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scholarly journals The Market and Investors Reactions to Mariana’s and Brumadinho’s Environmental Disasters: Sentimental or Rational Decisions?

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Moacir Sancovschi ◽  
Adolfo Henrique Coutinho e Silva ◽  
José Paulo Cosenza

This research carried out event studies to analyze the reactions of the market and investors in Vale S.A. to the collapses of the Mariana and Brumadinho dams. It also assessed the extent to which the causes attributed to the market reactions to major disasters in previous research has helped to explain the reactions of the market and investors to the collapses of these dams. The analyses have shown that, in the case of the Fundão dam, there was a relevant reduction in the abnormal cumulative returns of common stocks and ADRs at the end of the eleven days of the collapse, despite the fact that the daily abnormal returns were not statistically significant. However, the abnormal trading volumes of these securities in the eleven days after the dam failure were generally negative and all statistically significant. In contrast, concerning the collapse of the Brumadinho dam, the abnormal returns on common stocks and ADRs were negative, relevant, and statistically significant, and, after the eleven days, the losses were considerable. The abnormal trading volumes of the securities were all positive and statistically significant, but the reactions of ADR investors were more intense than those of investors in common stocks. Examining the causal attributions made previously, there are indications that the market and investor reactions to the failures of the two dams were probably derived from the expectation that Vale and the other companies involved would incur severe losses and high contracting costs in political processes that would follow to the disasters, and from the difficulty the investors have had to assess the magnitude of these losses and costs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Gunistiyo Gunistiyo ◽  
Jaka Waskito ◽  
Yuni Utami

This study aims to reveal the behavior of investors on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) before and during (early) the COVID-19 pandemic. This study is an extension of references to understand market reactions in response to future crises. This study is an event study with a time window of 76 trading days before and after the first case was officially announced by the authorities in Indonesia. Taking a sample of stocks included in the Liquid Index (LQ) 45, this study measures the abnormal return and transaction volume during the pre and post-first official announced cases and test the whole data by t-test. The results of data analysis indicate that there is no difference in abnormal returns, but there is a significant difference in transaction volume. These findings indicate that, in general, the Indonesian market is quite efficient, as evident from the absence of different abnormal returns. On the other hand, the market also appears to be cautious in making investment decisions amid uncertainty.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Juandy Seiver Langelo

The purposes of this research is to investigate the market’s  reaction events of the stock split announcement, proxied by abnormal returns and trading volumes. Hypothetical test in this research was using paired sample t test in the differences of abnormal return and wilcoxon signed rank to trading volume.Based on the results of hypothetical test, this research concluded that the market reacts negatively against the event of stock splits. The conclusion obtained from the presence of significant decrease of average volume of trade after the split event, where as the average of abnormal return decreases however not significant after the event of stock splits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (11) ◽  
Hussein Hasan ◽  
Hudaa Nadhim Khalbas ◽  
Farqad Mohammed Bakr AL Saadi

The aim of this research is to study the market reaction to the change of the managing director and how this change affects the abnormal returns of the shares. The research is based on the information published by the companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange, and 35 companies were selected for the period from 2015 to 2019. The results of the hypothesis test for this study show that there is a negative and significant relationship between the change of the managing director and abnormal stock returns. On the other hand, investors undervalue stock prices when changing CEOs. As a result, the stock returns are less than expected.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Claudia Araceli Hernández González

PurposeThis study aims to provide evidence of market reactions to organizations' inclusion of people with disabilities. Cases from financial journals in 1989–2014 were used to analyze the impact of actions taken by organizations to include or discriminate people with disabilities in terms of the companies' stock prices.Design/methodology/approachThis research is conducted as an event study where the disclosure of information on an organization's actions toward people with disabilities is expected to impact the organization's stock price. The window of the event was set as (−1, +1) days. Stock prices were analyzed to detect abnormal returns during this period.FindingsResults support the hypotheses that investors value inclusion and reject discrimination. Furthermore, the impact of negative actions is immediate, whereas the impact of positive actions requires at least an additional day to influence the firm's stock price. Some differences among the categories were found; for instance, employment and customer events were significantly more important to a firm's stock price than philanthropic actions. It was observed that philanthropic events produce negative abnormal returns on average.Originality/valueThe event study methodology provides a different perspective to practices in organizations regarding people with disabilities. Moreover, the findings in this research advance the literature by highlighting that organizations should consider policies and practices that include people with disabilities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 334-345 ◽  
Guglielmo Maria Caporale ◽  
Alex Plastun ◽  
Inna Makarenko

This paper examines reactions in the Ukrainian stock market to force majeure events, which are divided into four groups: economic force majeure, social force majeure, terrorist acts, natural and technological disasters. More specifically, using daily data for the main Ukrainian stock market index (namely PFTS) over the period from January 1, to December 31, 2018 this study investigates whether or not force majeure events create (temporary) inefficiencies and there exist profitable trading strategies based on exploiting them. For this purpose, cumulative abnormal returns and trading simulation approaches are used in addition to Student’s t-tests. The results suggest that the Ukrainian stock market absorbs new information rather fast. Negative returns in most cases are observed only on the day of the event. The only exception is technological disasters, the market needing up to ten days to react fully in this case. Despite the presence of a detectable pattern in price behavior after force majeure events (namely, a price decrease on the day of the event) no profitable trading strategies based on it are found as their outcomes do not differ from those generated by random trading.

Olga Jastrzębska

Abstrakt: Polityka Rosji i jej obecnego prezydenta – Władimira Putina – wzbudza na świecie wiele kontrowersji, jednak z drugiej strony grupy wspierające działania państwa rosyjskiego, którego głównym celem jest odbudowa swojej silnej pozycji na arenie międzynarodowej nie są zjawiskiem rzadkim. Swoje poparcie dla działań Moskwy wyrażają poprzez środki masowego przekazu, m.in. przez internet. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony będzie internetowym portalom, sprzyjającym polityce Moskwy, istniejącym w krajach Europy Środkowej – państw pogranicza Wschodu i Zachodu, przez długi czas będących częścią radzieckiej strefy wpływów, zaś obecnie integrujących się ze strukturami europejskimi. Praca postara się przedstawić najważniejsze treści prezentowane na tych stronach, stosunek do wzrastającego znaczenia Rosji w stosunkach międzynarodowych oraz prób odzyskania pozycji mocarstwa (m.in. odniesienie do konfliktu ukraińskiego) a także w jaki sposób te portale i ich aktywność wpływają na procesy społeczno-polityczne, istniejące w tych państwach i czy witryny te mogą być aktywnym instrumentem wykorzystywanym przez Rosję w procesie kształtowania i prowadzenia działań określanych mianem wojny informacyjnej. Abstract: The current politics of Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin is considered as very controversial, but from the other hand many groups support the actions, which are concerned on increasing the strong position of Russia at the international area. Their advocacy for its policy is showed by many means of transitions like Internet. The main focus of this article will be interested in internet portals, which promote the Russian politics which exist in Central European countries like Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. Mentioned countries exist on sui generis borderland of East and West. They were for many years parts of Soviet sphere of influence and now try to arrange their position in West European structures. Article will try to answer which type of contents can be found on this websites, their attitude to expanding role of Russia in international relations and Moscow's attempts for recupering the superpower status (like opinion about Ukrainian conflict) and in which way these portals and their activities can influence social and political processes, which are conducted in these states. At least article will mention how described websites can be used as active instrument in the process of shaping and carrying on movements which can be called as information war.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
pp. 510-544 ◽  
Armin Varmaz ◽  
Jonas Laibner

Purpose This paper aims to empirically analyze the success of European bank mergers and acquisitions (M&As) by an analysis of the shareholder value implications of stock market reactions to announced and canceled M&As in the period from 1999 to 2015. Design/methodology/approach The analysis of a sample of 467 announced and 54 canceled European bank M&As is conducted using event study methodology. The determinants of the shareholder value creations in M&A are observed in cross-sectional regressions. The likelihood of M&As being canceled is estimated in logit regressions. Findings The paper finds that European bank M&As have not been successful in terms of shareholder value creation for acquiring banks, whereas targets experienced significant value gains. Abnormal returns for bidders and targets exhibit the same characteristics upon the announcement of M&As that are canceled at a later date, whereas the results for transaction cancelations deviate. Targets experience negative abnormal returns at a larger size than upon the transaction announcement. The findings for bidders are striking, as they destroy shareholder value upon the transaction cancelation, also, consequently they suffer twice. In particular, banks with higher profitability, higher efficiency and lower liquidity experience negative abnormal returns around the announcement dates. Negative abnormal returns prior to the transaction announcement and provision for loan losses increase significantly the likelihood of M&A cancelation. Originality/value This paper contributes to the literature expanding existing analyses to the shareholder value implications of canceled European bank M&As in a 17-year long time period. The findings reveal the destructive characteristics of canceled bank M&As and provide innovative insights into European capital market reaction to canceled M&As.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Huabing Wang ◽  
Anne Macy

PurposeThis paper analyzes the effect of corporate tax cuts on the competitiveness of the tax-cutting countries and neighbor countries.Design/methodology/approachThis study utilizes four significant corporate tax reforms among the OECD countries in Europe that offer a one-time tax cut of 6% or more. The short-term event study approach examines the stock index reactions for both the tax-cutting countries and the other countries. Multivariate fixed-effect regressions are employed to study the cross-sectional variations in the non-tax-cut countries.FindingsThis paper finds positive excess returns for Slovakia and Germany around the tax-cut passage. Multivariate analysis of stock market reactions of the non-tax-cutting countries reveals some evidence supporting both the positive spillover effect and the negative competitive loss effect. More advanced countries are more likely to experience higher abnormal returns, while higher tax countries are more likely to suffer lower abnormal returns. Other factors identified that might have influenced the effect of a foreign tax cut include the existing trade flows with the tax-cutting countries, whether the country has a common currency and the export orientation of the economy.Research limitations/implicationsThe findings are subject to sample-size issues. The lack of results for the other two countries is due to complicating events, as suggested by the further investigation of concurrent news events around the event days.Practical implicationsThe simultaneous analysis of the reform countries and the other countries in the region suggests that policymakers need to consider the relative positioning of their country vs the other countries in terms of economic development and current tax burdens when determining the optimal policy for their country or to respond to the tax policy changes in the other countries.Originality/valueThis study offers empirical evidence regarding the effect of corporate tax changes on competitiveness through the lens of stock markets' reactions, which depend on the net results of the spillover gain vs the competitive loss.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Ángel Pardo ◽  
Eddie Santandreu

PurposeThe study aims to test the existence of a meeting clustering effect in the Spanish Stock Exchange (SSE).Design/methodology/approachThis paper studies the relationship between the clustering of annual general meetings and stock returns in the SSE. A multivariate analysis is carried out in order to analyse the relationship between monthly returns and the clustering of general meetings in the SSE.FindingsThe authors show that meeting clustering exists and that some months exhibit significant and positive additional returns related to the holding of ordinary or extraordinary general meetings.Research limitations/implicationsThe authors have explored some possible explanations for the meeting clustering effect, such as a potential link with the “Halloween” effect or the presence of higher-than-normal levels of volatility, trading volumes or investor attention. However, none of these can explain the meeting clustering effect that emerges as a new anomaly in the SSE.Practical implicationsThe authors have documented significant and positive abnormal returns in some months that coincide with the holding of general meetings. Therefore, the holding of ordinary and/or extraordinary meetings in some months involves the release of relevant information for investors.Originality/valueThis study complements the financial literature because it is focused on the clustering of meetings and its effect on a stock market whose legal order is based on civil law. This fact allows us to shed new light on meeting clustering and its effect on other types of markets.

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