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scholarly journals Influence of chronic alcoholic intoxication and lighting regime on karyometric and ploidometric parameters of hepatocytes of rats

Caryologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
David Areshidze ◽  
Yuri Kirillov ◽  
Lyudmila Makartseva ◽  
Maria Kozlova ◽  
Igor Chernov ◽  

The features of the diurnal dynamics of the area of rat hepatocyte nuclei and their ploidy were studied under conditions of a standart (fixed) light regime and constant illumination, as well as under chronic exposure to alcohol in the mentioned light regimes. It has been shown that exposure to alcohol and exposure to constant illumination separately lead to a change in the amplitude-phase characteristics of the circadian rhythm of the nucleus area, while the combined effect of these factors leads to a complete destruction of the rhythm, which indicates a violation of adaptation processes. An increase in the average ploidy of hepatocyte nuclei in chronic alcohol intoxication is also shown, while in animals kept under constant illumination without drinking alcohol, the values of this parameter decrease, which indicates a successful course of the adaptation process. The conducted research indicates that the results of karyometric and ploidometric analysis characterize the degree of influence of alcohol intoxication and changes in the light regime on the liver of rats, reflecting the rate of efficiency of adaptation to these factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-47
Yuri Kirillov ◽  
Lyudmila Makartseva ◽  
Maria Kozlova ◽  
Igor Chernov ◽  
Evgeniya Shtemplevskaya ◽  

The aim of the research was to study the effect of chronic alcohol intoxication and constant il-lumination on the circadian rhythms (CR) of some parameters of the cardiovascular system in rats separately, as well as to study the rhythms of these parameters under the combined action of chronic alcohol intoxication (CAI) and constant illumination. It was found that chronic alcohol intoxication CAI at a fixed light regime causes a decrease in heart rate, an increase in SBP and PP; no changes were noted at CAI under constant lighting. At the same time, constant illumina-tion without ethanol exposure results in a decrease in heart rate and an increase in PP. At the same time, CAI with a fixed light regime leads to the destruction of CR of all parameters, except for MBP; at constant illumination with CAI no circadian rhythms of HR, DBP, PP and MBP are detected. Constant illumination leads to the destruction of the CR of PP. Among the remaining CRs, the heart rate rhythm, which is extant in the second group, persists practically unchanged, but the characteristics of all other CRs change significantly in comparison with control.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 23-30
N. S. Shcheglova ◽  
E. O. Zinovyeva ◽  
B. S. Shenkman

In Russia, there is a high level of alcohol consumption among women in doses that represent a high risk of developing alcoholic diseases, manifested, in particular, by damage to skeletal muscles.The purpose of the study. Analysis of clinical, biochemical, neurophysiological, as well as morphometric and immunohistochemical features of alcoholic skeletal muscle damage in women with chronic alcohol intoxication.Material and methods. A clinical and laboratory examination of 30 women aged 20 to 60 years with chronic alcohol intoxication was performed, which included the determination of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in blood plasma, stimulation and needle electromyography (EMG), as well as morphological and immunohistochemical examination of biopsies of the quadriceps femoris.Results. Myopathic syndrome in the form of proximal para-or tetraparesis was observed in 73.3% of the examined women in combination with a decrease in IGF-1 at normal values of CPK in blood plasma. The EMG results indicated the absence of changes in the parameters of the potentials of motor units, characteristic of primary muscular lesions, and of conduction disturbances along the femoral nerve. Morphometric and immunohistochemical studies of skeletal muscle biopsies showed a decrease in the cross-sectional area of muscle fibers of types I and II without signs of muscle tissue necrosis.Conclusion. Chronic alcoholic myopathy is a common manifestation of alcoholic disease in women with long-term alcohol intoxication. The severity of the atrophic process in the skeletal muscle is comparable to the degree of proximal paresis. Violations of systemic protein synthesis and acceleration of apoptosis are considered as pathogenetic mechanisms of the atrophic process in the muscles in chronic alcoholic myopathy in women.

2018 ◽  
Vol 48 (8) ◽  
Magnólia Martins Alves ◽  
Edna Ursulino Alves ◽  
Luciana Rodrigues de Araújo ◽  
Maria de Lourdes dos Santos Lima ◽  
Marina Matias Ursulino

ABSTRACT: Caesalpinia pulcherrima is a Fabaceae family species from Central America, which has a small size and is widely used as a living fence in the urban afforestation for streets, parks, and gardens. Based on this importance, the aim of this research was to study the influence of light and temperature on the germination of C. pulcherrima seeds. The study was carried out at the Laboratory of Seed Analysis of the Center of Agricultural Sciences of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Areia, PB, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized, comprising a 3x5 (three temperatures and five light regimes) factorial scheme with four replicates containing 25 seeds each. Germination and vigor of seeds were evaluated under temperatures of 25°C and 30ºC constant and 20-30ºC alternated in different light regimes: white, green, red-distant, red, and absence of light. Variables analyzed were: germination, first germination count, germination speed index, root length, shoot length, and the ratio of dry mass of root/shoot of the seedlings. Seeds of C. pulcherrima germinate in the presence and absence of light, being a neutral photoblastic. Recommendation to test the vigor of these seeds is the temperature of 30°C in the white light regime.

2019 ◽  
Vol 158 (02) ◽  
pp. 201-207
Laura Emine Stollhof ◽  
Udo Obertacke ◽  
David Eschmann ◽  
Sandra Proba ◽  
Miriam Bühler ◽  

Abstract Objective In Germany, among patients with minor head injury (MHI), the incidence of coexisting alcohol intoxication is indicated up to 50%. The neurological symptoms of patients with MHI may be caused or altered by alcohol intoxication, this could mislead to further, potential harmful, diagnostic steps or to misinterpretation of the symptoms and to non-execution of necessary treatments. In order to decide which patients need further diagnostics by CCT, S100B has been proposed as a potential selection criterion. On the other hand, studies have hypothesized that alcohol intoxication may lead to elevated S100B serum levels. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the relationship between the blood ethyl alcohol concentration and the S100B serum concentration in an experimental setting in young human adult volunteers. Methods In a cohort of 58 healthy volunteers, serum S100B concentration and blood ethyl alcohol concentration were measured before and after liberately drinking alcohol. The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty Mannheim (Ethics Committee II, AZ 2012-272 N-MA). Instantaneous analysis of the samples was carried out using state-of-the art automated measuring systems. (Analyzer Cobas e411, Roche and Analyzer Dimension Vista 1500, Siemens). Results After drinking, alcohol levels ranged from 0,23 to 1,92 g/l. The S100B value ranged from to 0,021 to 0,115 µg/l after alcohol consumption (S100B standard value < 0,11 µg/l). By calculating the Pearson correlation of empirical correlation after drinking alcohol with r = 0.01181, a correlation between serum S100B concentration and ethyl alcohol concentration is not probable. The S100B concentrations were independent on the alcohol intake in low to medium alcohol levels. Conclusion A relevant alcohol blood concentration (~ 1 g/l), in otherwise healthy volunteers, does not affect the serum concentration of S100B. S100B may be a useful brain injury marker in low to moderate drunken patients.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (10) ◽  
pp. 935-944 ◽  
Chengdong Piao ◽  
Zhengwei Li ◽  
Jie Ding ◽  
Daliang Kong

1962 ◽  
Vol 40 (8) ◽  
pp. 975-981 ◽  
H. Kalant ◽  
Caroline Czaja

Groups of adult male and female albino rats received daily gavage of 1.25 ml of water or of 20% ethanol per 100 g body weight for a period of 1 month, and were killed either 1.5 hours or 24 hours after the last dose. Such daily treatment with either water or alcohol, ending 24 hours before death, did not result in any significant change from control values in the relative weight of the adrenal glands, or their ascorbic acid and cholesterol contents. No changes in these values were found in animals which received an additional dose of water or alcohol 1.5 hours before death. The female rats showed lower values for adrenal ascorbic acid content than the males in corresponding groups, but did not differ from the males with respect to the effects of the various treatments. A similar experiment with male rats only, carried on for 2 months, also showed no significant differences among any of the treatment groups.Measurements of the degree of intoxication produced by single doses of ethanol were carried out by means of the inclined-plane test. Intraperitoneal injection of 2 g/kg produced much more rapid and marked intoxication than did gavage with either 2 or 4 g/kg.It was concluded that daily gavage for 1-2 months with ethanol in a moderately intoxicating dose (2 g/kg) does not constitute a stimulus to adrenal cortical activity or result in exhaustion atrophy of the adrenal cortex, and that adrenal cortical stimulation is not an invariable accompaniment of acute or chronic alcoholic intoxication.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 310
Tales Poletto ◽  
Marlove F. B. Muniz ◽  
Vinícius S. Fantinel ◽  
Renata F. Favaretto ◽  
Igor Poletto ◽  

Sirosporium diffusum is the causal agent of the brown leaf spot disease on pecan trees that seriously damages the foliage of adult plants and seedlings. This fungal species is difficult to grow satisfactorily in a culture medium. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different physical conditions on the development of S. diffusum. In the first assay, eight culture media and five light regimes were combined, while in the second, the three treatments that promoted highest sporulation were combined with three temperatures. The trials were conducted in a two-factorial arrangement in a fully randomized design with six replicates. V8, V8CaCO3, and CA media under a 24-h photoperiod produced the highest respective sporulations: 29 × 104, 35 × 104, and 41 × 104 conidia ml-1. The best temperature for sporulation was 20±1 °C for all culture media, especially V8CaCO3 and CA. The best artificial conditions for obtaining good mycelial growth and sporulation consisted of a photoperiod of 24 h, temperature of 20±1 °C and V8CaCO3 or CA culture medium.

1991 ◽  
Vol 39 (6) ◽  
pp. 591 ◽  
OO Osunkoya ◽  
JE Ash

Acclimation potential of seedlings of six non-pioneer, North Queensland rainforest tree species (Diploglottis diphyllostegia, Flindersia brayleyana, Dysoxylum schgneri, Prunus turnerana, Neisosperma poweri and Castanospora alphandii) were evaluated in three different light regimes. The seedlings were grown from seeds and raised in 37, 10 and 2.5% photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) of full sunlight in a shade house. Plants were harvested at 1, 4, and 15 months after germination. At 4 months, for each species, one-third of the seedlings in each light environment were transferred to each of the two other light environments. The remaining one-third stayed in the same light environment and formed the control. The control seedlings of all species showed a marked response to increasing PAR: relative growth rate (RGR) and total biomass were low in the 2.5% PAR level, increased in the 10% PAR level and were maximal in the 37% PAR level, except for Neisosperma. The seedlings in the 25% PAR level showed a typical shade plant morphology with a high leaf area ratio, low root-shoot ratio and low specific leaf weight. For seedlings of Dysoxylum and Prunus, a change in light regime from 37% PAR to 2.5% PAR resulted in negative relative growth rates. Eleven months after transfer, many growth characteristics still showed significant initial × final light environment interactions, an indication of incomplete adjustment. Acclimation to increasing light availability was faster than acclimation to decreasing light availability. On the basis of biomass allocation patterns (root-shoot ratio, leaf area ratio and specific leaf weight), the six species could not be differentiated under the three light regimes and their dynamics. However, using RGR as a relative measure of carbon economy, it was possible to differentiate the species in their acclimation ability to decreased but not to increased irradiance. It was concluded that, for non-pioneer species, acclimation potential may be more related to physiological than to morphological plasticity.

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