Impact of Internet of Things (IoT) as Persuasive Technology
The Internet of Things (IoT) adds a new dimension to how people and things can communicate and collaborate. Society and the Internet are now being interconnected tightly and purposely. The research aims to analyze how IoT as a persuasive technology can affect human behavior and increase the awareness and effectiveness of IoT products among users. How will the Internet of Things infrastructure facilitate humans to change their attitudes and behaviors towards specific routine work? Our objective is to analyze which factors influence the acceptance and rejection of particular behaviors and the core motivators that persuade people to do something or to avoid something. We aim to determine whether IoT will facilitate humans to change their focused behaviors or not. Because of the rapid convergence of digital and physical worlds and the advent of digital technology, the Internet and social media have opened up a new world of affordances, constraints, and information flows from a design perspective. This article discusses how digital architecture affects behavior and the ramifications for designers who want to influence behavior for social and environmental good. In this paper we aim to give a brief introduction to persuasive technology, especially as it pertains to human adoption of IoT technology. We discuss a number of current research opportunities in IoT gadgets and their adoptions [1]. Our results indicate that persuasive (IoT) infrastructure can be expected to achieve a change of driving behaviour among their adopters. Furthermore, attention should be paid to an appropriate selection and implementation of persuasive strategies.