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scholarly journals Criminological features of cybercrime against minors

Olga Ivasyuk

Cybercrime today is one of the fastest growing types of criminal activity that encroach on various social groups of community. Today, in addition to criminal acts aimed at economic profit, the level of criminal infringements aimed at the personal rights of children, has increased, as has the involvement of minors in the commission of serious and particularly serious crimes. Crimes against children committed in the information environment are different from traditional forms of criminal abuse, and are characterized by particular cruelty, a high level of proficiency of perpetrators, anonymity (identity of a perpetrator is hidden behind an information code) and transnationality. Conditionally the activities of cybercriminals can be categorized as offences aimed at the personal rights of children and criminal acts aimed at involving minors in offences through the information environment. Cybercriminal activities include, inter alia, trafficking in children in information and telecommunications networks; sexual exploitation of minors, including involvement in prostitution; inducement of children to commit suicide; and others. Such acts constitute serious or particularly serious crimes aimed at violating the personal rights of children, whose protection requires the development of national legislation and constant international cooperation. The author believes that specific international treaties on cooperation in the detection of cybercrime should be concluded, as well as general rules on the definition of various forms of cybercrime.

2018 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
pp. 01010 ◽  
Aldona Kipane

The aim of the current article is to analyse the criminological aspect of sexual violence. Nowadays sexual assault has become a major social issue in many contemporary cultures. Sexual violence is a complex interdisciplinary issue, which includes several aspects psychological, judicial, medical, and other aspects. Sexual crime is an urgent problem with a high level of latency, most part of such crimes are not reported in crime statistics. Particularly, sexual violence against children is a serious problem for Latvia and the world. At present, there is a sharp increase in such crimes as a human trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation; as well as the number of sexual crimes against boys is rising. Expansion of criminal activity in the cyberspace has also increased.

Alina Gerasimova

Terrorist activity in all its manifestations is the main source of threat to the public security of the Russian Federation and the entire world community. Its organized nature poses increasingly complex challenges to society. Today, terrorism is becoming complex and highly organized in character. Organized terrorist activity has a high level of danger, provokes the phenomenon of social fear, in which a person feels his helpless in the face of the absolute of all-encompassing violence. The concepts «terrorist activity», «organized activity», and «organized criminal activity» are analysed in the paper. On the basis of these notions examination, the author offers his own definition of «organized terrorist activity». The article contains the analysis of the doctrinal understanding of «organized criminal activity» definition. The article describes the content aspects of the term «terrorist activity» where the features of this definition from the point of view of social sciences and of criminal law norms are taken into account. The author analyses the fixed definition of «terrorist activity» given in the Federal law «On countering terrorism» and the criminal law concept of «terrorist activity». Different approaches to understanding organized criminal activity from the points of view of criminal law and criminology are investigated. The correlation between the concepts «organizational criminal activity» and «organized criminal activity» is shown.

Oleksiy Skryabin ◽  
Dmytro Sanakoyev

Ethnic criminal groups are particularly dangerous today, as they are transnational in nature and difficult to detect. The increase in the number of ethnic criminal groups is due to social, economic and political instability, as well as the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important in this aspect to identify the socio-psychological portrait of the leader of an ethnic criminal group, which directs the actions and is the driving force behind the activities of ethnic criminal groups. The leader of ethnic criminal groups is characterized by a set of social and psychological qualities: a high level of initiative and activity, organizational experience, interest in achieving group goals, awareness of group affairs, camaraderie, personal attractiveness, high prestige and authority in the group. The main socio-psychological characteristics of leaders of ethnic criminal groups are the following characteristics: social origin, worldview and main motives of criminal activity, general characteristics of the offender, personal characteristics (main qualities of the offender, psychological type, presence of syndromes, individual characteristics, relationships in the social group). emotional characteristics, logic of thinking), general characteristics of a successful criminal. A clear definition of the leader of an ethnic criminal group, taking into account its socio-psychological characteristics will ensure the successful work of law enforcement agencies in the fight against organized crime. Counteracting and detecting crimes committed by ethnic criminal groups requires a detailed study of the socio-psychological characteristics of leaders and members of such criminal groups.

Сергей Иванович Вележев ◽  
Антон Михайлович Седогин

В представленной статье авторами рассматриваются вопросы уголовно-правовой охраны топливно-энергетического комплекса Российской Федерации от преступных проявлений, в том числе от коррупционной противоправной деятельности должностных лиц. Такие действия причиняют значительный ущерб нормальному функционированию предприятий топливно-энергетического комплекса. Авторами приводятся результаты исследования некоторых криминологических характеристик должностных лиц, совершивших преступления коррупционного характера. Дан анализ причин и условий, способствующих совершению вышеуказанных противоправных действий. Определена типовая модель преступника для данной категории преступлений и его характеристики: в первую очередь, это высокий уровень компетентности, специальное образование и т. д. Авторами отмечается высокий уровень латентной преступности в данной отрасли. Предложены некоторые пути профилактики данной категории правонарушений. Исследование проводилось на основе анализа конкретных уголовных дел, возбужденных следственными органами по результатам оперативно-розыскной деятельности правоохранительных органов. In the article the authors consider the issues of criminal and legal protection of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation from criminal activity including corrupt illegal practices of officials. The authors cite the results of some criminological characteristics study of the fuel and energy complex staff committed corruption crimes. As a result of these illegal actions significant damage is caused to the normal functioning of the fuel and energy enterprises. Such officials` actions determine not only a wide range of other illegal activities, but also lead to public outcry and discredit the industry as a whole. The analysis of the reasons and conditions contributing to the above illegal actions commission is given. A typical model of a criminal for a given crime category and its characteristics are determined. First of all it is a high level competence, special education, etc. A high level of latent crime in this industry is shown. The study results are presented on the example of specific criminal cases initiated by the investigating authorities based on the results of the operation detection activities of law enforcement agencies. Some ways of preventing this category of offenses are proposed.

Andrea Renda

This chapter assesses Europe’s efforts in developing a full-fledged strategy on the human and ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI). The strong focus on ethics in the European Union’s AI strategy should be seen in the context of an overall strategy that aims at protecting citizens and civil society from abuses of digital technology but also as part of a competitiveness-oriented strategy aimed at raising the standards for access to Europe’s wealthy Single Market. In this context, one of the most peculiar steps in the European Union’s strategy was the creation of an independent High-Level Expert Group on AI (AI HLEG), accompanied by the launch of an AI Alliance, which quickly attracted several hundred participants. The AI HLEG, a multistakeholder group including fifty-two experts, was tasked with the definition of Ethics Guidelines as well as with the formulation of “Policy and Investment Recommendations.” With the advice of the AI HLEG, the European Commission put forward ethical guidelines for Trustworthy AI—which are now paving the way for a comprehensive, risk-based policy framework.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 1388
Daniele Oboe ◽  
Luca Colombo ◽  
Claudio Sbarufatti ◽  
Marco Giglio

The inverse Finite Element Method (iFEM) is receiving more attention for shape sensing due to its independence from the material properties and the external load. However, a proper definition of the model geometry with its boundary conditions is required, together with the acquisition of the structure’s strain field with optimized sensor networks. The iFEM model definition is not trivial in the case of complex structures, in particular, if sensors are not applied on the whole structure allowing just a partial definition of the input strain field. To overcome this issue, this research proposes a simplified iFEM model in which the geometrical complexity is reduced and boundary conditions are tuned with the superimposition of the effects to behave as the real structure. The procedure is assessed for a complex aeronautical structure, where the reference displacement field is first computed in a numerical framework with input strains coming from a direct finite element analysis, confirming the effectiveness of the iFEM based on a simplified geometry. Finally, the model is fed with experimentally acquired strain measurements and the performance of the method is assessed in presence of a high level of uncertainty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
Houda Ajmi ◽  
Wissem Besghaier ◽  
Wafa Kallala ◽  
Abdelhalim Trabelsi ◽  
Saoussan Abroug

Abstract Background Children affected by Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) showed various manifestations. Some of them were severe cases presenting with multi-system inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) causing multiple organ dysfunction. Case presentation We report the case of a 12-year-old girl with recent COVID-19 infection who presented with persistent fever, abdominal pain and other symptoms that meet the definition of MIS-C. She had lymphopenia and a high level of inflammatory markers. She was admitted to pediatric intensive care unit since she rapidly developed refractory catecholamine-resistant shock with multiple organ failure. Echocardiography showed a small pericardial effusion with a normal ejection fraction (Ejection Fraction = 60%) and no valvular or coronary lesions. The child showed no signs of improvement even after receiving intravenous immunoglobulin, fresh frozen plasma, high doses of Vasopressors and corticosteroid. His outcome was fatal. Conclusion Pediatric patients affected by the new COVID-19 related syndrome may show severe life-threatening conditions similar to Kawasaki disease shock syndrome. Hypotension in these patients results from heart failure and the decreased cardiac output. We report a new severe clinical feature of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children in whom hypotension was the result of refractory vasoplegia.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 699
Ruifeng Wang ◽  
Xiong Wu ◽  
Yanliang Zhai ◽  
Yuxuan Su ◽  
Chenhui Liu

Chengde City boasts a wealth of high-quality mineral water resources characterized by a high level of strontium (Sr), a low level of sodium, and low alkalinity. In order to study the mechanism of formation of Sr-bearing mineral water in Chengde and to scientifically guide future mineral water exploration, taking three typical mineral water exploration areas in Chengde as examples, this paper studies the sources of Sr in mineral water and the general rules of its dissolution via a laboratory static leaching experiment and impact experiments, and it provides an analysis of the characteristics of typical rock samples. The research results indicate that the content of Sr in surrounding rock and the characteristics of minerals existing in surrounding rock jointly control the dissolution of Sr in water; that CO2 can promote the formation of mineral water containing Sr; and that temperature increases may boost the dissolution of Sr from carbonate minerals but also inhibit the dissolution of Sr from silicate minerals.

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (24) ◽  
pp. 4014-4020 ◽  
Elizabeth Goss ◽  
Michael P. Link ◽  
Suanna S. Bruinooge ◽  
Theodore S. Lawrence ◽  
Joel E. Tepper ◽  

Purpose The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Cancer Research Committee designed a qualitative research project to assess the attitudes of cancer researchers and compliance officials regarding compliance with the US Privacy Rule and to identify potential strategies for eliminating perceived or real barriers to achieving compliance. Methods A team of three interviewers asked 27 individuals (13 investigators and 14 compliance officials) from 13 institutions to describe the anticipated approach of their institutions to Privacy Rule compliance in three hypothetical research studies. Results The interviews revealed that although researchers and compliance officials share the view that patients' cancer diagnoses should enjoy a high level of privacy protection, there are significant tensions between the two groups related to the proper standards for compliance necessary to protect patients. The disagreements are seen most clearly with regard to the appropriate definition of a “future research use” of protected health information in biospecimen and data repositories and the standards for a waiver of authorization for disclosure and use of such data. Conclusion ASCO believes that disagreements related to compliance and the resulting delays in certain projects and abandonment of others might be eased by additional institutional training programs and consultation on Privacy Rule issues during study design. ASCO also proposes the development of best practices documents to guide 1) creation of data repositories, 2) disclosure and use of data from such repositories, and 3) the design of survivorship and genetics studies.

1980 ◽  
Vol 20 (219) ◽  
pp. 287-315 ◽  
Ionel Gloşcă

One of the principles underlying international law applicable in armed conflicts is that no act of war is permitted against the civilian population, consisting, by definition, of persons who take no part in the hostilities.Until the holocaust of 1939–45, international law gave practically no real protection to the civilian population in the event of war, and was not even intended to do so since up to that time war was considered to be a State activity from which civilians remained aloof. There were, nonetheless, general principles and rules in various international treaties which, in one way or another, related also to the civilian population.

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