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scholarly journals Market chain analysis of goat in south omo zone of SNNPR, Ethiopia

Y Alemayehu ◽  
K Kusse ◽  
K Kassu

This study was initiated to identify market chain actors and their function in the market, investigate the structure conduct and performance of goat marketing in south omo zones of SNNPR, Ethiopia during the year 2018. Primary data were collected from sampled pastoralists and agro pastoralists, traders and brokers. Before the household survey, key informant interview and focus group discussions were conducted with producers, traders and brokers. Descriptive Statistics and qualitative data analysis techniques were employed to analyze the goat market structure, conduct and performance. The results show that producers, brokers, traders and consumers were the major goat market actors. Regarding the market structure, cattle market is known to be dominated by few traders. Although the degree of competition varies, goat market structure in the study area has an oligopolistic nature. This shows that only few traders have the majority of market share and earn abnormal profit. Besides, goat market is characterized by entry barriers, distant market point, high trucking cost, seasonality of marketing, information asymmetries and unfriendly relation between actors. As the pastoralists and agro pastoralists mainly depend on goat for their livelihoods and other cultural values, traders take advantage of the asymmetric market information towards them. The larger share of the market gains remains with end traders thereby limiting the pastoralists and agro pastoralists chance to realize the economic gains in goat production. Thus, linking producers to market and its benefits, establishing cooperatives and development of infrastructure could play a significant role for optimization of the sector. Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 11(2): 52-60, Dec 2021

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Freshty Yulia Arthatiani ◽  
Siti Hajar Suryawati ◽  
Estu Sri Luhur ◽  
Tikkyrino Kurniawan

Tuna merupakan komoditas ekspor perikanan utama di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) ekspor tuna Indonesia mengalami tren pertumbuhan nilai ekspor yang melambatdari tahun 2012 hingga 2018. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisis mengenai struktur perilaku dan kinerja pemasaran industri tuna di Indonesia yang diharapkan dapat mendukung kinerja ekspor tunaIndonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan dan BPS serta data primer bersumber dari pelaku usaha tuna. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis struktur pasar dengan perhitungan konsentrasi pasar dan hambatan masuk pasar, serta perilaku pasar yang dianalisis secara deskriptif selain itu kinerja pasar dianalisis menggunakan perhitungan variabel price cost margin (PCM) dan efisiensi internal (Xeff). Hasil analisis struktur pasar menunjukkan bahwa komoditas tuna memiliki struktur pasar oligopoli, meskipun untuk komoditas tuna olahan dapat dikategorikan oligopoli ketat cenderung monopoli. Analisis perilaku pasar menunjukkan bahwa penentuan harga tuna ekspor dilakukan oleh buyer dan promosi dilakukan melalui ajang pameran perdagangan serta pengiriman sampel kepada calon buyer. Perhitungan indikator kinerja pasar menunjukkan bahwa kinerja pemasaran tuna beku lebih baik dibandingkan tuna olahan. Rekomendasi kebijakan yang disarankan adalah dengan kebijakan mempermudah investasi sehingga meningkatkan jumlah pelaku usaha dan menurunkan tingkat persaingan. Selain itu perlu pengawasan oleh komite persaingan usaha terutama pada komoditas tuna olahan untuk menghindari kecenderungan monopoli bahan baku. Peningkatandaya saing dari tuna Indonesia perlu juga dilakukan agar lebih berperan dalam menentukan harga di pasar ekspor. Kinerja pasar dapat ditingkatkan melalui penghematan biaya input atau peningkatanvolume output untuk meningkatkan nilai efisiensi internal.Title: Structure, Conduct and Performance Analysis of Tuna Industries in Indonesia Tuna is a major fishery export commodity in Indonesia, although based on data from the Central Bureau Statistics Indonesian tuna exports experience a slowing trend in the value of exports from 2012 to 2018. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the structure, conduct and performance from of the tuna industry . This study uses secondary data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and Central Bureau of Statistics while primary data sourced from tuna entrepreneurs. The research method used is the analysis of market structure by calculating market concentration and barriers to market entry, as well as market conducts analyzed descriptively. In addition, market performance is analyzed using the calculation of price cost margin (PCM) and internal efficiency (Xeff). The results of the market structure analysis show that tuna has an oligopoly market structure. Analysis of market conduct shows that the determination of the price of export tuna is carried out by the buyer and promotion is carried out through a trade exhibition and sending samples to prospective buyers. The calculation of market performance indicators shows that the marketing performance of frozen tuna is better than processed tuna. The recommended policy are to facilitate investment to reducing the level of competition. In addition itneeds supervision by the business competition committee, especially on processed tuna commodities. Increasing the competitiveness of Indonesian tuna also needs to be done to be more instrumental indetermining prices in the export market. Market performance can be improved through saving input costs or increasing output volume.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 124 ◽  
Getahun Kassa ◽  
Eskinder Yigezu ◽  
Desalegn Alemayehu

This research aimed at assessing the market chain of banana, avocado and mango fruits in Bench Maji zone. Both primary and secondary data were collected from 2 purposively selected fruits producing districts namely North Bench and South Bench districts. Primary data were collected through semi-structured questionnaire and focus group discussion. A total of 150 households were selected by using systematic random sampling technique. In addition, 40 traders were selected by using simple random sampling technique. Market structure – conduct – performance analysis model was used to assess the performance of the fruits market. The result revealed that the participants in the fruits market were identified as primary actors and secondary actors. Primary actors in the fruits market chain were producers, brokers/ agents, farmer traders, collectors, and wholesalers. Whereas, local tax authority, local police, transporters, and district Trade and Industry office were identified as secondary actors. Fruits market in the area was characterized by non-competitive nature with concentration ratio ranging from 42 to 91.10% indicating the existence of oligopoly market structure. Entrance and exit in the fruits market was blocked by licensing and access to channel. A channel that links producers to local wholesalers through brokers was more efficient in terms of large volumes of sales. However, performance of the fruits market was affected by seasonality, the existence of few big traders, limited access to information, absence of organized market center and brokers’ interference. Therefore, attention has to be given to alleviate the problems so as to improve the performance of the fruits market.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 112-122
Susmita Gautam

Nepal has thousands of rivers flowing over its terrain. It needs many bridges for smooth transportation. In this background, this study highlights impact of road bridges like infrastructures on rural livelihood and importance of the local participation in such infrastructure development programme. The study area as the Zone of Influence of ChirdiKhola is ward no. 7 and 10 of Phalebas Municipality which has 1026 households and 4423 populations. Household survey, focus group discussion, key informant interview, observation techniques were used for collecting primary data whereas secondary data were generated from district profile and table review. This study reveals that the bridge has directly or indirectly played crucial role in increasing the freight volume, decreasing the freight cost, increase in number of peoples seeking health facilities through health centers. Local peoples participated to identify the need of bridge and cooperated during the construction of bridge for effective implementation. Motorable Bridge plays vital role in social upliftment and generating the new ideas of income generations. This study also put some light on how Motorable Bridges are constructed in local levels through different programmes, Departments of Nepal Government and the role of District Development Committees in Motorable Bridge projects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 325-332
Hendra Kurniawan ◽  
Ratya Anindita ◽  
Silvana Maulidah

This study aims to find out and investigate how copra farmers receive in Parigi – Moutong Regency. In this study the data used is primary data and secondary data, primary data is taken using questionnaire list. This research uses IHH and CR4 analysis approach, with the aim to find out the market share and market formed in each copra marketing institution in Parigi – Moutong Regency. The results of the research showed from the results of the analysis conducted is the market formed in copra farmers institutions are a perfect competition market, in the institution of traders collectors (middlemen) market formed is a monopoly market, just as the market formed in large traders is also monopoly. The cr4 value obtained is farmers by 30.82%, collectors by 100%, large traders by 100%. From the results obtained the structure of the market is already affecting the market counduct copra, where the merchant become the determinant haraga copra is a collector to be the recipient of the price.in addition, traders do bond in terms of capital (dwon paymen).Copra market performance is inefficient, where copra farmers in Parigi – Moutong are more dominant in selling copra in three marketing lines that have many marketing agencies involved, with a margin of Rp 2,000. referring to the results, it is fair that the weak still of farmers reaching the market information, especially prices, as a result of the share received by farmers is low. Related to this, there needs to be strengthening in farmers institutions related to copra marketing system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-170
Hawlet Mohammed Kassaw ◽  
Zewdu Berhanie ◽  
Getachew Alemayehu

This research attempted to analyze the determinants of market supply of tomato in Fogera district, South Gondar zone, Amhara Region of Ethiopia. Tomatoes generate income for the poor farmers of Ethiopia. Primary and secondary data were collected. The primary data was generated though a household survey (N=235), a pre-tested structured questionnaire and a key informant interview using a checklist. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression model. The model results showed livestock ownership, size of land allocated for tomato, access to credit, income from non-farm/off-farm activities and use of improved seed significantly affected quantity of tomato supplied to the market. The findings indicated the need to encourage off/non-farm income activities, strengthen access to improved varieties of tomato, use technologies that can improve the production and productivity of tomato, and expand the access to credit.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-151
Noora Ahmed Lari ◽  

The State of Qatar has implemented several family policies in order to improve the wellbeing of Qatari families and ensure fair distribution of development benefits for both men and women. However, there is a linkage between female employment outside the home and instability in the marriages of Qatari families. This paper investigates the impact of female employment on marital stability, based on the results of primary data collected in Qatar, a questionnaire that consisted of several sections such as challenges in the workplace, supervisor, family and spouse relations, work motivation and performance. Of the 824 questionnaires that were returned, 807 were completed and valid for analysis. Regression analysis and an ANOVA test have been used to test the relationship between the variables. The results of the research have produced mixed findings about how wives’ employment increases marital instability and have yielded few significant differences on mean scores of discuss on work demands, insufficient time together, housework, financial matters, communication, relatives and rearing children. The results indicates that in general Qatar working women face several challenges in relation to their marital life as part of cultural and social constraints.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Rasmansyah Rasmansyah ◽  
M Zainal Aripin

<em>This research was conducted based on the existence of problems in the competence and physical work environment of employee performance. This study aims to determine the effect of competencies and physical work environment simultaneously or partially on the performance of employees of PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor. The sampling technique is the sample random sampling technique. The type of research used is descriptive and verivative research methods, with data collection techniques using primary data and secondary data. The results showed that competency, physical work environment, and performance were categorized quite well. Based on the calculation, it can be seen that simultaneously the competence and physical work environment have a positive and significant influence on the performance of the employees of PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor. Partially shows that the physical work environment has the most dominant influence on the performance of employees of PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor</em>

Hamida Mwilu ◽  
Reuben Njuguna

The dynamic nature of business operating environment has called on business leaders to be strategic in their leadership roles if they are to sustain their competitiveness into the unforeseen future. Growth is important in Sacco’s because it is future oriented establishing ways in which the organizational operations can be aligned to future changes in the business environment to ensure that competitiveness is sustained. The SACCOs in Kenya have experienced problems in the past; some even shutting down therefore there is need for customer growth to be enhanced so as to increase their incomes so as to sustain the business. These SACCOs have to look for leaders and managers who can develop future targets, direct and lead other staffs towards meeting the firm’s objective and gaining a competitive edge. The aim of this study was an assessment of corporate growth strategies and performance in savings and cooperative societies in Kenya, Nairobi County. The study sought to determine the influence of market expansion, diversification strategies and acquisition strategies. The study target population was 41 licensed SACCOs in Nairobi County. The study used primary data to collect information, and the data collection instrument was a questionnaire which was given to the 41 operations managers in the 41 selected SACCOs. The data collection procedure was done by the researcher and drop-and-pick strategy will be applied. The data was coded and keyed in Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS Version 23.0), and was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. For descriptive statistics was through mean scores, standard deviations, frequencies and percentages, while the inferential statistics was through regression analysis to establish the relationship between strategic leadership and customer growth. The findings were presented in tables and charts for easy understanding, interpreting, and describing the data. The study established that market expansion, diversification strategies and acquisition strategies as corporate growth strategies had a positive and significant effect on the performance of SACCOs in Nairobi City County. The study concluded that the SACCOs significantly employed market expansion strategies through improved branch network, customer base enhancement, new distribution channels and technological innovation. The study concluded that the SACCOs embraced a hybrid of the main diversification strategies, diverse products and services significantly. It was concluded that to a little extent the selected SACCOs in Nairobi City County have employed acquisition as a corporate growth strategy. The study recommends that the SACCOs should embrace integrate technology in the implementation of corporate growth strategies to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.  Further studies should be undertaken to establish the effect of corporate growth strategies on the performance of other SACCOs in other regions to establish the disparities or similarities among the financial sector players. 

Tinur Sulastri Situmorang ◽  
Zulkifli Alamsyah ◽  
Saidin Naenggolan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Mengetahui gambaran pemasaran sawi manis di Kecamatan Jambi Selatan, 2) Menghitung efisiensi pemasaran sawi manis dilihat dari analisis market structure, market conduct, dan market performance (SCP). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan pendekatan structure, conduct, and performance of market (SCP). Berdasarkan penelitian, pemasaran sawi manis di Kecamatan Jambi Selatan terdiri dari lima pola saluran pemasaran, yaitu : 1) petani-konsumen ; 2) petani-pedagang pengumpul besar (PPB)-agen/pedagang pengecer-konsumen ; 3) petani-pedagang pengecer-konsumen; 4) petani-pedagang pengumpul kecil (PPK)-pedagang pengecer-konsumen; 5) petani-pasar modern-konsumen. Fungsi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh lembaga-lembaga pemasaran, yaitu fungsi pertukaran, fungsi fisik, dan fungsi fasilitas. Dengan pendekatan market structure, pasar sawi manis di Jambi Selatan cenderung mengarah kepada persaingan oligopoli murni. Dilihat dari perilaku pasar, sistem pembayaran kemudian masih terjadi antara pedagang pengumpul dengan petani dan antara pedagang pengumpul dengan pedagang eceran. Sedangkan kinerja pasar menunjukkan bahwa penyebaran marjin, farmer’s share, dan rasio keuntungan tidak merata pada masing-masing lembaga pemasaran. Dari indikator SCP yang telah dijelaskan  di atas dapat diketahui bahwa pemasaran sawi manis di Jambi Selatan belum efisien. Berdasarkan kondisi saat ini dan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, saluran pemasaran IV (petani-pedagang pengumpul kecil (PPK)-pedagang pengecer-konsumen) merupakan alternatif saluran pemasaran yang efisien yang dapat dipilih oleh petani.   Kata Kunci : efisiensi, pemasaran, sawi manis, SCP (structure, conduct, and performance of market)

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 3866
Joana Costa ◽  
Ana Rita Neves ◽  
João Reis

Open innovation is proved to be determinant in the rationalization of sustainable innovation ecosystems. Firms, universities, governments, user communities and the overall environment are called to contribute to this dynamic process. This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of open innovation on firms’ performance and to empirically assess whether university-industry collaborations are complementary or substitutes for this activity. Primary data were collected from a survey encompassing 908 firms, and then combined with performance indicators from SABI (Spanish and Portuguese business information). Econometric estimations were run to evaluate the role of open innovation and university-industry collaboration in the firm innovative propensity and performance. Results highlight the importance of diversity in collaborations with the academia and inbound open innovation strategy as enhancers of firm performance. The two activities reinforce each other. By testing the impact of open innovation practices on company performance, the need for heterogeneity in terms of contact type and university is also demonstrated. Findings cast light on the need to reformulate existing policy packages, reinforcing the ties with academia as well as the promotion of open innovation strategies. The connection to the innovation ecosystem needs to be further encouraged as well as the promotion of persistent connections with the knowledge sources in an open and multilateral framework.

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