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scholarly journals The Effectiveness of Smart Learning Based on Expert Systems in Cryptography Courses

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-215
Mochammad Iswan ◽  
M. Syaifuddin ◽  
Rian Farta Wijaya

The development of science and technology requires universities not only to matter but also to have abilities in their respective fields including Security System. The unavailability of network design laboratory and its minimum, network design, cryptography design and flexibility of face-to-face time in the discussion of material compiled not in accordance with the competencies in this course. To overcome these deficiencies in learning activities, development of a project-based blended learning model is carried out. The development carried out in this study uses the Puslitjaknov development model which reduces the Borg and Gall stages to five stages namely product analysis, initial product design, expert validation and revision, field trials and implementation. Data were collected by interview, observation, questionnaire and test. Data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods to produce research products in the form of books, modules, learning plans and manuals for the use of learning applications. Product validation by experts, practicality tests carried out by users and effectiveness tests with student learning outcomes. Based on the results of data analysis, the results of this study are: 1) Research has successfully developed a project-based blended learning model in Cryptography courses. 2) The developed learning model syntax consists of 9 stages / syntax. 3) In supporting learning activities, modules, RPS and manuals are used for learning applications. All products and models developed have been developed and are categorized as valid, practical and effective.

Sari Jusnita Br Ginting ◽  
Dede Ruslan ◽  
Arif Rahman

This study produced a PPKn module on environmental love by using the example non example learning model to increase student learning activities. The research method used is the Research and Development method which refers to the development of Borg and Gall (in Tegeh et al, 2014: 7-13). The module development process is carried out with three stages, namely the preliminary study stage, initial product development and product trials. The results of the study show that the assessment of eligibility by material experts obtained an average of 91.6%, the feasibility assessment by linguists obtained an average of 92, 1%, Feasibility assessment by design experts obtained an average of 80%. Individual trials with an average of 80.5% in the good category, small group trials with an average of 85.4% in the excellent category, and limited field trials with an average of 88.4% in the very good category. The results of observations of student activities observed an average of 92.4%, The results of observations of student activities asked an average of 85.6%, The results of observations of student activities tried with an average of 84.9%, The results of observations of student activities associated with reasoning an average of 89.4%, the results of observations of student activities communicate with an average of 83.9%. The average score at 69.8 pretest and 82.3 at posttest. This proves that the PPKn module of environmental love material by using the example non example learning model is feasible, easy, and effective for use in class II grade students. This research has implications for the use of the PPKn module on environmental love material by using the example non example learning model to increase student activity and activity

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 436-445
Ismail Thoib

This study aims to develop a critical collaboration-oriented constructivist learning model to improve students' social-spiritual skills. It boosts the urgency that most educators currently believe the online learning model does not improve students' social and spiritual skills. The development is carried out using the Assure model developed by Smaldino, Russell, Heinich, and Molenda. The developed model followed six steps, namely: (1) analyzing the characteristics of students, (2) setting learning objectives, (3) selecting media, methods, and materials, (4) utilizing teaching materials, (5) involving students in learning activities, and (6) evaluation and revision. The research process was carried out at UIN Mataram, involving one content expert, one design expert, five students in individual trials, nine students in small group trials, and 40 students in field trials. The results show that the developed learning model had theoretical feasibility of 96.4% for the material and 96% for the learning design. At the same time, the results of the empirical feasibility test showed that the product was empirically feasible with a feasibility level of 85.87% in individual trials, 90.12% in small group trials, and 94.25% in field trials. This study ends with the suggestions to implement the developed learning model in different fields of studies as the discussion of this model is rare while the impacts are beneficial. The discussion on its application and effects on learning achievements and attitudes in different fields of studies will contribute to a broader understanding of the same topic.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Marina Kuswardani ◽  
I Nyoman Arcana

This study aims to (1) Developing the higer oreder thinking skills test on computer based in the subject of trigonometric SMA. (2) Knowing the feasibility of a higer oreder thinking skills tests computer based made on the subject of trigonometric SMA. This research is a research and development (Research & Development). The development method used in this study follows a simple development procedure suggested by Borg and Gall consisting of five steps: (1) Product analysis to be developed, (2) initial product development, (3) Expert Validation and product revision, (4) ) Limited field trials and product revisions, (5) Main-scale field trials and end products. The results of this study is a computer-based test entitled: "Computer Based Test Problems On High Trigonometric Discussion" which is packaged in the form of Comapct Disk (CD). The computer-based tests were tested limited trial of 30 students and a major trials of 34 SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. Problem-based computer test has met the validity, reliability, objectivity, praktibilitas, and economical. Validation results show a computer-based test is worth using. This is supported by: average grain matter about 4.80 (very good) and average media expert 4,76 (very good) and student questionnaire score 39,03 (very good.  Research suggestions, the product should be used by students as an exercise in computer based reasoning. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-67
Tina Pingting Tsai ◽  
Lendy Chaoyu Lin ◽  
Jyhojong Lin

In e-learning, the flip blended learning model is used to provide students with learning contents inside/outside classrooms. It encourages students to preview these contents outside classrooms before the lesson. Then, various learning activities are taken inside classrooms in the lesson. An important issue about its success is the effectiveness of the preview because it affects the subsequent learning activities in the lesson. Further, for an ePUB3 ebook-based learning model, ePUB3 ebooks are used and hence embedded ePUB3 track and test functions can be used for tracking the preview accesses on these eBooks and examining the preview outcomes. As such, the preview effectiveness can be captured by checking these accesses and their relationships with the test outcomes for making adequate actions on subsequent lesson activities. In this paper, the authors explore such an effectiveness study on the preview of learning contents via ePUB3 track and test functions. For illustration, this study is applied to a script writing course and respective discussions are presented for showing its usefulness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 159
Sri Yunita ◽  
Sri Hadiningrum ◽  
Sugiharto Sugiharto

This study aims to: 1) develop a digital module based on the VCT learning model for anti-corruption learning; 2) to analyze the impact of implementing a digital module based on the VCT learning model on the anti-corruption learning outcomes of students majoring in Citizenship education, FIS UNIMED. This study uses a development research method using stages adapted from the Borg & Gall model, namely: 1) a preliminary study; 2) research planning; 3) initial product development; 4) field trials I (limited); 5) revised test results I; 6) field trials II (wider); 7) revision of trial results II; 8) due diligence; 9) revision of feasibility test results and 10) dissemination and socialization of the final product. The research was conducted in the Department of Citizenship Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, UNIMED. The expected outputs are 1) Digital Module Based on VCT Learning Model, 2) Application of VCT-based digital module on Anti-Corruption material increases student learning outcomes by 19.2%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 294
Rosmiati Rosmiati ◽  
Budi Jatmiko ◽  
Madlazim Madlazim

This research is research development at developing learning material based on blended learning cooperative model. The learning material is developed using Kemp model and one group pretest-posttest design. Try out for learning material is carried out at 2nd semester SMAN 16 Surabaya. The research subjects in grade XI IPA 2, XI IPA 3 and XI IPA 4 and the topic is thermodynamics. Data gathering uses three methods; observation, test and questionnaire. Material validity analysis is applied to analyses data. The validity involve (a) the truth of conseptual in learning material: the reabilitas of learning plans at 85,71%, student’s worksheet at 75%, student’s teks book at 77,27%, web moodle with homepage  http://fisikaunesa.net/elearning/ at 86,34% and assesment sheet for product and process test at 100%, (b) legibility of: student’s worksheet at 99%,  student’s text book at 97,7% and web moodle at 100% in easily understood category, (c) difficulties: student’s worksheet at 1,0; student’s text book at 13,0; Web Moodle at 0,0; and assessment sheet in easily understood category. 2) the practicality involve: (a) realization of Learning Plans reached 100% in good category, (b) student’s activity reached 89% in good category, (c) WIFI’s trouble. 3) the effectivity involve: (a) enhancement  of student’s achievement with N-Gain calculation: Natural Science 2 class with score 0,88, Natural Science 3 with score 0,85, Natural Science 4 with score 0,87 in high category, (b) student’s response with meanin 3 in agree category. Based on the results, it can be concluded that learning material based on Blended Learning Cooperative Model to increase student’s achievement in physics at senior high school grade XI is feasible.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran blended learning model kooperatif. Perangkat pembelajaran dikembangkan menggunakan model Kemp dengan model ujicoba one group pretest-posttes design. Uji coba perangkat pembelajaran dilakukan pada semester genap SMAN 16 Surabaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kelas XI IPA 2, XI IPA 3 dan XI IPA 4 materi termodinamika. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tiga teknik yaitu observasi, tes dan angket sedangkan analisis data menggunakan analisis validitas perangkat. Hasil penelitian dianalisis dan diperoleh beberapa temuan yaitu: 1) validitas yang meliputi: (a) kebenaran konseptual perangkat pembelajaran: RPP dengan reabilitas 85,71%, LKS dengan reabilitas 75%, BAS dengan reabilitas 77,27%, web moodle dengan hompage  http://fisikaunesa.net/elearning/ dengan reabilitas 86,34%, dan LP untuk THB produk dan proses dengan reabilitas 100%, (b) keterbacaan: LKS 99%, BAS 97,7% dan  Web Moodle 100% dengan kategori mudah dipahami (c) Kesulitan: LKS 1,0; BAS 13,0; Web Moodle 0,0; dan LP berada pada kategori mudah dipahami. 2) Kepraktisan yang meliputi: (a) Keterlaksanaan RPP mencapai 100% berkategori baik, (b) Aktivitas siswa mencapai 89% berkategori baik, (c) kendala jaringan WIFI. 3) Efektifitas meliputi: (a) Peningkatan hasil belajar dengan perhitungan N- Gain: IPA 2 skor 0,88, IPA 3 skor 0,85, IPA 4 skor 0,87 dengan kriteria tinggi, (b) respon siswa dengan rata -rata 3 berada pada ketegori setuju. Berdasarkan hasil temuan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran blended learning model cooperative untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar fisika SMA kelas XI layak digunakan.

E-Structural ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 82-103
Testiana Deni Wijayatiningsih ◽  
Nanda Eka Yuniarti

The design development of the CoRe (Content Representation) model is another model of the lesson plan that is applied using the Blended learning model. The purpose of this study is to design and validate the suitability of CoRe products with the high school syllabus. The method used by using descriptive quantitative method based on the stages of R and D (Research and Development), especially in seven stages, namely; research and data collection, planning, initial product development, piloting and refinement of initial products, testing and refinement of products that have been refined for final product testing, and disseminated, implemented and institutionalized. The results obtained are the valid lesson plan design plan with CoRe used in teaching English to high school class XI students. The activity of students also increased by showing a positive response and the results of the daily pre-test and post-test exercise improved well. In addition, the CoRe Model can also be used to help teachers improve Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the teaching and learning process.

Sang My Tang ◽  
Hung Nguyen Tien

In the era of digital technology, higher education in Vietnam should plan strategies for developing a blended learning model, in which, besides improving face-to-face learning activities, investing in online learning activities is a strategic goal not only to expand the learners’s market share but also to transform the training model to use technology for modifying and improving the quality of education. The paper focuses on the study of forms and levels of combined learning models, discussing the situation and solutions for applying blended learning models to higher education institutions in Vietnam.

Vidya Karya ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
R. Ati Sukmawati ◽  
Harja Santana Purba ◽  
Nuruddin Wiranda

Abstract. Teaching and learning activities are generally implemented using conventional learning method that is face to face between learners with educators in the same place and time. Conventional learning facilitates communication between learners and educators, but less time for discussion and limited space. Overcoming it then required a model that can make learning without time and space limited. Blended learning is a learning model that combines the conventional learning model with online digital media learning model that allows students to discuss unlimited time and place. The research is to develop blended learning model using blogger which is expected to be an additional media to support teaching and learning activities. Keywords: blended learning; kelas virtual; blogger Abstrak. Kegiatan belajar mengajar secara umum dilaksanakan menggunakan metode pembelajaran konvensional yaitu tatap muka antara peserta didik dengan pendidik di tempat dan waktu yang sama. Pembelajaran  konvensional memudahkan komunikasi antar peserta didik dan pendidik, tetapi waktu untuk berdiskusi tidak banyak dan tempat yang digunakan terbatas. Mengatasi hal tersebut maka diperlukan sebuah  model yang dapat membuat pembelajaran tanpa terbatas waktu dan tempat. Blended learning merupakan model pembelajaran yang memadukan antara model pembelajaran konvensional dengan model pembelajaran media  digital online yang memungkinkan siswa dapat berdiskusi tanpa terbatas waktu dan tempat. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah mengembangkan model  blended learning menggunakan blogger yang diharapkan dapat menjadi media tambahan pendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar. Kata kunci: blended learning, kelas virtual, blogger

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-133
Sandi Kurniawan

Higher-order thinking skills is an ability that all vocational high school students should have because vocational high school graduates are required to have the good soft skill and hard skill. The reality was their HOTS ability was low, as stated by several explanations from researchers and strengthened by the observation in vocational high school. This research aimed to find the students' learning activity through blended learning of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) model and jigsaw model, and their influence on the HOTS. This research was quantitative research using the quasi-experiment method of nonequivalent control group design with research subjects of 50 students that were chosen using simple random sampling. The data was collected using test instruments in multiple choices and descriptions and non-test tool in the form of observation sheets. The data then were analyzed with t-test sample independent test. The results showed that the usage of STAD and jigsaw blended learning made students more active and energized in following the learning activities. The direct learning model made students inactive and not excited during learning activities. Also, the blended learning of STAD and jigsaw had significant influence compared to the direct learning model on higher-order thinking skills.

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