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scholarly journals Analysis of wear particles in used marine engine oils

Н.Я. Синявский ◽  
А.М. Иванов ◽  
Н.А. Кострикова

В данной статье предпринята удачная попытка комплексирования магнитооптического метода и метода фотонной корреляционной спектроскопии для регистрации ферромагнитных частиц продуктов износа дизельного двигателя и определения их дисперсных характеристик. Такой подход позволяет фиксировать низкое содержание магнитных наноразмерных частиц и их дисперсность в отработанном судовом моторном масле, является новым и решает актуальную задачу. Выполнены эксперименты по наблюдению продольного магнитооптического эффекта Фарадея в модельной магнитной жидкости и в отработанном моторном масле. Показано, что низкая концентрация магнитных частиц в отработанном масле не позволяет наблюдать в нем эффект вращения плоскости поляризации в магнитном поле. Для измерения крупных частиц износа, смытых с фильтрующего элемента масляного фильтра, использовались закономерности процесса осаждения частиц в растворе и регистрация поглощения света, изменяющегося со временем. Полученные результаты позволяют получать важную информацию о состоянии и неисправностях деталей и механизмов двигателя по содержанию частиц износа в отработанном масле. In this article, a successful attempt has been made to combine the magneto-optical method and the method of photon correlation spectroscopy to register ferromagnetic particles of diesel engine wear products and determine their disperse characteristics. This approach makes it possible to record a low content of magnetic nanosized particles and their dispersion in used marine engine oil, is new and solves an urgent problem. Experiments on observation of the longitudinal magneto-optical Faraday effect in a model magnetic fluid and in used engine oil have been carried out. It is shown that the low concentration of magnetic particles in the waste oil does not allow observing the effect of rotation of the plane of polarization in a magnetic field. To measure large wear particles washed away from the filter element of the oil filter, we used the regularities of the process of particle sedimentation in solution and the registration of light absorption that changes over time. The results obtained make it possible to obtain important information on the condition and malfunctions of engine parts and mechanisms by the content of wear particles in the used oil.

М.Е. Старченко ◽  
А.В. Надежкин ◽  
И.В. Соколова ◽  
А.В. Голенищев

В статье представлены результаты исследования состава и морфологии частиц продуктов износа в работающем моторном масле судового двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Полученные данные базируется на результатах физико-химического и спектрального анализа работающего масла, идентификации дисперсного состава частиц загрязнения в нем и углубленном анализе элементного состава и формы продуктов износа пар трения судовых двигателей. Из представленных результатов следует, что основное количество частиц износа не превышает 3 мкм и представляет собой сложные сплавы, полученные в результате изнашивания трущихся сопряжений двигателя. Анализ формы частиц износа, выполненный с помощью сканирующего электронного микроскопа Lyra3 Tescan, показал что у более чем 90 % всех частиц величина Wr превышает значение 0,8. Показано на основе выполненного исследования, что спектральные методы анализа обеспечивают высокую достоверность трибомониторинга и трибодиагностики судовых дизелей. The article presents the results of a study of the composition and morphology of particles of wear products in used engine oil of a marine diesel engine. The obtained data are based on the results of physicochemical and spectral analysis of operating oil, identification of the dispersed composition of pollution particles in it, and in-depth analysis of the elemental composition and shape of wear products of friction pairs of ship engines. From results follow that the main amount of wear particles does not exceed 3 microns and they are complex alloys obtained as a result of engine wear of friction. The analysis of the shape of the wear particles, carried out using a Lyra3 Tescan scanning electron microscope, showed that more than 90% of all particles had a Wr value greater than 0.8. It is shown on the basis of the performed research that spectral methods of analysis provide high reliability of tribomonitoring and tribodiagnostics of marine diesel engines.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (01) ◽  
pp. 157-162
Davaasuren G ◽  
Gantulga G

It is vitally important for vehicle users that are to study the operating regime that may negative effect to the operation of the engine, to reduce its effect, to maintain the engine's reliability in accordance with the specific operating conditions. Quality of lubrication is one of the main factors that are improving of reliability and operational efficiency for any machinery their spare parts. So this paper presents to optimize of oil change intervals and to determine of wear rating of spare parts by content of metal particles in the internal combustion engine used oil. Дотоод шаталтат хөдөлгүүрийн тос солих хугацааг оновчлох нь Хураангуй:  Машин ашиглагчдын хувьд тухайн хөдөлгүүрийн ажиллагаанд сөрөг нөлөө үзүүлэх  ашиглалтын горимыг судалж, түүний хор нөлөөг багасгах болон ашиглалтын өвөрмөц  нөхцөлд тохируулан хөдөлгүүрийн найдварт ажиллагааг ханган зөв, ашигтай ажиллуулах  чадвартай байх нь асар их ач холбогдолтой юм. Аливаа машин техник , тэдгээрийн агрегат,  зангилаа эд ангийн удаан эдлэхүй, найдвартай ажиллагааг хангах, ашиглалтын үр ашгийг  дээшлүүлэх гол хүчин зүйлүүдийн нэг нь тосолгооны чанар байдаг учраас дотоод шаталтат  хөдөлгүүрийн ашигласан тосон дахь металлын агууламжыг илрүүлж, эд ангийн элэгдлийн  явцыг тодорхойлон, тос солих хугацааг оновчлох асуудлыг судалгааны хүрээнд авч үзлээ.  Түлхүүр үг: Хөдөлгүүрийн ашигласан тосны шинжилгээ, металл хольц, тосны бохирдол,  тортог, элэгдлийн элементийн хязгаар 

Blanca Teresa Perez-Maceda ◽  
María Encarnación López-Fernández ◽  
Iván Díaz ◽  
Aaron kavanaugh ◽  
Fabrizio Billi ◽  

Macrophages are cells involved in the primary response to debris derived from wear of implanted CoCr alloys. The biocompatibility of wear particles from a high carbon CoCr alloy produced under polarization in physiological hyaluronic acid (HA) solution was evaluated in J774A.1 mouse macrophages cultures. Polarization was applied to mimic the electrical interactions observed in living tissues. Wear tests were performed in a pin-on-disk tribometer integrating an electrochemical cell in phosphate buffer solution (PBS) and in PBS supplemented with 0.3% HA, physiological synovial fluid concentration, used as lubricant solution. Wear particles produced in 0.3% HA solution showed a higher biocompatibility in J774A.1 macrophages in comparison to those elicited by PBS. A considerable improvement in macrophages biocompatibility in the presence of 0.3 % of HA was further observed by the application of polarization at potentials having current densities typical of injured tissues suggesting that polarization produces an effect on the surface of the metallic material that leads to the production of wear particles that are macrophages biocompatible and less cytotoxic. The results showed the convenience to consider electric interactions together with other particles parameters, as are size and composition, to get a better understanding of the biological effects of the wear products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 174 ◽  
pp. 03017
Andrey Kudrevatykh ◽  
Andrey Ashcheulov ◽  
Alena Ashcheulova ◽  
Kumis Urazbaeva

The primary task of all enterprises in mining industry is to increase the durability and reliability of the mining complex. These very indicators provide nonstop minerals mining, and as a result, productivity increases. Indicators maintaining at high level can be achieved by different ways, but the most effective method is repair-in-place diagnosis of the actual technical condition of the main units and assemblies of equipment, as it is less costly and the most informative. To identify gear malfunctions, the physical and chemical analysis of the used oil is used to determine metallic impurities. A comparative analysis of wear products accumulation in rotary gears of mining excavators and gearboxes of the motor-wheel of dump trucks revealed the similarity of mathematical models for the determination of metallic impurities in used oil. The “universal” mathematical model is given in the paper; it allows to determine the actual technical condition of gearboxes for various equipment with a few assumptions. Moreover, the model takes into account various indicators of the environment, used oil, as well as the operating parameters of the equipment.

V Srinivas ◽  
RN Thakur ◽  
AK Jain ◽  
M Saratchandra Babu

This paper investigates the effect of dispersion of surface-modified WS2 nanoparticles on the tribological performance and physicochemical properties of motorbike lubricant. Surface-assisted WS2 nanoparticles were dispersed in motorbike engine oil and an optimum amount of surfactant for best stability of the lubricant suspension was found by investigating the changes in the physicochemical properties of lubricant. The stability analysis using light scattering techniques confirmed the stability of nanoparticles dispersed in lubricant medium and surface-modified WS2 nanoparticles remained stable for 180 days. The physicochemical properties were evaluated as per ASTM standards over a period of two months to check the state of lubricant and observable changes in the properties during this period. The tribological performance of the lubricants was assessed by conducting endurance tests on a 100 cc motor bike. The performance was evaluated by checking the wear of the engine components and fuel consumption. It was found that there were no abnormal changes in the physicochemical properties of lubricant up to a certain surfactant to nanoparticle ratio indicating its utility in automotive engines. However, if the amount of surfactant was increased beyond optimum quantity abnormal changes are seen in the viscosity index, leading to the deterioration of key lubricant properties. Lubricant dispersed with WS2 nanoparticles gave good performance characterized by the reduction in both engine wear and fuel consumption. Worn surfaces of the oil rings after the endurance test were assessed for deposits and it was found that a layer of WS2 deposited on the oil ring surface that reduced friction and wear.

2014 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
Muhammad Ilman Hakimi Chua Abdullah ◽  
Mohd Fadzli Abdollah ◽  
Hilmi Amiruddin ◽  
Noreffendy Tamaldin ◽  
Nur Rashid Mat Nuri

Nanotechnology currently has an important role in reducing engine wear and improving fuel efficiency within engines using nanoparticle additives in engine oil. In this work, the effect of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) and alumina (Al2O3) nanoparticle additives, on the tribological performance of SAE 15W40 diesel engine oil, was studied. A tribological test was conducted using a four-ball tribotester. The results show that the coefficient of friction (COF) and wear rate of the ball reduced significantly by dispersing hBN nanoparticle additives in SAE 15W40 diesel engine oil; compared to without or with Al2O3 nanoparticle additives. This is in accordance with the significant reduction of wear scar diameter and smoother worn surfaces observed on the balls.

2020 ◽  
Sachiko Okuda ◽  
Hiroki Saito ◽  
Seiichi Nakano ◽  
Yusuke Koike ◽  
Takumaru Sagawa ◽  

1999 ◽  
Hiromitsu Sato ◽  
Naochika Tokuoka ◽  
Hidetsugu Yamamoto ◽  
Miki Sasaki

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (19) ◽  
pp. 10734
Elena N. Velichko ◽  
Elina K. Nepomnyashchaya ◽  
Maksim A. Baranov ◽  
Alexey N. Skvortsov ◽  
Ivan V. Pleshakov ◽  

In this study, interactions of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles with serum albumin biomolecules in aqueous solutions were considered. The studies were conducted with the laser correlation spectroscopy and optical analysis of dehydrated films. It was shown that the addition of magnetite to an albumin solution at low concentrations of up to 10−6 g/L led to the formation of aggregates with sizes of up to 300 nm in the liquid phase and an increase in the number of spiral structures in the dehydrated films, which indicated an increase in their stability. With a further increase in the magnetite concentration in the solution (from 10−4 g/L), the magnetic particles stuck together and to albumin, thus forming aggregates with sizes larger than 1000 nm. At the same time, the formation of morphological structures in molecular films was disturbed, and a characteristic decrease in their stability occurred. Most stable films were formed at low concentrations of magnetic nanoparticles (less than 10−4 g/L) when small albumin–magnetic nanoparticle aggregates were formed. These results are important for characterizing the interaction processes of biomolecules with magnetic nanoparticles and can be useful for predicting the stability of biomolecular films with the inclusion of magnetite particles.

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