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Moving Peoples and Motion Pictures: Migration in Film and Other Media

Dudley Andrew

Nearly from the start, cinema has registered, dramatized, and produced images of migration and its attendant anxieties. Indeed, movies have been fuelled by the movements of peoples thanks to the striking stories and images these always engender. After glancing at two distinct efforts in the 1960s in which cinema aimed to capture a mass phenomenon for a mass audience (one from Classic Hollywood, the other from the periphery of India), I will interrogate 21st-century strategies to come to terms with what the art form’s limitations may be. Can cinema get its arms around something so complex, multidimensional, and contested as migration? Jia Zhangke’s success in bringing internal Chinese migration to light may not be easily replicated by filmmakers in other nations faced with migration issues that cluster at their borders. Perhaps other art forms are naturally more capable in this regard. To isolate what cinema has done best, however, I will draw attention to films set on the edges of Europe.

2015 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 392-413
Andrija Filipovic ◽  
Bojana Matejic

The idea of the relation between art and life as becoming-life of art is a consequence of specific modern developments ranging from the Enlightenment to capitalism. This assemblage of thought and practice is present in one of the most dominant art forms today, and the task of this paper is to reassess the current state of affairs in art considering that the current state of affairs in art is a symptom of the global society of control. In order to be emancipatory art, on the one hand, Art presupposes de-substantialization and deessentialization of the biopolitically formed life and the category of Man, while on the other hand it also presupposes a new ?generic in-humanum? (in Badiou), that is, a people to come (in Deleuze) as the basis of politicity. Hence, emancipatory art needs to break away with the human in order to reach that which is beyond the current democratic materialism.

Jal Mehta

The late 1960s and early 1970s are remembered for many things, but educational accountability is not foremost among them. A time when the nation was ripped asunder by fights over Vietnam, when women burned bras, and when African Americans took to the streets seemed hardly a propitious moment for an educational movement emphasizing technocratic rationality to come to the forefront. Yet although overshadowed in the educational arena by conflicts over desegregation, community control, free schools, and open classrooms, a relatively quiet movement led primarily by state bureaucrats did in fact initiate the beginnings of an educational accountability movement. Between 1963 and 1974, no fewer than 73 laws were passed seeking to create standards or utilize a variety of scientific management techniques to improve schooling. These efforts at rationalization in some ways followed the same trajectory as the efficiency reforms five decades earlier and the standards movement to follow two decades later. First came the invocation of a crisis, this time born of rising demands for greater equity and increasing dissatisfaction with the quality of the schools. Second, into this void stepped the new logic of rationalizing reform, this time drawn from a set of techniques pioneered by the Rand Corporation and popularized by the Department of Defense, which promised a new approach to defining objectives, measuring goals, and aligning available resources. And third, humanists and educators were once again the primary opponents of the reform, objecting to the quantification of schooling and the limited view of educational improvement that underlay the rationalizing reform. In all of these respects, the now almost forgotten accountability efforts of the 1960s and 1970s resembled the other two accountability movements of the 20th century. However, the other two movements mobilized a broad range of elites behind their reforms, whereas in this case real political support remained thin. The narrow base of support kept the programs from spreading or being implemented more widely; this effort never gained the kind of power or traction that the earlier and later ones did.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-50
Magdalena Opała ◽  
Leszek Majgier

Abstract Due to the lack of maintenance, abandoned cemeteries are often incorporated into the landscape. In many cases the information about the age of the cemetery is unavailable. To find out the approximate time of the formation of the cemetery the information recorded in the annual tree and shrub rings can be used. One of the most common tree species, planted for ornamental and symbolic purposes on the cemeteries, are Thuja orientalis and Thuja occidentalis. Alien to the Polish flora, these species adapted well to the local habitat and climatic conditions. The paper presents an attempt to apply dendrochronological dating to determine the age of the abandoned cemeteries in the region of the Great Masurian Lakes, part of the Masurian Lake District (north-eastern Poland). The study included five abandoned cemeteries. In total, 15 cores were taken from the trees. After applying the standard dendrochronological method, local chronologies for the studied species were established. The research indicated that the oldest found specimens - over 70 yrs old - are Thuja occidentalis individuals growing at the Słabowo cemetery. At the other sites the specimens of both Thuja species date back to the 1960s and early 1970s. Compared to the historical information regarding the age and origin of the studied objects, thujas growing there are much younger than the age of the cemeteries foundation. The presented method proved to be very helpful in understanding the time of Thuja occidentalis and Thuja orientalis introduction at the investigated cemeteries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 168
Rian Damariswara

ABSTRAKTokoh utama dalam dongeng Jawa Timur memiliki sisi lain yang perlu diungkap. Sisi lain tersebut, yakni kecakapan hidup yang dimiliki tokoh utama dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapinya. Kecakapan hidup tersebut, memiliki relevansi dengan kecakapan hidup di abad ke-21. Jadi, dengan menganalisis kecakapan hidup tokoh utama secara otomatis peneliti dan pembaca dapat mengetahui bahwa tokoh-tokoh dongeng yang terdapat di Jawa Timur memiliki budaya hidup yang baik untuk dijadikan contoh dan motivasi.Untuk mengungkap kecakapan hidup abad ke-21 pada tokoh utama dongeng Jawa Timur menggunakan kajian antropologi sastra.Penelitian ini termasuk deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data adalah teks dongeng Jawa Timur. Teknik yang digunakan adalah studi dokumenter. Kecakapan hidup abad ke-21 yang ditemukan pada dongeng Jawa Timur sebagai berikut. Pertama, berpikir kritis dan pemecahan masalah. Semua tokoh utama dalam dongeng memiliki pemikiran kritis sehingga dapat memecahkan masalah. Kedua, kreativitas dan inovasi yang ditemukan yakni jenis pengembangan dan sintesis. Inovasi pengembangan yang ditemukan adalah adanya alat bajak sawah dari batu menjadi kayu dan ditarik sapi serta dapat dipergunakan sebagai sarana hiburan. Alat tersebut diberi nama karapan sapi.  Inovasi sintesis adalah menggabungkan segala sesuatu yang dimiliki untuk dijadikan sesuatu yang baru. Seperti pada dongeng Asal Mula Reog Ponorogo,yakni menggabungkan kepala tokoh Singabarong dengan burung merak sehingga dinamakan reog ponorogo. Ketiga, kolaborasi antaranggota dan pemimpin dengan bawahan. Keempat, komunikasi yakni berupa diskusi, pengarahan, berkeluh kesah, dan perintah.Kata kunci: Kecakapan hidup abad ke-21, Tokoh utama, DongengABSTRACTThe main character in the East Java fable has another side that needs to be revealed. The other side, namely the life skills possessed by the main character in solving the problems they face. Life skills, have relevance to 21st century life skills. Therefore, by analyzing the life skills of the main characters automatically the researcher and reader can find out that the fairy tale figures in East Java which have a good life culture to be used as an example and motivation. To uncover 21st century life skills in the main characters of the East Javanese fable, the study of literary anthropology is used. This research is descriptive qualitative. The data source is the text of a fairy tale in East Java. The technique used is documentary study. The 21st century life skills found in the East Java fable are as follows. First, critical thinking and problem solving. All the main characters in fairy tales have critical thinking so they can solve problems. Second, the creativity and innovation found are types of development and synthesis. Development innovation that was found was the existence of a rice plow from stone to wood and pulled by cows and could be used as a means of entertainment. The tool is named Karapan Sapi. Synthesis of innovation is to combine everything that is owned to be something new. As in the fable of Reog Ponorogo, which combines the head of the Singabarong character with a peacock so it is called Reog Ponorogo. Third, collaboration between members and leaders with subordinates. Fourth, communication in the form of discussion, direction, complaints, and orders.Keyword: 21st century life skills, The main character, Fairy tale

Michael Ahmed

This paper re-evaluates the significance of Sir Curtis Seretse, a black character from the 1960s television series Department S (ITV 1969-70) which has largely been ignored. While earlier critical and academic discourse of Department S has primarily centred on the flamboyant Jason King, the importance of Seretse’s character has been overlooked. Seretse, as the head of Department S, is in a position of authority and power over the other (white) characters of the show. Furthermore, he represents a highly educated character that converses on equal terms with Prime Ministers and Presidents, a unique representation of a black character on British television at that time. Seretse’s appearance on prime time television, at a period when black performers in the media were invariably confined to little more than token characters, is therefore worthy of further attention. This paper examines how Seretse represents a different type of black character not previously seen on British television, when compared to the representations of racial problems on other television crime dramas.

2020 ◽  
James Druckman ◽  
Samara Klar ◽  
Yanna Krupnikov ◽  
Matthew Levendusky ◽  
John B. Ryan

Affective polarization is a defining feature of 21st century American politics—partisans harbor considerable dislike and distrust of those from the other party. Does this animus have consequences for citizens’ opinions? Such effects would highlight not only the consequences of polarization, but also shed new light onto how citizens form preferences more generally. Normally, this question is intractable, but the outbreak of the novel coronavirus allows us to answer it. We find that affective polarization powerfully shapes citizens’ attitudes about the pandemic, as well as the actions they have taken in response to it. However, these effects are conditional on the local severity of the outbreak, as the effects decline in areas with high caseloads—threat vitiates partisan reasoning. Our results clarify that closing the divide on important issues requires not just policy discourse but also attempts to reduce inter-partisan hostility.

Public Voices ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
John R Phillips

The author, a recent graduate of the Doctor in Public Administration program, shares his thoughts about what it means to study public administration in the twenty-first century. He hopes his insights, born out of more than a forty year-long career in the field—decades of work in colleges and universities as a faculty member, dean, provost, vicepresident, and acting president, as well as his extensive experience in teaching public administration at the graduate and undergraduate levels—will help doctoral students in their academic pursuits. More specifically, he hopes that his remarks will make Ph.D. students think more deeply about the promise of their endeavors and, on the other hand, give them advance warning about perils of the process and ways to avoid them.

Sebastian Conrad

This chapter shows how in Japan, the year 1945 represented a change of a very different kind. Japanese historians now repudiated the ultranationalist historiography of the 1930s and early 1940s, and turned in significant numbers towards Marxism, which rapidly achieved a kind of hegemony. They criticized the master narrative of the post-Meiji past, centered on the Tennō (emperor), and identified it with Fascism as a failed experiment in modernity. In the 1960s, however, this Marxist historiographical dominance was gradually supplanted by a pluralism of competing approaches. Modernization theory, social science methodologies, and ‘history from below’ coexisted, and historians, inspired by the Japanese economic miracle, tried to come to terms with the fact that Japan’s traditions, long perceived as an obstacle to modernization, actually seemed to foster it.

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