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Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science
Latest Publications





Published By UIN Walisongo Semarang

2797-3182, 2797-3131

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-110
Ifon Margiati Rahayu

Introduction. Currently, the office limits access to collections of rare books for users to preserve the physical collection. Users who want to access the display will only get a synopsis. However, this policy makes users challenging to access the full-text content. The collection of rare books has also not received proper preservation and creates some rare book collections to be damaged. This study aims to determine the process of digitizing the rare book collections at the Archives and Library Office of Banjarnegara Regency based on Flipbook.Methodology. This study is a qualitative descriptive study. The selection of informants in this study is a purposive sampling technique. The data collection in this study is observation, interview, and literature study.Result and discussion. This study shows that digitizing the rare book collections includes selection, scanning, editing, flipbook making, and uploading on the OPAC INLISLite application 3.1. Users can access rare book collections in the form of flipbooks or interesting digital books. The obstacles found in digitizing rare book collections are the absence of SOPs of digitizing, inadequate digitization facilities and infrastructures, the absence of Human Resources (HR). Nevertheless, they master the digitization of collections and the lack of budget allocations for digitizing the collection.Conclusion. The impact of digitization with Flipbook is that users have full access to a collection of rare books needed by users and become an alternative to the preservation and empowerment of libraries and users that are more attractive and safe.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-89
Endang Fatmawati

Background/purpose. This research aims to determine the quality of work-life and comfort of librarians during the Covid-19 pandemic. The intention was to provide input and reports to the leadership by mapping the performance of librarians.Methods. Consequently, thirteen informants were chosen, with the criterion that they were librarians working in the Library of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University. Interviews were used to collect the data, which were analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods.Results. Subsequently, the results showed that ten parameters of quality of work-life affect the comfort of librarians working during the Covid-19 pandemic.Conclusions. The convenience of working was revealed as the main goal in improving the library environment. Also, working from home or the office was shown as capable of creating a sense of satisfaction, thereby improving the quality of work-life. This quality, specifically during the pandemic, has become a collection of the perceptions of a sense of comfort at work, with conditions of continued growth and development to improve performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-98
Maretha Indriyanti ◽  
Muh Ahlis Ahwan

Purpose: This study aims to show that selected information services (information dissemination) of village libraries can improve the prosperity of residents in the Wonosalam District Demak Regency.Methodology: the approach used in this study is Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), an action of three stages (preparation, implementation, and evaluation).  PRA was carried out collaboratively by the village library, sub-district officials, and cadres of PKK (a group of women concerned about family well-being) in a frame of community service activity.Discussion: This study shows that there is potential for PKK-assisted residents to develop their talents and interests through selected information services from the village library. The PKK assisted residents and librarians carried out this activity to access and find appropriate sources of information from various media and train new entrepreneurship skills. This collaborative activity turned out to grow the residents of Wonosalam District, Demak Regency's skills and create an entrepreneurship view for their prosperity.Conclusion: the selected information service has made PKK assisted residents aware that the village library can open new information and insights and create user experiences for their lives. It gradually changes the residents' mindset and makes their families and surrounding communities able to be prosperous. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-74
Umar Falahul Alam

Introduction. Information literacy for all of the community is a condition that is predicted by the Indonesian government to be realized immediately. This achievement will create an informed society. This situation can be realized if the librarian's soul becomes the soul of the community. Therefore, two things that must be prepared are first, increasing interest in reading in the community, and second, carrying out an information literacy program.Methodology. This paper is library research. Writing analysis uses a qualitative descriptive method by capturing the fact. This study uses relevant literature to relate the research theme in formulating the problems that occur and in making final conclusions.Discussion. Librarians who are referred to as "guardians of knowledge", have an enlightening spirit compared to other professions. There are two guidelines that can make this enlightening soul, the first is code of ethics, and the second is the activities of the librarian's functional position. These two guidelines provide direction for librarians in carrying out sustainable activities to improve information literacy skills for the community. Many programs have been implemented to develop this information literacy program, by various librarians, but today, informed society has not created the programs yet.Conclusion. So far, this information literacy program has not realized the informed society. Information literacy programs that have been developed must not stop and must be implemented. An informed society will be formed if all levels of society reflect the librarian's spirit in life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-121
Gretha Prestisia Rahmadian Kusuma

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on education systems around the world, including Indonesia. The government carried out temporary closure of public services to reduce the number of additional cases. One of the community services affected is the library as a support for education. As a supporter of education, the perceived impact is the non-utilization of services in the library. Efforts made by the library to continue to provide services are by changing the system and management mechanism in the library. This paper aims to find out the innovations and strategies implemented in several PTMA libraries in the era of the covid-19 pandemic.Methodology. This study uses a literature review to collect data and documentation to support the analysis.Result. The result of this paper is that PTMA library librarians must be able to use facilities or technology to serve the academic community.Conclusion. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only hurt society. The other side of the Covid-19 pandemic is being able to develop competence through online seminars. In addition, the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is gradually improving, has forced libraries to reopen services while still implementing health protocols to suppress the rate of transmission.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-66
Kardi Kardi ◽  
Bahrul Ulumi

Introduction. This article describes the names of scientific publications journals in the field of libraries and information, which are increasing in number, and the increasing activity of publishing scientific works that encourage librarians to develop writing habits.Methodology. This article employs a qualitative descriptive semantic approach by using various multi-site names of library journals and information in the PTKIN environment. The focus of this paper lies in the uniqueness of naming library and information journals in the PTKIN environment.Results and Discussion. The results showed that the journal's name contains terms derived from Indonesian, local languages, and foreign languages. In addition, there is also the name of the journal, which is an abbreviation of letters that makes it easy to recognize.Conclusion. The names of library and information journals in the PTKIN environment tend to contain the meaning of university libraries in a general sense or things related to library materials.

Maniso Mustar

<p>Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has had various impacts on society. The impact on the world of education is one of them. The community is required to follow changes in learning patterns from face-to-face to long-distance which is often called e-learning. For this reason, various parties are needed to support this learning process, one of which is a library with the aim of supporting the learning process of the community in the midst of pandemic. Methodology: This research uses descriptive research method. For data collection and analysis methods using literature studies from various references. Results and Discussion: Raising awareness of the importance of education during a pandemic to the public, distance learning is a need that must be met with synergy of education providers, communities, governments and libraries. Innovation in circulation services, database services and e-resources, managing online library events, compiling credible information sources and coordinating among librarians are expected to support e-learning programs in Indonesia. Conclusion: This study shows that e-learning is very much needed by society in current and future conditions. The education system can be implemented practically, efficiently and facilitates community learning. Library innovation to support e-learning is also very much needed to support the community learning process in the midst of a pandemic.</p>

Yolan Priatna ◽  
Amanda Candra Pratiwi

<p>Introduction: Library collection development is a routine activity and must be carried out by all libraries. Even though it has become a routine activity, it is not uncommon for this activity to become difficult to do, as was the case with the Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo Library which experienced difficulties in developing the Reyog Corner collection, a corner or reading corner containing various collections containing about Reyog and Ponorogo Regency. This study aims to determine the strategy carried out by the Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo Library in developing a collection for that corner. Methodology: This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach in conducting research. Results and Discussion: Based on data analysis and studies conducted, the authors found the results if the obstacles faced in developing collections for Reyog Corner were the lack of library materials containing the study/theme. However, various efforts were made to develop Reyog Corner, including establishing contacts with local governments, direct searches for authors, and independent searches based on subjects through various online shops. Conclusion: The results of this study are expected to be a reference for readers in developing collections in workplace libraries and private libraries, especially collections that have a certain uniqueness.</p>

Khafidlin Khafidlin

<p>Introduction: This article “Ancient Manuscript Preservation of Museum Ranggawarsita Library Collection Semarang Central Java” aims to determine the types of ancient manuscripts, damage factors, preservation procedures, obstacles encountered, and the appropriateness between theory and application. Methods: This study used a data collection include library research, observation and interviews, while the data processing method uses descriptive analysis. Results and discussion: The results show is a Ranggawarsita Museum Library differentiates its ancient manuscripts into two types: the original manuscript (hand) or in other words, in the form of strips of palm leaf manuscripts, totaling 15 titles and texts that have been experienced over the media in the form of typed writing, totaling 100 titles and the age is 50 years. Damage was generally caused by climatic factors, namely temperature and humidity, pollutant gases, dust and insects. Handling was done by means of preventive measures, curative, control of temperature and humidity, dust, treatment and restoration. Obstacles encountered were environmental conditions near the highway, so a lot of gas pollutants from motor vehicles, the limited budget and space. Conclusion: Applied ancient manuscript conservation activities are in accordance with existing theory that is by controlling the temperature and humidity, dust cleaning, prevention of pollutant gases, insects, preventive measures, curative and restoration. That way the ancient manuscript are still preserved.</p>

Mutty Hariyati ◽  
Heriyanto Heriyanto

<p>Introduction: The phenomenon of information overload experienced by the Indonesian people has caused many problems ranging from a decrease in the level of public awareness in understanding the validity and accuracy of information sources to changes in public information behavior. One of the problems in the flood of information is the increase of publications both scientific and popular which are the daily consumption of society which is very relevant to the librarian in the current situation and in the future. Methodology: This research was conducted qualitatively by collecting data from literatures that relevant to the research theme. The collected data was then identified to find patterns that match the research objectives, namely to find out the competence of librarians that is relevant for the industrial era 4.0. Discussion: The results show librarians need to have strategies in developing new ways to help people direct and focus their search for finding documents or information that are accurate and valid. Conclusion: It is known that the information overload phenomenon is one of the hallmarks of this industrial 4.0 era so that it requires the development of librarian competencies in maintaining their contribution and existence in the information society.</p>

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