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criminal groups
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Е.О. Чернова ◽  
А.Н. Грязнов

Современное общество обладает высокими рисками негативного воздействия на различные социальные группы. Подростки с девиантным поведением относятся к одной из наиболее уязвимых социальных групп, т.к. подростковый возраст является наиболее уязвимым для оказания влияния со стороны общества и неформальных организаций. Применение профилактических действий – ключ к успешному решению проблемы через создание системы макро- и микроиндикаторов, отражающих комплексность изучаемого феномена. Авторами исследуются социально-психологические особенности подростков с девиантным поведением, состоящих в уличных криминальных группировках. Применяются методики М. Рогова - А. Грязнова, А.В. Карпова, А. Мехрабиана, К. Леонгарда - К. Шмишека, позволяющие раскрыть рефлексивные особенности, мотивационные факторы, социально-адаптационный потенциал. Обоснована гипотеза развития у подростков личностно-адаптационного потенциала как фактора их адаптации к условиям социума. На основании комплексной методики выявлены социально-психологические особенности подростков с девиантным поведением, состоящих в уличных криминальных группировках, такие как: агрессивность как форма привычного поведения; стремление к вседозволенности; невысокий уровень их субъектности как качества личностной активности и преобразовательной деятельности; четкая идентификация «мы-они»; более высокая значимость контактов внутри группы по сравнению с любыми другими контактами вне группировки. Авторами предложена траектория профилактической работы по повышению уровня адаптации подростков и сглаживанию воздействия рискогенных факторов. Статья предназначена для психологов, социологов, юристов, социальных педагогов. Modern society has high risks of negative impact on various social groups. Adolescents with deviant behavior belong to one of the most vulnerable social groups, because adolescence is the most vulnerable to influence from society and informal organizations. The use of preventive actions is the key to a successful solution of the problem through the creation of a system of macro- and micro-indicators reflecting the complexity of the phenomenon under study. The authors investigate the socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents with deviant behavior who are members of street criminal groups. The methods of M.Rogova - A.Gryaznova, A.V. Karpova, A. Mehrabian, K. Leonhard - K. Shmishek, allowing to reveal reflexive features, motivational factors, socio-adaptive potential. The hypothesis of the development of personal adaptive potential in adolescents as a factor of their adaptation to the conditions of society is substantiated. Based on a comprehensive methodology, the socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents with deviant behavior who are in street criminal groups are revealed, such as: aggressiveness as a form of habitual behavior; the desire for permissiveness; a low level of their subjectivity as a quality of personal activity and transformative activity; clear identification of "we-they"; higher importance of contacts within the group compared to any other contacts outside the group. The authors propose a trajectory of preventive work to increase the level of adaptation of adolescents and to smooth out the impact of risk factors. The article is intended for psychologists, sociologists, lawyers, social educators.

Mikhail Kleymenov ◽  
Ivan Kleymenov

Sport policy is a purposeful activity of various subjects connected with organizing and holding sports competitions. Such activity may be state-organized, administrative, financial, commercial, engineering and construction-related, military, security, professional, corporate, training, entertainment, relatively mass-scale, agent, referee, qualifying, and others. It should be taken into account that, besides officially recognized sports, there are also illegal competitions. Criminological aspects, connected with the possibility of crime, can be found everywhere. All of these leads to the necessity of establishing and developing sport criminology as a component of sport policy. Criminological aspects of sport policy are especially evident in the market conditions. Their analysis is necessary for the optimization of preventive work in the most important areas. The authors single out three such areas: criminal law prevention of crime in sports, enforcement of prevention policy for criminal and criminogenic sports, and counteracting sport extremism. The effectiveness of work in the first area is close to zero because special «sport» criminal law norms are not and will not be enforced. The analysis of the second area leads the authors to the conclusion that it is necessary to intensify the counteraction to criminal sports, primarily, dog fighting and street racing. As for the criminogenic sports, they can be conditionally broken into two categories: those promoting violence and cruelty, and those equipping athletes with the skills interesting for the criminal community (organized criminal groups). The first category includes MMA-type female fights. This disgusting spectacle, broadcast on TV, is absolutely contrary both to the female nature and to the traditional values of peoples of Russia. Such fights should be prohibited in the Russian Federation. The third area requires monitoring to prevent fans’ movements from turning into extremist organizations. The promotion of patriotic feelings among fans should be recognized as a strategic direction in the prevention of sport extremism.

Viktor Sharov

The article discusses a number of terms used to denote the activities of the state to combat crime. It is indicated that at present the term counteraction has begun to be widely used in legislation, which requires clarification of this concept. Arguments are given about the relevance of the term “counteraction”, its meaning and relationship with other terms, primarily with the concepts of “fighting crime” and “crime control”. The meanings of the words “counteraction”, “struggle” are considered, it is concluded that it would not be correct to identify the counteraction of crime with its prevention, exactly as with preventive activity. Analyzing the concept of crime control, the author states that it is being put forward in the form of a new strategy in the ORD, although its development is not very intensive today. It is concluded that measures to counter crime, such as the detection and disclosure of crimes, should also be supplemented by a system of preventive measures, such as influencing organized criminal groups and communities in order to separate them, undermining the economic foundations of organized crime, depriving the organizers of organized crime groups and OPS of authority, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (20) ◽  
pp. 15
О. V. Tkachova

The study found that the features of modern transnational organized crime are: rapid adaptation to realities, instant response to changes and transformations in life and economy, the ability to improve and adjust the methods and tools used in activities; coordination; rationality; thoughtfulness and systematic actions; systematization; the desire to minimize potential risks and get the most profit and maximum profits. Such models of transnational organized crime as: corporate, trade unions, partnerships, ethnic, network are considered. Modern transnational criminal groups, regardless of model, have been shown to be “well-concealed, well-off criminal communities with a well-defined internal structure, distribution of spheres of influence and functions, and extensive interregional or international ties. It is emphasized that now transnational crime is turning into cybercrime. This is made possible by the fact that it is easier to hide criminal activity on the Internet, anonymity is ensured, and it is possible to act uncontrollably, which, in turn, guarantees security for criminal activity

Mariana Toma

Purpose. The purpose of the study is a new draft of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, namely, to establish the legal grounds for criminal prosecution for «Criminal Leadership», the purpose is also to study the concept of «Criminal Leadership» and «Leader». The methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of available scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. Investigating this issue, the author used the following methods of scientific knowledge: terminological, logical-semantic, system-structural, logical-normative, comparative-legal. Results: in the process of research it was determined that an important, central figure of criminal groups is the leader, he is the center of the criminal environment, the leader. The leader unites the criminal family in the psychological sense, gives its activities a purposeful and unified character. Criminal activity and the desire for maximum criminal profit requires management and coordination of actions of participants. Carrying out a comparative analysis, we concluded that the draft Criminal Code of Ukraine proposes a new version of the article which provides for liability for "Criminal Leadership", thus separating them from long-known types of complicity, due to the central figure of "leader", which is the coordinating figure of all groups and organizations. Scientific novelty. The study found that the concept of leader - the one who leads, always wins, with a member of the group, all members of which recognize his leadership, rely on him in making serious decisions and solving important problems, also explored the concept of leadership - a kind power, the specificity of which is the direction from top to bottom, as well as the fact that its bearer is not the majority, but one person or group of people. Thus, the concepts of leader and leadership are reflected in criminal law as a phenomenon of crime. Practical significance. The results of the study can be further used in lawmaking to improve the current criminal law, which protects the rights and interests of the country and society from criminal encroachments by the upper caste of «Criminal Leadership», as well as for further research on selected issues.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-81
Christian Villanueva

Conflicts such as Nagorno-Karabakh, the Donbas, Libya, Syria and Yemen have shown that even in such different scenarios, the diffusion of the key advances that were at the heart of the Revolution in Military Affairs is a fact. Moreover, most of these advances are so well established that they are now in daily use not only by many states, but also by their proxies and even by transnational terrorist and criminal groups. This phenomenon is intimately associated with the erosion of US military superiority, a country that is seeing how the People's Republic of China or the Russian Federation, but also North Korea or Iran, are capable of challenging the former superpower. In this scenario, aware of the need to compensate for the advances made by the other players, the US has launched a series of initiatives, such as the Third Offset Strategy, aimed at achieving new technological and arms developments that could lead to a new Revolution in Military Affairs or, perhaps, a full-fledged Military Revolution. In this complex context, in which conflicts fought with inherited means will converge with new weapons, systems and platforms and with the entry into service of developments that we cannot yet imagine, the Spanish defence industry will have to struggle to survive, knowing that its main customer - the Spanish Ministry of Defence - is in a very delicate situation in terms of facing this new stage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 69 (6. ksz.) ◽  
pp. 107-123
Ivett Nagy

Many types of drug crimes are already known, but it is common to offender groups to implement them in an organised, coordinated, multi-level framework. Affected by online platforms, drug crimes are undergoing a transformation that presents new challenges for the authorities. Criminal groups also like to (re)take the opportunities offered by the Internet. Platforms that connect to the Dark Web, the Dark Internet (secret network form), have become increasingly popular over the past few years, thanks to the fact that there are also services available which are not available by traditional browsers. Coordinated cooperation between several countries, over several years, is needed to ensure successful detection in cyberspace. This is illustrated by a current EUROPOL report, published on 12 January 2021, which shows that a successful liquidation has occurred in the case of DarkMarket, one of the largest illegal marketplaces, requiring the cooperation of several European Union Member States and several non-European Union countries. In the face of the coronavirus epidemic, organised crime groups are still trying to remain active and resilient, which is not a challenge in the online space at this time, although drug delivery models needed to be changed, but they are trying to maintain the constant cycle of the market through their hiding methods. In my study, I am also looking for answers how the detection and recovery of criminal property is carried out at national and international level, in cases where drug crime takes place in the online space. What is the path of illegally acquired criminal property, how can financial profiling be carried out in these cases? In case of drug offences, we are talking about a special asset recovery where is no victim demanded, because there are very few known victims existing. With my study, I intend to capture the current topicality of drug crime, by detecting methods of committing crimes in the online space, internationally and domestically, and by exploring the current processes of asset discovery and recovery. In this way, I wish to provide results that can be used by the profession.

Altana M. Lidzhieva ◽  

Introduction. The article deals with street youth gangs in Elista, the capital of Kalmykia. In the process of their development, such organized criminal groups have transformed into a special subculture with its own hierarchies, spheres of influence, lifestyles, language, and practices. The author aims to show the development of this phenomenon as a subculture in the youth milieu, describing the norms of behavior, values, and life orientations of members of particular gangs operating in Elista. Data and methods. The main research sources are field materials collected by the author by way of interviewing members of such informal groups. The analysis involved the structural-functional method, participatory observation method, method of content-analysis and interviewing. Results. There is a history to the growth of modern informal groupings in the town: in fact, they proliferated during the period of restoration of the Kalmyk ASSR with its center in Elista. Under new conditions, within urban environment informal street gangs were formed on the principle of shared territories, which was in fact the most typical kind of such groupings in the country at large. For the younger generation, the street served as a space of masculine brotherly unity based on bodily practices, as well as on similar ideas, views, and concepts. In the period between 2000 and 2010, some of the informal units represented qualitatively new forms of organized criminal youth groupings; these were characterized by dominance practices, power relations, and age hierarchy. Although the youth (patsan) companies were not part of the criminal thieves’ subculture, they maintained to a degree this connection and found ways for organized criminal activity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 200-220
Caitríona Heinl

This chapter considers factors that may afford non-state actors like terrorists or extremists in the cyber field an opportunity to access offensive cyber means and how this threat might be best managed. It acknowledges that other terrorism-related areas identify a risk in focusing too narrowly on the technology, rather than dealing with motivations and intentions effectively. Similarly, recommendations from law enforcement authorities include preventing criminals from becoming involved in the first place. The main thrust of this chapter is on solutions and minimizing opportunities for violence from occurring rather than countering extremism itself. The concept of so-called ‘cyber terrorism’ is examined, including current perceptions on the degree of terrorist access to offensive cyber means. Several factors that could affect, to varying degrees, such proliferation of tools and techniques include the following: 1. Rising complexity and vulnerabilities in the cyber domain; 2. Maturing skills; 3. The nexus with criminal groups and hacktivists; 4. Levels of resilience; 5. Media exposure; and 6. International negotiations on state behaviour vis-à-vis cyber weapon proliferation.

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