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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Yeyen Novita ◽  
Wafiratulaela Wafiratulaela ◽  
Pandu Nur Wicaksono ◽  
Muammar Taufiqi Lutfi Mustofa ◽  
Wann Nurdiana Sari ◽  

One of the processes carried out by the government and the community to manage existing resources through collaboration between the government and the private sector is one of the meanings of economic development. This is done in the context of creating job opportunities as well as efforts to encourage economic growth in a region. Thus, it is important for the government and the community to play a role in solving macroeconomic problems. The final objective of this research is to analyze in depth the concept of the three-sector economy, the rationality of the role of government and society, the scope of the government's role, government policy instruments and an overview of al-hisbah. This study uses a literature study where information is obtained through a collection of books, a collection of scientific works, several theses, encyclopedias, a little information from the internet and even other sources. Research shows that in the economy three sectors are played by 3 roles including households, companies and the government. The rationality of the government's role is based on the consequences of collective obligations, and the failure of the market to realize falah. The analysis of the government's role includes: the role of allocation, distribution, stabilization, the role of the state in overcoming externalities and the role of the state related to the implementation of Islamic morality. There are also three policies that cover, among others: fiscal policy, monetary policy, and supply-side policy. Some basic thinking about the role of society consists of the consequences of fardhu kifayah, the existence of public property rights and the failure of the market and government. While hisbah is an institution controlled by the government through individual efforts specifically assigned to solve problems related to the moral, religious and economic fields.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Tatar Bonar Silitonga

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh globalisasi, peran negara, dan implikasinya terhadap aktualisasi nilai-nilai ideologi negara bagi Warga Negara Indonesia. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam menjawab permasalahan adalah dengan studi literatur, observasi, dan wawancara.  Dari hasil data ditemukan bahwa terdapat nilai-nilai globalisasi yang mempengaruhi pola pikir, sikap, dan perilaku sebagian warga negara yang didukung dengan konsistensi, ketegasan, dan penguatan peran pemerintah dalam merawat nilai-nilai kebersamaan. Selain itu juga berimplikasi untuk meredam eskalasi dan kegiatan yang menjurus pada perilaku yang menonjolkan sentiment primordial serta berimplikasi memantapkan persepsi warga negara tentang pentingnya ideologi negara, walaupun tidak langsung mengakselerasi masyarakat mengaktualisasikan nilai-nilai ideology negara secara signifikan.-----This article aims to analyze the effect of globalization, the role of the state, and its implications for the actualization of state ideology values for Indonesian citizens. The approach used in answering problems is through literature study, observation, and interview. From the results of the data, it found that there are values of globalization that affect the mindset, attitudes, and behavior of some citizens supported by consistency, decisiveness, and strengthening the role of government in caring for the values of togetherness. It also has implications to reduce escalation and activities that lead to behaviors that highlight primordial sentiments and has implications for strengthening citizens' perceptions about the importance of state ideology. However, it does not directly accelerate the community to actualize state ideology values significantly.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0143831X2110208
Ola Bergström ◽  
Alexander Styhre

The government responses to the corona crisis across the world has actualized an old debate regarding the role of the state and government policy making in economic crises. This debate should, the authors of this article argue, be understood in the context of how government policy making has been transformed in advanced capitalist economies in the past five decades and recent theoretical developments regarding the role of actors and institutions involved in the production and dissemination of ideas in such transformations. Drawing on an extensive review of policy making and changes in policy making doctrines, this article examines the role of government public investigations in the transformation of the Swedish government policy making in relation to economic crises where the state supports policy making through social partners.

2010 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 390
Yohanes Suhardin

AbstrakThe role of the state in combating poverty is very strategic. Combatingpoverty means to free citizens who are poor. The strategic role given thenational ideals (read: state) is the creation of public welfare. Therefore,countries in this regard the government as the organizer of the state musthold fast to the national ideals through legal product that is loaded withsocial justice values in order to realize common prosperity. Therefore, thenature of the law is justice, then in the context of the state, the lawestablished for the creation of social justice. Law believed that social justiceas the path to the public welfare so that the Indonesian people in a relativelyshort time to eradicate poverty.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 297
Fredick Broven Ekayanta

The discussion about development discourse in a country talking about how an idea affect economic policies. In Indonesia, the development discourse continues to change depending on the ruling regime. After the reformation, the dominant discourse is a neoliberal one that minimizes the role of the state in development. During the reign of Jokowi-JK, however, the role of the state strengthened. The government plans to build a massive infrastructure of the physical economy. The government legitimized its choice of action as the implementation of the Pancasila and Trisakti ideologies. Using the theories of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, this article argues that the state legitimizes its policies as implementing ideology by building infrastructure development discourse, but covers only pragmatic practices that occur. The practices themselves are pragmatic because the government ignored the fate and rights of citizens affected by infrastructure development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 97 ◽  
pp. 44-57 ◽  
Sergio Villamayor-Tomas ◽  
Andreas Thiel ◽  
Laurence Amblard ◽  
Dimitrios Zikos ◽  
Ester Blanco

2020 ◽  
pp. 239965442094151
Emanuele Belotti ◽  
Sonia Arbaci

Rental housing has been regarded as the new ‘frontier for financialisation’ since the 2007 financial crisis. But research examining financialisation of de-commodified rental housing is limited and is primarily focused on stock acquisitions by financial investors and the enabling role of either national or local governments. This critically overlooks the emergence of the financialised production of social rented housing, the interplay between levels of government (particularly with the regional level), and the leading role of the state in these processes. By combining a political sociology approach to policy instruments with a housing system studies perspective, the paper investigates how Italy, through the interplay between national, regional (Lombardy) and local (Milan) governments, led the financialisation of its social rented housing production. Through analyses of six decades of financial-legislative changes in the housing system regarding production/provision, finance and land supply, it identifies a three-stage journey towards financialisation: (1) the rise and fall of publicly-owned rental social housing (1950s to 1990s); (2) the regionalisation and marketisation of the sector up to the late 2000s; and (3) the upward transfer from the first local-scale experiment with the real estate mutual investment fund in Milan to the creation of a national-scale System of Funds for the production of social rented housing. The study shows that the re-commodification of housing and land initiated in the 1980s were intertwined and a conditio-sine-qua-non for financialisation; that the state played a crafting—rather than solely enabling—role in this process; and that trans-scalar legislative–financial innovations transformed social rented housing into a liquid asset class.

2017 ◽  
Vol 230 ◽  
pp. 348-370 ◽  
Catherine R. Schenk

AbstractSince colonial times to the present day, Hong Kong's position as a global financial centre is one of the enduring economic strengths of the territory. This success is often attributed to the distinctive role of the state, coined in the 1970s by the-then financial secretary, Sir Philip Haddon-Cave, as “positive non-interventionism.” The relationship between the market and the state has also been characterized as a form of corporatism, particularly in the financial sector as bankers were able to influence policy. However, closer examination of the behind-the-scenes relations between bankers and the state reveals a much more complex relationship, with the banks seeking protection that the government was not willing to provide. Moreover, the reluctance to regulate financial markets resulted in piecemeal interventions and weak implementation that undermined the stability of this sector and of the economy as a whole. This paper demonstrates the confusion over the concept and practicalities of positive non-interventionism, even for Haddon-Cave, and how the concept evolved towards a policy of “when in doubt, do nothing” during a period of financial instability. Along the way, the paper presents new evidence about the origins of Hong Kong's current banking structure.

Siswati Saragi ◽  
Kariaman Sinaga ◽  
Budiman Purba

Garbage is a big problem in Medan City. Therefore, this study aims to find out how the role of government in empowering the community through waste management. In this study, data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation, and literature study. The analysis technique used is an interactive qualitative. Qualitative data analysis is carried out interactively and continues continuously until it is complete so that the data is already saturated. The results showed that the government did not have a special program for the development of this garbage bank. When the government has not optimally developed future development plans, the community will also feel pessimistic and unsure of the existence of this garbage bank. The community is less interested in getting involved in this garbage bank. The community felt that the training they had received was only knowledge and did not have a great opportunity to be developed. This relates to the statement that one of the obstacles in implementing community empowerment is the rejection of the community itself because the community does not have confidence.

2021 ◽  
Patricia Gay Simpkin

<p>The purpose of this thesis is to examine the response of secondary school teachers to the Tomorrow's Schools education reforms. Their early response was made largely through their union, the Post Primary Teachers' Association (PPTA), in an industrial relations setting as the reform proposals were in development and taking their final shape. The interaction between the professional project of these teachers with the proposed reforms produced an outcome for secondary school education shaped by the interaction, rather than just by the reforms themselves. A case study situated at the intersection of industrial relations, state sector and education restructurings during the period 1984-1989 is the focus of the thesis. The argument is located within French regulationalist theory. The concept of the Keynesian Welfare National State provides a means for connecting education as part of the mode of regulation with the role of the state in New Zealand. The Fourth Labour Government entered into a political project that shifted the role of the state in the economy and society. The roots of the project lay in the discourse of economic rationalism. Policy resulting from this discourse was put into operation through legislation affecting all parts of the state. In education, the discourse of economic rationalism introduced a new approach, the values of which were at odds with those of the previous education settlement of the Keynesian Welfare National State. The object of the thesis is to trace the process of change within the secondary schools sector of education through the years 1984-1989 as the two different sets of values interacted. The assumption is made that institutional change results from a dynamic interaction between new ideas and continuities and discontinuities with the past. This allows for the possibility of the effects of agency on public policy. Analysis focuses on a series of industrial negotiations between the PPTA and the State Services Commission, the negotiating body for government. They took place as various government policy documents and resulting legislation altered the positioning of teachers within the state. The negotiations were of such a character that the educational discourses of economic rationalism and the education settlement of the Keynesian Welfare National State came into conflict and were debated at length. The thesis concludes that, by the end of the negotiations and despite the introduction of legislation on education, the values of secondary teachers remained substantially unchanged and in opposition to the intent of the government reforms.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 207-214

ABSTRACT This comment came to refute and correct the idea of Charles (2007) about the negatively implications in the income distribution when the government expand the consumption in favour to households. We prove that the political choice, to both cases (increasing consumption or increasing profit), impact positively the income distribution and does not affect the essential nature of the Kaldor neo-Pasinetti dynamic equilibrium results and the “Cambridge Equation”. The stability of the model is guarantee by applying the Olech’s Theorem to the case.

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