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Caryologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 31-43
Jun Wang ◽  
Qiang Ye ◽  
Tong Zhang ◽  
Xusheng Shi ◽  
Majid Khayatnezhad ◽  

Pollen morphology of 23 species belonging to Geranium have been studied in details, which represent eight sections of two subgenera i.e., G. sect. Dissecta, Geranium, and Tuberosa of subgen. Geranium, Divaricata, Lucida, Ruberta and Trilopha of subgen. Robertium. These plant species were collected from different phytogeographical regions of Iran. The palynological investigation was done using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Different palyno-morphological features have been observed, and the closely related species were distinguished. We used different multivariate statistical methods to reveal the species relationships. Ward clustering analyses have been done to check out the relationship among the species. The shapes of pollen grains were monad, radially symmetric, isopolar, apertures were tricolporate, and of spheroid, prolate-spheroid or sub-prolate classes. Three pollen types were recognized on the basis of differences in exine sculpturing pattern: reticulate-clavate, striate-rugulate, reticulum cristatum with clavae. Observed differences were not of diagnostic importance in subgenera and sections level. The main objective of this study is to find distinguish pollen characters in the species of the genus Geranium and to elucidate their systematics importance.

Caryologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 141-150
Bo Shi ◽  
Majid Khayatnezhad ◽  
Abdul Shakoor

One of the most crucial aspects of biological diversity for conservation strategies is genetic diversity, particularly in rare and narrow endemic species. Our study is the first attempt to utilize SCoT markers to check the genetic diversity in Iran. We used 115 plant samples. Our objectives were 1) to check genetic diversity among Geranium species 2) Genetic structure of the Geranium 3) Do the Geranium species exchange genes? 4) To detect isolation by distance among the Geranium species. We used traditional morphological and molecular methods to assess genetic diversity and genetic structure in the Geranium species. A total of 129 amplified polymorphic bands were generated across 13 Geranium species. The size of the amplified fragments ranged from 150 to 3000 bp. G. stepporum showed the highest values for the effective number of alleles (Ne = 1.30) and Shannon information index (I =0.35). Significant ANOVA results (P <0.01) showed differences in quantitative morphological characters in plant species. G. sylvaticum showed high genetic diversity. Mantel test showed a significant correlation (r = 0.17, p=0.0002) between genetic distance and geographical distance, so isolation by distance (IBD) occurred among the Geranium species. According to the SCoT markers analysis, G. kotschyi and G. dissectum had the lowest similarity, and the species of G. sylvaticum and G. pratense had the highest similarity. The present study revealed that a combination of morphological and SCoT methods could distinguish the species of Geranium.

Caryologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 9-19
Federico Martinelli ◽  
Anna Perrone ◽  
Abhaya M. Dandekar

A protocol to produce transgenic shoots of Malus X domestica cv Greensleaves was optimized using two gene constructs previously used to create parthenocarpic tomato, Ino-IaaM and DefH9-IaaM. The aim was to obtain sufficient nº of transgenic shoots for in vitro multiplication, transfer to soil, grafting and testing for parthenocarpy in the next years. We investigated the effects of two modifications of a previous published protocol: 1) co-transformation with an Agrobacterium containing “VIP” genes in the gene construct and 2) two different hormones or hormone combinations. More shoot regeneration was obtained with a combination of three hormones (BA:NAA:TDZ) during co-cultivation instead of IBA and no co-transformation was performed using the VIP gene. For the DefH9-IaaM transgene, 21.04% regeneration was achieved for this treatment instead of 8.95% achieved with “IBA treatment” and 4.42% with the Agrobacterium co-transformation treatment. More shoot regeneration occurred with the combination of three hormones (BA:NAA:TDZ) instead of with only IBA and no co-transformation was performed using VIP gene. Experiments using Ino-IaaM confirmed the results shown for the DefH9-IaaM transgene. The regenerated shoots were multiplied in selective media containing kanamycin and roots were obtained. 

Caryologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 91-97
Ciler Kartal ◽  
Nuran Ekici ◽  
Almina Kargacıoğlu ◽  
Hazal Nurcan Ağırman

In this study gynoecium, megasporogenesis, megagametogenesis and female gametophyte of Gladiolus italicus Miller were examined cytologically and histologically by using light microscopy techniques. Ovules of G. italicus are of anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate type. Embryo sac development is of monosporic Polygonum type. Polar nuclei fuse before fertilization to form a secondary nucleus near the antipodals. The female gametophyte development of G. italicus was investigated for the first time with this study.

Caryologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 65-75
Jinxin Cheng ◽  
Dingyu Hu ◽  
Yaran Liu ◽  
Zetian Zhang ◽  
Majid Khayatnezhad

Alcea L. is one of the largest genera of Malvaceae family with nearly 70 species worldwide mainly distributed in SW Asia. According to the latest revision of the family, it is represented by 34 species in the Flora of Iran, among them, 15 species are endemic. It is tough to accurate germplasm/ plant recognition by using morphological characteristics because of its propagation, growing and using. We conducted a molecular data analysis on these plant species due to their importance. We examined 156 plants from 14 species in 16 regions that were selected randomly for this investigation. It has been 119 polymorphic bands (94.33%) were resulted from 128 bands of 10 primers in amplification of genomic DNA. ISSR primers have a great capacity to detect polymorphic loci among Alcea species, as evidenced by the high average PIC and MI values found. The genetic similarity of 14 species was calculated and ranged between 0.635 to 0.990. Inter-Simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers research revealed that Alcea tarica Pakravan & Ghahreman and Alcea kopetdaghensis lljin had the least similarity, while Alcea semnanica Pakravan and Alcea mazandaranica Pakravan & Ghahreman had the most. The current study attempts to answer three questions: 1) can ISSR markers identify Alcea species? 2) what is the genetic structure of these taxa in Iran? and 3) what is the inter-relationship between these taxa? The current study discovered that ISSR markers can be used to identify species.

Caryologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 77-89
Songpo Liu ◽  
Yuxuan Wang ◽  
Yuwei Song ◽  
Majid Khayatnezhad ◽  
Amir Abbas Minaeifar

The genus Salvia includes an enormous assemblage of nearly 1000 species dispersed around the World. Iran having 19 endemic species out of 61 is regarded as one of the important regions for Salvia diversity in Southwest Asia. Salvia species are herbaceous, rarely biennial or annual, often strongly aromatic. These species are of medicinal, commercial and horticultural value. Due to the importance of these plant species, we performed a combination of morphological and molecular data for this species. For this study, we used 145 randomly collected plants from 30 species in 18 provinces. Amplification of genomic DNA using 10 primers produced 134 bands, of which 129 were polymorphic (97.78%). The obtained high average PIC and MI values revealed high capacity of SCoT primers to detect polymorphic loci among Salvia species. The genetic similarities of 30 collections were estimated from 0.61 to 0.93. According to the SCoT markers analysis, S. tebesana and S. verticillata had the lowest similarity and the species of S. eremophila and S. santolinifolia had the highest similarity. The aims of present study are: 1) can SCoT markers identify Salvia species, 2) what is the genetic structure of these taxa in Iran, and 3) to investigate the species inter-relationship? The present study revealed that SCoT markers can identify the species. 

Caryologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Harshita Dwivedi

Unreduced gametes are the key source for the natural polyploidization in plants, but process of its formation is very low in nature. Meiotic mutants are second source for the formation of 2n pollen. In this cytological investigation, the meiotic aberrations and its impact on post-meiotic products were analysed in autotetraploid Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague (4n=36). The seedlings of T. ammi (L.) Sprague were treated with 3 different concentrations of colchicine (0.2, 0.4 and 0.5%, w/v) for 3 different durations. Six polyploid plants were induced which was confirmed on the basis of cytological analysis. Colchicine, an anti-microtubular drug induced different meiotic and post-meiotic abnormalities such as chromosomal bridges, lagging chromosomes, scattering, precocious, fragments, dyads, triads, and polyads. The formation of several abnormal sporads clearly signifies the meiotic restitution. The tendency of univalents to scattered in the cytoplasm at metaphase was identified as a peculiar aberration asynapsis. Pollen variability and fusion of pollen walls was reported and pollen fertility was calculated. The morphological analysis of the pollen allowed us to confirm the occurrence of 2n pollen.

Caryologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
David Areshidze ◽  
Yuri Kirillov ◽  
Lyudmila Makartseva ◽  
Maria Kozlova ◽  
Igor Chernov ◽  

The features of the diurnal dynamics of the area of rat hepatocyte nuclei and their ploidy were studied under conditions of a standart (fixed) light regime and constant illumination, as well as under chronic exposure to alcohol in the mentioned light regimes. It has been shown that exposure to alcohol and exposure to constant illumination separately lead to a change in the amplitude-phase characteristics of the circadian rhythm of the nucleus area, while the combined effect of these factors leads to a complete destruction of the rhythm, which indicates a violation of adaptation processes. An increase in the average ploidy of hepatocyte nuclei in chronic alcohol intoxication is also shown, while in animals kept under constant illumination without drinking alcohol, the values of this parameter decrease, which indicates a successful course of the adaptation process. The conducted research indicates that the results of karyometric and ploidometric analysis characterize the degree of influence of alcohol intoxication and changes in the light regime on the liver of rats, reflecting the rate of efficiency of adaptation to these factors.

Caryologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Peter Firbas

Abstract  The aim of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of the wastewater (WW), the effectiveness of the treatment used by the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with sequential batch reactors (SBR) technology, and whether its final treated effluent (FTE) can compromise the water quality of the river at the location where it is discharged. We focused our research on six examples. For analytical chemistry and Allium metaphase (M) test all six samples were collected. Of these, three are so-called biotechnological patterns (WW, WW after mechanical step treatment and FTE), and three are natural riverine environmental patterns. For the micronucleus (MN) test, fish specimens were collected from three sites in the river Kamniška Bistrica. The first two sites locations are up and down the FTE outlet. Results from these areas were compared to the third site (not polluted) reference site, the so-called natural control group. Complementary study with analytical chemistry and biological tests shows that the treatment effect SBR in the Domžale–Kamnik central WWTP carried effectively proved to be efficient for the removal of the cytogenotoxic substances in treated effluent and  consequently in aquatic environment.

Caryologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Somayeh Saboori ◽  
Masoud Sheidai ◽  
Zahra Noourmohammadi ◽  
Seyed Samih Marashi ◽  
Fahimeh Koohdar

Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is one of the oldest domesticated fruit trees. For future breeding program, knowledge on genetic structure of cultivars is necessary. Therefore, the present study was performed with the following aims: 1- To provide data on genetic diversity and genetic structure of 36 date palm cultivars, 2- To provide data on the association between fruit characteristics and the genetic features of the cultivars. We used nine SSRs and EST-SSR loci for our genetic investigation. The most of SSR loci obtained have a high Gst value (0.70), and therefore have a good discrimination power for date palm cultivar differentiation task. K-Means clustering grouped date palm cultivars either in two broad clusters, or in 16 smaller genetic groups. This was supported by delta K = 2 of the STRUCTURE analysis. AMOVA produced significant genetic difference among date palm cultivars (PhiPT = 0.70, P = 0.001). New genetic differentiation parameters estimated also produced significant difference among date palm cultivars (G’st(Nei) = 0.673, P =0.001; G’st(Hed) = 0.738, P = 0.001). Test of assignment revealed that some of the cultivars have 33-66% misassignment, probably due to genetic admixture. Heatmaps of  genetic versus morphological/or agronomical characters in date palm cultivars differed from each other showing the cultivars morphological changes is not merely related to their genetic content. It points toward the potential role played either by environmental conditions or local selection practice. The new findings can be utilized in future conservation and breeding of date palms in the country.

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