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used oil
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2021 ◽  
Vol 312 ◽  
pp. 35-74
Myenghee Son

Sŏnwŏnjŏn (璿源殿, Hall of Jade Source) stands out from other royal portrait halls within the late Chosŏn period on account of its unofficiality. This comes through in its rites, ritual foods and vessels, interior setting, and the enshrined portraits. Sŏnwŏnjŏn was an informal sacred hall where royal family members could personally present offerings and worship before portraits of late Chosŏn kings in the inner court. Birthday tea rituals (誕辰茶禮), which drew on non-Confucian traditions, were established as the representative rite of this hall. Unlike many other ritual halls at the time, these tea rituals often featured the active participation of royal women including queen dowagers and royal consorts. From the preparation of rituals to acts of veneration, they played an active role. This stands in stark contrast to the rites of Yŏnghŭijŏn (永禧殿, Hall of Eternal Happiness), the representative official portrait hall of late Chosŏn, which were always performed by male officials. Yŏnghŭijŏn primarily used oil-and-honey pastries (油蜜菓) and brass vessels for the offering tables. Conversely, Sŏnwŏnjŏn presented vessels made from the most luxurious materials of the time, such as silver, gold, and even jade. The vessels included delicacies comprised of various kinds of meat and fish dishes for the tea rituals. Objects originally produced for the king’s use in life were also incorporated into Sŏnwŏnjŏn rites. In sum, the ritual foods and vessels for tea rituals echoed the table setting for a king in the inner banquet (內進饌) to commemorate his birthday. The rites as well as the ritual foods and vessels of Sŏnwŏnjŏn seem to have followed the tea rituals of a spirit hall, in which a deceased king’s spirit tablet was enshrined for about two years and royal family members could serve as if the late king was alive. The physical environment of a chamber at Sŏnwŏnjŏn mimicked the interior setting of a spirit hall, and consisted of a baldachin, a three-sided Five Peak screen, a royal bed, and a set of four-panel peony paintings. This interior differs from one of official portrait halls, wherein there was a one-sided Five Peak screen and a royal bed without the use of Peony screens. Indeed, Sŏnwŏnjŏn functioned as a substitute for a spirit hall. In the 19th century, the hall was distinguished from a sprit hall by the more lavish decoration of its inner space with paintings rich in symbolism, additionally including Plum screens and Sea-and-Peaches of Immortality screens. The subject matter of the paintings expressed the royal family’s hope for the eternal life of their ancestors. Portraits selected for worship in Sŏnwŏnjŏn matched the intimate and informal character of this late Chosŏn portrait hall. Unlike Yŏnghŭijŏn in which full-length portraits of late Chosŏn kings in official attire were displayed, a majority of the displayed or enshrined portraits at Sŏnwŏnjŏn presented kings in ordinary attire. Moreover, half-length portraits were enshrined therein. Kings and also the queen dowagers were primarily responsible for deciding what went into it. While ritual requirements were important to these decisions, human feelings for the portrait subjects also influenced the selection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 39
Taufik Hidayat ◽  
Saadatul Maghfira
Used Oil ◽  

The author's research is that first, the practice of buying and selling oil that has been used before has occurred in Nagari Saruaso, Tanjung Emas sub-district, has been going on for a long time, that used oil from consumers is not used anymore or is no longer needed by consumers, so the used oil is left in the workshop. then the motorcycle repair shop collects used oil in a container or drum. The used oil is resold by the workshop to used oil collectors. Second, from the Sharia Economic Law review that the activity of buying and selling used oil at a motorcycle repair shop in Jorong Saruaso Barat, Nagari Saruaso is declared invalid, because the owner of the workshop is not the legal owner of the used oil, but it can be legal if there are pillars of buying and selling, namely ijab (an expression of buying from a buyer) and qabul (an expression of selling and selling).

2021 ◽  
Nora M. Elkenawy ◽  
Ola M. Gomaa

Abstract The aim of the present work is to valorize previously used frying oil and use it as biodetergent. Serratia marscens N2 valorized 20% used oil and 8% cell concentration, the biosurfactant produced was a negatively charged lipopeptide with surface tension of 26.8 mN/m. Gamma radiation was used to obtain the higher yield of the biosurfactant by exposing the cells after growth under optimal conditions to low dose gamma radiation. The results showed that the use of radiation led to an increase in the amount of biosurfactant, and the biorecovery took place in a shorter time than usual. The chemical or functional form of the substance did not change at doses of 500 and 1000 gray, while there was a change in production and chemical and functional form at the dose of 2000 gray. The produced biosurfactant was used before and after irradiation to wash oil soiled cloths, the results showed 87% removal at 60oC under stirring conditions. Skin irritation tests performed on experimental mice showed that the surfactant does not cause any inflammation or red spots. Optical images of cloth patches showed no effect on fabric threads post washing the oil soiled cloth patches with biosurfactant. This study proved that 1) previously used oil can be bioconverted into biosurfactant and 2) the use of low doses gamma radiation results in an increase in biosurfactant yield by creating holes in the bacterial cell wall, which helps to recover more quantities of the biosurfactant without change in its chemical or functional form.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Holy Ramagisandy ◽  
Rudi Siswanto

Plastik is a material which has difficult to decompose. Therefore, the utilization of waste into useful material is important to do. This study aims to identify the tensile strength, bending, and macro structure of recycled PET, HDPE, and PET + HDPE plastik waste mixtures and recommendations for plastik products that fit the characteristics of these plastik types. PET and HDPE plastik waste is melted with oil and reprinted into tensile and bending test samples in accordance with predetermined variations, and then the results of the fracture are analyzed in a macro structure. Based on tensile testing, the tensile strength test results have the highest stress and strain values obtained in the mixture of 40% + HDPE 60% (B2) used oil specimens of 10.58 MPa and strain values of 11.98%. The results of bending strength testing which has the highest bending stress value and maximum load value are obtained in plastik mixture specimens with 30% used oil mixture + 70% HDPE (B1) of 11.58 MPa and for maximum load values of 43.33 KN. Testing the tensile strength and bending strength of the type of plastik mixture Oil and HDPE + PET (50%: 50%), the results obtained can still not be recommended to be used as a paving block product because the value of stress, strain, bending stress, and the maximum load is still relatively low, namely for the tensile test the highest variation of stress value is 5.21 MPa, the highest variation of strain value is 5.23%, the maximum load value is 10 KN, and the highest variation of bending stress value is 40% + 60% by 4.01 MPa.

Н.Я. Синявский ◽  
А.М. Иванов ◽  
Н.А. Кострикова

В данной статье предпринята удачная попытка комплексирования магнитооптического метода и метода фотонной корреляционной спектроскопии для регистрации ферромагнитных частиц продуктов износа дизельного двигателя и определения их дисперсных характеристик. Такой подход позволяет фиксировать низкое содержание магнитных наноразмерных частиц и их дисперсность в отработанном судовом моторном масле, является новым и решает актуальную задачу. Выполнены эксперименты по наблюдению продольного магнитооптического эффекта Фарадея в модельной магнитной жидкости и в отработанном моторном масле. Показано, что низкая концентрация магнитных частиц в отработанном масле не позволяет наблюдать в нем эффект вращения плоскости поляризации в магнитном поле. Для измерения крупных частиц износа, смытых с фильтрующего элемента масляного фильтра, использовались закономерности процесса осаждения частиц в растворе и регистрация поглощения света, изменяющегося со временем. Полученные результаты позволяют получать важную информацию о состоянии и неисправностях деталей и механизмов двигателя по содержанию частиц износа в отработанном масле. In this article, a successful attempt has been made to combine the magneto-optical method and the method of photon correlation spectroscopy to register ferromagnetic particles of diesel engine wear products and determine their disperse characteristics. This approach makes it possible to record a low content of magnetic nanosized particles and their dispersion in used marine engine oil, is new and solves an urgent problem. Experiments on observation of the longitudinal magneto-optical Faraday effect in a model magnetic fluid and in used engine oil have been carried out. It is shown that the low concentration of magnetic particles in the waste oil does not allow observing the effect of rotation of the plane of polarization in a magnetic field. To measure large wear particles washed away from the filter element of the oil filter, we used the regularities of the process of particle sedimentation in solution and the registration of light absorption that changes over time. The results obtained make it possible to obtain important information on the condition and malfunctions of engine parts and mechanisms by the content of wear particles in the used oil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 449
Nur Lina

ABSTRACTPT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) is a state-owned enterprise (BUMN) engaged in the shipbuilding industry. Disposal of hazardous and toxic waste (B3) produced by PT. PAL Indonesia can cause negative impacts on the environment and health if special handling procedures are not taken. In order to avoid this, PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) carries out B3 waste management. The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of the implementation of B3 waste management in PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero), including identification of B3 waste, packaging and labeling B3 waste, storage, collection and transportation of B3 waste. The research method used was the qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. The instrument in this study was a questionnaire. The results of the study show that in the production process, PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) produced hazardous and toxic (B3) waste in the form of solid and liquid B3 waste in the form of used TL lamps, contaminated cotton waste, silica sand from sand blasting processes, used oil, and sludge oil. The B3 waste contained heavy metals such as Pb, Cu, Hg, Fe, and Zn. The conclusion of this research is that the implementation of B3 waste management in PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) has not complied with implemented regulations. This study suggests the supervision of B3 waste management in PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) as well as increased awareness of workers to wear protective equipment in managing B3 waste. Keyword: B3 waste management, PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero), B3 waste content.

2021 ◽  
Alaaeddin Al Sheikh Omar ◽  
F. Motamen Salehi ◽  
U. Farooq ◽  
A. Neville ◽  
A. Morina

Abstract Soot is the main contamination that affects oil performance and increases oil drain intervals in heavyduty engine oil. It is also believed that additive concentration in engine oil can be influenced due to additive depletion over time and additive adsorption on soot particles. To extend oil drain intervals and improve oil performance, filter manufactures explore removing the soot to a certain level and replenishing the consumed additives. Zinc Dialkyl Dithiophosphate (ZDDP) is one of the most favoured anti-wear additives that reacts very rapidly with rubbing surfaces to form tribofilm that reduce wear. In this study, the experimental work aims to investigate the effect of ZDDP replenishment on tribological performance in the existence of soot and after removing soot from heavy-duty used oil. The study reveals that reclaiming the used oil can be achieved by removing the soot to a certain level. The results demonstrate that the reclaimed oil after removing soot is still not as good as the fresh oil. This study proves that additive depletion, additive adsorption on soot and the decomposition of antiwear additive adversely influence the reclaimed oil performance. However, replenishing the consumed additive by adding a small amount of ZDDP helps to improve the reclaimed oil performance compared to a large amount of ZDDP which is required to re-gain the oil performance in the existence of soot.


Показано, что эффективность комплексной рафинации зависит от организации и качества первичной очистки растительных масел непосредственно после их извлечения. Предложено использовать в качестве растительного адсорбента тонкодисперсный порошок из зерен фасоли, полученный их измельчением в роторно-валковом дезинтеграторе при давлении от 50 до 60 МПа. Для эксперимента использовали нерафинированное подсолнечное прессовое масло. Обработку масла полученным органическим порошком из зерен фасоли проводили следующим образом. Масло из форпресса при температуре от 95 до 100°С смешивали в роторно-валковом дезинтеграторе с адсорбентом в количестве 0,2% от массы масла, выдерживали в экспозиторе при температуре 90°С в течение 30 мин, а затем фильтровали. Установлено, что новый адсорбент обеспечивает повышение качества масла и полностью исключает присутствие в нем нежировых примесей и хлорогеновой кислоты. Исследована возможность использования электроактивированной воды в виде католита или анолита в качестве гидратирующего реагента при гидратации растительных масел. Для получения электроактивированной воды использовали водопроводную воду с рН 7,1 и окислительно-восстановительным потенциалом Eh +1,64 мВ. Электроактивированную воду получали в периодически действующем электролизере, варьируя продолжительность электролиза от 1 до 30 мин. Проведена пробная гидратация подсолнечного масла по традиционной технологии при температуре 60°С с последовательным введением католита и анолита с общим соотношением 1 : 1 в количестве 1% к массе масла. Установлено, что гидратация активированной водой подсолнечного масла, прошедшего очистку растительным адсорбентом, обеспечивает полное удаление фосфолипидов и значительное уменьшение массовой доли красящих веществ, снижение кислотного и перекисного чисел. Разработанные технологические решения позволяют готовить растительные масла к дистилляционной рафинации при более мягких температурных режимах масла и острого перегретого пара. It is shown that the efficiency of the complex of refining depends on the organization and quality of the primary refining of vegetable oils directly after their retrieval. Is offered use as a plant adsorbent a fine powder of grain beans obtained by their grinding in a rotary roller disintegrator at a pressure of from 50 to 60 MPa. For the experiment, crude sunflower press oil was used. Oil treatment of the obtained organic powder from the grain beans was performed in the following way. The oil from forpress at a temperature of from 95 to 100°C were mixed in a rotary roller disintegrator with the adsorbent in the amount of 0,2% by weight of oil, kept in exposure at 90°C for 30 min and then filtered. It is determined that the new adsorbent improves the quality of oil and completely eliminates the presence in him of non-lipid impurities and chlorogenic acid. In the next step the possibility of using electroactivated water in the catholyte or anolyte as a hydrating agent in the hydration of vegetable oils studied. Tap water with pH 7,1 and redox potential Eh +1,64 mV were used to obtain electroactivated water. Electroactivated water was obtained in the periodically current electrolytic cell, varying the duration of electrolysis from 1 to 30 min. Trial hydration of sunflower oil by traditional technology at 60°With sequential introduction of anolyte and catholyte with a common ratio of 1 : 1 in the amount of 1% by weight of oil carried out. It is established that hydration of sunflower oil by activated water, the last clean plant adsorbent, allows a complete removal of phospholipids and a significant decrease of the mass fraction of pigments, reduction of acid and peroxide numbers. Developed technological solutions allow to cook vegetable oils by distillation refining with milder temperatures oil and sharp superheated steam.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 390-395
Nanthini Sridewi ◽  
Siti Nurbariah ◽  
Syahida Ahmad

Aim: Used oil-based drilling muds (OBDMs) are toxic to marine organisms due to the fluid’s complex chemical nature. The illegal dumping of used OBDMs is still rampant in many parts of the world despite of the stringent laws and regulations pertaining to its disposal. To date, study of the assessment of heavy metal content in used OBDMs from the Malaysian oil and gas industry has been limited. Furthermore, the study of the toxic effect of OBDMs using a zebrafish embryo model has never been reported before. Therefore, in this research, the used oil-based drilling muds (OBDMs) were analyzed for their heavy metal content and toxicity against Zebrafish embryos. Methods: Used OBDMs were collected from an Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) vessel mud tank from Kemaman, Terengganu. The heavy metal content in the mud was analyzed using ICP-AES. Zebrafish embryos were exposed to OBDMs of varying concentrations (i.e., 0.25 mg/ml, 0.125 mg/ml, 0.06 mg/ml, 0.03 mg/ml, 0.015 mg/ml, 0.0076 mg/ml, 0.0034 mg/ml and 0.0019 mg/ml). The toxicity and teratogenicity of the mud on zebrafish embryos were assessed every 24 hours, for 96 hours, using endpoints like embryo mortality, heart rate and hatching rate. Results: The heavy metal content of used OBDMs had the highest concentration of barium (Ba) 2360 ppm, followed by lead (Pb) 120 ppm, zinc (Zn) 104 ppm, arsenic (As) 9 ppm, and chromium (Cr) 16 ppm, with cadmium (Cd) concentration of less than 1 ppm being the lowest. The Ba (2360 mg/L) concentration in the OBDM sample exceeded the concentration of Ba in normal marine sediment reported to be around 2000 mg/L. The 96 h LC50 of the OBDM in zebrafish embryos was reported to be 0.005 mg/mL (5 ppm). Zebrafish embryos that were exposed to high concentrations of OBDMs exhibited a lower hatching rate and reduced heart rate than the control group. Conclusion: The findings of this study are indicative of the highly toxic nature of used OBDMs and its dosage-dependent teratogenicity effects on zebrafish embryo. Knowledge of the potential environmental impacts of OBDMs released into the marine environment can be the basis for prudent decision-making that will help minimize environmental damage.

Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 3625
Jorge Velásquez-Cock ◽  
Angélica María Serpa ◽  
Catalina Gómez-Hoyos ◽  
Piedad Gañán ◽  
Manuel Romero-Sáez ◽  

Emulsion stabilization is a broad and relevant field with applications in oil, polymer and food industries. In recent years, the use of solid particles to stabilize emulsions or Pickering emulsions have been studied for their kinetic and physical properties. Nanomaterials derived from natural sources are an interesting alternative for this application. Cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) have been widely explored as a Pickering emulsifier with potential food applications, however, in some cases the presence of surfactants is unavoidable, and the literature is devoid of an evaluation of the effect of a non-ionic food-grade surfactant, such as polysorbate 80, in the stabilization of a vegetable oil by CNFs. To better assess the possible interactions between CNFs and this surfactant emulsions containing coconut oil, an emerging and broadly used oil, were processed with and without polysorbate 80 and evaluated in their qualitative stability, morphological and physical properties. Fluorescence microscopy, dynamic light scattering and rheology were used for this assessment. Results indicate in absence of the surfactant, emulsion stability increased at higher CNFs content, creaming was observed at 0.15 and 0.3 wt.% of CNFs, while it was not evidenced when 0.7 wt.% was used. After the addition of surfactant, the droplets are covered by the surfactant, resulting in particles with a smaller diameter, entrapped in the cellulosic structure. Rheology indicates a lower network stiffness after adding polysorbate 80.

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