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scholarly journals Islam Moderat antara Konsep dan Praksis di Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
Dani Sartika

The Islamic moderation is the efforts to tend the tradition and making the equalled idea of gracious Islam. The purpose of this research is to delve the moderate Islam which becomes the deals between the right extreme group and the left extreme group. This is the solution from many horizontal conflicts which is caused by the different perception of religion nowadays. The method that used by the researcher in this study is the scientific method analysis. This analysis is the way which is using many procedures to analysing and making the valid conclusion from the document. In this implementation, the writer researches many literatures, manuscript, particularly the education journals to study which is related to this research. The result from the research finds that popularizing Islam moderate in Indonesia is the obligation. The concern Islam is not only about worship, but also caring to all Muslims, moreover for all the human being with the different background own. Regarding and caring the natural sustainability is the Islamic teaching of hablum minal alam obligaton. Created as rahmatan lil ‘alamanin thought, that is one of the Islam moderate reference, returning the real of Islam which is known as the religion of full of grace and affection. The Islam moderate or also called wasatiyyah al-islam is Islam which always indicated by harmony, impartiality, wisdom, tolerance, acceptance, respect, inclusive, non-violence, non-extremism, non-radicalism and non-terrorism. The existence of living safe, peacefulness, and welfare in this world is according to Islam. That is one of the biggest religion in the world. With the thought which is prioritizing social approach, nationality, culture and humanity

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (19) ◽  
pp. 202037
Francisco de Jesus Silva de Sousa ◽  
Yasmin Maciel Limas

TOLERANCE, YESTERDAY AND TODAY: historical and current aspectsTOLERANCIA, AYER Y HOY: aspectos históricos y actualesRESUMOEste artigo tem como objetivo principal suscitar reflexões a respeito de como a noção de tolerância, adotada pelos indivíduos e pela sociedade, influência direta ou indiretamente a forma como ocorrem as relações entre aqueles que apresentam diferentes crenças políticas, sociais, religiosas e de gênero. Portanto, discutir a temática da tolerância é extremamente relevante, uma vez que possibilita refletir sobre como, de fato, é possível construir uma sociedade em que haja respeito pelo ser humano em suas mais diversas formas de ser no mundo. O procedimento metodológico deste trabalho foi a pesquisa bibliográfica. O resultado desta pesquisa possibilitou percebermos que há um consenso acerca da tolerância ser entendida como o reconhecimento do direito que outras pessoas têm de abraçarem diferentes crenças, visões de mundo, bem como, de expressá-las.Palavras-chave: Tolerância; Diversidade; Contemporaneidade.ABSTRACTThe main goal of this paper is to raise reflections about how the notion of tolerance adopted by individuals and by society directly or indirectly influences the way relationships occur between those who present different political, social, religious and gender beliefs. Therefore, discussing the tolerance theme is extremely relevant, since it allows reflection on how, in fact, it is possible to create a society in which there is respect for the human being in its most diverse forms of being in the world. The methodological procedures chosen for this study was the bibliographic research. The results of this research allowed us to realize that there is a certain consensus about tolerance being understood as the recognition of the right that other people have to embrace different beliefs, worldviews, as well as to express them.Keywords: Tolerance; Diversity; Contemporaneity.RESUMENEste artículo tiene como objetivo principal plantear reflexiones sobre cómo la noción de tolerancia, adoptada por los individuos y por la sociedad, influencia directa o indirectamente en la forma cómo ocurren las relaciones entre aquellos que presentan diferentes creencias políticas, sociales, religiosas y de género. Por lo tanto, discutir el tema de la tolerancia es extremadamente relevante, ya que permite reflexionar sobre cómo, de hecho, es posible construir una sociedad en la que haya respeto por el ser humano en sus más diversas formas de ser en el mundo. El procedimiento metodológico de este trabajo fue la investigación bibliográfica. El resultado de esta pesquisa hizo posible darse cuenta de que hay un cierto consenso sobre la tolerancia que se entiende como el reconocimiento del derecho que otras personas tienen a abrazar diferentes creencias, cosmovisión, así como a expresarlas.Palabras clave: Tolerancia; Diversidad; Contemporaneidad.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Nils Franzén

Abstract This article discusses why it is the case that we refuse to accept strange evaluative claims as being true in fictions, even though we are happy to go along with other types of absurdities in such contexts. For instance, we would refuse to accept the following statement as true, even in the context of a fiction: (i) In killing her baby, Giselda did the right thing; after all, it was a girl. This article offers a sensibilist diagnosis of this puzzle, inspired by an observation first made by David Hume. According to sensibilism, the way we feel about things settles their evaluative properties. Thus, when confronted with a fictional scenario where the configuration of non-evaluative facts and properties is relevantly similar to the actual world, we refuse to go along with evaluative properties being instantiated according to a different pattern. It is the attitudes we hold in the actual world that fix the extension of evaluative terms, even in nonactual worlds. When engaging with a fiction, we (to some extent) leave our beliefs about what the world is like behind, while taking our emotional attitudes with us into the fiction. To substantiate this diagnosis, this paper outlines a sensibilist semantics for evaluative terms based on recent discussion regarding predicates of personal taste, and explains how, together with standard assumptions about the nature of fictional discourse, it makes the relevant predictions with respect to engagement with fictions.

2000 ◽  
Vol 45 (S8) ◽  
pp. 159-177 ◽  
Hotze Lont

Financial self-help organizations can be found in many parts of the world, and the cities of Java are among the areas where they are particularly widespread. Since about the 1950s, interest in these institutions among anthropologists and development sociologists has increased considerably. Analyses of financial self-help organizations have most often focused on their economic or their social function; few scholars have pointed to their function as providers of security and identified self-help organizations as typical forms of local social security institutions. The main shortcoming of most of these studies is that they base their conclusions solely on an analysis of the financial arrangements provided by these self-help organizations, neglecting the accommodating practices that people undertake in order to fit the provisions of self-help organizations to their own household needs. This essay explores the observation that financial self-help organizations do not simply provide security through the different kinds of insurance mechanisms they might contain, but that, particularly through the way in which people use them and participate in them, these institutions become meaningful for coping with insecurity. It examines the question of whether participation in financial self-help organizations contributes to the ability of households to cope with adversities and deficiencies in a concrete social context. Research aiming to answer this question was conducted in Bujung, an urban ward on the outskirts of Yogyakarta, on the island of Java.

2011 ◽  
Vol 685 ◽  
pp. 181-187 ◽  
Chen Li ◽  
Xian Zheng Gong ◽  
Su Ping Cui ◽  
Zhi Hong Wang ◽  
Yan Zheng ◽  

With increasing concerns about global warming, and the cement plants emitting huge CO2, it is necessary to know how the CO2 emits and how much the CO2 emits due to cement manufacture in both direct and indirect ways. A precise method to calculate CO2 emissions including three processes was established in this paper and a case study was provided. From the case of LQDX plant, we can see the amount of CO2 emissions at the right level. The summary of CO2 emissions is consisted by emissions from raw materials, fuels and electricity. The direct CO2 emissions are 0.822 ton CO2 per ton clinker, and the total CO2 emissions are 0.657 ton CO2 per ton cement in this study. Therefore, the way that CO2 emissions due to cement manufacture was pictured and then measured. An approach provides a basic framework to identify various situations in different cement plants in China and other in the rest of the world. The framework would be useful in quantitatively evaluating CO2 emissions for government to know precisely CO2 emissions in cement plants.

2003 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-120 ◽  
Jörg Hübner

Abstract In the wake of massive structural changes within the world trade the WTO faces important challenges. Like an invisible world govemment the WTO uses its agreement as a sort of basic law. This basic law demands equal chances for every human being in the world. Therefore it is important to strengthen the WTO in order to pave the way for fair conditions within the world trade. This essay asks which circumstances are necessary to achieve this goal.

Worldview ◽  
1968 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 6-9
William J. Barnds

The idealists and crusaders of every age and era develop certain underlying attitudes and values which, while connected with the specific goals they struggle to attain, are clearly distinct from them. Often these attitudes and values grow out of their effort to obtain more limited and specific goals. However, many of the participants in today's turmoil, and particularly the younger ones, seem to have little in the way of a general program — though they often protest against specific acts or situations — but instead proclaim that unless the nation and the world adopt a new set of values no particular set of reforms will leave a lasting imprint.

1990 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 380-381 ◽  
Rosalind Ramsay

Broadcast media can powerfully influence the way we view the world. Journalists drawn to sensational news items do not necessarily portray the real situation they are describing. Often they strengthen belief in stereotyped images, such as the ‘mad axeman’. Yet they have the potential to foster greater public understanding of mental illness and a more responsible attitude to sufferers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-51 ◽  
Laÿna Droz ◽  

The concept of humans as relational individuals living in a milieu can provide some solutions to various obstacles of theorization that are standing in the way of an ethics of sustainability. The idea of a milieu was developed by Tetsuro Watsuji as a web of signification and symbols. It refers to the environment as lived by a subjective relational human being and not as artificially objectified. The milieu can neither be separated from its temporal—or historical—dimension as it is directly related to the “now” of perceptions and actions in the world. In other words, elements of the natural milieu can be said to have a constitutive value as they contribute to our well-being by helping us make sense of our life and our world. In their temporal and relational dimensions, Watsuji’s notions of the milieu and human being are thus directly related to the notion of sustainability. This concept offers some convincing solutions to overcoming the problem of temporal distance, by shifting the center of argumentation from unknown, passive, and biologically dependent not-yet- born people to the transmission of a meaningful historical milieu. The turning point here is that if what matters is the survival of ideal and material projects that people live (and sometimes die) for, then future generations have tremendous power over them, as the actions of those future people will determine the success or failure of the projects started by present generations.

Utilitas ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-47 ◽  
David McNaughton ◽  
Piers Rawling

In recent years the distinction between agent-relative and agent-neutral reasons has been taken by many to play a key role in distinguishing deontology from consequentialism. It is central to all universalist consequentialist theories that value is determined impersonally; the real value of any state of affairs does not depend on the point of view of the agent. No reference, therefore, to the agent or to his or her position in the world need enter into a consequentialist understanding of what makes an action right or wrong or morally permissible. Consequentialism thus provides an agent-neutral account of both the right and the good.

2004 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-212
Wojciech Bołoz

In contemporary bioethics dominate two trends dealing with two basic ethical solutions. First of them is utilitarianism concerning utility as a criterion of judging between what is right and what is wrong. The second trend applies to human rights and human dignity, which are to be obeyed without any exceptions. Utilitarianism protects the strong and prosperous people in society and excludes those who are weak and not capable of independent life. The concept of human dignity protects each and every human being including the weakest ones. It is therefore characterized by real humanitarianism. In addition, it has one more outstanding virtue; in the contemporary world, it is the most widespread and understandable ethical code. It enables people of different civilizations to communicate with understandable ethical language. In the world constantly undergoing global processes, it is a great value. Although there are a number of discussions concerning the way of understanding human dignity and human rights, their universal and ethical meaning; there are certain international acts of law concerning biomedicine that support the concept of human dignity as the most adequate concept for the contemporary bioethics. As an example, the European Convention on Bioethics can be taken. The article includes the most significant topics concerning understanding, history, and application of law and human dignity in bioethics.

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