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2022 ◽  
Dumitrita Iftode ◽  

The quick evolution and development of digital technologies contribute to changes and turning points in every aspect of the modern society. Managing these the digital changes and turning them into long-term sustainable solutions for higher education could be a real challenge. Technology offers immeasurable opportunities to the learning environment and higher education is rapidly integrating information and communication technology (ICT). This paper is discussing the concept of enhanced sustainability in education through learning technologies like applications, electronic resources, and teaching methods for educational development. Technology in higher education is particularly important, therefore it is important to assess the quality that it can provide and the impact on sustainable education. The educational system has been also harshly affected by the latest pandemic situation, which brought significant consequences on the social, economic, and cultural life worldwide. This paper aims to contribute with insights to the literature in the field, by emphasizing that the latest situation around the world could be a great opportunity for further implementation and development of digital technologies for sustainable learning. The methodology used for fulfilling the study goal is a qualitative one, particularly the technique used is data analysis from secondary sources. The results of this analysis lead to the conclusion that there is need and room for improvement of digital sustainable resources in higher education, which includes the challenges that the academic environment face and need to overcome if their goal is to stay relevant on the education market.

2022 ◽  
Sayid abdul rohman hakim

ABSTRACTInstagram is a photo and video sharing social media application that allows users to take photos, take videos, apply digital filters, and share them on various social networking services, including Instagram's own. In Indonesia, the number of Instagram users until July 2021 is 91.77 million users. The largest users are in the 18-24 year age group, which is 36.4%. Instagram is the third most used social media platform, after YouTube and WhatsApp. The large number of Instagram users in Indonesia, provides a great opportunity for brands to make Instagram a marketing medium. There are 5 mobile phone brands in Indonesia that use Instagram as a marketing platform, namely: Vivo Indonesia, Oppo Indonesia, Apple, Samsung Indonesia, and Xiaomi Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to calculate the credibility of the Instagram account performance of the 5 Best Selling Mobile Brands in Indonesia. The method used for this research is quantitative exploratory method. The results of this study indicate that the smartphone vendor Oppo Indonesia is ranked first and has good account performance credibility.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Wala Abdalla ◽  
Suresh Renukappa ◽  
Subashini Suresh

Purpose The ability to manage the COVID-19 pandemic is contingent upon the ability to effectively manage its heterogeneous knowledge resources. Knowledge mapping represents a great opportunity to create value by bringing stakeholders together, facilitating comprehensive collaboration and facilitating broader in-depth knowledge sharing and transfer. However, identifying and analysing critical knowledge areas is one of the most important steps when creating a knowledge map. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to appraise the critical knowledge areas for managing COVID-19, and thereby enhance decision-making in tackling the consequences of the pandemic. Design/methodology/approach The methodological approach for this study is a critical literature review, covering publications on knowledge management, knowledge mapping and COVID-19. EBSCOhost, PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, TRID, Web of Science and Wiley Online Library were searched for full text, peer-reviewed articles written in English that investigated on critical knowledge areas for managing the spread of COVID-19. After full screening, 21 articles met the criteria for inclusion and were analysed and reported. Findings The study revealed seven critical knowledge areas for managing the COVID-19 pandemic. These are cleaning and disinfection; training, education and communication; reporting guidance and updates; testing; infection control measures, personal protective equipment; and potential COVID-19 transmission in health and other care settings. The study developed a concept knowledge map illustrating areas of critical knowledge which decision-makers need to be aware of. Practical implications Providing decision-makers with access to key knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be crucial for effective decision-making. This study has provided insights for the professionals and decision-makers identifying the critical knowledge areas for managing the COVID-19 pandemic. Social implications The study advances the literature on knowledge management and builds a theoretical link with the management of public health emergencies. Additionally, the findings support the theoretical position that knowledge maps facilitate decision-making and help users to identify critical knowledge areas easily and effectively. Originality/value This study fills gaps in the existing literature by providing an explicit representation of know-how for managing the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper uses an objective and qualitative approach by reviewing related publications, reports and guidelines in the analysis. The concept map illustrates the critical knowledge areas for managing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 119-132
Cucu Cahyana ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Ngurah Singa

Abstract    Bakery product innovation is a food that is currently a trend and has a great opportunity to be developed. Another goal is to trigger the productivity of the household culinary business, which is mostly practiced by housewives in Benda Baru Village, South Tangerang, especially in the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used in this activity is the provision of material, direct practice, and assistance in making rolls with stuffing using pineapple jam as one of the bakery product innovations. The results of the training show that the results of the gain score on knowledge before and after training show a gain value of 0.66 in the range of 0.3 g 0.7, meaning that the increase in knowledge is in the medium category. The results of the satisfaction level of participants showed that in the material aspect 52.6% stated it was very clear, 21.1% stated it was clear and 26.3% said it was quite clear; the suitability of the material 100% states it is very suitable; delivery of explanations of materials, tools and product manufacturing processes 52.6% stated very clear, 21.1% stated clear and 26.3% stated quite clear; the sound and picture quality in the training video showed that 42.1% said it was very good, 36.8% said it was good and 21.1% said it was quite good; the time or duration of the training video shows 94.7% said it was enough and 5.3% said it was too long; 100% interest in making the product stated that they were interested, the feasibility of the roll product for consumption 100% of the participants stated that it was feasible; The feasibility of the product to be marketed shows 100% stating that it is feasible; the attractiveness of bread roll products for practice shows 47.4% said it was very interesting, 47.4% said it was interesting and 5.2% said it was quite interesting; the relevance of the application material 47.4% said it was very good and 52.6% said it was good. Meanwhile, the results of the level of preference for training products show that the average value of the assessment is ; the color aspect of rolls 4.52 which is in the category close to very like; the rating of preference for the aroma aspect of rolls is 4.16 which is in the like category; the texture/softness aspect of the rolls is 4.39 which is in the like category. the taste aspect of rolls is 4.26 which is in the like category; the color of pineapple jam is 4.39 which is in the like category; the color aspect of pineapple jam is 4.12 which is in the like category; The chocolate cheese roll was the most preferred by the trainees. The conclusion in the training participants were satisfied with the increase in the level of moderate knowledge and chocolate cheese rolls as the most preferred training product.   Abstrak   Inovasi produk bakery merupakan makanan yang sedang trend saat ini dan memiliki peluang yang besar untuk dikembangkan. Tujuannya lainnya adalah untuk memicu produktivitas usaha kuliner rumah  tangga yang banyak digeluti oleh ibu-ibu rumah tangga di desa Benda Baru, Tangerang Selatan terutama dalam kondisi pandemi covid-19 seperti sekarang ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pemberian materi, praktek secara langsung, dan pendampingan pembuatan produk roti gulung dengan isian  menggunakan selai buah nanas sebagai salah satu inovasi produk bakery. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa Hasil nilai gain skor pada pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan menunjukkan nilai gain 0,66 berada pada rentangan 0,3 ≤ g ≤ 0,7 artinya peningkatan pengetahuan berada pada kategori sedang. Hasil tingkat kepuasan peserta menunjukkan bahwa pada aspek materi 52,6% menyatakan sangat jelas, 21,1% menyatakan jelas dan 26,3% menyatakan cukup jelas; kesesuaian materi 100%  menyatakan sangat sesuai; penyampaian penjelasan bahan, alat dan proses pembuatan produk 52,6% menyatakan sangat jelas, 21,1% menyatakan jelas dan 26,3% menyatakan cukup jelas; kualitas suara dan gambar pada video pelatihan didapatkan bahwa 42,1% menyatakan sangat baik, 36,8% menyatakan baik dan 21,1% menytakan cukup baik; waktu atau durasi tayangan video pelatihan 94,7% menyatakan cukup dan 5,3% menyatakan terlalu lama; ketertarikan  membuat produk 100% menyatakan tertarik, kelayakan produk roti gulung untuk dikonsumsi 100% peserta menyatakan layak; Kelayakan produk untuk dipasarkan  menunjukkan 100% menyatakan layak; kemenarikkan produk roti gulung untuk dipraktekkan menunjukkan 47,4% menyatakan sangat menarik,  47,4% menyatakan menarik dan 5,2% menyatakan cukup menarik; keterkaitan materi aplikasi 47,4% menyatakan sangat baik dan 52,6% menyatakan baik. Sedangkat untuk hasil tingkat kesukaan pada produk pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa nilai  rata-rata penilaian ; aspek warna roti gulung 4,52 yang berada pada kategori mendekati sangat suka; penilaian kesukaan pada aspek aroma roti gulung adalah 4,16 yang berada pada kategori suka; aspek tekstur/kelembutan roti gulung adalah 4, 39 yang berada pada kategori suka. aspek rasa roti gulung adalah 4,26 yang berada pada kategori suka; warna selai nanas adalah 4,39 yang berada pada kategori suka; aspek warna selai nanas adalah 4,12 yang berada pada kategori suka; Roti gulung cokelat keju adalah yang paling disukai oleh peserta pelatihan. Kesimpulan dalam pelatihan peserta puas dengan kenaikan tingkat pengetahuan sedang dan roti gulung cokelat keju sebagai produk pelatihan  yang paling disukai.

Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 108-118
Mahdiyah Mahdiyah ◽  
Mutiara Dahlia ◽  
Fildzah Rudyah Putri ◽  
Hana Sonia ◽  
Monnica Dwi S

Abstract  Churros and éclairs have almost the same type of dough and are easy to process. Currently, churros and éclair are snacks that are trending and much favored by the public, especially teenagers and children. Thus, churros and éclair become snacks that have a great opportunity to be seeded as business products with great potential. Both use the main ingredient in the form of wheat flour, which until now is still an imported product. Optimal use of local food ingredients to substitute for imported food is a government program that we should support and assist in its realization. While cassava is one of the local food ingredients found in almost all regions of Indonesia. In this case, by using science and technology, this cassava can be further processed into flour which can later function as a substitute for wheat flour. Through Community Service activities, the use of cassava as a substitute for wheat flour in making churros and éclairs is socialized to the wider community. The activities carried out consisted of stages 1) Delivery of material information; 2) Preparation and preparation of formulas; 3) Implementation of entrepreneurial training in the practice of making churros and eclairs; and 4) Product evaluation and discussion. The purpose of this community service activity (PKM) is to help improve the family's economy through the production of churros and éclair substitutes for cassava flour. The results of this PKM activity were assessed by the participants, that the way of delivery and the suitability of the material, the process of making Churros and Eclair, the duration generally described a positive value and gave a high level of satisfaction. So that there is a desire to do similar activities again.    Abstrak Churros dan éclair merupakan kue yang memiliki jenis adonan yang hampir sama dan mudah proses pengolahannya. Saat ini churros dan éclair merupakan makanan ringan yang sedang trend dan banyak digemari oleh kalangan masyarakat, utamanya remaja dan anak-anak. Dengan demikian, churros dan éclair menjadi makanan ringan yang memiliki peluang besar untuk diunggulkan sebagai produk usaha yang sangat potensial. Keduanya menggunakan bahan utama berupa tepung terigu, yang selama ini masih berupa produk import. Penggunaan bahan pangan lokal secara optimal untuk pengganti pangan impor merupakan program pemerintah yang seharusnya kita dukung dan bantu dalam perealisasiannya. Sementara singkong merupakan salah satu bahan pangan lokal yang ditemui hampir di seluruh daerah Indonesia. Dalam hal ini, dengan menggunakan iptek, singkong ini dapat diolah lebih lanjut menjadi tepung yang nantinya dapat berfungsi sebagai subtitusi tepung terigu. Melalui kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, pemanfaatan singkong sebagai substitusi tepung terigu dalam pembuatan churros dan éclair ini disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat luas. Kegiatan yang dilakukan terdiri dari tahap 1) Penyampaian informasi materi; 2) Persiapan dan pembuatan formula; 3) Pelaksanaan pelatihan kewirausahaan praktik pembuatan churros dan éclair; dan 4) Evaluasi produk dan diskusi. PKM ini dilaksanakan secara online pada tanggal 16 September 2021. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah membantu meningkatkan perekonomian keluarga melalui produksi churros dan éclair subtitusi tepung singkong. Hasil kegiatan PKM ini dinilai peserta, bahwa cara penyampaian dan kesesuaian materi, proses pembuatan churros dan éclair, durasi secara umum menggambarkan nilai positif dan memberi tingkat kepuasan yang tinggi. Sehingga ada keinginan dilakukan kembali kegiatan sejenis.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Fei Xia ◽  
Xiaojun Xie ◽  
Zongqin Wang ◽  
Shichao Jin ◽  
Ke Yan ◽  

Plants are often attacked by various pathogens during their growth, which may cause environmental pollution, food shortages, or economic losses in a certain area. Integration of high throughput phenomics data and computer vision (CV) provides a great opportunity to realize plant disease diagnosis in the early stage and uncover the subtype or stage patterns in the disease progression. In this study, we proposed a novel computational framework for plant disease identification and subtype discovery through a deep-embedding image-clustering strategy, Weighted Distance Metric and the t-stochastic neighbor embedding algorithm (WDM-tSNE). To verify the effectiveness, we applied our method on four public datasets of images. The results demonstrated that the newly developed tool is capable of identifying the plant disease and further uncover the underlying subtypes associated with pathogenic resistance. In summary, the current framework provides great clustering performance for the root or leave images of diseased plants with pronounced disease spots or symptoms.

2022 ◽  
pp. 204388692110405
Araya Chaiprasert ◽  
Naphat Taweekarn ◽  
Jongsawas Chongwatpol

This case is designed to illustrate how to utilize a business intelligence framework and a geographic information system to make better decisions on franchise opening requests. The case started when Jong, the senior certified analytics professional, and his team were drafting a proposal presentation on a new franchise approval process to present to Tony, the director of Coffee Refresh. Currently, Coffee Refresh was experiencing a significant delay in approving franchise opening requests. In addition, the current approval process was relied on the appraisal teams’ evaluations, which involved self-judgment as to the accessibility and visibility of the store location in each franchise opening request and a manual count of the potential targeted customers at each location, which impacted how the appraisal teams estimated the expected revenue for each location. During the first meeting with Jong and his team, Tony was frustrated by the current evaluation process, resulting in a significant backlog of requests pending approval, which was far behind the target for its franchise branch expansion strategy. It had also been reported that the branches that opened during the past few years had a relatively low success ratio (losses between 4.8% and 16.5%) and that the rate of branch closures had increased from 2% to 7.5%. Currently, eight franchise opening requests were pending, and Jong had to provide a recommendation for which requests should be approved. Coffee Refresh could approve all of them instantly, approve some of them, or even decline all of them. This was a great opportunity for Jong and his team to revisit the current franchise approval process and to demonstrate how business intelligence systems could improve the request approval process as well as address the issues of the current franchises’ underperformance and the closure rates.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2152 (1) ◽  
pp. 011001

The International Conference on Materials Chemistry and Environmental Engineering (CONF-MCEE 2021) The International Conference on Materials Chemistry and Environmental Engineering (CONF-MCEE 2021) is a leading conference, hosted by Eliwise Academy annually. It encourages communication and collaboration, hoping to provide an international platform for its participants to present, share, and learn the latest advance and development of materials, chemistry, and environmental engineering. Academics, researchers, and students from across the world are all welcomed to exchange findings and ideas to draw further inspirations in these research fields. It’s a great opportunity to deepen your understanding in the related topics. This volume contains the papers presented at the International Conference on Materials Chemistry and Environmental Engineering (CONF-MCEE 2021), held during November 11-16, 2021. Under the influence of COVID-19, the on-site conference was regretfully cancelled and CONF-MCEE was held online. For the safety concern of all participants, we decided to hold a virtual conference which is also effective and convenient for academic exchange and communication. Everyone interested in this field were welcomed to join the online conference on our YouTube channel and to give comments and raise questions to the speeches and presentations. We are hoping the pandemic to soon come to an end and we could see each other next year. CONF-MCEE 2021 received 179 submissions in the area of materials science and engineering, chemical science and technology, and environmental engineering. Each of the 179 submissions was reviewed by at least two Program Committee members. The committee decided to accept 64 papers that are included in these proceedings. We would like to thank the Program Committee members and external reviewers for their hard work in reviewing and selecting papers. Hopefully, all participants and other interested readers can benefit scientifically from the proceedings and find it rewarding in the process. Prof. Shuai Chen Chairman of Conference Committee List of Committee, Chairman, Technical Program Committee, Organizing Committee, Publicity Committee are available in this pdf.

2022 ◽  
pp. 19-38
Astha Ibrahim Bhanot

The purpose of the study is to understand the phenomenon of using artificial intelligence (AI) in human resources, especially in the gulf countries. This research effort provides a future perspective of using AI to better understand HR practitioners' attitudes and perspectives within multiple frameworks and the implications that technological advancements, in particular AI, have for the recruitment process. The study reveals that gulf countries will implement a vision (2030 vision) that will have a great opportunity to keep up with the digital transformation. It aims to investigate where AI can be implemented in the traditional recruitment process and possibly make the process more effective, as well as about what the implications would be of having AI within recruitment which leads to change in the composition of the workforce within organizations. It is urged that modern AI applications are an essential approach for organizations that work in an inconsistent environments.

2022 ◽  
pp. 55-68
Beatriz Palacios-Florencio ◽  
Juan Manuel Berbel-Pineda ◽  
Elena García-de-Soto-Camacho

The coronavirus has seriously affected the economy in general and tourism in particular. However, at the same time, it has been a great opportunity for rural tourism, as this type of tourism has been one of the beneficiaries of this health crisis. This is partly explained by the fact that travelers have turned to nature destinations and accommodation that guarantees social distance. Under the premise that tourism is a community product and that it is necessary to count on the community and local capacities, the aim of this research is to find out how the factors that make up the destination management models affect the development of rural tourism in a given region. It also seeks to know their influence on the results of rural accommodation companies in order to promote local development in this state of the pandemic. The work has been carried out with a total of 156 tourist accommodations. A total of eight management factors and five different clusters of companies were detected from the analysis of the dimensionality of the model.

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