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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-135
Lipika Ghosh ◽  
Abhijit Rakshit ◽  
Madhumita De

Background: Fibroid or uterine leiomyoma is the most common benign tumor of the uterus in the reproductive age group and found in one out of every four women. They are symptomatic in 50% of women, with the peak incidence occurring among women in their 30s or 40s. Fibroid can cause a variety of symptoms which include menstrual disturbances commonly menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea. It is a common indication of hysterectomy in Indians. An effective medical treatment option may reduce hysterectomy-associated morbidity and mortality. This study is undertaken to evaluate the efficacy and safety of medical management of myoma and contribution in the reduction of myoma size comparing the two drugs ulipristal and mifepristone. Aims and Objectives: The study was conducted to compare reduction of menorrhagia (By pictorial blood loss assessment chart score), reduction of fibroid size (using transvaginal ultrasonography), and improvement of hemoglobin (Hb) level. We are also evaluating safety or side effects using these drugs. Materials and Methods: The study includes 210 patients who are divided into two groups. Group A includes 105 patients who are treated with tablet Ulipristal Acetate 5 mg daily for 3 months and Group B includes 105 patients who are treated with tablet mifepristone 25 mg daily for 3 months. Results: Ulipristal and mifepristone both are effective in reduction of menorrhagia and improvement of Hb levels, but Ulipristal is more effective in reduction of size of uterine myoma than mifepristone after 3 months of treatment. Conclusion: Multicentric study over a larger population is required to reach a valid conclusion.

Mutty Hariyati ◽  
Heriyanto Heriyanto

<p>Introduction: The phenomenon of information overload experienced by the Indonesian people has caused many problems ranging from a decrease in the level of public awareness in understanding the validity and accuracy of information sources to changes in public information behavior. One of the problems in the flood of information is the increase of publications both scientific and popular which are the daily consumption of society which is very relevant to the librarian in the current situation and in the future. Methodology: This research was conducted qualitatively by collecting data from literatures that relevant to the research theme. The collected data was then identified to find patterns that match the research objectives, namely to find out the competence of librarians that is relevant for the industrial era 4.0. Discussion: The results show librarians need to have strategies in developing new ways to help people direct and focus their search for finding documents or information that are accurate and valid. Conclusion: It is known that the information overload phenomenon is one of the hallmarks of this industrial 4.0 era so that it requires the development of librarian competencies in maintaining their contribution and existence in the information society.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Ike Wuri Winahyu Sari ◽  
Novita Nirmalasari

Background: Although many previous studies have used the Preparedness for Caregiving Scale (PCS), it has not been translated and validated in Indonesia. Purpose: This study aimed to translate and evaluate the PCS’s psychometric adequacy among family caregiver of non-communicable disease (NCD) patients in Indonesia. Methods: The linguistic of the PCS was validated using a standard forward-backward process. The Indonesian version was approved with Content Validity Index (CVI). Then a cross-sectional survey was conducted to establish the construct validity of the PCS to measure caregiver preparedness. A purposive sampling approach was used to recruit 40 consenting family caregivers of NCD patients. The PCS sum score was correlated with each item using Pearson product-moment. The internal consistency of the Indonesian version of the PCS (I-PCS) was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha. Results: The Item-CVI (I-CVI) and Scale-level CVI (S-CVI) of the I-PCS were 1.00. It showed the high content validity of the I-PCS. The I-PCS  revealed a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.933 for the total score. The Pearson-r was more than 0.320 indicated that the item valid. Conclusion: The I-PCS is appeared to be valid and reliable for measuring the caregiver preparedness of NCD patients in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 207-260
Marco Zingano

The problem of future contingents is examined here through the vantage point of another controversy, the one over which answer Aristotle should be credited with. Two answers are attributed to Aristotle. According to the first one, which is nowadays often referred to as the traditional answer, Aristotle argued that, to prevent determinism as the valid conclusion of the argument presented at the beginning of De interpretation 9, one has to deny the universal validity of the principle of bivalence; according to the other, Aristotle accepted the validity of the principle of bivalence, but averted the conclusion of determinism by introducing the notion of indefinite verum. Both answers are examined with a view to shedding some light on this chapter that has kindled so much discussion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
Dani Sartika

The Islamic moderation is the efforts to tend the tradition and making the equalled idea of gracious Islam. The purpose of this research is to delve the moderate Islam which becomes the deals between the right extreme group and the left extreme group. This is the solution from many horizontal conflicts which is caused by the different perception of religion nowadays. The method that used by the researcher in this study is the scientific method analysis. This analysis is the way which is using many procedures to analysing and making the valid conclusion from the document. In this implementation, the writer researches many literatures, manuscript, particularly the education journals to study which is related to this research. The result from the research finds that popularizing Islam moderate in Indonesia is the obligation. The concern Islam is not only about worship, but also caring to all Muslims, moreover for all the human being with the different background own. Regarding and caring the natural sustainability is the Islamic teaching of hablum minal alam obligaton. Created as rahmatan lil ‘alamanin thought, that is one of the Islam moderate reference, returning the real of Islam which is known as the religion of full of grace and affection. The Islam moderate or also called wasatiyyah al-islam is Islam which always indicated by harmony, impartiality, wisdom, tolerance, acceptance, respect, inclusive, non-violence, non-extremism, non-radicalism and non-terrorism. The existence of living safe, peacefulness, and welfare in this world is according to Islam. That is one of the biggest religion in the world. With the thought which is prioritizing social approach, nationality, culture and humanity

2021 ◽  
Juanjo Bermúdez

Genome assembly is a fundamental tool for biological research. Particularly, in microbiology, where budgets per sample are often scarce, it can make the difference between an inconclusive result and a fully valid conclusion. Identifying new strains or estimating the relative abundance of quasi-species in a sample are some example tasks that can’t be properly accomplished without previously generating assemblies with little structure ambiguity and covering most of the genome. In this work, we present a new genome assembly tool based on a greedy strategy. We compare the results obtained applying this tool to the results obtained with previously existing software. We find that, when applied to viral studies, comparatively, the software we developed often gets far larger contigs and higher genome fraction coverage than previous software. We also find a significant advantage when applied to exceptionally large virus genomes.

Revista CEFAC ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
Vanessa Maria da Silva ◽  
Cleide Fernandes Teixeira ◽  
Alcineide da Silva Pimenta ◽  
Adalva Virgínia Couto Lopes ◽  
Marina Mayra de Lima Mota ◽  

ABSTRACT Purpose: to validate indicators and parameters to construct an assessment instrument for the Hearing Conservation Program. Methods: methodological research to validate the content and layout of indicators to assess the Hearing Conservation Program, using the Delphi method, as well as the semantic validation of an assessment instrument for the program, in compliance with the procedures used by the European group DISABKIDS. A total of 20 speech-language-hearing therapists participated in the study, answering validation questionnaires. The answers were tabulated and analyzed considering descriptive statistical data, establishing the item content validity index, the scale content validity index, the percentage of absolute agreement, and the content analysis. Results: of the 64 items submitted for validation, two were not considered appropriate. The set of items was considered representative. The validated indicators and parameters provided the means to construct an assessment instrument of the degree of implementation of the Hearing Conservation Program, which proved to be semantically valid. Conclusion: the indicators were validated to meet and represent the functions of quality, control, and follow-up of the Hearing Conservation Program, aiding administrators to carry out their responsibilities and making it possible to construct evaluative instruments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-21
Bashu Neupane

The paper focuses on the sales, liquidity and profitability analysis in corporate finance. Any firm aims to maximize its earnings per share. However, most of the firms try to attain maximum profit. In this way, this study is initiated to find out the cause and effect relationship between sales, liquidity and profitability. The study is concentrated on the cement industry in Nepal for four year’s data. The quantitative research design has been used to draw a valid conclusion. The descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis were used in the analysis of the sample and there is any relationship among sales, liquidity and profitability in the cement industry in Nepal. The study found a significant positive relationship between sales and profitability, similarly insignificant positive relation between net working capital and profitability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (01) ◽  
pp. 01-06
Mehrajuddin Naikoo ◽  
Arjun J Dhami ◽  
Bhupendra C Parmar

A study was conducted on 12 pluriparous parturient Kankrej cows of the University Farm, in Anand, randomly divided into two equal groups (n = 6 each). Group-I cows were administered on the day of calving with a sustained release 80 g mega mineral rumen bolus (Prepavel® 1 bolus/animal, Neolait, France) intra-ruminal through a specially designed applicator, while group-II animals served as untreated control. The animals were monitored periodically from the day of calving till 140 days postpartum along with other herd mates. Blood samples were obtained at 10 days interval in heparinized vacutainers for plasma progesterone, biochemical, and macro-micro mineral profiling. Among the six Kankrej cows of group-I, only one animal exhibited prominent estrus signs on day 96 postpartum and conceived at first service (AI) giving CR of 16.66%, while in group-II three cows exhibited estrus between day 73 and 86 postpartum, and conceived with one or two AI giving CR of 50% by 150 days postpartum. In both the groups, all other cows remained subestrus for more than 150 days postpartum and conceived very late, though mostly with single service at spontaneous estrus. The mean values of plasma progesterone (0.74 ± 0.32 to 5.57 ± 0.78 ng/mL), total cholesterol (103.88 ± 3.20 to 237.17 ± 24.66 mg/dL) and triglycerides (17.07 ± 1.16 to 28.29 ± 1.75 mg/dL) differed significantly (p less than 0.01) between postpartum intervals in both the groups, but not between groups at any of the intervals. The values of plasma total protein, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, and magnesium as well as trace elements, viz., zinc, iron, copper, cobalt, and manganese, however varied insignificantly and inconsistently between intervals and also between groups from day 0 to day 140 postpartum. Thus, the insertion of Mega mineral ruminal bolus on the day of calving did not influence the plasma profile of biochemical/ metabolic constituents and macro-micro minerals profile in lactating postpartum Kankrej cows and was not beneficial in improving postpartum fertility. However, further study on a larger sample size is required to draw a valid conclusion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 446-459
Nicolas Riesterer ◽  
Daniel Brand ◽  
Hannah Dames ◽  
Marco Ragni

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