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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Nur Kharisma

This paper aims to describe the procedures for the development and form of the resulting listening skills test instrument for grade IX junior high school students. This research is based online using google form. Development uses the ADDIE model. The development is carried out in several stages, namely: (1) needs analysis, (2) product design (Design), (3) initial product development (Development), (4) initial product testing (Implementation), (5) revision initial product (Evaluation), (6) revised product trial, (7) revised product revision. The trial was carried out on class IX SMP / MTs with accidental sampling technique. This development resulted in a google form-based test consisting of bio data for test takers, short stories recording material for 11 minutes of reading, 25 questions (22 multiple choice and 3 short answers) complete with 951 word answer keys, having different scores on each question. , and a listening skill assessment rubric. Initial product trials obtained by respondents as many as 20 people. The revisions that the researchers carried out were (1) revising the questions and instructions for solving the questions, (2) replacing some of the components of the assessment that were not good enough, and (3) replacing some incorrect word choices. The revisions that the researchers carried out were (1) revising the duration of the listening skills test instrument, (2) revising the questions and instructions for solving the questions, and (3) replacing some incorrect word choices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-235
Nuryuliana Nuryuliana ◽  
Anti Kolonial Prodjosantoso

The purpose of this research is to describe the stages of developing and validating a product which includes content validity and constructs validity. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) with define, design, develop, and disseminate (4D) model. The initial product was validated by material and learning evaluation expert lecturer. The suitability of the items evaluated by chemistry teacher based on indicators of competency achievement. The sample selection was determined by stratified random sampling of 170 students of 11th grade senior high school in Yogyakarta City. Content validity was analyzed using Aiken's V formula. The results of data analysis show that all components of the test instrument are valid with Aiken's V value greater than 0.80 with a significance of 0.05. Verification of construct validity was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis with the help of the SPSS version 21.0 program. The results prove that all components in the integrated assessment instrument are suitable to be used to measure the critical thinking skills and self-efficacy of students on acid-base concept.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 198-209
Moh Rufron ◽  
Muhammad Muhyi ◽  
Harwanto Harwanto

This study aims to determine the level of validity, practicality, and effectiveness of teaching materials for learning PJOK ACTIVE (Fun, Character, Measurable, Innovation, and Fit) at SMP Negeri III Kamal Bangkalan. The benefits of this research are expected to increase students' understanding and students' abilities in PJOK learning practices. This research is a type of development research. There are 10 stages in the product development process starting from the preliminary study stage, planning stage, initial product design stage, field test stage, revision stage, main field test stage, product revision stage, group test stage, final product revision stage, and dissemination stage. The research was conducted at SMPN 3 Kamal Bangkalan from January to May 2021 with a total of 137 students. The data were analyzed using the percentage of the product trial results. The results of the study showed that the results of the product development of teaching materials for ACTIVE PJOK learning for students of SMPN 3 Class 1 in Kamal Bangkalan were declared feasible, very helpful, and could support the implementation of PJOK learning in schools. The results of product development that have been produced can be used as a reference in PJOK learning and besides that it can be developed according to needs.

Dzulfiqar Satria Waliyuddin ◽  
Dwi Sulisworo

Developing evaluation instruments in the student learning process in interactive, fun, challenging, motivating, and developing students 'creativity and independence were needed to improve students' High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and digital literacy skills (DLS). HOTS and digital literacy were part of the 21st-century skills that were important for every individual. This study developed a test instrument integrated with Augmented Reality (AR) and Google Scholar (GS) to encourage HOTS and students' digital literacy skills. This type of research was development research based on the following development steps: information gathering, planning, initial product development, limited trial, initial product revision, field trial, and final product revision. The subject matter was the scale and comparison. Product trials were applied to 11th-grade students in Sleman, Indonesia. Product validity was based on expert judgment, item validity, distinguishing power, difficulty level and reliability to reach a good category in general. AR was created using the ARLOOPA application operated with android. The research instrument was designed to increase HOTS and DLS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-82
Yulius Agung Saputro ◽  
Ayub Tatya Admaja

The objectives of the research were to: (1) produce a prototype design of tools in training for beginner and advanced male woodball athletes, (2) test the design of a prototype tool that could be effectively used by athletes to improve skills in training at night, (3) the prototype could used to anticipate training schedule constraints for woodball athletes. The steps used in the development procedure are: (1) Potential and Problems, (2) Develop the initial product, (3) Product Design, (4) Design Validation 2 woodball experts and 2 equipment experts, (4) Design improvement, (5) Product Trial for 6 athletes, and (6) Usage Trial for 10 athletes. The final product is a prototype model of an exercise aid (glow in the dark gate and ball) that can be used for training at night. The results of tool validation from the assessment rubric of woodball experts and equipment experts can answer complaints about the tight schedule of activities for athletes, while the effectiveness of the tool model can help coaches in maximizing training programs with experimental assessments by woodball experts on small-scale trials and large-scale trials getting an average score average after doing the test.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-215
Mochammad Iswan ◽  
M. Syaifuddin ◽  
Rian Farta Wijaya

The development of science and technology requires universities not only to matter but also to have abilities in their respective fields including Security System. The unavailability of network design laboratory and its minimum, network design, cryptography design and flexibility of face-to-face time in the discussion of material compiled not in accordance with the competencies in this course. To overcome these deficiencies in learning activities, development of a project-based blended learning model is carried out. The development carried out in this study uses the Puslitjaknov development model which reduces the Borg and Gall stages to five stages namely product analysis, initial product design, expert validation and revision, field trials and implementation. Data were collected by interview, observation, questionnaire and test. Data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods to produce research products in the form of books, modules, learning plans and manuals for the use of learning applications. Product validation by experts, practicality tests carried out by users and effectiveness tests with student learning outcomes. Based on the results of data analysis, the results of this study are: 1) Research has successfully developed a project-based blended learning model in Cryptography courses. 2) The developed learning model syntax consists of 9 stages / syntax. 3) In supporting learning activities, modules, RPS and manuals are used for learning applications. All products and models developed have been developed and are categorized as valid, practical and effective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 260-267

Health material is material that requires caution in distributing so that students do not get it wrong. For this reason, teacher expertise is needed in packaging elements in the learning process. One way that can be used in responding to these learning challenges is to develop learning media. Comic is one of the visual media that has several functions in learning, namely the function of attention, affective function, cognitive function and compensatory function. This illustrated media contains learning materials that are packaged to suit the daily lives of students. This type of research is a development research that aims to develop comic media in order to increase interest in learning reproductive health in Gempi Kespro cadres. The development research model used is a modification of the procedural model from Borg and Gall which consists of a preliminary study, determining the goals to be achieved at each stage, developing the initial product form, initial testing, initial revision, main trial, 2nd revision, validation test expert and final revision. Product reviews use modifications of criteria based on quality, namely design, breadth of material, ease of understanding, coherence of images and text as well as image and text writing. The data is presented descriptively. The results of the initial trial, main trial and expert validation showed a positive value for all aspects of the assessment. The conclusion of this study is that the learning media for reproductive health comics is appropriate to be used in increasing student interest in learning in the field of reproductive health ABSTRAKMateri kesehatan reproduksi merupakan materi yang memerlukan kehati-hatian dalam penyampaian agar siswa tidak keliru dalam menerimanya. Untuk itu diperlukan kepiawaian pengajar dalam mengemas unsur dalam proses pembelajarannya. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan dalam menjawab tantangan pembelajaran tersebut adalah dengan mengembangkan media belajar. Komik merupakan salah satu media visual memiliki beberapa fungsi dalam pembelajaran yaitu fungsi atensi, fungsi afektif, fungsi kognitif dan fungsi kompensatoris. Media bergambar ini berisi materi pembelajaran yang dikemas menyesuaikan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan mengembangkan media komik guna meningkatkan minat belajar kesehatan reproduksi pada kader gempi kespro. Model penelitian pengembangan yang digunakan adalah modifikasi model procedural dari Borg and Gall yang terdiri dari studi pendahuluan, menentukan tujuan yang akan dicapai disetiap tahapan, mengembangkan bentuk produk awal, uji coba awal, revisi awal, uji coba utama, revisi ke-2, uji validasi ahli dan revisi akhir. Review penilaian produk menggunakan modifikasi dari criteria berdasarkan kualitas yaitu desain, keluasan materi, kemudahan materi dipahami, keruntutan gambar dan tulisan serta kejelasan gambar dan tulisan. Data disajikan secara deskriptif. Hasil dari uji coba awal, uji coba utama dan validasi ahli menunjukkan nilai positif dari keseluruan aspek penilaian. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa media pembelajaran komik kesehatan reproduksi ini layak digunakan dalam meningkatkan minat belajar siswa di bidang kesehatan reproduksi

Dewi Nasiroh

This study (1) develop a learning assessment instrument with the assignment technique-oriented to mathematical communication ability in high school mathematics of trigonometry material (2) reveal the feasibility of the developed instrument, (3) reveal the characteristics of the developed instrument, (4) reveal the users' responses to the instrument, (5) measure the ability of mathematical communication of the students on high school mathematics in learning trigonometry. This study was research and development using the procedure of tests preparation based on Mardapi (2017 ) with the steps including preparing test specifications, writing test questions, reviewing tests, administering tests, analyzing tests items, improving the tests, assembling the tests, administering the tests and interpreting results. The initial product was field-tested to 254 students of high schools in Yogyakarta City. The result of the research was an assessment instrument of learning outcomes with assignment technique-oriented to the mathematical communication ability in high school mathematics learning of trigonometry. The Aiken index was 0.7 for this instrument, and the instrument was reliably tested to a test of participants with the ability ( q ) between -4.07 logits < q <3.79 logits. The teachers' responses to test instruments were good. The results of field trials showed that 20 items fit with the PCM model. The level of difficulty was in the range of -1.29 logits <b < 1.32 logits. The function of the test information Obtained by q = -0.11 logit and the standard error of measurement was 0:18. The measurement result of 90 students shows that the student's mathematical communication ability was 67%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (11) ◽  
pp. 884-892
Dwi Jatmiko ◽  
Moch. Yunus ◽  
Prisca Widiawati

Abstract: The purpose of this development research is to produce various kinds of module-based soccer passing exercises for SSB Kharisma Elang Muda Malang City. The product is developed using the model from Borg and Gall consisting of an initial needs analysis (need assessment), product development planning (Planning). Develop initial product (Develop Preliminary form of Product). The initial product developed will go through validation and feasibility tests by media experts and soccer coaching experts. Small group trial (Preliminary Field Testing). Large group trial (Main Field Testing). Lastly, revise the results of Main Field Testing. Based on a series of validity tests from experts and field tests, it was stated that the product was declared valid and could be used as a teaching medium for SSB Kharisma Elang Muda Malang City. The results of the research based on the small group trial showed a large number (87.8 percent) and the large group trial showed the number (88.75 percent) of the athletes of SSB Kharisma Elang Muda Malang City, stating that the variation of the Passing technique training model is easy to understand, interesting. , and effective for increasing Passing ability Pass. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan berbagai macam latihan passing sepak bola berbasis modul untuk SSB Kharisma Elang Muda Kota Malang. Produk dikembangankan dengan menggunakan model dari Borg and Gall terdiri dari analisis kebutuhan awal (need assessment), Perencanaan pengembangan produk (Planning). Mengembangkan produk awal (Develop Preliminary form of Product). Produk awal yang dikembangkan akan melalui uji validasi dan kelayakan oleh ahli media dan ahli kepelatihan sepak bola. Uji coba kelompok kecil (Preliminary Field Testing). Uji coba kelompok besar (Main Field Testing). Terakhir melakukan revisi dari hasil Main Field Testing. Berdasarkan dari serangkaian uji validitas dari ahli dan uji lapangan menyatakan bahwa produk dinyatakan valid dan dapat digunakan sebagai media ajar untuk SSB Kharisma Elang Muda Kota Malang. Hasil dari penelitian berdasarkan uji coba kelompok kecil menunjukan angka besar (87,8 persen) dan uji coba kelompok besar menunjukan angka (88,75 persen) atlet SSB Kharisma Elang Muda Kota Malang, menyatakan bahwa variasi model latihan teknik Passing mudah dipahami, menarik, dan efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Passing.

Della Oktavia ◽  
Ahmad Walid

This study aims to develop an assessment to measure science process skills on living things interaction and their environment. The research used research and development (R&D) that consist research and initial information collection, planning, initial product format development, small-scale trials, product revisions, initial trials, and final products. The trial subjects were expert subjects (assessment experts, material experts and linguists), and the subjects were students of state junior high school in Bengkulu City as product users. Data were analyzed descriptive qualitatively and quantitatively. Feasibility assessment by three validator experts developed on the assessment aspect of 89%, material aspect of 93%, and language aspect of 93%, overall was declared very feasible with an average of 92%. This showed that the assessment of science process skills to measure science process skills was stated to be very suitable to be used to measure the level of students' science process skills. This assessment was the science assessment, where in the development of the science assessment used formative assessment because this assessment was given to every lesson and can be carried out on sub-subjects or each subject. In the development of this formative assessment, multiple choice tests were developed.

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