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preventive actions
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-59
Anne Rufaridah ◽  
Wuri Komalasari ◽  
Ridholla Permata Sari

Background: The dominant factors that influence Covid-19 prevention behavior can be divided into three domains; knowledge, attitude and action. Knowledge is the result of knowing after people have sensed certain objects. Attitude describes whether a person like or dislike towards an object. Action is a response to a stimulus that is active and observable.Methods: This study aims to determine the public's perception towards Covid 19 Prevention in Ganting Parak Gadang Village, East Padang. The type of research used is the Winshield Survey. The sample used 24 families by random sampling at TNI AD Ganting Parak Gadang dormitory, RW: 08 consists of RT 01,02,03,04,05,06.Results: The results of this research showed that the respondents' perceptions of 100% considered the current situation is seriously in dangerous and should not be considered as trivial cases, 62% of handling COVID-19 carried out preventive behaviors such as maintaining immunity, 71% of people's behavior in worshiping choosing to worship at home, as much as 75% did not go to planned events. Knowledge of respondents 84% still doubted and did not know about the symptoms of covid 19 and as much as 23% did not know about OTG covid 19 is 62% knew from social media.Conclusions: The conclusion in this study are attitude and the highest percentage of preventive actions in the good category compared with the lower percentage of prevention knowledge. The suggestion in the study is that the public is expected to maintain health protocols by continuing to follow government recommendations in efforts to prevent Covid-19.

Narcisa Muresu ◽  
Giovanni Sotgiu ◽  
Silvia Marras ◽  
Davide Gentili ◽  
Illari Sechi ◽  

The assessment of human papillomavirus (HPV) genotype dynamics could support the adoption of more tailored preventive actions against cervical cancer. The aim of the study was to describe the prevalence of HPV infection, HPV genotype distribution, and the epidemiological characteristics of women with ASC-US cytology since the introduction of HPV-DNA testing in Sardinia (Italy), (March 2016–December 2020). Specimens were tested by RT-PCR for 14 high-risk HPV genotypes. A total of 1186 patients were enrolled, with a median (IQR) age of 41 (38–48) years. Of these women, 48.1% were positive for at least one HPV genotype; 311 (26.2%) women were vaccinated with a median (IQR) age of 38 (30/47) years. The percentage of prevalence of HPV-16, -31, -66, -56, and -51 was 36.3%, 18.7%, 11.9%, 11.4% and 10.7%, respectively. The highest prevalence of infection was found in women aged <41 years, and single women. Moreover, women aged >41 years (OR: 0.51, 95% CI: 0.31–0.86; p-value: 0.01), having parity (OR: 0.57, 95% CI: 0.34–0.96, p-value: 0.04), and higher educational level (OR: 0.39, 95% CI: 0.18–0.87; p-value: 0.02) were associated with a lower CIN2+ risk. We did not find a significant difference in terms of prevalence of HPV-16 infection between vaccinated and non-vaccinated (18.3% vs. 17.1%; p-value < 0.001). Our results support the adoption of nonavalent HPV-vaccine to prevent the most prevalent infections caused by HPV-16 and -31 genotypes and underscore the need of surveillance to implement tailored vaccination programs and preventive strategies.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Veena Suresh ◽  
Ram Fishman ◽  
Johanna Sophie von Lieres ◽  
Bhavani R. Rao

PurposeThe purpose of the study is to understand what impact the first COVID-19 lockdown in 2020 had on the income and food security of rural households in India and whether it differed across socioeconomic factors. Moreover, the study assesses the needs of rural households and determines whether they had received adequate support services during the lockdown.Design/methodology/approachThe study adopted a repeated-measures quantitative survey design with 1,319 rural women from 16 states of India and conducted a telephonic survey.FindingsThe lockdown had directly impacted rural households' employment status and income but the impact differed depending on the type of employment. For example, working in a salaried job or on one's farm led to a lower likelihood of a complete decline in income in states other than Kerala as the lockdown continued. The study also revealed a change in the pattern of food consumption, with higher consumption of subsidized staple foods. It also became evident that the aid announced by the government reached the rural population with some delay.Research limitations/implicationsA limitation of the study was that many respondents refused to participate in phase 2, which reduced the sample size when comparing the two phases because the women did not own mobile phones. Instead, they were using their husbands' phones.Originality/valueThe study's findings can help better understand the needs of rural populations during crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This can help to plan better and build preventive actions for such populations once their needs are understood. In addition, this can aid disadvantaged people for a minimal level of preparedness and security during such a crisis in the future.

Alice Delerue Matos ◽  
Andreia Fonseca de Paiva ◽  
Cláudia Cunha ◽  
Gina Voss

AbstractStudies show that older individuals with multimorbidity are more susceptible to develop a more severe case of COVID-19 when infected by the virus. These individuals are more likely to be admitted to Intensive Care Units and to die from COVID-19-related conditions than younger individuals or those without multimorbidity. This research aimed to assess whether there are differences in terms of precautionary behaviours between individuals aged 50 + with multimorbidity and their counterparts without multimorbidity residing in 25 European countries plus Israel. We used data from the SHARE-COVID19 questionnaire on the socio-demographic and economic characteristics, multimorbidity, and precautionary behaviours of individuals. SHARE wave 8 and 7 databases were also used to fully identify individuals with multimorbidity. Our results showed that individuals with multimorbidity were more likely to exhibit precautionary behaviours than their counterparts without multimorbidity when gender, age, education, financial distress and countries were included as controls. Additionally, we found that women, more educated individuals and those experiencing more financial distress adopt more protective behaviours than their counterparts. Our results also indicate that the prevalence of precautionary behaviours is higher in Spain and Italy and lower in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. To guarantee the adoption of preventive actions against COVID-19, public health messaging and actions must continue to be disseminated among middle and older aged persons with multimorbidity, and more awareness campaigns should be targeted at men and less educated individuals but also at persons experiencing less financial distress, particularly in countries where people engaged in fewer precautionary behaviours.

2022 ◽  
Vol 131 ◽  
pp. 01004
Madara Mikelsone ◽  
Ieva Reine ◽  
Diana Baltmane ◽  
Andrejs Ivanovs ◽  
Signe Tomsone

The COVID-19 in the context of healthy ageing is associated with decline in body functional abilities and serious illness in older individuals. Regular assessment of ageing processes, including intrinsic capacity factors, provides an opportunity for better understanding of the individual’s functional abilities and vulnerabilities. Based on the data (2017–2020) from two waves (7 and 8) of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), an evaluation and comparison of the intrinsic capacity factors of older individuals (50+ years) before and during COVID-19 was conducted, including data from 4422 individuals in Baltic countries (from Latvia – 648, Lithuania – 1079 and Estonia – 2695). Excellent or very good health status before the outbreak reported 35.3% respondents in Latvia, 54.9% in Lithuania and 45.3% in Estonia (p < 0.001). On worsened health status since the outbreak reported 7% respondents in Latvia, 13.8% in Lithuania and 5.9% in Estonia (p < 0.001). Feeling of nervousness, depression and loneliness during COVID-19 outbreak increased among all respondents, regardless of nationality and severity of symptoms before outbreak (p < 0.001). The results indicate that during COVID-19 outbreak respondents were experiencing deterioration in cognitive and psychological health. To maintain the level of individual’s functional abilities during situations like COVID-19 outbreak preventive actions are needed by promoting physical activities and social networks, especially for older individuals.

Accounting ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-36
Abdul Haris ◽  
Imam Ghozali ◽  
Najmudin Najmudin

This study conducts the theme of The Causes of Financial Distress conditions by samples from Indonesian banking sector registered in the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia within the period of 2015-2019. The title of this study: "Indicators of Financial Distress condition in Banking sector in Indonesia” during the period of 2015-2019" with a multiple correlation approach. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of leverage of Credit Risk, CAR, ROA, and LDR to the Financial Distress conditions. The sample of population in this study are all conventional commercial banks in Indonesia registered in the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia. The number of samples in this study were included 37 commercial banks that their profitabilities were being declined, with a total number 146 observations. The method carried out in determining the sample is “Purposive” sampling. Based on the results of study and data analysis using the panel data method, it shows that capital, credit risk, profitability and liquidity have a positive effect on Financial Distress. The implication of the above conclusion is that it required further research to perform preventive actions to anticipate the measures of financial performance of the Bank, and it is expected to select a larger population of samples and variables that might have not been included in research on banking Financial Distress in Indonesia.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1139-1153
Chetna Gupta ◽  
Priyanka Chandani

Requirement defects are one of the major sources of failure in any software development process, and the main objective of this chapter is to make requirement analysis phase exhaustive by estimating risk at requirement level by analyzing requirement defect and requirement inter-relationships as early as possible to using domain modeling to inhibit them from being incorporated in design and implementation. To achieve this objective, this chapter proposes a tool to assist software developers in assessing risk at requirement level. The proposed tool, software risk estimator, SERIES in short, helps in early identification of potential risk where preventive actions can be undertaken to mitigate risk and corrective actions to avoid project failure in collaborative manner. The entire process has been supported by a software case study. The results of the proposed work are promising and will help software engineers in ensuring that all business requirements are captured correctly with clear vision and scope.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-65
Yuly Susan Quispe Condor ◽  
Liz Edenia García Saavedra ◽  
Johanna Elizabeth Rodríguez Zambrano ◽  
Mary Baneza Espinoza Acuña ◽  
Olga Georgina Bedoya Ticlavilca

Cancer is currently a public health problem. It should be noted that most patients require treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy among other procedures to recover their health. The aim of this study was to analyze the development of scientific evidence on standards for the safe administration of chemotherapy in cancer patients. Methodology: a descriptive systematic review was performed with the search of databases in Pub Med and Scopus selected articles from 2015 - 2020 in English and Spanish languages. The results indicate that the safe administration of chemotherapy in oncology patients requires nurses to use updated standardized protocols and care guidelines with continuous training, as well as to carry out preventive actions of monitoring, control and follow-up for compliance with the protocols. It is concluded that adverse events should be socialized among nurses to assume improvement plans and strategies to raise the quality of the services provided by the nursing professional, as well as to avoid errors and complications of malpractice in the administration of chemotherapy.

Е.О. Чернова ◽  
А.Н. Грязнов

Современное общество обладает высокими рисками негативного воздействия на различные социальные группы. Подростки с девиантным поведением относятся к одной из наиболее уязвимых социальных групп, т.к. подростковый возраст является наиболее уязвимым для оказания влияния со стороны общества и неформальных организаций. Применение профилактических действий – ключ к успешному решению проблемы через создание системы макро- и микроиндикаторов, отражающих комплексность изучаемого феномена. Авторами исследуются социально-психологические особенности подростков с девиантным поведением, состоящих в уличных криминальных группировках. Применяются методики М. Рогова - А. Грязнова, А.В. Карпова, А. Мехрабиана, К. Леонгарда - К. Шмишека, позволяющие раскрыть рефлексивные особенности, мотивационные факторы, социально-адаптационный потенциал. Обоснована гипотеза развития у подростков личностно-адаптационного потенциала как фактора их адаптации к условиям социума. На основании комплексной методики выявлены социально-психологические особенности подростков с девиантным поведением, состоящих в уличных криминальных группировках, такие как: агрессивность как форма привычного поведения; стремление к вседозволенности; невысокий уровень их субъектности как качества личностной активности и преобразовательной деятельности; четкая идентификация «мы-они»; более высокая значимость контактов внутри группы по сравнению с любыми другими контактами вне группировки. Авторами предложена траектория профилактической работы по повышению уровня адаптации подростков и сглаживанию воздействия рискогенных факторов. Статья предназначена для психологов, социологов, юристов, социальных педагогов. Modern society has high risks of negative impact on various social groups. Adolescents with deviant behavior belong to one of the most vulnerable social groups, because adolescence is the most vulnerable to influence from society and informal organizations. The use of preventive actions is the key to a successful solution of the problem through the creation of a system of macro- and micro-indicators reflecting the complexity of the phenomenon under study. The authors investigate the socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents with deviant behavior who are members of street criminal groups. The methods of M.Rogova - A.Gryaznova, A.V. Karpova, A. Mehrabian, K. Leonhard - K. Shmishek, allowing to reveal reflexive features, motivational factors, socio-adaptive potential. The hypothesis of the development of personal adaptive potential in adolescents as a factor of their adaptation to the conditions of society is substantiated. Based on a comprehensive methodology, the socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents with deviant behavior who are in street criminal groups are revealed, such as: aggressiveness as a form of habitual behavior; the desire for permissiveness; a low level of their subjectivity as a quality of personal activity and transformative activity; clear identification of "we-they"; higher importance of contacts within the group compared to any other contacts outside the group. The authors propose a trajectory of preventive work to increase the level of adaptation of adolescents and to smooth out the impact of risk factors. The article is intended for psychologists, sociologists, lawyers, social educators.

2021 ◽  
Patricia Gervan ◽  
Nóra Bunford ◽  
Katinka Utczás ◽  
Zsófia Tróznai ◽  
Gyöngyi Oláh ◽  

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic created highly unpredictable circumstances which resulted in increased levels of psychological strain. Here we investigate pandemic-related alterations in emotion regulation in adolescents assessed before and during the pandemic. We also take biological age into account in the response to the pandemic.Methods: We compared baseline data on the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) total scores of a pre-pandemic adolescent cohort (n=241) with those obtained during the second wave of the pandemic (n=266). We estimated biological age based on an ultrasonic boneage assessment procedure in a subgroup of males. We included both grammar school and vocational school students in the 9th and 10th grades and analyzed their data independently.Findings: There is a gender difference in the timing of vulnerability for pandemic-related stress in grammar school students: females are affected a year earlier than males. Vocational school male students mature faster than grammar school male students, and the timing of emotional vulnerability also precedes that of the grammar school students.Discussion: We interpret our findings in a developmental model suggesting that there might be a window of highest vulnerability in adolescent emotion regulation. The timing of the window is determined by both chronological and biological age, and it seems to be different for females and males.Application to Practice: Defining the exact temporal windows of vulnerability for different adolescent cohorts allows for the timely integration of preventive actions into adolescent care to protect mental health during future chronic stressful situations.

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