s extensively used in several diligences for tasks like access control system, book shadowing in libraries, tollgate system, forced chain operation, and so on. For enforcing this design, we will be using Arduino mega 2560 pro mini, a fingerprint sensor, Keypad module. ESP-32 CAM module, RFID sensor, solenoid lock and ESP8266. We have also created an application for monitoring and controlling the security features of the door lock. We can also open the door through mobile fingerprint. Keywords: Arduino mega 2560 pro mini, ESP32-CAM, ESP8266, Fingerprint sensor, Keypad module, RFID sensor.

Optik ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 247 ◽  
pp. 167840
Wojciech Kreft ◽  
Estera Przenzak ◽  
Mariusz Filipowicz

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 345-354
Saputra Tri Wardana ◽  
Rhian Indradewa ◽  
Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah

Background – PT. Limatra runs the business of manufacturing and selling pineapple beverage products with various variants. PT Limatra provides packaged pineapple fruit juice products derived from 100% pineapple juice without the addition of preservatives. With 100% pineapple juice, of course it has a high vitamin C content as well. With the use of UHT (Ultra High Temperature) technology in the maklon industry and the use of aseptic paperpack packaging, it can produce good quality fruit juice products, maintain the freshness of the juice and have a relatively long product durability. PT Limatra provides solutions, namely: (1) Providing pineapple juice products with different flavors (mixed apple, mango and orange); (2) Providing pineapple juice products using aseptic paperpack packaging technology; (3) Using UHT technology to maintain the freshness and durability of the product; (4) Products that provide 100% pure fruit juice without additional formulas. To produce superior products requires an optimal operational plan. The method used is descriptive method. Results- From the results of the analysis and design of the operational plan, the Stages of Business/Business Establishment, Operational Goals and Targets, Operational Design, Operational Delivery, and Operational Cost Projections are generated. Keywords: Minuman Nanas, Subang Honey Pineapple Beverage, Production and Supply Chain Operation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 617
Zahro Ubay Dilla ◽  
Muhamad Said Fathurohman

ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan hasil implementasi dari sistem halal traceability supply chain pada produk makanan halal pengolahan daging di perusahaan Ternaknesia Farm Innovation. Analisis pada penelitian ini menggunakan model Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) sebagai model utama dalam pengembangan halal traceability supply chain. Perusahaan ini tengah mengembangkan sistem jaminan ketelusurah halal (halal traceability supply chain) pada produk daging yang dijual nya dengan membuat model bisnis Ternaknesia 2.0 yang berkelanjutan sebagai perusahaan pertama di wilayah Surabaya Jawa Timur yang memiliki sistem halal traceability. Hasil identifikasi atas Implementasi dari halal traceability supply chain menunjukan bahwa penerapan sistem halal traceability di perusahaan mampu meminimalisir terjadinya ancaman kontaminasi zat haram yang ditelusuri dari implementasi pada proses model SCOR yaitu plan,resource,make, deliver return, dan enable dengan mengembangkan konsep halal dan thoyyib pada produk daging halal yang dijual. Teknologi yang digunakan dalam implementasi pelacakan proses ketertelusuran halal atau halal traceability system yaitu dengan penggunaan label QR Barcode Scan dan didukung penggunakan EPICS code pada produk daging halal yang dijual di perusahaan, sehingga memberikan jaminan ketelusuran halal rantai pasok kepada konsumen. Kata Kunci: halal traceability supply chain dan makanan halal. ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to describe the results of the implementation of the halal traceability supply chain system on halal food products for meat processing at the Ternaknesia Farm Innovation company. The analysis in this study uses the Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) model as the main model in the development of halal traceability supply chain. The company is developing a halal traceability supply chain guarantee system for the meat products it sells by creating a sustainable Ternaknesia 2.0 business model as the first company in the Surabaya area of East Java to have a halal traceability system. The results of the identification of the implementation of the halal traceability supply chain show that the implementation of the halal traceability system in the company is able to minimize the threat of contamination of illicit substances traced from the implementation of the SCOR model process, namely plan, resource, make, deliver return, and enable by developing the concept of halal and thoyyib. on halal meat products sold. The technology used in the implementation of tracking the halal traceability system is the use of a QR Barcode Scan label and supported by the use of the EPICS code on halal meat products sold in the company, thus providing guarantees for supply chain halal traceability to consumers.Keywords: halal traceability supply chain and halal meat products.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Xiaoping Shen ◽  
Yeheng Zhang ◽  
Yumei Tang ◽  
Yuanfu Qin ◽  
Nan Liu ◽  

PurposeThis paper, with the tobacco industry as the background, establishes an indicator system for tobacco supply chain performance evaluation using the FAHP method.Design/methodology/approachBased on the relevant data of tobacco enterprises in Guangxi, the paper calculates the performance values of tobacco companies in various cities of Guangxi, and through the analysis of each indicator and the performance values of each city, the authors find that the improvement ability has a major impact on tobacco supply chain performance. Then, the paper establishes a system dynamics model to further demonstrate the impact of information digitalization on the performance of the tobacco supply chain in Guangxi, thus providing theoretical support for building digital tobacco logistics in Guangxi.FindingsThe findings of the study show that the performance of the tobacco supply chains in various cities of Guangxi is generally at the level of “Pass–Good,” which can barely meet the requirements of tobacco supply chain operation, but there is still plenty of room for improvement.Originality/valueThe authors show that digital and IT-based empowerment can maximize the performance of Guangxi's tobacco logistics performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 9098
Qi Ma ◽  
Chi-Cheng Chang ◽  
Chin-Tsai Lin

Detecting the crisis of supply chain management is an important subject for the sustainable management of e-commerce. The purpose of this study was to explore the application of Q-technique to the detection of supply chain crises in the imported food industry under the influence of COVID-19. Literature analysis, expert consultation, and Q-technique methods were adopted. We used an expert consultation and questionnaire survey combined with Q-technique using the imported food industry in Taiwan as an example. Fifteen business owners were interviewed to identify priorities for supply chain crises, and 137 questionnaires were collected to determine the strength of each item. By investigating suppliers, distributors, wholesalers, platform operators, online sellers, and logistics operators, this study obtained the priority of supply chain crisis items and the strength of factors for each item. The results show that Q-technique can effectively detect the crisis of cross-border supply chain management, clarifying import food industry e-commerce supply chain crisis items and determining their priority and strength, to help enterprises make emergency decisions regarding supply chain operation, and they can also be used as a reference for enterprises to respond to the crisis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Dora Eka Mawangi ◽  
Agus Supriono

The high potential of fisheries in Banyuwangi has caused many canned sardine processing industries to be established, one of which is PT. Sumber Yalasamudra in Muncar District. In recent years the population of lemuru fish has decreased so that PT. Sumber Yalasamudra must be able to carry out good supply chain management so that the production process continues to run smoothly. This study aimed to analyze the supply chain flow and supply chain performance of PT. Sumber Yalasamudra. The research method used descriptive analysis to explain supply chain flow and SCOR analysis to measure supply chain performance of PT. Sumber Yalasamudra. The results of the analysis showed that the supply chain flow of PT. Sumber Yalasamudra are divided into 3 streams, namely (a) product flows from fishermen to final consumers (buyers), (b) financial flows flowing from downstream to upstream in cash with a period of time and (c) information flows flowing from upstream to downstream and vice versa, and supply chain performance of PT Sumber Yalasamudra based on 5 attributes of SCM (Supply Chain Management) it can be concluded that PT Sumber Yalasamudra has a good performance because it is in a superior position.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 269
Muhammad Shobur ◽  
Syahreen Nurmutia ◽  
Gilang Ardi Pratama

The role of the Supply Chain affects the value of domestic products that arise in an area is not the same as the income received by residents of the area. It can be seen that the staple products sector dominates 61.55% of the distribution of products in Central Java. So, this is an important factor in measuring the Supply Operations Chain that occurs in these commodities. The high costs incurred in this sector encourage us to continue to improve our operational performance to reduce costs as low as possible. The condition is what the public/consumers want so that the gap between production costs and distribution costs of existing products is not too far away. This study aims to measure consumer satisfaction with the Supply Chain in the area and optimize the Supply Chain model that can be done to improve operational processes in the upstream (supplier) and downstream (distribution channels) of the Supply Chain in Central Java. The data analysis method used is the Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR). This model serves to weigh the importance of measuring customer satisfaction with the Supply Chain in the area, and efforts to improve operational performance can be made by minimizing failure in the process so that delivery to consumers is on time. The results of the SCOR model show that Asset, Agility, and Cost are variables that must be improved in the logistics process in Central Java. 

Hakim Bouayad ◽  
Loubna Benabbou ◽  
Abdelaziz Berrado

Information technology (IT) has a critical importance. Information technology governance (ITG) is the system that allows enterprises to master the complexity of IT in order to maximize its use and to foster the competitive advantage. Control objectives for information and related technology (COBIT) is a well-known IT governance (ITG) framework that groups IT best practices. There is little research about the correlation between COBIT and domain specific frameworks, like supply chain operation reference (SCOR) for supply chain (SC). The paper proposes an approach to map SCOR's components to COBIT with ArchiMate, which is a standard language to model enterprise architecture (EA). The mapping can simplify, by visualization, the complexity of both frameworks. It can also provide a view on possible overlaps and synergies between SCOR and COBIT. Two detailed illustrations are presented. The evaluation is done according the Bunge-Wand-Weber method. An example of the utility of the mapping is done for a real case scenario.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-101
A. Maulidina ◽  
E. Taufik ◽  
A. Atabany

This study was aimed to analyze the performance of the outbound logistics of fresh milk at KPSBU Lembangand quality of fresh milk during the outbound logistics process. The supply chain operation referenceanalytical hierarchy process (SCOR-AHP) method was used to analyze the logistics performance. Thequality of fresh milk observed included total solid, protein, fat, pH, specific gravity and total plate count.The obtained data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the performance of outboundlogistics of fresh milk at KPSBU Lembang fall into the good category (90,20%). The quality of fresh milkduring the outbound logistics process from cooperative to the dairy industry and direct consumers wasmet the quality standards of customer demand and SNI 3141.1.2011

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